Force eslint one-var rule

Implements: blueprint converge-to-eslint-config-openstack

Change-Id: I17ef229b9e31e56e77027a08e6a01a3aa7041699
This commit is contained in:
Alexandra Morozova 2016-01-19 22:12:32 +01:00 committed by Alexandra Morozova
parent bcddfcac9c
commit a44a36118b
45 changed files with 1031 additions and 1046 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
complexity: 0
eqeqeq: 0
no-script-url: 0
one-var: [0, {uninitialized: always, initialized: never}]
max-len: [0, 120]
# extra rules

View File

@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ var collectionMethods = [
_.each(collectionMethods, (method) => {
collectionMixin[method] = function() {
var args = _.toArray(arguments),
source = args[0];
var args = _.toArray(arguments);
var source = args[0];
if (_.isPlainObject(source)) {
args[0] = (model) => _.isMatch(model.attributes, source);
@ -147,22 +147,21 @@ var restrictionMixin = models.restrictionMixin = {
return ret;
var checkedLimitTypes = {},
name = this.get('name'),
limits = this.expandedLimits[name] || {},
overrides = limits.overrides || [],
limitValues = {
max: evaluateExpressionHelper(limits.max, models).value,
min: evaluateExpressionHelper(limits.min, models).value,
recommended: evaluateExpressionHelper(limits.recommended, models).value
count = nodes.nodesAfterDeploymentWithRole(name).length,
label = this.get('label');
var checkedLimitTypes = {};
var name = this.get('name');
var limits = this.expandedLimits[name] || {};
var overrides = limits.overrides || [];
var limitValues = {
max: evaluateExpressionHelper(limits.max, models).value,
min: evaluateExpressionHelper(limits.min, models).value,
recommended: evaluateExpressionHelper(limits.recommended, models).value
var count = nodes.nodesAfterDeploymentWithRole(name).length;
var messages;
var label = this.get('label');
var checkOneLimit = (obj, limitType) => {
var limitValue,
var limitValue, comparator;
if (_.isUndefined(obj[limitType])) {
@ -277,8 +276,8 @@ models.Roles = BaseCollection.extend(restrictionMixin).extend({
this.each((role) => {
var roleConflicts = role.get('conflicts'),
roleName = role.get('name');
var roleConflicts = role.get('conflicts');
var roleName = role.get('name');
if (roleConflicts == '*') {
role.conflicts ={name: roleName}), (role) => role.get('name'));
@ -503,8 +502,8 @@ models.Nodes = BaseCollection.extend({
areDisksConfigurable() {
if (!this.length) return false;
var roles = _.union('roles'),'pending_roles')),
disks ='disks');
var roles = _.union('roles'),'pending_roles'));
var disks ='disks');
return !this.any((node) => {
var roleConflict = _.difference(roles, _.union(node.get('roles'), node.get('pending_roles'))).length;
return roleConflict || !_.isEqual(disks, node.resource('disks'));
@ -543,9 +542,9 @@ models.Task = BaseModel.extend({
return _.intersection(names, _.flatten(_.values(_.pick(this.groups, groups))));
extendStatuses(filters) {
var activeTaskStatuses = ['running', 'pending'],
completedTaskStatuses = ['ready', 'error'],
statuses = utils.composeList(filters.status);
var activeTaskStatuses = ['running', 'pending'];
var completedTaskStatuses = ['ready', 'error'];
var statuses = utils.composeList(filters.status);
if (_.isEmpty(statuses)) {
statuses = _.union(activeTaskStatuses, completedTaskStatuses);
@ -659,9 +658,9 @@ models.Settings = Backbone.DeepModel.extend(superMixin).extend(cacheMixin).exten
this.once('change', this.mergePluginSettings, this);
validate(attrs, options) {
var errors = {},
models = options ? options.models : {},
checkRestrictions = (setting) => this.checkRestrictions(models, null, setting);
var errors = {};
var models = options ? options.models : {};
var checkRestrictions = (setting) => this.checkRestrictions(models, null, setting);
_.each(attrs, (group, groupName) => {
if ((group.metadata || {}).enabled === false || checkRestrictions(group.metadata).result) return;
_.each(group, (setting, settingName) => {
@ -689,8 +688,8 @@ models.Settings = Backbone.DeepModel.extend(superMixin).extend(cacheMixin).exten
hasChanges(initialAttributes, models) {
return _.any(this.attributes, (section, sectionName) => {
var metadata = section.metadata,
result = false;
var metadata = section.metadata;
var result = false;
if (metadata) {
if (this.checkRestrictions(models, null, metadata).result) return result;
if (!_.isUndefined(metadata.enabled)) {
@ -773,8 +772,8 @@ models.Volume = BaseModel.extend({
constructorName: 'Volume',
urlRoot: '/api/volumes/',
getMinimalSize(minimum) {
var currentDisk = this.collection.disk,
groupAllocatedSpace = 0;
var currentDisk = this.collection.disk;
var groupAllocatedSpace = 0;
if (currentDisk && currentDisk.collection)
groupAllocatedSpace = currentDisk.collection.reduce((sum, disk) => {
return == ? sum : sum + disk.get('volumes').findWhere({name: this.get('name')}).get('size');
@ -782,10 +781,10 @@ models.Volume = BaseModel.extend({
return minimum - groupAllocatedSpace;
getMaxSize() {
var volumes = this.collection.disk.get('volumes'),
diskAllocatedSpace = volumes.reduce((total, volume) => {
return this.get('name') == volume.get('name') ? total : total + volume.get('size');
}, 0);
var volumes = this.collection.disk.get('volumes');
var diskAllocatedSpace = volumes.reduce((total, volume) => {
return this.get('name') == volume.get('name') ? total : total + volume.get('size');
}, 0);
return this.collection.disk.get('size') - diskAllocatedSpace;
validate(attrs, options) {
@ -937,15 +936,15 @@ models.NetworkConfiguration = BaseModel.extend(cacheMixin).extend({
return false;
validate(attrs) {
var errors = {},
networkingParametersErrors = {},
ns = 'cluster_page.network_tab.validation.',
networks = attrs.networks,
networkParameters = attrs.networking_parameters,
nodeNetworkGroupsErrors = {},
nodeNetworkGroups = app.nodeNetworkGroups,
novaNetManager = networkParameters.get('net_manager'),
var errors = {};
var networkingParametersErrors = {};
var ns = 'cluster_page.network_tab.validation.';
var networks = attrs.networks;
var networkParameters = attrs.networking_parameters;
var nodeNetworkGroupsErrors = {};
var nodeNetworkGroups = app.nodeNetworkGroups;
var novaNetManager = networkParameters.get('net_manager');
var floatingRangesErrors; => {
var currentNetworks = new models.Networks(networks.where({group_id:}));
@ -982,8 +981,8 @@ models.NetworkConfiguration = BaseModel.extend(cacheMixin).extend({
nodeNetworkGroupErrors[] = networkErrors;
if (network.get('name') == 'baremetal') {
var baremetalCidrError = _.has(nodeNetworkGroupErrors[], 'cidr'),
baremetalGateway = networkParameters.get('baremetal_gateway');
var baremetalCidrError = _.has(nodeNetworkGroupErrors[], 'cidr');
var baremetalGateway = networkParameters.get('baremetal_gateway');
if (!utils.validateIP(baremetalGateway)) {
networkingParametersErrors.baremetal_gateway = i18n(ns + 'invalid_gateway');
} else if (!baremetalCidrError && !utils.validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(cidr, baremetalGateway)) {
@ -1040,7 +1039,8 @@ models.NetworkConfiguration = BaseModel.extend(cacheMixin).extend({
var idRangeAttr = segmentation == 'vlan' ? 'vlan_range' : 'gre_id_range';
var maxId = segmentation == 'vlan' ? 4094 : 65535;
var idRange = networkParameters.get(idRangeAttr);
var idStart = Number(idRange[0]), idEnd = Number(idRange[1]);
var idStart = Number(idRange[0]);
var idEnd = Number(idRange[1]);
if (!utils.isNaturalNumber(idStart) || idStart < 2 || idStart > maxId) {
idRangeErrors[0] = i18n(ns + 'invalid_id_start');
} else if (!utils.isNaturalNumber(idEnd) || idEnd < 2 || idEnd > maxId) {
@ -1078,30 +1078,30 @@ models.NetworkConfiguration = BaseModel.extend(cacheMixin).extend({
var floatingRanges = networkParameters.get('floating_ranges'),
networkToCheckFloatingRange = networks.find((network) => {
if (!network.get('meta').floating_range_var) return false;
var cidrError = false;
try {
cidrError = !!errors.networks[network.get('group_id')][].cidr;
} catch (error) {}
if (cidrError) return false;
return utils.validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(network.get('cidr'), floatingRanges[0][0]) &&
utils.validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(network.get('cidr'), floatingRanges[0][1]);
var floatingRanges = networkParameters.get('floating_ranges');
var networkToCheckFloatingRange = networks.find((network) => {
if (!network.get('meta').floating_range_var) return false;
var cidrError = false;
try {
cidrError = !!errors.networks[network.get('group_id')][].cidr;
} catch (error) {}
if (cidrError) return false;
return utils.validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(network.get('cidr'), floatingRanges[0][0]) &&
utils.validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(network.get('cidr'), floatingRanges[0][1]);
var networkToCheckFloatingRangeData = networkToCheckFloatingRange ? {
cidr: networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('cidr'),
network: _.capitalize(networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('name')),
nodeNetworkGroup: nodeNetworkGroups.get(networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('group_id')).get('name')
} : {},
networkToCheckFloatingRangeIPRanges = networkToCheckFloatingRange ? _.filter(networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('ip_ranges'), (range, index) => {
var ipRangeError = false;
try {
ipRangeError = !_.all(range) || !!_.find(errors.networks[networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('group_id')][].ip_ranges, {index: index});
} catch (error) {}
return !ipRangeError;
}) : [];
cidr: networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('cidr'),
network: _.capitalize(networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('name')),
nodeNetworkGroup: nodeNetworkGroups.get(networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('group_id')).get('name')
} : {};
var networkToCheckFloatingRangeIPRanges = networkToCheckFloatingRange ? _.filter(networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('ip_ranges'), (range, index) => {
var ipRangeError = false;
try {
ipRangeError = !_.all(range) || !!_.find(errors.networks[networkToCheckFloatingRange.get('group_id')][].ip_ranges, {index: index});
} catch (error) {}
return !ipRangeError;
}) : [];
floatingRangesErrors = utils.validateIPRanges(

