
233 lines
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# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import namedtuple
import datetime
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import helpers
from migration import config
from migration.db import db_session
from migration.log import logger
from migration.model import ActionLog
from migration.model import InstallationStructure
class SyncInfo(dict):
# explicit properties definition
db_table_name = None
db_id_name = None
db_sync_field_name = None
index_name = None
doc_type_name = None
last_sync_value = None
last_sync_time = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SyncInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
NameMapping = namedtuple('NameMapping', ['source', 'dest'])
class MappingRule(object):
def __init__(self, db_id_names, json_fields=(), mixed_fields_mapping=()):
"""Describes how db object is mapped into Eslasticsearch document
:param db_id_names: db fields names used for Elasticsearch document _id
:param json_fields: tuple of fields to be merged as dicts into
Elasicsearch document
:param mixed_fields_mapping: tuple of NameMapping for adding into
Elasicsearch document
self.db_id_names = db_id_names
self.json_fields = json_fields
self.mixed_fields_mapping = mixed_fields_mapping
def _get_es_id(self, db_object):
values = ('{}'.format(getattr(db_object, db_id_name)) for
db_id_name in self.db_id_names)
return self.ID_FIELDS_GLUE.join(values)
def make_doc(self, index_name, doc_type_name, db_object):
"""Returns dictionary for sending into Elasticsearch
data = {}
for json_field in self.json_fields:
data.update(getattr(db_object, json_field))
for mixed_field in self.mixed_fields_mapping:
data[mixed_field.dest] = getattr(db_object, mixed_field.source)
return {
'_index': index_name,
'_type': doc_type_name,
'_id': self._get_es_id(db_object),
'_source': data
class Migrator(object):
def __init__(self):
self.es = Elasticsearch(hosts=[
{'host': config.ELASTIC_HOST,
'port': config.ELASTIC_PORT}])
self.db_session = db_session
def remove_indices(self):
logger.debug("Removing indices in the Elasticsearch")
for index in (config.INDEX_MIGRATION, config.INDEX_FUEL):
self.es.indices.delete(index, ignore=[404])
logger.debug("Index %s is removed from Elasticsearch", index)
logger.debug("Indices are removed from the Elasticsearch")
def create_indices(self):
logger.debug("Creating indices in the Elasticsearch")
# creating fuel index
settings = {
'mappings': config.MAPPING_FUEL,
'settings': {
'analysis': config.ANALYSIS_INDEX_FUEL
self.es.indices.create(config.INDEX_FUEL, body=settings, ignore=[400])
logger.debug("Index %s is created", config.INDEX_FUEL)
# creating mapping index
settings = {
'mappings': config.MAPPING_MIGRATION
self.es.indices.create(config.INDEX_MIGRATION, body=settings,
logger.debug("Index %s is created", config.INDEX_MIGRATION)
logger.debug("Indices in the Elasticsearch is created")
def get_sync_info(self, sync_db_table):
if self.es.exists(config.INDEX_MIGRATION, sync_db_table,
logger.debug("Sync_info for %s existed", sync_db_table)
result = self.es.get(config.INDEX_MIGRATION, sync_db_table,
return SyncInfo(result['_source'])
logger.debug("Sync_info for %s created from template",
return SyncInfo(config.INFO_TEMPLATES.get(sync_db_table, {}))
def put_sync_info(self, sync_info):
logger.debug("Putting sync_info %s into Elasticsearch", sync_info)
self.es.index(config.INDEX_MIGRATION, config.DOC_TYPE_MIGRATION_INFO,
sync_info, id=sync_info.db_table_name)
def migrate_installation_structure(self):
logger.info("Migration of installation structures is started")
mapping_rule = MappingRule(
NameMapping(source='is_filtered', dest='is_filtered'),
NameMapping(source='creation_date', dest='creation_date'),
info = self.get_sync_info(config.STRUCTURES_DB_TABLE_NAME)
self.make_migration(InstallationStructure, info, mapping_rule)
logger.info("Migration of installation structures is finished")
except Exception:
logger.exception("Migration of installation structures is failed")
def migrate_action_logs(self):
logger.info("Migration of action logs is started")
mapping_rule = MappingRule(
('master_node_uid', 'external_id'),
NameMapping(source='master_node_uid', dest='master_node_uid'),
info = self.get_sync_info(config.ACTION_LOGS_DB_TABLE_NAME)
self.make_migration(ActionLog, info, mapping_rule)
logger.info("Migration of action logs is finished")
except Exception:
logger.exception("Migration of action logs is failed")
def _migrate_objs(self, objs, sync_info, mapping_rule):
if len(objs) == 0:
logger.info("Nothing to be migrated for %s",
return False
logger.info("%d %s to be migrated", len(objs),
docs = []
for obj in objs:
doc = mapping_rule.make_doc(sync_info.index_name,
sync_info.doc_type_name, obj)
last_sync_value = getattr(obj, sync_info.db_sync_field_name)
processed, errors = helpers.bulk(self.es, docs)
if errors:
logger.error("Migration of %s failed: %s",
sync_info.db_table_name, errors)
return False
if last_sync_value is not None:
sync_info.last_sync_value = last_sync_value
logger.info("Chunk of %s of size %d is migrated",
sync_info.db_table_name, len(objs))
return True
def migrate_with_null_sync_field(self, model, sync_info, mapping_rule):
logger.debug("Migrating %s with NULL %s", sync_info.db_table_name,
sync_field = getattr(model, sync_info.db_sync_field_name)
id_field = getattr(model, sync_info.db_id_name)
offset = 0
while True:
sync_info.last_sync_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
objs = self.db_session.query(model). \
filter(sync_field.is_(None)). \
order_by(id_field.asc()). \
offset += len(objs)
if not self._migrate_objs(objs, sync_info, mapping_rule):
logger.debug("%s with NULL %s migrated", sync_info.db_table_name,
def migrate_by_sync_field(self, model, sync_info, mapping_rule):
logger.debug("Migrating %s with %s > %s", sync_info.db_table_name,
sync_info.db_sync_field_name, sync_info.last_sync_value)
sync_field = getattr(model, sync_info.db_sync_field_name)
id_field = getattr(model, sync_info.db_id_name)
while True:
sync_info.last_sync_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
objs = self.db_session.query(model). \
filter(sync_field > sync_info.last_sync_value). \
order_by(id_field.asc()). \
if not self._migrate_objs(objs, sync_info, mapping_rule):
logger.debug("%s with %s > %s migrated", sync_info.db_table_name,
sync_info.db_sync_field_name, sync_info.last_sync_value)
def make_migration(self, model, sync_info, mapping_rule):
self.migrate_with_null_sync_field(model, sync_info, mapping_rule)
self.migrate_by_sync_field(model, sync_info, mapping_rule)