Spec for Neutron DVR support in Fuel

Implements blueprint neutron-dvr-deployment

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Oleg Bondarev 2015-06-10 15:55:47 +03:00
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Neutron DVR support
Neutron Distributed Virtual Router implements the L3 Routers across the
compute nodes, so that tenants intra VM communication will occur without
hitting the controller node. (East-West Routing)
Also Neutron Distributed Virtual Router implements the Floating IP namespace
on every compute node where the VMs are located. In this case the VMs with
FloatingIPs can forward the traffic to the external network without reaching
the controller node. (North-South Routing)
Neutron Distributed Virtual Router provides the legacy SNAT behavior for
the default SNAT for all private VMs. SNAT service is not distributed,
it is centralized and the service node will host the service.
Problem description
Currently Neutron L3 Routers are deployed on specific Nodes (controller nodes)
where all the compute traffic will flow through.
* Problem 1: Intra VM traffic flows through the controller node
In this case even VMs traffic that belong to the same tenant on a different
subnet has to hit the controller node to get routed between the subnets.
This would affect performance and scalability.
* Problem 2: VMs with FloatingIP also receive and send packets through
the controller node routers
Today FloatingIP (DNAT) translation is done on the controller node and
also the external network gateway port is available only at the controller.
So any traffic that goes to the external network from the VM will
have to go through the controller node. In this case the controller node
becomes a single point of failure and also the traffic will heavily load
the controller node. This would affect the performance and scalability.
Proposed change
The proposal is to distribute L3 Routers across compute nodes when required
by VMs. This implies having external network access on each compute node.
In this case there will be enhanced L3 Agents running on each and every
compute node (This is not a new agent, this is an updated version of the
existing L3 Agent). Based on the configuration in the L3 Agent.ini file,
the enhanced L3 Agent will behave in legacy (centralized router) mode or as
a distributed router mode.
Also the FloatingIP will have a new namespace created on the specific
compute node where the VM is located (this is done by L3 agent itself).
Each Compute Node will have one new namespace for FloatingIP per external
network that will be shared among the tenants. Additional namespace and
external gateway port will also be created on each compute node for the
external traffic to flow through, in case there are VMs with floating ips
residing on this node. This port will consume additional IP address from
external network.
Default SNAT functionality will still be centralized and will be running on
controller nodes.
The Metadata agent will be distributed as well and will be hosted on all
compute nodes and the Metadata Proxy will be hosted on all the distributed
This implementation is specific to ML2 with OVS driver.
All three type of segmentation are supported: GRE, VXLAN, VLAN.
Constraints and Limitations
* No Distributed SNAT
Neutron Distributed Virtual Router provides the legacy SNAT behavior for the
default SNAT for all private VMs. SNAT service is not distributed,
it is centralized and the service node will host the service.
Thus current DVR architecture is not fully fault tolerant - outbound traffic
for VMs without floating IPs is still going through one L3_agent node and
is still prone to failures of a single node.
* Only with ML2-OVS/L2-pop
DVR feature is supported only by ML2 plugin with OVS mechanism driver. If
using tunnel segmentation (VXLAN, GRE) L2 population mechanism should be
enabled as well.
* OVS and Kernel versions
Proper operation of DVR requires OpenvSwitch 2.1 or newer and VXLAN requires
kernel 3.13 or newer.
* No bare metal support
Distributed routers rely on local l3 agent (residing on compute node) for
address translation, so for bare metal instances only legacy routers should
be used.
