Artem Panchenko 5072b8426c Fix encoding errors while working with APIs
Use 'requests' module for HTTP requests to TestRail
and Jenkins API instead of 'urllib'. It provides a
method which decode response data using proper
character encoding (charset from headers) and returns
unicode string.

Also add one more environment variable to settings,
because it's needed by proboscis for test plan
generation (since I9b9d40a59d24f579502a38dfc9b8c142bc219a06
was merged).

Closes-bug: #1584401
Change-Id: I3d6cde2c8066bd58e735142fe26d56e83d1c90de
2016-05-23 11:04:05 +03:00

524 lines
22 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
from logging import CRITICAL
from logging import DEBUG
from fuelweb_test.testrail.builds import Build
from fuelweb_test.testrail.launchpad_client import LaunchpadBug
from fuelweb_test.testrail.report import get_version
from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import GROUPS_TO_EXPAND
from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import LaunchpadSettings
from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import logger
from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import TestRailSettings
from fuelweb_test.testrail.testrail_client import TestRailProject
def inspect_bug(bug):
# Return target which matches defined in settings project/milestone and
# has 'open' status. If there are no such targets, then just return first
# one available target.
for target in bug.targets:
if target['project'] == LaunchpadSettings.project and \
LaunchpadSettings.milestone in target['milestone'] and\
target['status'] not in LaunchpadSettings.closed_statuses:
return target
return bug.targets[0]
def generate_test_plan_name(job_name, build_number):
# Generate name of TestPlan basing on iso image name
# taken from Jenkins job build parameters
runner_build = Build(job_name, build_number)
milestone, iso_number, prefix = get_version(runner_build.build_data)
return ' '.join(filter(lambda x: bool(x),
(milestone, prefix, 'iso', '#' + str(iso_number))))
def get_testrail():
logger.info('Initializing TestRail Project configuration...')
return TestRailProject(url=TestRailSettings.url,
class TestRunStatistics(object):
"""Statistics for attached bugs in TestRun
def __init__(self, project, run_id, check_blocked=False):
self.project = project
self.run = self.project.get_run(run_id)
self.tests = self.project.get_tests(run_id)
self.results = self.get_results()
logger.info('Found TestRun "{0}" on "{1}" with {2} tests and {3} '
self.run['config'] or 'default config',
len(self.tests), len(self.results)))
self.blocked_statuses = [self.project.get_status(s)['id']
for s in TestRailSettings.stauses['blocked']]
self.failed_statuses = [self.project.get_status(s)['id']
for s in TestRailSettings.stauses['failed']]
self.check_blocked = check_blocked
self._bugs_statistics = {}
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.run.__getitem__(item)
def get_results(self):
results = []
stop = 0
offset = 0
while not stop:
new_results = self.project.get_results_for_run(
results += new_results
offset += len(new_results)
stop = TestRailSettings.max_results_per_request - len(new_results)
return results
def get_test_by_group(self, group, version):
if group in GROUPS_TO_EXPAND:
m = re.search(r'^\d+_(\S+)_on_[\d\.]+', version)
if m:
tests_thread = m.group(1)
group = '{0}_{1}'.format(group, tests_thread)
for test in self.tests:
if test['custom_test_group'] == group:
return test
logger.error('Test with group "{0}" not found!'.format(group))
def handle_blocked(self, test, result):
if result['custom_launchpad_bug']:
return False
m = re.search(r'Blocked by "(\S+)" test.', result['comment'] or '')
if m:
blocked_test_group = m.group(1)
logger.warning('Blocked result #{0} for test {1} does '
'not have upstream test name in its '
return False
if not result['version']:
logger.debug('Blocked result #{0} for test {1} does '
'not have version, can\'t find upstream '
'test case!'.format(result['id'],
return False
bug_link = None
blocked_test = self.get_test_by_group(blocked_test_group,
if not blocked_test:
return False
logger.debug('Test {0} was blocked by failed test {1}'.format(
test['custom_test_group'], blocked_test_group))
blocked_results = self.project.get_results_for_test(
# Since we manually add results to failed tests with statuses
# ProdFailed, TestFailed, etc. and attach bugs links to them,
# we could skip original version copying. So look for test
# results with target version, but allow to copy links to bugs
# from other results of the same test (newer are checked first)
if not any(br['version'] == result['version'] and
br['status_id'] in self.failed_statuses
for br in blocked_results):
logger.debug('Did not find result for test {0} with version '
'{1}!'.format(blocked_test_group, result['version']))
return False
for blocked_result in sorted(blocked_results,
key=lambda x: x['id'],
if blocked_result['status_id'] not in self.failed_statuses:
if blocked_result['custom_launchpad_bug']:
bug_link = blocked_result['custom_launchpad_bug']
