
306 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from flask import Blueprint
from flask import request
from flask import Response
from flask import send_file
import os
import shutil
from sqlalchemy import distinct
from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy import sql
import tempfile
import zipfile
from fuel_analytics.api.app import app
from fuel_analytics.api.app import db
from fuel_analytics.api.db.model import InstallationStructure as IS
from fuel_analytics.api.db.model import OpenStackWorkloadStats as OSWS
from fuel_analytics.api.errors import DateExtractionError
from fuel_analytics.api.resources.utils.oswl_stats_to_csv import OswlStatsToCsv
from fuel_analytics.api.resources.utils.stats_to_csv import StatsToCsv
bp = Blueprint('clusters_to_csv', __name__)
CLUSTERS_REPORT_FILE = 'clusters.csv'
PLUGINS_REPORT_FILE = 'plugins.csv'
def extract_date(field_name, default_value=None, date_format='%Y-%m-%d'):
if field_name not in request.args:
return default_value
date_string = request.args.get(field_name, default_value)
result = datetime.strptime(date_string, date_format).date()
app.logger.debug("Extracted '{}' value {}".format(field_name, result))
return result
except ValueError:
msg = "Date '{}' value in wrong format. Use format: {}".format(
field_name, date_format)
raise DateExtractionError(msg)
def get_from_date():
default_value = datetime.utcnow().date() - \
return extract_date('from_date', default_value=default_value)
def get_to_date():
return extract_date('to_date',
def get_inst_structures_query(from_date=None, to_date=None):
"""Composes query for fetching not filtered installation
structures info with filtering by from and to dates and
ordering by id. Installation structure is not filtered
if is_filtered is False or None.
:param from_date: filter from creation or modification date
:param to_date: filter to creation or modification date
:return: SQLAlchemy query
query = db.session.query(IS)
query = query.filter(or_(
IS.is_filtered == bool(False), # workaround for PEP8 error E712
if from_date is not None:
query = query.filter(or_(IS.creation_date >= from_date,
IS.modification_date >= from_date))
if to_date is not None:
# modification_date is datetime field, so we need to
# increase to_date for right filtering
to_date += timedelta(days=1)
query = query.filter(or_(IS.creation_date <= to_date,
IS.modification_date <= to_date))
return query.order_by(IS.id)
def get_inst_structures():
yield_per = app.config['CSV_DB_YIELD_PER']
from_date = get_from_date()
to_date = get_to_date()
return get_inst_structures_query(from_date=from_date,
def get_action_logs_query(from_date, to_date):
"""Selecting only last network verification task for master node cluster
:param from_date: filter from creation or modification date
:param to_date: filter to creation or modification date
:return: SQLAlchemy query
query = "SELECT DISTINCT ON (master_node_uid, body->>'cluster_id') " \
"external_id, master_node_uid, body->'cluster_id' cluster_id, " \
"body->'additional_info'->'ended_with_status' status, " \
"to_timestamp(body->>'end_timestamp', 'YYYY-MM-DD')::TIMESTAMP " \
"WITHOUT TIME ZONE end_timestamp, " \
"body->>'action_name' action_name " \
"FROM action_logs " \
"WHERE body->>'action_type'='nailgun_task' " \
"AND body->>'action_name'='verify_networks' " \
"AND to_timestamp(body->>'end_timestamp', 'YYYY-MM-DD')::" \
"AND to_timestamp(body->>'end_timestamp', 'YYYY-MM-DD')::" \
"ORDER BY master_node_uid, body->>'cluster_id', external_id DESC"
return db.session.execute(
sql.text(query), {'from_date': from_date, 'to_date': to_date})
def get_action_logs():
from_date = get_from_date()
to_date = get_to_date()
return get_action_logs_query(from_date, to_date)
@bp.route('/clusters', methods=['GET'])
def clusters_to_csv():
app.logger.debug("Handling clusters_to_csv get request")
inst_structures = get_inst_structures()
action_logs = get_action_logs()
exporter = StatsToCsv()
result = exporter.export_clusters(inst_structures, action_logs)
# NOTE: result - is generator, but streaming can not work with some
# WSGI middlewares: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/patterns/streaming/
app.logger.debug("Get request for clusters_to_csv handled")
headers = {
'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename={}'.format(
return Response(result, mimetype='text/csv', headers=headers)
@bp.route('/plugins', methods=['GET'])
def plugins_to_csv():
app.logger.debug("Handling plugins_to_csv get request")
inst_structures = get_inst_structures()
exporter = StatsToCsv()
result = exporter.export_plugins(inst_structures)
# NOTE: result - is generator, but streaming can not work with some
# WSGI middlewares: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/patterns/streaming/
app.logger.debug("Get request for plugins_to_csv handled")