View File

@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ VmWareModels.VCenter = BaseModel.extend({
if (!response.editable || !response.editable.metadata || !response.editable.value) {
var metadata = response.editable.metadata || [],
value = response.editable.value || {};
var metadata = response.editable.metadata || [];
var value = response.editable.value || {};
// Availability Zone(s)
var azMetadata = _.find(metadata, {name: 'availability_zones'});

View File

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ var Field = React.createClass({
_.defer(() => dispatcher.trigger('vcenter_model_update'));
render() {
var metadata = this.props.metadata,
value = this.props.model.get(;
var metadata = this.props.metadata;
var value = this.props.model.get(;
return (
{... _.pick(metadata, 'name', 'type', 'label', 'description')}
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ var NovaCompute = React.createClass({
var AvailabilityZone = React.createClass({
addNovaCompute(current) {
var collection = this.props.model.get('nova_computes'),
index = collection.indexOf(current),
newItem = current.clone();
var collection = this.props.model.get('nova_computes');
var index = collection.indexOf(current);
var newItem = current.clone();
var targetNode = _.cloneDeep(newItem.get('target_node'));
if (this.props.isLocked) {
targetNode.current = {id: 'invalid'};
@ -175,18 +175,18 @@ var AvailabilityZone = React.createClass({
_.defer(() => dispatcher.trigger('vcenter_model_update'));
renderFields() {
var model = this.props.model,
meta = model.get('metadata');
var model = this.props.model;
var meta = model.get('metadata');
meta = _.filter(meta, VmWareModels.isRegularField);
return (
<FieldGroup model={model} disabled={this.props.isLocked || this.props.disabled}/>
renderComputes(actions) {
var novaComputes = this.props.model.get('nova_computes'),
isSingleInstance = novaComputes.length == 1,
disabled = actions.disable.nova_computes,
cluster = this.props.cluster;
var novaComputes = this.props.model.get('nova_computes');
var isSingleInstance = novaComputes.length == 1;
var disabled = actions.disable.nova_computes;
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
return (
<div className='col-xs-offset-1'>
@ -375,17 +375,17 @@ var VmWareTab = React.createClass({
return null;
var model = this.state.model,
currentJson = JSON.stringify(this.model.toJSON()),
editable = this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges(),
hide = this.actions.hide || {},
disable = this.actions.disable || {};
var model = this.state.model;
var currentJson = JSON.stringify(this.model.toJSON());
var editable = this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges();
var hide = this.actions.hide || {};
var disable = this.actions.disable || {};
var hasChanges = this.detectChanges(this.json, currentJson);
var hasDefaultsChanges = this.detectChanges(this.defaultsJson, currentJson);
var saveDisabled = !hasChanges || !this.isSavingPossible(),
defaultsDisabled = !hasDefaultsChanges;
var saveDisabled = !hasChanges || !this.isSavingPossible();
var defaultsDisabled = !hasDefaultsChanges;
return (
<div className='row'>

