Alexey Stepanov f79fc23012 setup_teardown: move to core and cover by unit tests
setup_teardown: moved to core and covered by unit tests
due to it's decorator: deprecation possibilities was limited and
preffered to wait, until whole decorators will be moved.

Blueprint: fuel-qa-join-helpers

Change-Id: I0cd13e6695525c021e5a2096b50a5e6f1ea5e88e
(cherry picked from commit 73de714)
2016-08-26 12:23:06 +03:00

338 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import functools
import inspect
import six
# Setup/Teardown decorators, which is missing in Proboscis.
# Usage: like in Nose.
# pylint: disable=no-member
def __getcallargs(func, *positional, **named):
"""get real function call arguments without calling function
:rtype: dict
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
if six.PY2:
return inspect.getcallargs(func, *positional, **named)
sig = inspect.signature(func).bind(*positional, **named)
sig.apply_defaults() # after bind we doesn't have defaults
return sig.arguments
def __get_arg_names(func):
"""get argument names for function
:param func: func
:return: list of function argnames
:rtype: list
>>> def tst_1():
... pass
>>> __get_arg_names(tst_1)
>>> def tst_2(arg):
... pass
>>> __get_arg_names(tst_2)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
return (
[arg for arg in inspect.getargspec(func=func).args] if six.PY2 else
# pylint:enable=no-member
def __call_in_context(func, context_args):
"""call function with substitute arguments from dict
:param func: function or None
:param context_args: dict
:type context_args: dict
:return: function call results
>>> __call_in_context(None, {})
>>> def print_print():
... print ('print')
>>> __call_in_context(print_print, {})
>>> __call_in_context(print_print, {'val': 1})
>>> def print_val(val):
... print(val)
>>> __call_in_context(print_val, {'val': 1})
if func is None:
func_args = __get_arg_names(func)
if not func_args:
return func()
if inspect.ismethod(func) and 'cls' in func_args:
# cls if used in @classmethod and could not be posted
# via args or kwargs, so classmethod decorators always has access
# to it's own class only, except direct class argument
elif 'self' in context_args:
context_args.setdefault('cls', context_args['self'].__class__)
arg_values = [context_args[k] for k in func_args]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError("Argument '{}' is missing".format(str(e)))
return func(*arg_values)
def setup_teardown(setup=None, teardown=None):
"""Add setup and teardown for functions and methods.
:param setup: function
:param teardown: function
>>> def setup_func():
... print('setup_func called')
>>> def teardown_func():
... print('teardown_func called')
>>> @setup_teardown(setup=setup_func, teardown=teardown_func)
... def positive_example(arg):
... print(arg)
>>> positive_example(arg=1)
setup_func called
teardown_func called
>>> def print_call(text):
... print (text)
>>> @setup_teardown(
... setup=lambda: print_call('setup lambda'),
... teardown=lambda: print_call('teardown lambda'))
... def positive_example_lambda(arg):
... print(arg)
>>> positive_example_lambda(arg=1)
setup lambda
teardown lambda
>>> def setup_with_self(self):
... print(
... 'setup_with_self: '
... 'self.cls_val = {cls_val!s}, self.val = {val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=self.cls_val, val=self.val))
>>> def teardown_with_self(self):
... print(
... 'teardown_with_self: '
... 'self.cls_val = {cls_val!s}, self.val = {val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=self.cls_val, val=self.val))
>>> def setup_with_cls(cls):
... print(
... 'setup_with_cls: cls.cls_val = {cls_val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls.cls_val))
>>> def teardown_with_cls(cls):
... print('teardown_with_cls: cls.cls_val = {cls_val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls.cls_val))
>>> class HelpersBase(object):
... cls_val = None
... def __init__(self):
... self.val = None
... @classmethod
... def cls_setup(cls):
... print(
... 'cls_setup: cls.cls_val = {cls_val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls.cls_val))
... @classmethod
... def cls_teardown(cls):
... print(
... 'cls_teardown: cls.cls_val = {cls_val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls.cls_val))
... def self_setup(self):
... print(
... 'self_setup: '
