Merge "Lock interfaces properties with different availability batch editing"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2016-04-07 15:07:01 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 60366e3127
4 changed files with 216 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -3770,6 +3770,16 @@ input[type=range] {
padding-left: 0;
margin-left: @property-offset;
&.forbidden {
opacity: 0.8;
.glyphicon {
margin-right: 4px;
button {
text-decoration: none;
color: @gray;
.mtu-control {

View File

@ -453,7 +453,9 @@
"physical_network": "Physical Network Name",
"dpdk": "DPDK",
"dpdk_description": "The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) provides high-performance packet processing libraries and user space drivers.",
"dpdk_in_ovs_bond": "DPDK can not be disabled in OVS bond"
"dpdk_in_ovs_bond": "DPDK can not be disabled in OVS bond",
"different_availability": "<Different Availability>",
"availability_tooltip": "Some network interfaces do not support this feature, therefore, these properties will not change after saving."
"configure_disks": {
"no_disks": "No unassigned disks available.",

View File

@ -324,6 +324,15 @@ var utils = {
makePath(...args) {
return args.join('.');
deepOmit(object, keys) {
if (!_.isObject(object) && !_.isArray(object)) {
return object;
return _.reduce(_.difference(_.keys(object), keys), (result, key) => {
result[key] = this.deepOmit(object[key], keys);
return result;
}, _.isArray(object) ? [] : {});