View File

@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ define([
waitForCssSelector: function(cssSelector, timeout) {
return new this.constructor(this, function() {
var self = this, currentTimeout;
var self = this;
var currentTimeout;
return this.parent
.then(function(value) {
@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ define([
waitForElementDeletion: function(cssSelector, timeout) {
return new this.constructor(this, function() {
var self = this, currentTimeout;
var self = this;
var currentTimeout;
return this.parent
.then(function(value) {
@ -137,8 +139,7 @@ define([
return this.parent.executeAsync(function(dragFrom, dragTo, done) {
var dragAndDrop = (function() {
var dispatchEvent;
var createEvent;
var dispatchEvent, createEvent;
// Setup methods to call the proper event creation and dispatch functions for the current platform.
if (document.createEvent) {
@ -494,11 +495,11 @@ define([
var serverHost = '',
serverPort = process.env.NAILGUN_PORT || 5544,
serverUrl = 'http://' + serverHost + ':' + serverPort,
username = 'admin',
password = 'admin';
var serverHost = '';
var serverPort = process.env.NAILGUN_PORT || 5544;
var serverUrl = 'http://' + serverHost + ':' + serverPort;
var username = 'admin';
var password = 'admin';
return {
username: username,

View File

@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ define([
ClustersPage.prototype = {
constructor: ClustersPage,
createCluster: function(clusterName, stepsMethods) {
var self = this,
stepMethod = function(stepName) {
return _.bind(_.get(stepsMethods, stepName, _.noop), self);
var self = this;
var stepMethod = function(stepName) {
return _.bind(_.get(stepsMethods, stepName, _.noop), self);
return this.remote
.then(function() {

View File

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ define([
.waitForCssSelector('.node-popover', 1000);
openNodePopup: function(fromExtendedView) {
var self = this,
cssSelector = fromExtendedView ? '.node-popover' : '.node';
var self = this;
var cssSelector = fromExtendedView ? '.node-popover' : '.node';
return this.remote
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ define([
discardNode: function(fromExtendedView) {
var self = this,
cssSelector = fromExtendedView ? '.node-popover' : '.node';
var self = this;
var cssSelector = fromExtendedView ? '.node-popover' : '.node';
return this.remote

View File

@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ define([
'Renaming cluster works': function() {
var initialName = clusterName,
newName = clusterName + '!!!',
renameInputSelector = '.rename-block input[type=text]',
nameSelector = ' .btn-link';
var initialName = clusterName;
var newName = clusterName + '!!!';
var renameInputSelector = '.rename-block input[type=text]';
var nameSelector = ' .btn-link';
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return dashboardPage.startClusterRenaming();
@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ define([
'Test statistics update': function() {
this.timeout = 120000;
var controllerNodes = 3,
storageCinderNodes = 1,
computeNodes = 2,
operatingSystemNodes = 1,
virtualNodes = 1,
valueSelector = '.statistics-block .cluster-info-value',
total = controllerNodes + storageCinderNodes + computeNodes + operatingSystemNodes + virtualNodes;
var controllerNodes = 3;
var storageCinderNodes = 1;
var computeNodes = 2;
var operatingSystemNodes = 1;
var virtualNodes = 1;
var valueSelector = '.statistics-block .cluster-info-value';
var total = controllerNodes + storageCinderNodes + computeNodes + operatingSystemNodes + virtualNodes;
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return common.addNodesToCluster(controllerNodes, ['Controller']);

View File

@ -25,11 +25,9 @@ define([
'use strict';
registerSuite(function() {
var common,
nodesAmount = 3,
applyButtonSelector = 'button.btn-apply';
var common, clusterPage, clusterName;
var nodesAmount = 3;
var applyButtonSelector = 'button.btn-apply';
return {
name: 'Cluster page',

View File

@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ define([
.assertElementNotExists('.settings-tab .nav-pills > i.glyphicon-danger-sign', 'Subgroup menu has default layout after resetting changes');
'Test repositories custom control': function() {
var repoAmount,
self = this;
var repoAmount;
var self = this;
return this.remote
// get amount of default repositories

View File

@ -25,13 +25,10 @@ define([
'use strict';
registerSuite(function() {
var common,
searchButtonSelector = '.node-management-panel .btn-search',
sortingButtonSelector = '.node-management-panel .btn-sorters',
filtersButtonSelector = '.node-management-panel .btn-filters';
var common, clusterPage, dashboardPage, clusterName;
var searchButtonSelector = '.node-management-panel .btn-search';
var sortingButtonSelector = '.node-management-panel .btn-sorters';
var filtersButtonSelector = '.node-management-panel .btn-filters';
return {
name: 'Node management panel on cluster nodes page: search, sorting, filtering',
@ -98,10 +95,10 @@ define([
.assertElementExists(searchButtonSelector, 'Empty search control is closed when clicking outside the input');
'Test node list sorting': function() {
var activeSortersPanelSelector = '.active-sorters',
moreControlSelector = '.sorters .more-control',
self = this;
var activeSortersPanelSelector = '.active-sorters';
var moreControlSelector = '.sorters .more-control';
var firstNodeName;
var self = this;
return this.remote
.assertElementExists(activeSortersPanelSelector, 'Active sorters panel is shown if there are nodes in cluster')
.assertElementNotExists(activeSortersPanelSelector + '.btn-reset-sorting', 'Default sorting can not be reset from active sorters panel')
@ -144,8 +141,8 @@ define([
'Test node list filtering': function() {
var activeFiltersPanelSelector = '.active-filters',
moreControlSelector = '.filters .more-control';
var activeFiltersPanelSelector = '.active-filters';
var moreControlSelector = '.filters .more-control';
return this.remote
.assertElementNotExists(activeFiltersPanelSelector, 'Environment has no active filters by default')

View File

@ -26,12 +26,8 @@ define([
'use strict';
registerSuite(function() {
var common,
nodeNewName = 'Node new name';
var common, node, modal, clusterPage, clusterName;
var nodeNewName = 'Node new name';
return {
name: 'Node view tests',