if bug_link is not None:
result['custom_launchpad_bug'] = bug_link
self.project.add_raw_results_for_test(test['id'], result)
logger.info('Added bug {0} to blocked result of {1} test.'.format(
bug_link, test['custom_test_group']))
return bug_link
return False
def bugs_statistics(self):
if self._bugs_statistics != {}:
return self._bugs_statistics
logger.info('Collecting stats for TestRun "{0}" on "{1}"...'.format(
self.run['name'], self.run['config'] or 'default config'))
for test in self.tests:
logger.debug('Checking "{0}" test...'.format(test['title']))
test_results = sorted(
self.project.get_results_for_test(test['id'], self.results),
key=lambda x: x['id'], reverse=True)
linked_bugs = []
is_blocked = False
for result in test_results:
if result['status_id'] in self.blocked_statuses:
if self.check_blocked:
new_bug_link = self.handle_blocked(test, result)
if new_bug_link:
is_blocked = True
if result['custom_launchpad_bug']:
is_blocked = True
if result['status_id'] in self.failed_statuses \
and result['custom_launchpad_bug']:
bug_ids = set([re.search(r'.*bug/(\d+)/?', link).group(1)
for link in linked_bugs
if re.search(r'.*bug/(\d+)/?', link)])
for bug_id in bug_ids:
if bug_id in self._bugs_statistics:
self._bugs_statistics[bug_id][test['id']] = {
'group': test['custom_test_group'] or 'manual',
'config': self.run['config'] or 'default',
'blocked': is_blocked
self._bugs_statistics[bug_id] = {
test['id']: {
'group': test['custom_test_group'] or 'manual',
'config': self.run['config'] or 'default',
'blocked': is_blocked
return self._bugs_statistics
class StatisticsGenerator(object):
"""Generate statistics for bugs attached to TestRuns in TestPlan
def __init__(self, project, plan_id, run_ids=(), handle_blocked=False):
self.project = project
self.test_plan = self.project.get_plan(plan_id)
logger.info('Found TestPlan "{0}"'.format(self.test_plan['name']))
self.test_runs_stats = [
TestRunStatistics(self.project, r['id'], handle_blocked)
for e in self.test_plan['entries'] for r in e['runs']
if r['id'] in run_ids or len(run_ids) == 0
self.bugs_statistics = {}
def generate(self):
for test_run in self.test_runs_stats:
test_run_stats = test_run.bugs_statistics
self.bugs_statistics[test_run['id']] = dict()
for bug, tests in test_run_stats.items():
if bug in self.bugs_statistics[test_run['id']]:
self.bugs_statistics[test_run['id']][bug] = tests
logger.info('Found {0} linked bug(s)'.format(
def update_desription(self, stats):
old_description = self.test_plan['description']
new_description = ''
for line in old_description.split('\n'):
if not re.match(r'^Bugs Statistics \(generated on .*\)$', line):
new_description += line + '\n'
new_description += '\n' + stats
return self.project.update_plan(plan_id=self.test_plan['id'],
def dump(self, run_id=None):
stats = dict()
if not run_id:
joint_bugs_statistics = dict()
for run in self.bugs_statistics:
for bug, tests in self.bugs_statistics[run].items():
if bug in joint_bugs_statistics:
joint_bugs_statistics[bug] = tests
for _run_id, _stats in self.bugs_statistics.items():
if _run_id == run_id:
joint_bugs_statistics = _stats
for bug_id in joint_bugs_statistics:
lp_bug = LaunchpadBug(bug_id).get_duplicate_of()
except KeyError:
logger.warning("Bug with ID {0} not found! Most probably it's "
"private or private security.".format(bug_id))
bug_target = inspect_bug(lp_bug)
if lp_bug.bug.id in stats:
stats[lp_bug.bug.id] = {
'title': bug_target['title'],
'importance': bug_target['importance'],
'status': bug_target['status'],
'project': bug_target['project'],
'link': lp_bug.bug.web_link,
'tests': joint_bugs_statistics[bug_id]
stats[lp_bug.bug.id]['failed_num'] = len(
[t for t, v in stats[lp_bug.bug.id]['tests'].items()
if not v['blocked']])
stats[lp_bug.bug.id]['blocked_num'] = len(
[t for t, v in stats[lp_bug.bug.id]['tests'].items()
if v['blocked']])
return OrderedDict(sorted(stats.items(),
key=lambda x: (x[1]['failed_num'] +
def dump_html(self, stats=None, run_id=None):
if stats is None:
stats = self.dump()
html = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">\n'
html += '<h2>Bugs Statistics (generated on {0})</h2>\n'.format(
html += '<h3>TestPlan: "{0}"</h3>\n'.format(self.test_plan['name'])
if run_id:
test_run = [r for r in self.test_runs_stats if r['id'] == run_id]
if test_run:
html += '<h4>TestRun: "{0}"</h4>\n'.format(test_run[0]['name'])
for values in stats.values():
if values['status'].lower() in ('invalid',):
color = 'gray'
elif values['status'].lower() in ('new', 'confirmed', 'triaged'):
color = 'red'
elif values['status'].lower() in ('in progress',):
color = 'blue'
elif values['status'].lower() in ('fix committed',):
color = 'goldenrod'
elif values['status'].lower() in ('fix released',):
color = 'green'
color = 'orange'
title = re.sub(r'(Bug\s+#\d+\s+)(in\s+[^:]+:\s+)', '\g<1>',
title = re.sub(r'(.{100}).*', '\g<1>...', title)
html += '[{0:<3} failed TC(s)]'.format(values['failed_num'])
html += '[{0:<3} blocked TC(s)]'.format(values['blocked_num'])