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import models from 'models';
import dispatcher from 'dispatcher';
import Expression from 'expression';
import OffloadingModes from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/nodes_tab_screens/offloading_modes_control';
import {Input} from 'views/controls';
import {Input, Tooltip} from 'views/controls';
import {backboneMixin, unsavedChangesMixin} from 'component_mixins';
import {DragSource, DropTarget} from 'react-dnd';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
@ -83,11 +83,48 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
componentWillMount() {
this.setState({initialInterfaces: _.cloneDeep(this.interfacesToJSON(this.props.interfaces))});
initialInterfaces: _.cloneDeep(this.interfacesToJSON(this.props.interfaces)),
limitations: this.getEditLimitations()
componentDidMount() {
compareInterfacesProperties(interfaces, path, iteratee = _.identity,
source = 'interface_properties') {
// Checks if all the sub parameters are equal for all interfaces property
var ifcProperties = => {
var interfaceProperty = ifc.get(source);
return _.get(interfaceProperty, path, interfaceProperty);
}), iteratee);
var shown = _.first(ifcProperties);
var equal = !_.any(ifcProperties, (ifcProperty) => !_.isEqual(ifcProperty, shown));
return {equal, shown};
getEditLimitations() {
// Gets limitations for interfaces parameters editing.
// Parameter should not be editable if its differently available
// across the nodes interfaces
return this.props.interfaces.reduce((result, ifc, index) => {
var interfaces = => {
var key = ifc.isBond() ? ifc.get('name') :;
result[key] = {
offloading_modes: this.compareInterfacesProperties(
interfaces, '',
(value) => utils.deepOmit(value, ['state']),
dpdk: this.compareInterfacesProperties(interfaces, 'dpdk.available'),
sriov: this.compareInterfacesProperties(interfaces, 'sriov.available'),
mtu: {equal: true, shown: true}
return result;
}, {});
isLocked() {
return !!this.props.cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true}) ||
@ -107,15 +144,43 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
hasChangesInRemainingNodes() {
var initialInterfacesData =, this.interfacesPickFromJSON);
var limitationsKeys =
(ifc) => ifc.get(ifc.isBond ? 'name' : 'id')
return _.any(this.props.nodes.slice(1), (node) => {
var interfacesData = this.interfacesToJSON(node.interfaces, true);
return _.any(initialInterfacesData, (ifcData, index) => {
var limitations = this.state.limitations[limitationsKeys[index]];
var omittedProperties = _.filter(
(key) => !_.get(limitations[key], 'equal', true)
return _.any(ifcData, (data, attribute) => {
if (attribute === 'slaves') {
// bond 'slaves' attribute contains information about slave name only
// but interface names can be different between nodes
// and can not be used for the comparison
return data.length !== (interfacesData[index].slaves || {}).length;
// Restricted parameters should not participate in changes detection
switch (attribute) {
case 'offloading_modes': {
// Do not compare offloading modes if they differ
if (!_.get(limitations, 'offloading_modes.equal', false)) return false;
// otherwise remove set states before it
return !_.isEqual(..._.invoke(
[data, interfacesData[index][attribute]],
(value) => utils.deepOmit(value, ['state']))
case 'interface_properties': {
// Omit restricted parameters from the comparison
return !_.isEqual(..._.invoke(
[data, interfacesData[index][attribute]],
_.omit, omittedProperties)
case 'slaves': {
// bond 'slaves' attribute contains information about slave name only
// but interface names can be different between nodes
// and can not be used for the comparison
return data.length !== (interfacesData[index].slaves || {}).length;
return !_.isEqual(data, interfacesData[index][attribute]);
@ -145,6 +210,37 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
revertChanges() {
this.props.interfaces.reset(_.cloneDeep(this.state.initialInterfaces), {parse: true});
updateWithLimitations(sourceInterface, targetInterface) {
// Interface parameters should be updated with respect to limitations:
// restricted parameters should not be changed
var limitations = this.state.limitations[];
var targetInterfaceProperties = targetInterface.get('interface_properties');
var sourceInterfaceProperties = sourceInterface.get('interface_properties');
if (targetInterface.get('offloading_modes')
&& _.get(limitations, 'offloading_modes.equal', false)) {
offloading_modes: sourceInterface.get('offloading_modes')
// If set of offloading modes supported is the same, disable_offloading
// parameters updated as well (it is probably obsolete)
var disableOffloading = _.get(sourceInterfaceProperties, 'disable_offloading');
if (!_.isUndefined(disableOffloading)) {
_.set(targetInterfaceProperties, 'disable_offloading', disableOffloading);
_.each(sourceInterfaceProperties, (propertyValue, propertyName) => {
// Set all unrestricted parameters values
if (!_.isPlainObject(propertyValue)
&& _.get(limitations, propertyName + '.equal', false)) {
_.set(targetInterfaceProperties, propertyName, propertyValue);
interface_properties: sourceInterfaceProperties
applyChanges() {
if (!this.isSavingPossible()) return $.Deferred().reject();
@ -187,14 +283,9 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
assigned_networks: new models.InterfaceNetworks(
interface_properties: updatedIfc.get('interface_properties')
if (ifc.get('offloading_modes')) {
offloading_modes: updatedIfc.get('offloading_modes')
this.updateWithLimitations(updatedIfc, ifc);
return Backbone.sync('update', node.interfaces, {url: _.result(node, 'url') + '/interfaces'});
@ -257,16 +348,21 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
var interfaces = this.props.interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && !ifc.isBond());
var bond = this.props.interfaces.find((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && ifc.isBond());
var limitations = this.state.limitations;
var bondName;
if (!bond) {
// if no bond selected - create new one
var bondMode = _.flatten(
_.pluck([bondType].mode, 'values')
bondName = this.props.interfaces.generateBondName(
bondType === 'linux' ? 'bond' : 'ovs-bond'
bond = new models.Interface({
type: 'bond',
name: this.props.interfaces.generateBondName(bondType === 'linux' ? 'bond' : 'ovs-bond'),
name: bondName,
mode: bondMode,
assigned_networks: new models.InterfaceNetworks(),
slaves: _.invoke(interfaces, 'pick', 'name'),
@ -288,9 +384,12 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