... 'self.cls_val = {cls_val!s}, self.val = {val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=self.cls_val, val=self.val))
... def self_teardown(self):
... print(
... 'self_teardown: '
... 'self.cls_val = {cls_val!s}, self.val = {val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=self.cls_val, val=self.val))
>>> class Test(HelpersBase):
... @setup_teardown(
... setup=HelpersBase.self_setup,
... teardown=HelpersBase.self_teardown)
... def test_self_self(self, cls_val=0, val=0):
... print(
... 'test_self_self: '
... 'self.cls_val = {cls_val!s}, self.val = {val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls_val, val=val))
... self.val = val
... self.cls_val = cls_val
... @setup_teardown(
... setup=HelpersBase.cls_setup,
... teardown=HelpersBase.cls_teardown)
... def test_self_cls(self, cls_val=1, val=1):
... print(
... 'test_self_cls: '
... 'self.cls_val = {cls_val!s}, self.val = {val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls_val, val=val))
... self.val = val
... self.cls_val = cls_val
... @setup_teardown(
... setup=setup_func,
... teardown=teardown_func)
... def test_self_none(self, cls_val=2, val=2):
... print(
... 'test_self_cls: '
... 'self.cls_val = {cls_val!s}, self.val = {val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls_val, val=val))
... self.val = val
... self.cls_val = cls_val
... @setup_teardown(
... setup=setup_with_self,
... teardown=teardown_with_self)
... def test_self_ext_self(self, cls_val=-1, val=-1):
... print(
... 'test_self_ext_self: '
... 'self.cls_val = {cls_val!s}, self.val = {val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls_val, val=val))
... self.val = val
... self.cls_val = cls_val
... @setup_teardown(
... setup=setup_with_cls,
... teardown=teardown_with_cls)
... def test_self_ext_cls(self, cls_val=-2, val=-2):
... print(
... 'test_self_ext_cls: '
... 'self.cls_val = {cls_val!s}, self.val = {val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls_val, val=val))
... self.val = val
... self.cls_val = cls_val
... @classmethod
... @setup_teardown(
... setup=HelpersBase.cls_setup,
... teardown=HelpersBase.cls_teardown)
... def test_cls_cls(cls, cls_val=3):
... print(
... 'test_cls_cls: cls.cls_val = {cls_val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls_val))
... cls.cls_val = cls_val
... @classmethod
... @setup_teardown(
... setup=setup_func,
... teardown=teardown_func)
... def test_cls_none(cls, cls_val=4):
... print(
... 'test_cls_none: cls.cls_val = {cls_val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls_val))
... cls.cls_val = cls_val
... @classmethod
... @setup_teardown(
... setup=setup_with_cls,
... teardown=teardown_with_cls)
... def test_cls_ext_cls(cls, cls_val=-3):
... print(
... 'test_self_ext_cls: cls.cls_val = {cls_val!s}'.format(
... cls_val=cls_val))
... cls.cls_val = cls_val
... @staticmethod
... @setup_teardown(setup=setup_func, teardown=teardown_func)
... def test_none_none():
... print('test')
>>> test = Test()
>>> test.test_self_self()
self_setup: self.cls_val = None, self.val = None
test_self_self: self.cls_val = 0, self.val = 0
self_teardown: self.cls_val = 0, self.val = 0
>>> test.test_self_cls()
cls_setup: cls.cls_val = None
test_self_cls: self.cls_val = 1, self.val = 1
cls_teardown: cls.cls_val = None
>>> test.test_self_none()
setup_func called
test_self_cls: self.cls_val = 2, self.val = 2
teardown_func called
>>> test.test_self_ext_self()
setup_with_self: self.cls_val = 2, self.val = 2
test_self_ext_self: self.cls_val = -1, self.val = -1
teardown_with_self: self.cls_val = -1, self.val = -1
>>> test.test_self_ext_cls()
setup_with_cls: cls.cls_val = None
test_self_ext_cls: self.cls_val = -2, self.val = -2
teardown_with_cls: cls.cls_val = None
>>> test.test_cls_cls()
cls_setup: cls.cls_val = None
test_cls_cls: cls.cls_val = 3
cls_teardown: cls.cls_val = None
>>> test.test_cls_none()
setup_func called
test_cls_none: cls.cls_val = 4
teardown_func called
>>> test.test_cls_ext_cls()
setup_with_cls: cls.cls_val = 4
test_self_ext_cls: cls.cls_val = -3
teardown_with_cls: cls.cls_val = -3
>>> test.test_none_none()
setup_func called
teardown_func called
def real_decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
real_args = __getcallargs(func, *args, **kwargs)
__call_in_context(setup, real_args)
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
__call_in_context(teardown, real_args)
return result
return wrapper
return real_decorator