Deployment impact
* Architecture changes
* Neutron L3 and metadata agents will be deployed on all compute nodes and
managed by Upstart. Agents deployment scheme on controller nodes is not
* All compute nodes require bridge to external network
* Fuel Library related changes
* Update Neutron Puppet module to support DVR-related options (L3 agent mode,
L2 population, distributed router option). This step will be done as a part
of blueprint upgrade-openstack-puppet-modules, when all necessary changes
will be synced from puppet-neutron project
* Update Cloud Networking related Puppet modules to deploy Neutron L3 and
metadata agents on compute nodes with appropriate configuration. This step
will likely require changes in Granular deployment to execute Neutron
agents related granulars on compute nodes
* update Horizon related Puppet modules to add an ability to use Neutron DVR
options (create either centralized or distributed routers)
* Fuel Web related changes
* When Neutron DVR is enabled, a network scheme with external bridges on all
compute nodes should be generated. astute.yaml possible examples:
.. code-block:: python
Compute nodes:
IP: none
DVR: true
Controller nodes:
DVR: true
Data model impact
REST API impact
No FUEL REST API changes.
Upgrade impact
The upgrade path from legacy to distributed router is supported. It's a 3
step process:
* neutron router-update router1 --admin_state_up=False
* neutron router-update router1 --distributed=True
* neutron router-update router1 --admin_state_up=True
distributed->legacy upgrade is not officially supported in Kilo but it may
work, just needs to be tested.
Security impact
Notifications impact
Other end user impact
Performance Impact
Inter VM traffic between the tenant subnets doesn't need to reach the router
in the controller node to get routed and will be routed locally from the
compute node. This would increase the performance substantially.
Also the Floating IP traffic for a VM from a Compute Node will directly hit
the external network from the compute node, instead of going through the router
on the controller node.
Dataplane testing results from 25 bare metal nodes env show significant
performance improvement for both East-West and North-South (with floating IPs)
Plugin impact
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
Infrastructure impact
Primary assignee:
Other contributors:
skolekonov (DE)
kkuznetsova (QA)
tnurlygayanov (QA)
Mandatory design reviewers:
Work Items
* Patch fuel-lib to enable DVR by default
* this will enable DVR testing at early stage
* Scale testing
* Rally scenarios
* Shaker scenarios
* debug
* bug fixing/backport from upstream
* Patch fuel-web to add ability to enable/disable DVR
* disable DVR by default
This will likely depend on enabling l2-population for tunneling which is a
separate effort. However we will not wait but enable l2 pop as part of DVR
effort if needed.
It also correlates with blueprint upgrade-openstack-puppet-modules as all
required changes might be already in master in upstream manifests.
Manual Acceptance Tests
* On an environment with DVR enabled check that created router has
“distributed “ attribute set to True via Horizon or CLI
* Boot a VM on a subnet connected to DVR router. Check external connectivity.
* Assign Floating IP to the VM. Check external connectivity. Ensure VM is
reachable from external network.
* Boot a second VM on a different subnet connected to the same router. Ensure
inter-subnet connectivity (both VM can reach each other)
* Environment with DVR enabled should pass all tests currently run on Scale
Lab with no significant performance degradation
* No additional Rally scenarios are needed to test specifics of DVR.
HA/Destructive Tests
All existing HA/destructive tests should pass on env with DVR enabled.
Additional scenarios should include:
* East-West HA Test
* Have several VM from different subnets running on different compute nodes.
The subnets should be connected to each other and to an external network by
a DVR router
* Shutdown all controllers of the environment
* Inter-subnet connectivity should be preserved: VMs from different
subnets/compute nodes should still be able to reach each other
* No dataplane downtime is expected
* North-South HA Test
* Have a VM with Floating IP running on a subnet connected to an external
network by a DVR router
* Shutdown all controllers of the environment.
* External connectivity should be preserved: VMs should still be able to
reach external network
* No dataplane downtime is expected
Data Plane Tests with Shaker
Shaker scenarios should be run on a bare-metal environment with DVR enabled.
Significant increase in performance is expected for east-west and north-south
(with Floating IPs) topologies. Some of the results were already obtained
(see "Performance Impact" section of the this doc)
Documentation Impact
Ability to enable DVR support in Neutron should be documented in
Fuel Deployment Guide.