View File

@ -25,12 +25,9 @@ define([
'use strict';
registerSuite(function() {
var common,
clusterName = 'Plugin UI tests',
zabbixSectionSelector = '.setting-section-zabbix_monitoring ';
var common, clusterPage, settingsPage, dashboardPage;
var clusterName = 'Plugin UI tests';
var zabbixSectionSelector = '.setting-section-zabbix_monitoring ';
return {
name: 'Plugin UI tests',
@ -62,9 +59,8 @@ define([
'Check plugin in not deployed environment': function() {
var self = this,
var self = this;
var zabbixInitialVersion, zabbixTextInputValue;
return this.remote
.assertElementEnabled(zabbixSectionSelector + 'h3 input[type=checkbox]', 'Plugin is changeable')
.assertElementNotSelected(zabbixSectionSelector + 'h3 input[type=checkbox]', 'Plugin is not actvated')
@ -104,8 +100,8 @@ define([
'Check plugin in deployed environment': function() {
this.timeout = 100000;
var self = this,
var self = this;
var zabbixInitialVersion;
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return common.addNodesToCluster(1, ['Controller']);

View File

@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ suite('File Control', () => {
test('File fetching', () => {
var readMethod = sinon.mock(),
readerObject = {
readAsBinaryString: readMethod,
result: 'File contents'
saveMethod = sinon.spy(input, 'saveFile');
var readMethod = sinon.mock();
var readerObject = {
readAsBinaryString: readMethod,
result: 'File contents'
var saveMethod = sinon.spy(input, 'saveFile');
window.FileReader = () => readerObject;
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ suite('File Control', () => {
test('File saving', () => {
var setState = sinon.spy(input, 'setState'),
dummyName = 'dummy.ext',
dummyContent = 'Lorem ipsum dolores';
var setState = sinon.spy(input, 'setState');
var dummyName = 'dummy.ext';
var dummyContent = 'Lorem ipsum dolores';
input.saveFile(dummyName, dummyContent);
assert.deepEqual(setState.args[0][0], {

View File

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import models from 'models';
suite('Test models', () => {
suite('Test Task model', () => {
test('Test extendStatuses method', () => {
var task = new models.Task(),
filters, result;
var task = new models.Task();
var filters, result;
filters = {status: []};
result = ['running', 'pending', 'ready', 'error'];
@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ suite('Test models', () => {
test('Test extendGroups method', () => {
var task = new models.Task(),
allTaskNames = _.flatten(_.values(task.groups)),
filters, result;
var task = new models.Task();
var allTaskNames = _.flatten(_.values(task.groups));
var filters, result;
filters = {name: []};
result = allTaskNames;

View File

@ -15,21 +15,18 @@
import OffloadingModes from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/nodes_tab_screens/offloading_modes_control';
var offloadingModesConrol,
fakeInterface = {
offloading_modes: fakeOffloadingModes,
get(key) {
assert.equal(key, 'offloading_modes', '"offloading_modes" interface property should be used to get data');
return fakeOffloadingModes;
set(key, value) {
assert.equal(key, 'offloading_modes', '"offloading_modes" interface property should be used to set data');
fakeOffloadingModes = value;
var offloadingModesConrol, TestMode22, TestMode31, fakeOffloadingModes;
var fakeInterface = {
offloading_modes: fakeOffloadingModes,
get(key) {
assert.equal(key, 'offloading_modes', '"offloading_modes" interface property should be used to get data');
return fakeOffloadingModes;
set(key, value) {
assert.equal(key, 'offloading_modes', '"offloading_modes" interface property should be used to set data');
fakeOffloadingModes = value;
suite('Offloadning Modes control', () => {
setup(() => {

View File

@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ var utils = {
return _.object( || '').split(';'), (option) => option.split(':')));
getNodeListFromTabOptions(options) {
var nodeIds = utils.deserializeTabOptions(options.screenOptions[0]).nodes,
ids = nodeIds ? nodeIds.split(',').map((id) => parseInt(id, 10)) : [],
nodes = new models.Nodes(options.cluster.get('nodes').getByIds(ids));
var nodeIds = utils.deserializeTabOptions(options.screenOptions[0]).nodes;
var ids = nodeIds ? nodeIds.split(',').map((id) => parseInt(id, 10)) : [];
var nodes = new models.Nodes(options.cluster.get('nodes').getByIds(ids));
if (nodes.length == ids.length) return nodes;
renderMultilineText(text) {
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ var utils = {
return modelPath;
evaluateExpression(expression, models, options) {
var compiledExpression = new Expression(expression, models, options),
value = compiledExpression.evaluate();
var compiledExpression = new Expression(expression, models, options);
var value = compiledExpression.evaluate();
return {
value: value,
modelPaths: compiledExpression.modelPaths
@ -120,7 +120,8 @@ var utils = {
var base = 1024;
treshold = treshold || 256;
var units = ['byte', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb'];
var i, result, unit = 'tb';
var i, result;
var unit = 'tb';
for (i = 0; i < units.length; i += 1) {
result = bytes / Math.pow(base, i);
if (result < treshold) {
@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ var utils = {
validateCidr(cidr, field) {
field = field || 'cidr';
var error = {}, match;
var error = {};
var match;
if (_.isString(cidr)) {
match = cidr.match(utils.regexes.cidr);
if (match) {
@ -184,8 +186,8 @@ var utils = {
return _.isString(ip) && !!ip.match(utils.regexes.ip);
validateIPRanges(ranges, cidr, existingRanges = [], warnings = {}) {
var ipRangesErrors = [],
ns = 'cluster_page.network_tab.validation.';
var ipRangesErrors = [];
var ns = 'cluster_page.network_tab.validation.';
_.defaults(warnings, {
INVALID_IP: i18n(ns + 'invalid_ip'),
DOES_NOT_MATCH_CIDR: i18n(ns + 'ip_does_not_match_cidr'),
@ -239,14 +241,14 @@ var utils = {
return ipRangesErrors;
checkIPRangesIntersection([startIP, endIP], existingRanges) {
var startIPInt = IP.toLong(startIP),
endIPInt = IP.toLong(endIP);
var startIPInt = IP.toLong(startIP);
var endIPInt = IP.toLong(endIP);
return _.find(existingRanges, ([ip1, ip2]) => IP.toLong(ip2) >= startIPInt && IP.toLong(ip1) <= endIPInt);
validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(cidr, ip) {
if (!cidr) return true;
var networkData = IP.cidrSubnet(cidr),
ipInt = IP.toLong(ip);
var networkData = IP.cidrSubnet(cidr);
var ipInt = IP.toLong(ip);
return ipInt >= IP.toLong(networkData.firstAddress) && ipInt <= IP.toLong(networkData.lastAddress);
validateVlanRange(vlanStart, vlanEnd, vlan) {
@ -309,8 +311,8 @@ var utils = {
var attr = options.attr;
return _.isFunction(model[attr]) ? model[attr]() : model.get(attr);
var value1 = getValue(model1),
value2 = getValue(model2);
var value1 = getValue(model1);
var value2 = getValue(model2);
if (_.isString(value1) && _.isString(value2)) {
return utils.natsort(value1, value2, options);
@ -323,9 +325,9 @@ var utils = {
return options.desc ? -result : result;
composeDocumentationLink(link) {
var isMirantisIso = _.contains(app.version.get('feature_groups'), 'mirantis'),
release = app.version.get('release'),
linkStart = isMirantisIso ? '' :
var isMirantisIso = _.contains(app.version.get('feature_groups'), 'mirantis');
var release = app.version.get('release');
var linkStart = isMirantisIso ? '' :
return linkStart + release + '/' + link;

