#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import unicode_literals from logging import DEBUG from optparse import OptionParser import requests from fuelweb_test.testrail.builds import Build from fuelweb_test.testrail.report import get_tests_results from fuelweb_test.testrail.report import publish_results from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import JENKINS from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import logger from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import TestRailSettings from fuelweb_test.testrail.testrail_client import TestRailProject def find_run_by_name(test_plan, run_name): """This function finds the test run by its name """ for entry in test_plan['entries']: for run in entry['runs']: if run['name'] == run_name: return run def get_job_info(url): job_url = "/".join([url, 'api/json']) logger.debug("Request job info from %s", job_url) return requests.get(job_url).json() def main(): parser = OptionParser( description="Publish results of system tests from Jenkins build to " "TestRail. See settings.py for configuration." ) parser.add_option('-j', '--job-name', dest='job_name', default=None, help='Jenkins swarm runner job name') parser.add_option('-N', '--build-number', dest='build_number', default='latest', help='Jenkins swarm runner build number') parser.add_option("-l", "--live", dest="live_report", action="store_true", help="Get tests results from running swarm") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Enable debug output") (options, _) = parser.parse_args() if options.verbose: logger.setLevel(DEBUG) if options.live_report and options.build_number == 'latest': build_number = 'latest_started' else: build_number = options.build_number # STEP #1 # Initialize TestRail Project and define configuration logger.info('Initializing TestRail Project configuration...') project = TestRailProject(url=TestRailSettings.url, user=TestRailSettings.user, password=TestRailSettings.password, project=TestRailSettings.project) logger.info('Initializing TestRail Project configuration... done') operation_systems = [{'name': config['name'], 'id': config['id'], 'distro': config['name'].split()[0].lower()} for config in project.get_config_by_name( 'Operation System')['configs']] os_mile = {'6.1': ['Centos 6.5', 'Ubuntu 14.04'], '6.0.1': ['Centos 6.5', 'Ubuntu 12.04']} tests_results = {} # STEP #2 # Get tests results from Jenkins runner_build = Build(options.job_name, build_number) runs = runner_build.build_data['runs'] # Analyze each test individually for run_one in runs: if '5.1' in run_one['url']: continue # Release 5.1 to skip tests_result = get_job_info(run_one['url']) if not tests_result['description']: continue # Not completed results to skip if 'skipping' in tests_result['description']: continue # Not performed tests to skip tests_job = {'result': tests_result['result'], 'name': (options.job_name + '/' + tests_result['url'].split('/')[-3]), 'number': int(tests_result['url'].split('/')[-2]), 'mile': (tests_result['description']. split()[0].split('-')[0]), 'iso': (int(tests_result['description']. split()[0].split('-')[1]))} if tests_job['mile'] not in tests_results: tests_results[tests_job['mile']] = {} test_mile = tests_results[tests_job['mile']] if tests_job['iso'] not in test_mile: test_mile[tests_job['iso']] = {} test_iso = test_mile[tests_job['iso']] for os in operation_systems: if os['distro'] in tests_job['name'].lower() and\ os['name'] in os_mile[tests_job['mile']]: if os['id'] not in test_iso: test_iso[os['id']] = [] test_os_id = test_iso[os['id']] test_os_id.extend(get_tests_results(tests_job, os['distro'])) # STEP #3 # Create new TestPlan in TestRail (or get existing) and add TestRuns for mile in tests_results: mile_tests_suite = '{0}{1}'.format(TestRailSettings.tests_suite, mile) logger.info(mile_tests_suite) tests_suite = project.get_suite_by_name(mile_tests_suite) milestone = project.get_milestone_by_name(name=mile) for iso_number in tests_results.get(mile, {}): # Create new TestPlan name check the same name in testrail test_plan_name = '{milestone} iso #{iso_number}'.format( milestone=milestone['name'], iso_number=iso_number) test_plan = project.get_plan_by_name(test_plan_name) if not test_plan: test_plan = project.add_plan( test_plan_name, description='/'.join([JENKINS['url'], 'job', '{0}.all'.format(milestone['name']), str(iso_number)]), milestone_id=milestone['id'], entries=[]) logger.info('Created new TestPlan "{0}".' .format(test_plan_name)) else: logger.info('Found existing TestPlan "{0}".' .format(test_plan_name)) plan_entries = [] # Create a test plan entry config_ids = [] for os in operation_systems: if os['name'] in os_mile[mile]: config_ids.append(os['id']) cases_ids = [] plan_entries.append( project.test_run_struct( name=tests_suite['name'], suite_id=tests_suite['id'], milestone_id=milestone['id'], description=('Results of system tests ({t_suite})' ' on iso #"{iso_number}"' .format(t_suite=tests_suite['name'], iso_number=iso_number)), config_ids=[os['id']], include_all=True, case_ids=cases_ids)) # Create a test plan entry with the test run run = find_run_by_name(test_plan, tests_suite['name']) if not run: logger.info('Adding a test plan entry with test run %s ...', tests_suite['name']) entry = project.add_plan_entry(plan_id=test_plan['id'], suite_id=tests_suite['id'], config_ids=config_ids, runs=plan_entries) logger.info('The test plan entry has been added.') run = entry['runs'][0] test_plan = project.get_plan(test_plan['id']) # STEP #4 # Upload tests results to TestRail logger.info('Uploading tests results to TestRail...') for os_id in tests_results.get(mile, {})\ .get(iso_number, {}): logger.info('Checking tests results for %s...', project.get_config(os_id)['name']) tests_added = publish_results( project=project, milestone_id=milestone['id'], test_plan=test_plan, suite_id=tests_suite['id'], config_id=os_id, results=tests_results[mile][iso_number][os_id]) logger.debug('Added new results for tests (%s): %s', project.get_config(os_id)['name'], [r.group for r in tests_added]) logger.info('Report URL: %s', test_plan['url']) if __name__ == "__main__": main()