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function($, d3, D3pie, d3tip, nv, elasticsearch) {
'use strict';
var statuses = ['operational', 'error'];
var releases = [
{name: 'All', filter: ''},
{name: '6.0 Technical Preview', filter: '6.0-techpreview'},
{name: '6.0 GA', filter: '6.0'},
{name: '6.1', filter: '6.1'}
var currentRelease = releases[0].filter;
var releaseFilter = $('#release-filter');
releases.forEach(function(release) {
releaseFilter.append($('<option/>', {text: release.name, value: release.filter}));
releaseFilter.on('change', function(e) {
var newRelease = $(e.currentTarget).val();
currentRelease = newRelease;
var applyFilters = function(body) {
var result = body;
if (currentRelease) {
result = {
aggs: {
releases: {
filter: {
terms: {
'fuel_release.release': [currentRelease]
aggs: body.aggs
return result;
var getRootData = function(resp) {
return currentRelease ? resp.aggregations.releases : resp.aggregations;
var elasticSearchHost = function() {
return {
host: {
port: location.port || (location.protocol == 'https:' ? 443 : 80),
protocol: location.protocol,
host: location.hostname
var statsPage = function() {
var installationsCount = function() {
var client = new elasticsearch.Client(elasticSearchHost());
var request = {query: currentRelease ? {terms: {'fuel_release.release': [currentRelease]}} : {match_all: {}}};
index: 'fuel',
type: 'structure',
body: request
}).then(function(resp) {
var environmentsCount = function() {
var client = new elasticsearch.Client(elasticSearchHost());
index: 'fuel',
type: 'structure',
body: applyFilters({
aggs: {
clusters: {
nested: {
path: 'clusters'
aggs: {
statuses: {
terms: {field: 'status'}
}).then(function(resp) {
var rootData = getRootData(resp);
var rawData = rootData.clusters.statuses.buckets,
total = rootData.clusters.doc_count,
colors = {
error: '#FF7372',
operational: '#51851A',
new: '#999999',
deployment: '#2783C0',
remove: '#000000',
update: '#775575',
update_error: '#F5007B',
stopped: '#FFB014'
chartData = [];
$.each(rawData, function(key, value) {
chartData.push({label: value.key, value: value.doc_count, color: colors[value.key]});
var data = [{
key: 'Distribution of environments by statuses',
values: chartData
nv.addGraph(function() {
var chart = nv.models.discreteBarChart()
.x(function(d) { return d.label;})
.y(function(d) { return d.value;})
.margin({top: 30})
chart.tooltipContent(function(key, x, y) {
return '<h3>Status: "' + x + '"</h3>' + '<p>' + parseInt(y) + ' environments</p>';
d3.select('#clusters-distribution svg')
return chart;
var distributionOfInstallations = function() {
var client = new elasticsearch.Client(elasticSearchHost());
index: 'fuel',
size: 0,
body: applyFilters({
aggs: {
envs_distribution: {
histogram: {
field: 'clusters_num',
interval: 1
}).then(function(resp) {
var rootData = getRootData(resp);
var rawData = rootData.envs_distribution.buckets,
chartData = [];
$.each(rawData, function(key, value) {
chartData.push({label: value.key, value: value.doc_count});
var data = [{
color: '#1DA489',
values: chartData
nv.addGraph(function() {
var chart = nv.models.multiBarChart()
.x(function(d) { return d.label;})
.y(function(d) { return d.value;})
.margin({top: 30})
.reduceXTicks(false) //If 'false', every single x-axis tick label will be rendered.
.rotateLabels(0) //Angle to rotate x-axis labels.
.showControls(false) //Allow user to switch between 'Grouped' and 'Stacked' mode.
.groupSpacing(0.5); //Distance between each group of bars.
.axisLabel('Environments count');
chart.tooltipContent(function(key, x, y) {
return '<h3>' + parseInt(y) + ' installations</h3>' + '<p>with ' + x + ' environments</p>';
d3.select('#env-distribution svg')
return chart;
var nodesDistributionChart = function() {
var client = new elasticsearch.Client(elasticSearchHost()),
ranges = [
{from: 1, to: 5},
{from: 5, to: 10},
{from: 10, to: 20},
{from: 20, to: 50},
{from: 50, to: 100},
{from: 100}
index: 'fuel',
type: 'structure',
size: 0,
body: applyFilters({
aggs: {
clusters: {
nested: {
path: 'clusters'
aggs: {
statuses: {
filter: {
terms: {status: statuses}
aggs: {
nodes_ranges: {
range: {
field: 'nodes_num',
ranges: ranges
}).then(function(resp) {
var rootData = getRootData(resp);
var rawData = rootData.clusters.statuses.nodes_ranges.buckets,
total = rootData.clusters.statuses.doc_count,
chartData = [];
$.each(rawData, function(key, value) {
var labelText = '',
labelData = value.key.split('-');
$.each(labelData, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
if (key == labelData.length - 1) {
labelText += (value == '*' ? '+' : '-' + parseInt(value));
} else {
labelText += parseInt(value);
chartData.push({label: labelText, value: value.doc_count});
var data = [{
key: 'Environment size distribution by number of nodes',
color: '#1DA489',
values: chartData
nv.addGraph(function() {
var chart = nv.models.multiBarChart()
.x(function(d) { return d.label;})
.y(function(d) { return d.value;})
.margin({top: 30})
.reduceXTicks(false) //If 'false', every single x-axis tick label will be rendered.