View File

@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ var CapacityPage = React.createClass({
var LicenseUsage = React.createClass({
render() {
var capacityReport = this.props.capacityLog.get('report'),
tableClassName = 'capacity-audit-table',
headClassName = 'name';
var capacityReport = this.props.capacityLog.get('report');
var tableClassName = 'capacity-audit-table';
var headClassName = 'name';
return (

View File

@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ var ClusterPage = React.createClass({
statics: {
navbarActiveElement: 'clusters',
breadcrumbsPath(pageOptions) {
var cluster = pageOptions.cluster,
tabOptions = pageOptions.tabOptions[0],
addScreenBreadcrumb = tabOptions && tabOptions.match(/^(?!list$)\w+$/),
breadcrumbs = [
['home', '#'],
['environments', '#clusters'],
[cluster.get('name'), '#cluster/' + cluster.get('id'), {skipTranslation: true}],
[i18n('cluster_page.tabs.' + pageOptions.activeTab), '#cluster/' + cluster.get('id') + '/' + pageOptions.activeTab, {active: !addScreenBreadcrumb}]
var cluster = pageOptions.cluster;
var tabOptions = pageOptions.tabOptions[0];
var addScreenBreadcrumb = tabOptions && tabOptions.match(/^(?!list$)\w+$/);
var breadcrumbs = [
['home', '#'],
['environments', '#clusters'],
[cluster.get('name'), '#cluster/' + cluster.get('id'), {skipTranslation: true}],
[i18n('cluster_page.tabs.' + pageOptions.activeTab), '#cluster/' + cluster.get('id') + '/' + pageOptions.activeTab, {active: !addScreenBreadcrumb}]
if (addScreenBreadcrumb) {
breadcrumbs.push([i18n('cluster_page.nodes_tab.breadcrumbs.' + tabOptions), null, {active: true}]);
@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ var ClusterPage = React.createClass({
render() {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
availableTabs = this.getAvailableTabs(cluster),
tabUrls = _.pluck(availableTabs, 'url'),
tab = _.find(availableTabs, {url: this.props.activeTab});
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var availableTabs = this.getAvailableTabs(cluster);
var tabUrls = _.pluck(availableTabs, 'url');
var tab = _.find(availableTabs, {url: this.props.activeTab});
if (!tab) return null;
var Tab =;