headers = {
'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename={}'.format(
return Response(result, mimetype='text/csv', headers=headers)
def get_oswls_query(resource_type, from_date=None, to_date=None):
"""Composes query for fetching oswls with installation
info creation and update dates with ordering by created_date
:param resource_type: resource type
:param from_date: filter from date
:param to_date: filter to date
:return: SQLAlchemy query
query = db.session.query(
OSWS.id, OSWS.master_node_uid, OSWS.cluster_id,
OSWS.created_date, # for checking if row is duplicated in CSV
OSWS.created_date.label('stats_on_date'), # for showing in CSV
OSWS.resource_type, OSWS.resource_data,
join(IS, IS.master_node_uid == OSWS.master_node_uid).\
filter(OSWS.resource_type == resource_type).\
filter(or_(IS.is_filtered == bool(False), IS.is_filtered.is_(None)))
if from_date is not None:
query = query.filter(OSWS.created_date >= from_date)
if to_date is not None:
query = query.filter(OSWS.created_date <= to_date)
return query.order_by(OSWS.created_date)
def get_oswls(resource_type):
yield_per = app.config['CSV_DB_YIELD_PER']
app.logger.debug("Fetching %s oswls with yeld per %d",
resource_type, yield_per)
from_date = get_from_date()
to_date = get_to_date()
return get_oswls_query(resource_type, from_date=from_date,
@bp.route('/<resource_type>', methods=['GET'])
def oswl_to_csv(resource_type):
app.logger.debug("Handling oswl_to_csv get request for resource %s",
exporter = OswlStatsToCsv()
oswls = get_oswls(resource_type)
result = exporter.export(resource_type, oswls, get_to_date())
# NOTE: result - is generator, but streaming can not work with some
# WSGI middlewares: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/patterns/streaming/
app.logger.debug("Request oswl_to_csv for resource %s handled",
headers = {
'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename={}.csv'.format(
return Response(result, mimetype='text/csv', headers=headers)
def get_resources_types():
"""Gets all available resource types
:return: generator of resources types names collection
result = db.session.query(distinct(OSWS.resource_type))
return (row[0] for row in result)
def save_all_reports(tmp_dir):
"""Saves all available CSV reports into single directory
:param tmp_dir: path to target directory
app.logger.debug("Saving all reports to %s", tmp_dir)
stats_exporter = StatsToCsv()
oswl_exporter = OswlStatsToCsv()
resources_types = get_resources_types()
inst_strucutres = get_inst_structures()
with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, CLUSTERS_REPORT_FILE), mode='w') as f:
app.logger.debug("Getting installation structures started")
action_logs = get_action_logs()
clusters = stats_exporter.export_clusters(inst_strucutres,
app.logger.debug("Getting installation structures finished")
with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, PLUGINS_REPORT_FILE), mode='w') as f:
app.logger.debug("Getting plugins started")
plugins = stats_exporter.export_plugins(inst_strucutres)
app.logger.debug("Getting plugins finished")
for resource_type in resources_types:
app.logger.debug("Getting resource '%s' started", resource_type)
file_name = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '{}.csv'.format(resource_type))
oswls = get_oswls(resource_type)
with open(file_name, mode='w') as f:
resources = oswl_exporter.export(
resource_type, oswls, get_to_date())
app.logger.debug("Getting resource '%s' finished", resource_type)
app.logger.debug("All reports saved into %s", tmp_dir)
def archive_dir(dir_path):
"""Archives directory to zip file
:param dir_path: path to target directory
:return: ZipFile object
app.logger.debug("Dir '%s' archiving started", dir_path)
tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
with zipfile.ZipFile(tmp_file, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as archive:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_path):
for f in files:
archive.write(os.path.join(root, f), arcname=f)
app.logger.debug("Dir '%s' archiving to '%s' finished",
dir_path, archive.filename)
return archive
@bp.route('/all', methods=['GET'])
def all_reports():
"""Single report for all resource types and clusters info
:return: zip archive of CSV reports
app.logger.debug("Handling all_reports get request")
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
archive = archive_dir(tmp_dir)
name = 'reports_from{}_to{}.zip'.format(
get_from_date(), get_to_date())
return send_file(archive.filename, mimetype='application/zip',
as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=name)
app.logger.debug("Removing temporary archive")
app.logger.debug("Removing temporary directory %s", tmp_dir)
shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
app.logger.debug("Request all_reports handled")