Alexey Stepanov 7ec0f37fa1 Move QuietLogger and logwrap to core
1. Move QuietLogger and logwrap to core
2. Fix QuietLogger (if log level was upper, than in param,
  QuietLogger ebabled additional logging instead of pass)
3. Cover by unit-tests
4. Added missed license text
5. add *.log to gitignore

Change-Id: If842791000c76852fe1dec1e66edcc081c278b2c
Blueprint: fuel-qa-join-helpers
(cherry picked from commit b7ca0ff)
2016-09-05 10:39:58 +03:00

130 lines
5.9 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from random import randrange
from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal
from core.helpers.log_helpers import logwrap
from fuelweb_test import logger
from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import retry
from fuelweb_test.settings import OPENSTACK_RELEASE
from fuelweb_test.settings import OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU
class SecurityChecks(object):
"""SecurityChecks.""" # TODO documentation
def __init__(self, nailgun_client, environment):
self.client = nailgun_client
self.environment = environment
super(SecurityChecks, self).__init__()
def _listen_random_port(self, ip_address, protocol, tmp_file_path):
# Install socat
cmd = '/usr/bin/apt-get install -y {pkg}'.format(pkg='socat')
cmd = '/usr/bin/yum install -y {pkg}'.format(pkg='socat')
with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote:
result = remote.execute(cmd)
if not result['exit_code'] == 0:
raise Exception('Could not install package: {0}\n{1}'.
format(result['stdout'], result['stderr']))
# Get all used ports
cmd = ('netstat -A inet -ln --{proto} | awk \'$4 ~ /^({ip}'
'|0\.0\.0\.0):[0-9]+/ {{split($4,port,":"); print '
'port[2]}}\'').format(ip=ip_address, proto=protocol)
with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote:
used_ports = [int(p.strip())
for p in remote.execute(cmd)['stdout']]
# Get list of opened ports
cmd = ('iptables -t filter -S INPUT | sed -rn -e \'s/^.*\s\-p\s+'
'-j\s+ACCEPT.*$/\\2/p\' | sed -r \'s/,/\\n/g; s/:/ /g\' |'
' while read ports; do if [[ "$ports" =~ [[:digit:]]'
'[[:blank:]][[:digit:]] ]]; then seq $ports; else echo '
'"$ports";fi; done').format(proto=protocol)
with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote:
allowed_ports = [int(p.strip())
for p in remote.execute(cmd)['stdout']]
test_port = randrange(10000)
while test_port in used_ports or test_port in allowed_ports:
test_port = randrange(10000)
# Create dump of iptables rules
cmd = 'iptables-save > {0}.dump'.format(tmp_file_path)
with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote:
result = remote.execute(cmd)
assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0,
'Dumping of iptables rules failed on {0}: {1}; {2}'.
format(ip_address, result['stdout'], result['stderr']))
# Start listening for connections on test_port
cmd = ('socat {proto}4-LISTEN:{port},bind={ip} {file} '
'&>/dev/null & pid=$! ; disown; sleep 1; kill -0 $pid').\
format(proto=protocol, ip=ip_address, file=tmp_file_path,
with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote:
result = remote.execute(cmd)
assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0,
'Listening on {0}:{1}/{2} port failed: {3}'.
format(ip_address, test_port, protocol,
return test_port
def verify_firewall(self, cluster_id):
# Install NetCat
if not self.environment.admin_install_pkg('nc') == 0:
raise Exception('Can not install package "nc".')
cluster_nodes = self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id)
tmp_file_path = '/var/tmp/iptables_check_file'
check_string = 'FirewallHole'
for node in cluster_nodes:
protocols_to_check = ['tcp', 'udp']
for protocol in protocols_to_check:
port = self._listen_random_port(ip_address=node['ip'],
nc_opts = ''
if protocol == 'udp':
nc_opts = '{} -u'.format(nc_opts)
cmd = 'echo {string} | nc {opts} {ip} {port}'.\
format(opts=nc_opts, string=check_string, ip=node['ip'],
with self.environment.d_env.get_admin_remote() as admin_remote:
with self.environment.d_env\
.get_ssh_to_remote(node['ip']) as remote:
cmd = 'cat {0}; mv {0}{{,.old}}'.format(tmp_file_path)
result = remote.execute(cmd)
if ''.join(result['stdout']).strip() == check_string:
msg = ('Firewall vulnerability detected. Unused port '
'{0}/{1} can be accessed on {2} (node-{3}) node. '
'Check {4}.old and {4}.dump files on the node for '
'details'.format(port, protocol, node['name'],
node['id'], tmp_file_path))
raise Exception(msg)
logger.info('Firewall test passed')