html += ('[{0:^4}][{1:^9}]'
'[<b><font color={3}>{2:^13}</font></b>]').format(
values['project'], values['importance'], values['status'],
html += '[<a href="{0}">{1}</a>]'.format(values['link'], title)
index = 1
for tid, params in values['tests'].items():
if index > 1:
link_text = '{}'.format(index)
link_text = '{0} on {1}'.format(params['group'],
html += ('[<a href="{0}/index.php?/tests/view/{1}">{2}</a>]</'
'font>').format(TestRailSettings.url, tid, link_text)
index += 1
html += '</br>\n'
html += '</html>\n'
return html
def publish(self, stats=None):
if stats is None:
stats = self.dump()
header = 'Bugs Statistics (generated on {0})\n'.format(
header += '==================================\n'
bugs_table = ('|||:Failed|:Blocked|:Project|:Priority'
'|:Status|:Bug link|:Tests\n')
for values in stats.values():
title = re.sub(r'(Bug\s+#\d+\s+)(in\s+[^:]+:\s+)', '\g<1>',
title = re.sub(r'(.{100}).*', '\g<1>...', title)
title = title.replace('[', '{')
title = title.replace(']', '}')
bugs_table += (
failed=values['failed_num'], blocked=values['blocked_num'],
priority=values['importance'], status=values['status'])
bugs_table += '[{0}]({1})|'.format(title, values['link'])
index = 1
for tid, params in values['tests'].items():
if index > 1:
link_text = '{}'.format(index)
link_text = '{0} on {1}'.format(params['group'],
bugs_table += '[{{{0}}}]({1}/index.php?/tests/view/{2}) '.\
format(link_text, TestRailSettings.url, tid)
index += 1
bugs_table += '\n'
return self.update_desription(header + bugs_table)
def save_stats_to_file(stats, file_name, html=''):
def warn_file_exists(file_path):
if os.path.exists(file_path):
logger.warning('File {0} exists and will be '
json_file_path = '{}.json'.format(file_name)
with open(json_file_path, 'w+') as f:
json.dump(stats, f)
if html:
html_file_path = '{}.html'.format(file_name)
with open(html_file_path, 'w+') as f:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Generate statistics for bugs linked to TestRun. Publish "
"statistics to testrail if necessary."
parser.add_argument('plan_id', type=int, nargs='?', default=None,
help='Test plan ID in TestRail')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--job-name',
dest='job_name', type=str, default=None,
help='Name of Jenkins job which runs tests (runner). '
'It will be used for TestPlan search instead ID')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--build-number', dest='build_number',
default='latest', help='Jenkins job build number')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--run-id',
dest='run_ids', type=str, default=None,
help='(optional) IDs of TestRun to check (skip other)')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--handle-blocked', action="store_true",
dest='handle_blocked', default=False,
help='Copy bugs links to downstream blocked results')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--separate-runs', action="store_true",
dest='separate_runs', default=False,
help='Create separate statistics for each test run')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--publish', action="store_true",
help='Publish statistics to TestPlan description')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--out-file', dest='output_file',
default=None, type=str,
help='Path to file to save statistics as JSON and/or '
'HTML. Filename extension is added automatically')
parser.add_argument('-H', '--html', action="store_true",
help='Save statistics in HTML format to file '
'(used with --out-file option)')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action="store_true",
help='Be quiet (disable logging except critical) '
'Overrides "--verbose" option.')
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="Enable debug logging.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
if args.quiet:
testrail_project = get_testrail()
if args.job_name:
logger.info('Inspecting {0} build of {1} Jenkins job for TestPlan '
'details...'.format(args.build_number, args.job_name))
test_plan_name = generate_test_plan_name(args.job_name,
test_plan = testrail_project.get_plan_by_name(test_plan_name)
if test_plan:
args.plan_id = test_plan['id']
logger.warning('TestPlan "{0}" not found!'.format(test_plan_name))
if not args.plan_id:
logger.error('There is no TestPlan to process, exiting...')
return 1
run_ids = () if not args.run_ids else tuple(
int(arg) for arg in args.run_ids.split(','))
generator = StatisticsGenerator(testrail_project,
stats = generator.dump()
if args.publish:
logger.debug('Publishing bugs statistics to TestRail..')
if args.output_file:
html = generator.dump_html(stats) if args.html else args.html
save_stats_to_file(stats, args.output_file, html)
if args.separate_runs:
for run in generator.test_runs_stats:
file_name = '{0}_{1}'.format(args.output_file, run['id'])
stats = generator.dump(run_id=run['id'])
html = (generator.dump_html(stats, run['id']) if args.html
else args.html)
save_stats_to_file(stats, file_name, html)
logger.info('Statistics generation complete!')
if __name__ == "__main__":