# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import netaddr from proboscis import test from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal from fuelweb_test import logger from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import log_snapshot_after_test from fuelweb_test.tests.base_test_case import SetupEnvironment from fuelweb_test.tests.base_test_case import TestBasic @test(groups=["change_vip_manually"]) class ChangeVipManually(TestBasic): """ChangeVipManually Contains tests on manual vip allocation """ @test(depends_on=[SetupEnvironment.prepare_slaves_9], groups=["change_public_vip"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def change_public_vip(self): """Deploy cluster with public vip manually set Scenario: 1. Create cluster 2. Add 3 node with controller role 3. Add 2 node with compute role and 1 cinder node 4. Change public vip value to the next ip address 5. Verify networks 6. Deploy the cluster 7. Check that cluster public vip is the same we set manually 8. Verify networks 9. Run OSTF Duration 180m Snapshot change_public_vip """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_9_slaves") data = { 'tenant': 'manualvip', 'user': 'manualvip', 'password': 'manualvip' } self.show_step(1, initialize=True) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, settings=data ) self.show_step(2) self.show_step(3) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['controller'], 'slave-03': ['controller'], 'slave-04': ['compute'], 'slave-05': ['compute'], 'slave-06': ['cinder'], } ) self.show_step(4) ip = netaddr.IPAddress( self.fuel_web.get_vip_info(cluster_id)['ip_addr']) ip_to_set = str(ip + 1) logger.debug('ip to be set is {}'.format(ip_to_set)) self.fuel_web.update_vip_ip(cluster_id, ip_to_set) self.show_step(5) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.show_step(6) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) public_vip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) self.show_step(7) assert_equal(public_vip, ip_to_set, "Public vip doesn't match, actual - {0}," " expected - {1}".format(public_vip, ip_to_set)) self.show_step(8) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.show_step(9) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id) self.env.make_snapshot("change_public_vip") @test(depends_on=[SetupEnvironment.prepare_slaves_9], groups=["change_public_vip_outside_range"]) @log_snapshot_after_test def change_public_vip_outside_range(self): """Deploy cluster with public vip manually set and picked from floating ips range Scenario: 1. Create cluster 2. Add 3 node with controller role 3. Add 2 node with compute role and 3 ceph nodes 4. Reduce floating ip upper bound on 10 addresses 5. Change public vip to first not used public address 6. Verify networks 7. Deploy the cluster 8. Check that cluster public vip is the same we set manually 9. Run OSTF Duration 180m Snapshot change_public_vip_outside_range """ self.env.revert_snapshot("ready_with_9_slaves") data = { 'tenant': 'outsiderangevip', 'user': 'outsiderangevip', 'password': 'outsiderangevip', 'volumes_lvm': False, 'volumes_ceph': True, 'images_ceph': True, 'objects_ceph': True, 'ephemeral_ceph': True, } self.show_step(1, initialize=True) cluster_id = self.fuel_web.create_cluster( name=self.__class__.__name__, settings=data ) self.show_step(2) self.show_step(3) self.fuel_web.update_nodes( cluster_id, { 'slave-01': ['controller'], 'slave-02': ['controller'], 'slave-03': ['controller'], 'slave-04': ['compute'], 'slave-05': ['compute'], 'slave-06': ['ceph-osd'], 'slave-07': ['ceph-osd'], 'slave-08': ['ceph-osd'], } ) self.show_step(4) ranges = self.fuel_web.get_range( self.env.d_env.get_network(name='public').ip, 1) floating_upper_range = netaddr.IPAddress(ranges[0][-1]) - 10 ranges[0][-1] = str(floating_upper_range) params = self.fuel_web.client.get_networks( cluster_id)['networking_parameters'] params['floating_ranges'] = ranges self.fuel_web.client.update_network( cluster_id=cluster_id, networking_parameters=params ) self.show_step(5) ip_to_set = str(floating_upper_range + 1) logger.debug('ip to be set is {}'.format(ip_to_set)) self.fuel_web.update_vip_ip(cluster_id, ip_to_set) self.show_step(6) self.fuel_web.verify_network(cluster_id) self.show_step(7) self.fuel_web.deploy_cluster_wait(cluster_id) public_vip = self.fuel_web.get_public_vip(cluster_id) self.show_step(8) assert_equal(public_vip, ip_to_set, "Public vip doesn't match, actual - {0}," " expected - {1}".format(public_vip, ip_to_set)) self.show_step(9) self.fuel_web.run_ostf(cluster_id=cluster_id) self.env.make_snapshot("change_public_vip_outside_range")