.rotateLabels(0) //Angle to rotate x-axis labels.
.showControls(false) //Allow user to switch between 'Grouped' and 'Stacked' mode.
.groupSpacing(0.2); //Distance between each group of bars.
.axisLabel('Number of nodes');
chart.tooltipContent(function(key, x, y) {
return '<h3>' + x + ' nodes</h3>' + '<p>' + parseInt(y) + '</p>';
d3.select('#nodes-distribution svg')
return chart;
var hypervisorDistributionChart = function() {
var client = new elasticsearch.Client(elasticSearchHost());
size: 0,
index: 'fuel',
type: 'structure',
body: applyFilters({
aggs: {
clusters: {
nested: {
path: 'clusters'
aggs: {
statuses: {
filter: {
terms: {status: statuses}
aggs: {
attributes: {
nested: {
path: 'clusters.attributes'
aggs: {
libvirt_types: {
terms: {
field: 'libvirt_type'
}).then(function(resp) {
var rootData = getRootData(resp);
var rawData = rootData.clusters.statuses.attributes.libvirt_types.buckets,
total = rootData.clusters.statuses.attributes.doc_count,
totalСounted = 0,
chartData = [];
$.each(rawData, function(key, value) {
chartData.push({label: value.key, value: value.doc_count});
totalСounted += value.doc_count;
var unknownHypervisorsCount = total - totalСounted;
if (unknownHypervisorsCount) {
chartData.push({label: 'unknown', value: unknownHypervisorsCount});
new D3pie("releases-distribution", {
header: {
title: {
text: 'Distribution of deployed hypervisor',
fontSize: 15
location: 'top-left',
titleSubtitlePadding: 9
size: {
canvasWidth: 400,
canvasHeight: 300,
pieInnerRadius: '40%',
pieOuterRadius: '60%'
labels: {
outer: {
format: 'label-value2',
pieDistance: 10
mainLabel: {
fontSize: 14
percentage: {
color: '#ffffff',
decimalPlaces: 2
value: {
color: '#adadad',
fontSize: 11
lines: {
enabled: true
data: {
content: chartData
tooltips: {
enabled: true,
type: 'placeholder',
string: '{label}: {value}, {percentage}%',
styles: {
borderRadius: 3,
fontSize: 12,
padding: 6
var osesDistributionChart = function() {
var client = new elasticsearch.Client(elasticSearchHost());
size: 0,
index: 'fuel',
type: 'structure',
body: applyFilters({
aggs: {
clusters: {
nested: {
path: 'clusters'
aggs: {
statuses: {
filter: {
terms: {status: statuses}
aggs: {
release: {
nested: {
path: 'clusters.release'
aggs: {
oses: {
terms: {
field: 'os'
}).then(function(resp) {
var rootData = getRootData(resp);
var rawData = rootData.clusters.statuses.release.oses.buckets,
total = rootData.clusters.statuses.doc_count,
chartData = [];
$.each(rawData, function(key, value) {
chartData.push({label: value.key, value: value.doc_count});
new D3pie("distribution-of-oses", {
header: {
title: {
text: 'Distribution of deployed operating system',
fontSize: 15
location: 'top-left',
titleSubtitlePadding: 9
size: {
canvasWidth: 400,
canvasHeight: 300,
pieInnerRadius: '40%',
pieOuterRadius: '60%'
labels: {
outer: {
format: 'label-value2',
pieDistance: 10
mainLabel: {
fontSize: 14
percentage: {
color: '#ffffff',
decimalPlaces: 2
value: {
color: '#adadad',
fontSize: 11
lines: {
enabled: true
data: {
content: chartData
tooltips: {
enabled: true,
type: 'placeholder',
string: '{label}: {value}, {percentage}%',
styles: {
borderRadius: 3,
fontSize: 12,
padding: 6
return statsPage();