Alexey Stepanov 4c6ef9699b Python3 code compatibility: filter, map, zip
Do not use filter(), map() or zip() for not iterator tasks

blueprint fuel-qa-python3-compatibility
Related-bug: #1556791

Change-Id: I6e031ed2ca18080a15eecd5d0c1db275f9ec9aa1
2016-03-18 10:44:09 +03:00

523 lines
22 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
from logging import CRITICAL
from logging import DEBUG
from fuelweb_test.testrail.builds import Build
from fuelweb_test.testrail.launchpad_client import LaunchpadBug
from fuelweb_test.testrail.report import get_version
from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import GROUPS_TO_EXPAND
from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import LaunchpadSettings
from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import logger
from fuelweb_test.testrail.settings import TestRailSettings
from fuelweb_test.testrail.testrail_client import TestRailProject
def inspect_bug(bug):
# Return target which matches defined in settings project/milestone and
# has 'open' status. If there are no such targets, then just return first
# one available target.
for target in bug.targets:
if target['project'] == LaunchpadSettings.project and \
LaunchpadSettings.milestone in target['milestone'] and\
target['status'] not in LaunchpadSettings.closed_statuses:
return target
return bug.targets[0]
def generate_test_plan_name(job_name, build_number):
# Generate name of TestPlan basing on iso image name
# taken from Jenkins job build parameters
runner_build = Build(job_name, build_number)
milestone, iso_number, prefix = get_version(runner_build.build_data)
return ' '.join(filter(lambda x: bool(x),
(milestone, prefix, 'iso', '#' + str(iso_number))))
def get_testrail():
logger.info('Initializing TestRail Project configuration...')
return TestRailProject(url=TestRailSettings.url,
class TestRunStatistics(object):
"""Statistics for attached bugs in TestRun
def __init__(self, project, run_id, check_blocked=False):
self.project = project
self.run = self.project.get_run(run_id)
self.tests = self.project.get_tests(run_id)
self.results = self.get_results()
logger.info('Found TestRun "{0}" on "{1}" with {2} tests and {3} '
self.run['config'] or 'default config',
len(self.tests), len(self.results)))
self.blocked_statuses = [self.project.get_status(s)['id']
for s in TestRailSettings.stauses['blocked']]
self.failed_statuses = [self.project.get_status(s)['id']
for s in TestRailSettings.stauses['failed']]
self.check_blocked = check_blocked
self._bugs_statistics = {}
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.run.__getitem__(item)
def get_results(self):
results = []
stop = 0
offset = 0
while not stop:
new_results = self.project.get_results_for_run(
results += new_results
offset += len(new_results)
stop = TestRailSettings.max_results_per_request - len(new_results)
return results
def get_test_by_group(self, group, version):
if group in GROUPS_TO_EXPAND:
m = re.search(r'^\d+_(\S+)_on_[\d\.]+', version)
if m:
tests_thread = m.group(1)
group = '{0}_{1}'.format(group, tests_thread)
for test in self.tests:
if test['custom_test_group'] == group:
return test
logger.error('Test with group "{0}" not found!'.format(group))
def handle_blocked(self, test, result):
if result['custom_launchpad_bug']:
return False
m = re.search(r'Blocked by "(\S+)" test.', result['comment'])
if m:
blocked_test_group = m.group(1)
logger.debug('Blocked result #{0} for test {1} does '
'not have upstream test name in its '
return False
if not result['version']:
logger.debug('Blocked result #{0} for test {1} does '
'not have version, can\'t find upstream '
'test case!'.format(result['id'],
return False
bug_link = None
blocked_test = self.get_test_by_group(blocked_test_group,
if not blocked_test:
return False
logger.debug('Test {0} was blocked by failed test {1}'.format(
test['custom_test_group'], blocked_test_group))
blocked_results = self.project.get_results_for_test(
# Since we manually add results to failed tests with statuses
# ProdFailed, TestFailed, etc. and attach bugs links to them,
# we could skip original version copying. So look for test
# results with target version, but allow to copy links to bugs
# from other results of the same test (newer are checked first)
if not any(br['version'] == result['version'] and
br['status_id'] in self.failed_statuses
for br in blocked_results):
logger.debug('Did not find result for test {0} with version '
'{1}!'.format(blocked_test_group, result['version']))
return False
for blocked_result in sorted(blocked_results,
key=lambda x: x['id'],
if blocked_result['status_id'] not in self.failed_statuses:
if blocked_result['custom_launchpad_bug']:
bug_link = blocked_result['custom_launchpad_bug']
if bug_link is not None:
result['custom_launchpad_bug'] = bug_link
self.project.add_raw_results_for_test(test['id'], result)
logger.info('Added bug {0} to blocked result of {1} test.'.format(