View File

@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ var DashboardTab = React.createClass({
return this.props.cluster.get('nodes').fetch();
render() {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
nodes = cluster.get('nodes'),
release = cluster.get('release'),
runningDeploymentTask = cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true});
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var nodes = cluster.get('nodes');
var release = cluster.get('release');
var runningDeploymentTask = cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true});
var dashboardLinks = [{
url: '/',
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ var DashboardLink = React.createClass({
return 'http://' + this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration').get('public_vip') + url;
render() {
var isSSLEnabled = this.props.cluster.get('settings').get('public_ssl.horizon.value'),
isURLRelative = !(/^(?:https?:)?\/\//.test(this.props.url)),
url = isURLRelative ? this.processRelativeURL(this.props.url) : this.props.url;
var isSSLEnabled = this.props.cluster.get('settings').get('public_ssl.horizon.value');
var isURLRelative = !(/^(?:https?:)?\/\//.test(this.props.url));
var url = isURLRelative ? this.processRelativeURL(this.props.url) : this.props.url;
return (
<div className={'link-block ' + this.props.className}>
<div className='title'>
@ -180,11 +180,11 @@ var DeploymentInProgressControl = React.createClass({{cluster: this.props.cluster});
render() {
var task = this.props.task,
taskName = task.get('name'),
isInfiniteTask = task.isInfinite(),
taskProgress = task.get('progress'),
showStopButton = task.match({name: 'deploy'});
var task = this.props.task;
var taskName = task.get('name');
var isInfiniteTask = task.isInfinite();
var taskProgress = task.get('progress');
var showStopButton = task.match({name: 'deploy'});
return (
<div className='row'>
<div className='dashboard-block clearfix'>
@ -236,17 +236,17 @@ var DeploymentResult = React.createClass({
render() {
var task = this.props.cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: false});
if (!task) return null;
var error = task.match({status: 'error'}),
delimited = task.escape('message').split('\n\n'),
summary = delimited.shift(),
details = delimited.join('\n\n'),
warning = task.match({name: ['reset_environment', 'stop_deployment']}),
classes = {
alert: true,
'alert-warning': warning,
'alert-danger': !warning && error,
'alert-success': !warning && !error
var error = task.match({status: 'error'});
var delimited = task.escape('message').split('\n\n');
var summary = delimited.shift();
var details = delimited.join('\n\n');
var warning = task.match({name: ['reset_environment', 'stop_deployment']});
var classes = {
alert: true,
'alert-warning': warning,
'alert-danger': !warning && error,
'alert-success': !warning && !error
return (
<div className={utils.classNames(classes)}>
<button className='close' onClick={this.dismissTaskResult}>&times;</button>
@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ var DeployReadinessBlock = React.createClass({
// check cluster settings
function(cluster) {
var configModels = this.getConfigModels(),
areSettingsInvalid = !cluster.get('settings').isValid({models: configModels});
var configModels = this.getConfigModels();
var areSettingsInvalid = !cluster.get('settings').isValid({models: configModels});
return areSettingsInvalid &&
{blocker: [
<span key='invalid_settings'>
@ -396,20 +396,20 @@ var DeployReadinessBlock = React.createClass({
// check node amount restrictions according to their roles
function(cluster) {
var configModels = this.getConfigModels(),
roleModels = cluster.get('roles'),
validRoleModels = roleModels.filter((role) => !role.checkRestrictions(configModels).result),
limitValidations = _.zipObject( => [role.get('name'), role.checkLimits(configModels, cluster.get('nodes'))])),
limitRecommendations = _.zipObject( => [role.get('name'), role.checkLimits(configModels, cluster.get('nodes'), true, ['recommended'])]));
var configModels = this.getConfigModels();
var roleModels = cluster.get('roles');
var validRoleModels = roleModels.filter((role) => !role.checkRestrictions(configModels).result);
var limitValidations = _.zipObject( => [role.get('name'), role.checkLimits(configModels, cluster.get('nodes'))]));
var limitRecommendations = _.zipObject( => [role.get('name'), role.checkLimits(configModels, cluster.get('nodes'), true, ['recommended'])]));
return {
blocker: => {
var name = role.get('name'),
limits = limitValidations[name];
var name = role.get('name');
var limits = limitValidations[name];
return limits && !limits.valid && limits.message;
warning: => {
var name = role.get('name'),
recommendation = limitRecommendations[name];
var name = role.get('name');
var recommendation = limitRecommendations[name];
return recommendation && !recommendation.valid && recommendation.message;
@ -417,19 +417,19 @@ var DeployReadinessBlock = React.createClass({
// check cluster network configuration
function(cluster) {
if (this.props.nodeNetworkGroups.where({cluster_id:}).length > 1) return null;
var networkVerificationTask = cluster.task('verify_networks'),
makeComponent = (text, isError) => {
var span = (
<span key='invalid_networks'>
{' ' + i18n(this.ns + 'get_more_info') + ' '}
<a href={'#cluster/' + + '/network'}>
{i18n(this.ns + 'networks_link')}
return isError ? {error: [span]} : {warning: [span]};
var networkVerificationTask = cluster.task('verify_networks');
var makeComponent = (text, isError) => {
var span = (
<span key='invalid_networks'>
{' ' + i18n(this.ns + 'get_more_info') + ' '}
<a href={'#cluster/' + + '/network'}>
{i18n(this.ns + 'networks_link')}
return isError ? {error: [span]} : {warning: [span]};
if (_.isUndefined(networkVerificationTask)) {
return makeComponent(i18n(this.ns + 'verification_not_performed'));
} else if (networkVerificationTask.match({status: 'error'})) {
@ -457,11 +457,11 @@ var DeployReadinessBlock = React.createClass({
render() {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
nodes = cluster.get('nodes'),
alerts = this.validate(cluster),
isDeploymentPossible = cluster.isDeploymentPossible() && !alerts.blocker.length,
isVMsProvisioningAvailable = nodes.any((node) => node.get('pending_addition') && node.hasRole('virt'));
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var nodes = cluster.get('nodes');
var alerts = this.validate(cluster);
var isDeploymentPossible = cluster.isDeploymentPossible() && !alerts.blocker.length;
var isVMsProvisioningAvailable = nodes.any((node) => node.get('pending_addition') && node.hasRole('virt'));
return (
<div className='row'>
@ -543,16 +543,16 @@ var WarningsBlock = React.createClass({
var ClusterInfo = React.createClass({
mixins: [renamingMixin('clustername')],
getClusterValue(fieldName) {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
settings = cluster.get('settings');
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var settings = cluster.get('settings');
switch (fieldName) {
case 'status':
return i18n('cluster.status.' + cluster.get('status'));
case 'openstack_release':
return cluster.get('release').get('name');
case 'compute':
var libvirtSettings = settings.get('common').libvirt_type,
computeLabel = _.find(libvirtSettings.values, {data: libvirtSettings.value}).label;
var libvirtSettings = settings.get('common').libvirt_type;
var computeLabel = _.find(libvirtSettings.values, {data: libvirtSettings.value}).label;
if (settings.get('common').use_vcenter.value) {
return computeLabel + ' ' + i18n(namespace + 'and_vcenter');
@ -596,10 +596,10 @@ var ClusterInfo = React.createClass({
renderClusterCapacity() {
var cores = 0,
hdds = 0,
ram = 0,
ns = namespace + 'cluster_info_fields.';
var cores = 0;
var hdds = 0;
var ram = 0;
var ns = namespace + 'cluster_info_fields.';
this.props.cluster.get('nodes').each((node) => {
cores += node.resource('ht_cores');
@ -681,10 +681,10 @@ var ClusterInfo = React.createClass({
return result;
renderStatistics() {
var hasNodes = !!this.props.cluster.get('nodes').length,
fieldRoles = _.union(['total'], this.props.cluster.get('roles').pluck('name')),
fieldStatuses = ['offline', 'error', 'pending_addition', 'pending_deletion', 'ready', 'provisioned',
'provisioning', 'deploying', 'removing'];
var hasNodes = !!this.props.cluster.get('nodes').length;
var fieldRoles = _.union(['total'], this.props.cluster.get('roles').pluck('name'));
var fieldStatuses = ['offline', 'error', 'pending_addition', 'pending_deletion', 'ready', 'provisioned',
'provisioning', 'deploying', 'removing'];
return (
<div className='row statistics-block'>
<div className='title'>{i18n(namespace + 'cluster_info_fields.statistics')}</div>
@ -791,8 +791,8 @@ var AddNodesButton = React.createClass({
var RenameEnvironmentAction = React.createClass({
applyAction(e) {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
name =;
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var name =;
if (name != cluster.get('name')) {
var deferred ={name: name}, {patch: true, wait: true});
if (deferred) {
@ -942,10 +942,10 @@ var DeleteEnvironmentAction = React.createClass({
var InstructionElement = React.createClass({
render() {
var link = utils.composeDocumentationLink(,
classes = {
instruction: true
var link = utils.composeDocumentationLink(;
var classes = {
instruction: true
classes[this.props.wrapperClass] = !!this.props.wrapperClass;
return (
<div className={utils.classNames(classes)}>

