.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ========================================== VMware UI Settings Tab for FuelWeb ========================================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/vmware-ui-settings VMware vCenter settings are currently available on Settings tab, it does not allow dynamic addition/removal of settings and is already big enough. The vCenter functionality will be moved to a separate Cluster tab of the Fuel web UI to provide better user experience. Problem description =================== VMware settings have the following problems in the FuelWeb UI implementation: * It is impossible to have different vCenter clusters for nova-compute and Cinder/Glance services * There is no way of adding multiple vCenter clusters for nova-compute or other services. Proposed change =============== Add the VMware tab on the Cluster page with all the related settings. The settings are separated into vCenter, Network, and Glance Groups [1]. Add a hidden variable 'use_vcenter' to settings attributes, bind it to the wizard 'vcenter' checkbox. User Interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: vCenter: -------- Availability zone: ______________ (description) vCenter Host: ______________ (description) vCenter Username: ______________ (description) vCenter Password: ______________ (description) Nova Computes: (multiple instances allowed) -------------- Name of service: ______________ (description) vCenter Cluster: ______________ (description) Datastore regex: _______________ (description) OPTIONAL Cinder: ------- [x] Enable Cinder VMDK Data Center: ________________ (description) Glance: ------- vCenter Host: ______________ (description) vCenter Username:______________ (description) vCenter Password:______________ (description) Datacenter name: ______________ (description) Datastore name: ______________ (description) Directory for images: _________ (description) OPTIONAL Network: -------- ESXi VLAN Inerface: _____________ (description) .. image:: ../../doc/source/images/vmware-ui-settings-mockup.png Alternatives ------------ Alternatively, the VMware settings can be added to Settings tab. Adding more and more options to the Settings tab will make it bloated. It will require a lot of scrolling to find something. Data model impact ----------------- New entity VmwareAttributes will be added to current functionality. It will be similar to existing Attributes. New model, object, serializer and DB table will be created. Relation with Cluster will be one-to-one. Also release table and model should changed to support metadata for it. **VmwareAttributes** * `id` - unique identifier * `cluster_id` - relation key for cluster * `editable` - vmware attributes in json format * `generated` - vmware attributes with generated attributes in json format (existing of this field should be discussed) **Release** * `vmware_attributes_metadata` - new field to store vmware metadata REST API impact --------------- There is a new REST API URL added: +--------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | method | URL | action | | | | | +========+==================================================+================+ | GET | /api/v1/clusters/:id/vmware_attributes | Get cluster | | | | vmware settings| +--------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | PUT | /api/v1/clusters/:id/vmware_attributes | Write updated | | | | vmware clusterd| | | | settings | +--------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | GET | /api/v1/clusters/:id/vmware_attributes/defaults/ | Get default | | | | vmware settings| +--------+--------------------------------------------------+----------------+ GET returns JSON with the following structure .. code-block:: json { "meta": [ { "name": "availability_zones", "type": "array", "fields": [ { "name": "az_name", "type": "text", "label": "AZ Name", "description": "..." }, { "name": "vcenter_host", "type": "text", "label": "vCenter Host", "description": "..." }, "...", { "name": "nova_computes", "type": "array", "fields": [ { "name": "vsphere_cluster", "type": "text", "label": "VSphere Cluster", "description": "..." }, { "name": "service_name", "type": "text", "label": "Service Name", "description": "..." }, "..." ] }, { "name": "cinder", "type": "object", "fields": [ { "name": "enable", "type": "checkbox", "label": "Enable Cinder", "description": "..." }, { "name": "datacenter", "type": "text", "label": "Datacenter", "description": "..." }, "..." ] } ] }, { "name": "glance", "type": "object", "fields": [ { "name": "vcenter_host", "type": "text", "label": "VCenter Host", "description": "..." }, "..." ] }, { "name": "network", "type": "object", "fields": [ { "name": "esxi_vlan_interface", "type": "text", "label": "VLAN interface", "description": "..." } ] } ], "value": { "availability_zones": [ { "az_name": "Zone 1", "vcenter_host": "", "...": "...", "nova_computes": [ { "vsphere_cluster": "cluster1", "service_name": "Compute 1" }, { "vsphere_cluster": "cluster2", "service_name": "Compute 3" } ], "cinder": { "enable": true, "datacenter": "some_name", "...": "..." } }, "..." ], "glance": { "vcenter_host": "", "...": "..." }, "network": { "esxi_vlan_interface": "eth0" } } } Upgrade impact -------------- deployment_serializers should be changed to support processing VMware attributes. It can be some mixin classes to handle vmware data for old and new releases. Security impact --------------- None Notifications impact -------------------- Notifications partially covered by bp/cinder-vmdk-role. Other notifications can be: #. Warn a user before deployment if Glance VMDK is used but not all vCenter credentials provided. #. Warn a user before deployment if there are vCenter compute services selected but not all vCenter credentials provided. #. (optional) Warn a user if "ESXi host interface" is not provided. It can be useful to force a user to fill this information to avoid network misconfigurations. Other end user impact --------------------- As a basic solution we decided to block the vCenter tab after deployment. It means that after deployment a user can only add more KVM Compute nodes but no new vSphere clusters or change their settings (like username/password/cluster_name). If we ensure that Controller nodes can be safely redeployed in a live env, we can keep the vCenter tab enabled after deployment to be able to add more vSphere clusters and to modify parameters. For instance, it will allow a user to deploy a part of KVM infrastructure and then add a part of vCenter infrastructure. The decision of keeping the vCenter tab enabled or blocking the tab depends of implementation of bp/vmware-dual-hypervisor. Fuel client impact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Support for VMware attributes in fuel client should be added. It can be implemented in a similar way as network_settings and cluster_settings actions. Performance Impact ------------------ No tangible performance impact expected. Other deployer impact --------------------- None Developer impact ---------------- This is how an astute.yaml part will look like: .. code-block:: yaml use_vcenter: true vcenter: esxi_vlan_interface: lalala computes: - availability_zone_name: aaaa vc_host: XXX vc_user: XXX vc_password: XXX service_name: XXX cluster: XXX datastore_regex: XXX - ailability_zone_name: aaaa vc_host: XXX vc_user: XXX vc_password: XXX service_name: YYYY cluster: YYYY datastore_regex: YYYY cinder_vmware: instances: - availability_zone_name: aaaa vc_host: XXX vc_user: XXX vc_password: XXX glance: vc_host: XXX vc_user: XXX vc_password: XXX dc: XXX ds: XXX directory: XXX The 'glance' part remains unchanged. The 'vcenter' part will be refactored to support multiple compute instances. The new 'cinder-vmware' part will be introduced to keep all cinder-vmdk settings in it. The 'use_vcenter' flag will be added to be sure that this environment will be deployed with vCenter support. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: Anton Zemlyanov (azemlyanov) Design reviewers: Andrey Danin (gcon-monolake) Mandatory reviewers: Vitaly Kramskikh (vkramskikh) Nikolay Markov (meow-nofer) QA: Tetiana Dubyk (tdubyk), Oleksandr Kosse (okosse) Developers: Anton Zemlyanov (azemlyanov), Andriy Popovich (popovych-andrey) Work Items ---------- - Implement interface of the VMware tab without server interaction - Make HTTP mock methods to test GET/POST/DELETE - Integrate UI with real Nailgun API when it is done - Implement new handler and validator for VMware attributes - DB integration: new table, model. Implement CRUD operations in Cluster object for working with VMmware attributes data - Add new deployment serializer for working with VMware data Dependencies ============ * Corresponded modifications of Puppet manifests would be done by the blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/vmware-dual-hypervisor Testing ======= * Manual functional testing will be performed in recent versions of four major browsers * Chrome * Firefox * Safari * IE 9 and above * Automated UI tests will be added. * Unit and integration tests for REST API and a deployment serializer will be added. Acceptance criteria ------------------- * UI part * The VMware tab should appear only if 'use_vcenter' settings attribute is true (bind from wizard vcenter checkbox) * It is possible to modify data at the VMware tab and regexes are applied to it. * It is not poassible to save an invalid data (which is not fit to regex). * A modified data can be saved and obtained back properly. * Nailgun part * The new handler should answer with a data structure described in a release metadata. * If no vmware-specific metadata provided in a release the handler should answer with 204 (No Content) HTTP code. * The handler should accept a valid data structure and drop an invalid. * The handler should save a modified data in DB and return it with GET request. * The output of deployment_serializer for older releases (6.0, 5.1) shouldn't be changed. * For 6.1 release deployment_serializer should provide a new structure of data described in the 'Developer impact' section. * We should be sure that the data with multiple compute instances is accepted by the handler and properly serialized by deployment_serializer. * Fuel-CLI part * Fuel-cli is able to get VMware settings for cluster. * Fuel-cli handles an answer with 204 HTTP code properly (i.e. it can show a message "This cluster doesn't support separate VMware settings."). * Fuel-cli can upload modified VMware settings back to Nailgun. Documentation Impact ==================== The blueprint impacts Fuel User Guide. Fuel User Guide should be updated to incorporate interface changes References ========== [1] UI Scketch https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/vmware-tab-predesign https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/cinder-vmdk-role