offloading_modes: this.getIntersectedOffloadingModes(interfaces)
limitations[bondName] = {};
} else {
// adding interfaces to existing bond
var bondProperties = _.cloneDeep(bond.get('interface_properties'));
bondName = bond.get('name');
if (bondProperties.dpdk.enabled) {
bondProperties.dpdk.enabled = !_.any(interfaces,
(ifc) => !ifc.get('interface_properties').dpdk.enabled
@ -304,18 +403,42 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
// remove the bond to add it later and trigger re-rendering
this.props.interfaces.remove(bond, {silent: true});
_.each(interfaces, (ifc) => {
limitations[bondName] = _.reduce(interfaces, (result, ifc) => {
ifc.set({checked: false});
return this.mergeLimitations(result, limitations[]);
}, limitations[bondName]);
this.setState({actionInProgress: false});
actionInProgress: false,
limitations: limitations
mergeLimitations(limitation1, limitation2) {
return _.merge(limitation1, limitation2, (value1, value2, interfaceProperty) => {
switch (interfaceProperty) {
case 'mtu':
case 'offloading_modes':
// Offloading modes are presumed to be calculated intersection
return {equal: true, shown: true};
case 'dpdk':
if (_.isUndefined(value1) || _.isUndefined(value2)) break;
// Both interfaces should support DPDK in order bond to support it either
var equal = true;
var shown = value1.shown && value2.shown;
return {equal: equal, shown: shown};
case 'sriov':
return {equal: true, shown: false};
unbondInterfaces() {
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
_.each(this.props.interfaces.where({checked: true}), (bond) => {
return this.removeInterfaceFromBond(bond.get('name'));
this.setState({actionInProgress: false});
@ -407,7 +530,7 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
return !_.chain(this.state.interfacesErrors).values().some().value() &&
!this.state.actionInProgress && this.hasChanges();
getIfcProperty(property) {
getInterfaceProperty(property) {
var {interfaces, nodes} = this.props;
var bondsCount = interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.isBond()).length;
var getPropertyValues = (ifcIndex) => {
@ -459,8 +582,8 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
this.validateSpeedsForBonding(checkedBonds.concat(checkedInterfaces)) ||
interfaces.any((ifc) => ifc.isBond() && this.validateSpeedsForBonding([ifc]));
var interfaceSpeeds = this.getIfcProperty('current_speed');
var interfaceNames = this.getIfcProperty('name');
var interfaceSpeeds = this.getInterfaceProperty('current_speed');
var interfaceNames = this.getInterfaceProperty('name');
return (
<div className='row'>
@ -514,12 +637,15 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
<div className='ifc-list col-xs-12'>
{, index) => {
var ifcName = ifc.get('name');
var limitations = this.state.limitations[ifc.isBond() ? ifcName :];
if (!_.contains(slaveInterfaceNames, ifcName)) {
return (
key={'interface-' + ifcName}
_.findWhere(this.state.initialInterfaces, {name: ifcName}),
@ -745,42 +871,63 @@ var NodeInterface = React.createClass({
_.set(interfaceProperties, name, value);
this.props.interface.set('interface_properties', interfaceProperties);
renderLockTooltip(property) {
return <Tooltip key={property + '-unavailable'} text={i18n(ns + 'availability_tooltip')}>
<span className='glyphicon glyphicon-lock' aria-hidden='true'></span>
renderConfigurableAttributes() {
var ifc = this.props.interface;
var limitations = this.props.limitations;
var ifcProperties = ifc.get('interface_properties');
var errors = (this.props.errors || {}).interface_properties;
var offloadingModes = ifc.get('offloading_modes') || [];
var {collapsed, activeInterfaceSectionName} = this.state;
var offloadingRestricted = !limitations.offloading_modes.equal;
var offloadingTabClasses = {
forbidden: offloadingRestricted,
'property-item-container': true,
active: !collapsed && activeInterfaceSectionName === this.renderedIfcProperties[0]
return (
<div className='properties-list'>
<span className={utils.classNames(offloadingTabClasses)}>
{offloadingRestricted && this.renderLockTooltip('offloading')}
{i18n(ns + 'offloading_modes') + ':'}
className='btn btn-link property-item'
onClick={() => this.switchActiveSubtab(this.renderedIfcProperties[0])}
{ifcProperties.disable_offloading ?
i18n(ns + 'disable_offloading')
offloadingModes.length ?
{offloadingRestricted ?
i18n(ns + 'different_availability')
i18n(ns + 'default_offloading')
offloadingModes.length ?
ifcProperties.disable_offloading ?
i18n(ns + 'disable_offloading')
i18n(ns + 'default_offloading')
{, (propertyValue, propertyName) => {
if (_.isPlainObject(propertyValue) && !propertyValue.available) return null;
var {equal, shown} = _.get(
limitations, propertyName,
{equal: true, shown: true}
var propertyShown = !equal || shown;
if (_.isPlainObject(propertyValue) && !propertyShown) return null;
if (_.contains(this.renderedIfcProperties, propertyName)) {
var classes = {
'text-danger': _.has(errors, propertyName),
'property-item-container': true,
[propertyName]: true,
active: !collapsed && activeInterfaceSectionName === propertyName
active: !collapsed && activeInterfaceSectionName === propertyName,
forbidden: !equal
var commonButtonProps = {
className: 'btn btn-link property-item',
@ -792,12 +939,17 @@ var NodeInterface = React.createClass({
case 'dpdk':
return (
<span key={propertyName} className={utils.classNames(classes)}>
{!equal && this.renderLockTooltip(propertyName)}
{i18n(ns + propertyName) + ':'}
<button {...commonButtonProps}>
{propertyValue.enabled ?
<button {...commonButtonProps} disabled={!equal}>
{equal ?
propertyValue.enabled ?
i18n(ns + 'different_availability')
@ -805,8 +957,9 @@ var NodeInterface = React.createClass({
return (
<span key={propertyName} className={utils.classNames(classes)}>
{!equal && this.renderLockTooltip(propertyName)}
{i18n(ns + propertyName) + ':'}
<button {...commonButtonProps}>
<button {...commonButtonProps} disabled={!equal}>
{propertyValue || i18n(ns + propertyName + '_placeholder')}
@ -965,6 +1118,10 @@ var NodeInterface = React.createClass({
'glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down': true,
rotate: !this.state.collapsed
var defaultSubtab = _.find(this.renderedIfcProperties, (ifcProperty) => {
var limitation = _.get(this.props.limitations, ifcProperty);
return limitation && limitation.equal && !!limitation.shown;
return (
<div className='ifc-properties clearfix forms-box'>
<div className='row'>
@ -977,7 +1134,7 @@ var NodeInterface = React.createClass({
onClick={() => this.switchActiveSubtab(
isConfigurationModeOn ?
this.state.activeInterfaceSectionName :