bug_link, test['custom_test_group']))
return bug_link
return False
def bugs_statistics(self):
if self._bugs_statistics != {}:
return self._bugs_statistics
logger.info('Collecting stats for TestRun "{0}" on "{1}"...'.format(
self.run['name'], self.run['config'] or 'default config'))
for test in self.tests:
logger.debug('Checking "{0}" test...'.format(
test_results = sorted(
self.project.get_results_for_test(test['id'], self.results),
key=lambda x: x['id'], reverse=True)
linked_bugs = []
is_blocked = False
for result in test_results:
if result['status_id'] in self.blocked_statuses:
if self.check_blocked:
new_bug_link = self.handle_blocked(test, result)
if new_bug_link:
is_blocked = True
if result['custom_launchpad_bug']:
is_blocked = True
if result['status_id'] in self.failed_statuses \
and result['custom_launchpad_bug']:
bug_ids = set([re.search(r'.*bug/(\d+)/?', link).group(1)
for link in linked_bugs
if re.search(r'.*bug/(\d+)/?', link)])
for bug_id in bug_ids:
if bug_id in self._bugs_statistics:
self._bugs_statistics[bug_id][test['id']] = {
'group': test['custom_test_group'] or 'manual',
'config': self.run['config'] or 'default',
'blocked': is_blocked
self._bugs_statistics[bug_id] = {
test['id']: {
'group': test['custom_test_group'] or 'manual',
'config': self.run['config'] or 'default',
'blocked': is_blocked
return self._bugs_statistics
class StatisticsGenerator(object):
"""Generate statistics for bugs attached to TestRuns in TestPlan
def __init__(self, project, plan_id, run_ids=(), handle_blocked=False):
self.project = project
self.test_plan = self.project.get_plan(plan_id)
logger.info('Found TestPlan "{0}"'.format(self.test_plan['name']))
self.test_runs_stats = [
TestRunStatistics(self.project, r['id'], handle_blocked)
for e in self.test_plan['entries'] for r in e['runs']
if r['id'] in run_ids or len(run_ids) == 0
self.bugs_statistics = {}
def generate(self):
for test_run in self.test_runs_stats:
test_run_stats = test_run.bugs_statistics
self.bugs_statistics[test_run['id']] = dict()
for bug, tests in test_run_stats.items():
if bug in self.bugs_statistics[test_run['id']]:
self.bugs_statistics[test_run['id']][bug] = tests
logger.info('Found {0} linked bug(s)'.format(
def update_desription(self, stats):
old_description = self.test_plan['description']
new_description = ''
for line in old_description.split('\n'):
if not re.match(r'^Bugs Statistics \(generated on .*\)$', line):
new_description += line + '\n'
new_description += '\n' + stats
return self.project.update_plan(plan_id=self.test_plan['id'],
def dump(self, run_id=None):
stats = dict()
if not run_id:
joint_bugs_statistics = dict()
for run in self.bugs_statistics:
for bug, tests in self.bugs_statistics[run].items():
if bug in joint_bugs_statistics:
joint_bugs_statistics[bug] = tests
for _run_id, _stats in self.bugs_statistics.items():
if _run_id == run_id:
joint_bugs_statistics = _stats
for bug_id in joint_bugs_statistics:
lp_bug = LaunchpadBug(bug_id).get_duplicate_of()
except KeyError:
logger.warning("Bug with ID {0} not found! Most probably it's "
"private or private security.".format(bug_id))
bug_target = inspect_bug(lp_bug)
if lp_bug.bug.id in stats:
stats[lp_bug.bug.id] = {
'title': bug_target['title'],
'importance': bug_target['importance'],
'status': bug_target['status'],
'project': bug_target['project'],
'link': lp_bug.bug.web_link,
'tests': joint_bugs_statistics[bug_id]
stats[lp_bug.bug.id]['failed_num'] = len(
[t for t, v in stats[lp_bug.bug.id]['tests'].items()
if not v['blocked']])
stats[lp_bug.bug.id]['blocked_num'] = len(
[t for t, v in stats[lp_bug.bug.id]['tests'].items()
if v['blocked']])
return OrderedDict(sorted(stats.items(),
key=lambda x: (x[1]['failed_num'] +
def dump_html(self, stats=None, run_id=None):
if stats is None:
stats = self.dump()
html = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">\n'
html += '<h2>Bugs Statistics (generated on {0})</h2>\n'.format(
html += '<h3>TestPlan: "{0}"</h3>\n'.format(self.test_plan['name'])
if run_id:
test_run = [r for r in self.test_runs_stats if r['id'] == run_id]
if test_run:
html += '<h4>TestRun: "{0}"</h4>\n'.format(test_run[0]['name'])
for values in stats.values():
if values['status'].lower() in ('invalid',):
color = 'gray'
elif values['status'].lower() in ('new', 'confirmed', 'triaged'):
color = 'red'
elif values['status'].lower() in ('in progress',):
color = 'blue'
elif values['status'].lower() in ('fix committed',):
color = 'goldenrod'
elif values['status'].lower() in ('fix released',):
color = 'green'
color = 'orange'
title = re.sub(r'(Bug\s+#\d+\s+)(in\s+[^:]+:\s+)', '\g<1>',
title = re.sub(r'(.{100}).*', '\g<1>...', title)
html += '[{0:<3} failed TC(s)]'.format(values['failed_num'])
html += '[{0:<3} blocked TC(s)]'.format(values['blocked_num'])
html += ('[{0:^4}][{1:^9}]'
'[<b><font color={3}>{2:^13}</font></b>]').format(