View File

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ var HealthCheckTab = React.createClass({
statics: {
fetchData(options) {
if (!options.cluster.get('ostf')) {
var ostf = {},
clusterId =;
var ostf = {};
var clusterId =;
ostf.testsets = new models.TestSets();
ostf.testsets.url = _.result(ostf.testsets, 'url') + '/' + clusterId;
ostf.tests = new models.Tests();
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ var HealthcheckTabContent = React.createClass({
this.setState({credentials: credentials});
runTests() {
var testruns = new models.TestRuns(),
oldTestruns = new models.TestRuns(),
testsetIds = this.props.testsets.pluck('id');
var testruns = new models.TestRuns();
var oldTestruns = new models.TestRuns();
var testsetIds = this.props.testsets.pluck('id');
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
_.each(testsetIds, (testsetId) => {
var testsToRun = _.pluck(this.props.tests.where({
@ -129,15 +129,15 @@ var HealthcheckTabContent = React.createClass({
checked: true
}), 'id');
if (testsToRun.length) {
var testrunConfig = {tests: testsToRun},
addCredentials = (obj) => {
obj.ostf_os_access_creds = {
ostf_os_username: this.state.credentials.user,
ostf_os_tenant_name: this.state.credentials.tenant,
ostf_os_password: this.state.credentials.password
return obj;
var testrunConfig = {tests: testsToRun};
var addCredentials = (obj) => {
obj.ostf_os_access_creds = {
ostf_os_username: this.state.credentials.user,
ostf_os_tenant_name: this.state.credentials.tenant,
ostf_os_password: this.state.credentials.password
return obj;
if (this.props.testruns.where({testset: testsetId}).length) {
_.each(this.props.testruns.where({testset: testsetId}), (testrun) => {
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ var HealthcheckTabContent = React.createClass({
render() {
var disabledState = this.isLocked(),
hasRunningTests = !!this.props.testruns.where({status: 'running'}).length;
var disabledState = this.isLocked();
var hasRunningTests = !!this.props.testruns.where({status: 'running'}).length;
return (
{!disabledState &&
@ -376,18 +376,18 @@ var Test = React.createClass({
this.props.test.set('checked', value);
render() {
var test = this.props.test,
result = this.props.result,
description = _.escape(_.trim(test.get('description'))),
status = this.props.status,
currentStatusClassName = 'text-center healthcheck-status healthcheck-status-' + status,
iconClasses = {
success: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok text-success',
failure: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger',
error: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger',
running: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh animate-spin',
wait_running: 'glyphicon glyphicon-time'
var test = this.props.test;
var result = this.props.result;
var description = _.escape(_.trim(test.get('description')));
var status = this.props.status;
var currentStatusClassName = 'text-center healthcheck-status healthcheck-status-' + status;
var iconClasses = {
success: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok text-success',
failure: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger',
error: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-danger',
running: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh animate-spin',
wait_running: 'glyphicon glyphicon-time'
return (

View File

@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ var LogsTab = React.createClass({
return && this.state.logsEntries;
fetchData() {
var request,
logsEntries = this.state.logsEntries,
from = this.state.from,
to =;
var request;
var logsEntries = this.state.logsEntries;
var from = this.state.from;
var to =;
request = this.fetchLogs({from: from, to: to})
.done((data) => {
@ -142,17 +142,17 @@ var LogFilterBar = React.createClass({
fetchSources(type, nodeId) {
var nodes = this.props.nodes,
chosenNodeId = nodeId || (nodes.length ? nodes.first().id : null);
var nodes = this.props.nodes;
var chosenNodeId = nodeId || (nodes.length ? nodes.first().id : null);
this.sources = new models.LogSources();
this.sources.deferred = (type == 'remote' && chosenNodeId) ?
this.sources.fetch({url: '/api/logs/sources/nodes/' + chosenNodeId})
this.sources.deferred.done(() => {
var filteredSources = this.sources.filter((source) => source.get('remote') == (type != 'local')),
chosenSource = _.findWhere(filteredSources, {id: this.state.source}) || _.first(filteredSources),
chosenLevelId = chosenSource ? _.contains(chosenSource.get('levels'), this.state.level) ? this.state.level : _.first(chosenSource.get('levels')) : null;
var filteredSources = this.sources.filter((source) => source.get('remote') == (type != 'local'));
var chosenSource = _.findWhere(filteredSources, {id: this.state.source}) || _.first(filteredSources);
var chosenLevelId = chosenSource ? _.contains(chosenSource.get('levels'), this.state.level) ? this.state.level : _.first(chosenSource.get('levels')) : null;
type: type,
sources: this.sources,
@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ var LogFilterBar = React.createClass({
onSourceChange(name, value) {
var levels = this.state.sources.get(value).get('levels'),
data = {locked: false, source: value};
var levels = this.state.sources.get(value).get('levels');
var data = {locked: false, source: value};
if (!_.contains(levels, this.state.level)) data.level = _.first(levels);
@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ var LogFilterBar = React.createClass({
}, this);
getRemoteSources() {
var options = {},
groups = [''],
sourcesByGroup = {'': []},
sources = this.state.sources;
var options = {};
var groups = [''];
var sourcesByGroup = {'': []};
var sources = this.state.sources;
if (sources.length) {
sources.each((source) => {
var group = source.get('group') || '';
@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ var LogFilterBar = React.createClass({
renderNodeSelect() {
var sortedNodes = this.props.nodes.models.sort(_.partialRight(, {attr: 'name'})),
nodeOptions = => {
return <option value={} key={}>{node.get('name') || node.get('mac')}</option>;
var sortedNodes = this.props.nodes.models.sort(_.partialRight(, {attr: 'name'}));
var nodeOptions = => {
return <option value={} key={}>{node.get('name') || node.get('mac')}</option>;
return <div className='col-md-2 col-sm-3'>
@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ var LogsTable = React.createClass({
render() {
var tabRows = [],
logsEntries = this.props.logsEntries;
var tabRows = [];
var logsEntries = this.props.logsEntries;
if (logsEntries && logsEntries.length) {
tabRows =, (entry, index) => {
var key = logsEntries.length - index;