values['project'], values['importance'], values['status'],
html += '[<a href="{0}">{1}</a>]'.format(values['link'], title)
index = 1
for tid, params in values['tests'].items():
if index > 1:
link_text = str(index)
link_text = '{0} on {1}'.format(params['group'],
html += ('[<a href="{0}/index.php?/tests/view/{1}">{2}</a>]</'
'font>').format(TestRailSettings.url, tid, link_text)
index += 1
html += '</br>\n'
html += '</html>\n'
return html
def publish(self, stats=None):
if stats is None:
stats = self.dump()
header = 'Bugs Statistics (generated on {0})\n'.format(
header += '==================================\n'
bugs_table = ('|||:Failed|:Blocked|:Project|:Priority'
'|:Status|:Bug link|:Tests\n')
for values in stats.values():
title = re.sub(r'(Bug\s+#\d+\s+)(in\s+[^:]+:\s+)', '\g<1>',
title = re.sub(r'(.{100}).*', '\g<1>...', title)
title = title.replace('[', '{')
title = title.replace(']', '}')
bugs_table += (
failed=values['failed_num'], blocked=values['blocked_num'],
priority=values['importance'], status=values['status'])
bugs_table += '[{0}]({1})|'.format(title, values['link'])
index = 1
for tid, params in values['tests'].items():
if index > 1:
link_text = str(index)
link_text = '{0} on {1}'.format(params['group'],
bugs_table += '[{{{0}}}]({1}/index.php?/tests/view/{2}) '.\
format(link_text, TestRailSettings.url, tid)
index += 1
bugs_table += '\n'
return self.update_desription(header + bugs_table)
def save_stats_to_file(stats, file_name, html=False):
def warn_file_exists(file_path):
if os.path.exists(file_path):
logger.warning('File {0} exists and will be '
json_file_path = '{}.json'.format(file_name)
with open(json_file_path, 'w+') as f:
json.dump(stats, f)
if html:
html_file_path = '{}.html'.format(file_name)
with open(html_file_path, 'w+') as f:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Generate statistics for bugs linked to TestRun. Publish "
"statistics to testrail if necessary."
parser.add_argument('plan_id', type=int, nargs='?', default=None,
help='Test plan ID in TestRail')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--job-name',
dest='job_name', type=str, default=None,
help='Name of Jenkins job which runs tests (runner). '
'It will be used for TestPlan search instead ID')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--build-number', dest='build_number',
default='latest', help='Jenkins job build number')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--run-id',
dest='run_ids', type=str, default=None,
help='(optional) IDs of TestRun to check (skip other)')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--handle-blocked', action="store_true",
dest='handle_blocked', default=False,
help='Copy bugs links to downstream blocked results')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--separate-runs', action="store_true",
dest='separate_runs', default=False,
help='Create separate statistics for each test run')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--publish', action="store_true",
help='Publish statistics to TestPlan description')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--out-file', dest='output_file',
default=None, type=str,
help='Path to file to save statistics as JSON and/or '
'HTML. Filename extension is added automatically')
parser.add_argument('-H', '--html', action="store_true",
help='Save statistics in HTML format to file '
'(used with --out-file option)')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action="store_true",
help='Be quiet (disable logging except critical) '
'Overrides "--verbose" option.')
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="Enable debug logging.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
if args.quiet:
testrail_project = get_testrail()
if args.job_name:
logger.info('Inspecting {0} build of {1} Jenkins job for TestPlan '
'details...'.format(args.build_number, args.job_name))
test_plan_name = generate_test_plan_name(args.job_name,
test_plan = testrail_project.get_plan_by_name(test_plan_name)
if test_plan:
args.plan_id = test_plan['id']
logger.warning('TestPlan "{0}" not found!'.format(test_plan_name))
if not args.plan_id:
logger.error('There is no TestPlan to process, exiting...')
return 1
run_ids = () if not args.run_ids else tuple(
int(arg) for arg in args.run_ids.split(','))
generator = StatisticsGenerator(testrail_project,
stats = generator.dump()
if args.publish:
logger.debug('Publishing bugs statistics to TestRail..')
if args.output_file:
html = generator.dump_html(stats) if args.html else args.html
save_stats_to_file(stats, args.output_file, html)
if args.separate_runs:
for run in generator.test_runs_stats:
file_name = '{0}_{1}'.format(args.output_file, run['id'])
stats = generator.dump(run_id=run['id'])
html = (generator.dump_html(stats, run['id']) if args.html
else args.html)
save_stats_to_file(stats, file_name, html)
logger.info('Statistics generation complete!')
if __name__ == "__main__":