View File

@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ import {Input, RadioGroup, Table} from 'views/controls';
import SettingSection from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/setting_section';
import CSSTransitionGroup from 'react-addons-transition-group';
var parametersNS = 'cluster_page.network_tab.networking_parameters.',
networkTabNS = 'cluster_page.network_tab.',
defaultNetworkSubtabs = ['neutron_l2', 'neutron_l3', 'network_settings', 'network_verification', 'nova_configuration'];
var parametersNS = 'cluster_page.network_tab.networking_parameters.';
var networkTabNS = 'cluster_page.network_tab.';
var defaultNetworkSubtabs = ['neutron_l2', 'neutron_l3', 'network_settings', 'network_verification', 'nova_configuration'];
var NetworkModelManipulationMixin = {
setValue(attribute, value, options) {
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ var NetworkModelManipulationMixin = {
var NetworkInputsMixin = {
composeProps(attribute, isRange, isInteger) {
var network =,
ns = network ? networkTabNS + 'network.' : parametersNS,
error = this.getError(attribute) || null;
var network =;
var ns = network ? networkTabNS + 'network.' : parametersNS;
var error = this.getError(attribute) || null;
// in case of verification error we need to pass an empty string to highlight the field only
// but not overwriting validation error
@ -149,15 +149,15 @@ var Range = React.createClass({
if (input.value) return;
if (_.isUndefined(error)) input.value = rangeStart;
if (input.setSelectionRange) {
var startPos = _.lastIndexOf(rangeStart, '.') + 1,
endPos = rangeStart.length;
var startPos = _.lastIndexOf(rangeStart, '.') + 1;
var endPos = rangeStart.length;
input.setSelectionRange(startPos, endPos);
onRangeChange(name, newValue, attribute, rowIndex) {
var model = this.getModel(),
valuesToSet = _.cloneDeep(model.get(attribute)),
valuesToModify = this.props.extendable ? valuesToSet[rowIndex] : valuesToSet;
var model = this.getModel();
var valuesToSet = _.cloneDeep(model.get(attribute));
var valuesToModify = this.props.extendable ? valuesToSet[rowIndex] : valuesToSet;
if (this.props.autoIncreaseWith) {
valuesToSet = newValue;
@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ var Range = React.createClass({
getRangeProps(isRangeEnd) {
var error = this.props.error || null,
attributeName =;
var error = this.props.error || null;
var attributeName =;
return {
type: 'text',
placeholder: error ? '' : this.props.placeholder,
@ -222,19 +222,19 @@ var Range = React.createClass({
render() {
var error = this.props.error || null,
attributeName =,
attribute = this.getModel().get(attributeName),
ranges = this.props.autoIncreaseWith ?
[attribute || 0, (attribute + this.props.autoIncreaseWith - 1 || 0)] :
wrapperClasses = {
'form-group range row': true,
[this.props.wrapperClassName]: this.props.wrapperClassName
verificationError = this.props.verificationError || null,
[startInputError, endInputError] = error || [];
var error = this.props.error || null;
var attributeName =;
var attribute = this.getModel().get(attributeName);
var ranges = this.props.autoIncreaseWith ?
[attribute || 0, (attribute + this.props.autoIncreaseWith - 1 || 0)] :
var wrapperClasses = {
'form-group range row': true,
[this.props.wrapperClassName]: this.props.wrapperClassName
var verificationError = this.props.verificationError || null;
var [startInputError, endInputError] = error || [];
wrapperClasses[this.props.wrapperClassName] = this.props.wrapperClassName;
return (
@ -406,8 +406,8 @@ var MultipleValuesInput = React.createClass({
onChange(attribute, value, index) {
var model = this.getModel(),
valueToSet = _.cloneDeep(model.get(attribute));
var model = this.getModel();
var valueToSet = _.cloneDeep(model.get(attribute));
valueToSet[index] = value;
this.setValue(attribute, valueToSet);
@ -450,8 +450,8 @@ var MultipleValuesInput = React.createClass({
render() {
var attributeName =,
values = this.props.value;
var attributeName =;
var values = this.props.value;
return (
<div className={'form-group row multiple-values ' + attributeName}>
<div className='col-xs-12'>
@ -607,9 +607,9 @@ var NetworkTab = React.createClass({
prepareIpRanges() {
var removeEmptyRanges = (ranges) => {
return _.filter(ranges, (range) => _.compact(range).length);
networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration');
return _.filter(ranges, (range) => _.compact(range).length);
var networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration');
networkConfiguration.get('networks').each((network) => {
if (network.get('meta').notation == 'ip_ranges') {
network.set({ip_ranges: removeEmptyRanges(network.get('ip_ranges'))});
@ -621,9 +621,9 @@ var NetworkTab = React.createClass({
onManagerChange(name, value) {
var networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration'),
networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters'),
fixedAmount = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters').get('fixed_networks_amount') || 1;
var networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration');
var networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters');
var fixedAmount = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters').get('fixed_networks_amount') || 1;
net_manager: value,
fixed_networks_amount: value == 'FlatDHCPManager' ? 1 : fixedAmount
@ -637,14 +637,14 @@ var NetworkTab = React.createClass({
dispatcher.trigger('networkConfigurationUpdated', this.startVerification);
startVerification() {
var networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration'),
task = new models.Task(),
options = {
method: 'PUT',
url: _.result(networkConfiguration, 'url') + '/verify',
data: JSON.stringify(networkConfiguration)
ns = networkTabNS + 'verify_networks.verification_error.';
var networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration');
var task = new models.Task();
var options = {
method: 'PUT',
url: _.result(networkConfiguration, 'url') + '/verify',
data: JSON.stringify(networkConfiguration)
var ns = networkTabNS + 'verify_networks.verification_error.';{}, options)
.fail((response) => {
@ -679,8 +679,8 @@ var NetworkTab = React.createClass({
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
var requests = [],
result = $.Deferred();
var requests = [];
var result = $.Deferred();
dispatcher.trigger('networkConfigurationUpdated', () => {
return Backbone.sync('update', this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration'))
@ -718,12 +718,12 @@ var NetworkTab = React.createClass({
if (this.isNetworkSettingsChanged()) {
// collecting data to save
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'),
dataToSave = this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges() ? settings.attributes :
_.pick(settings.attributes, (group) => (group.metadata || {}).always_editable);
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings');
var dataToSave = this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges() ? settings.attributes :
_.pick(settings.attributes, (group) => (group.metadata || {}).always_editable);
var options = {url: settings.url, patch: true, wait: true, validate: false},
deferred = new models.Settings(_.cloneDeep(dataToSave)).save(null, options);
var options = {url: settings.url, patch: true, wait: true, validate: false};
var deferred = new models.Settings(_.cloneDeep(dataToSave)).save(null, options);
if (deferred) {
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
@ -782,8 +782,8 @@ var NetworkTab = React.createClass({
getVerificationErrors() {
var task = this.state.hideVerificationResult ? null : this.props.cluster.task({group: 'network', status: 'error'}),
fieldsWithVerificationErrors = [];
var task = this.state.hideVerificationResult ? null : this.props.cluster.task({group: 'network', status: 'error'});
var fieldsWithVerificationErrors = [];
// @TODO(morale): soon response format will be changed and this part should be rewritten
if (task && task.get('result').length) {
_.each(task.get('result'), (verificationError) => {
@ -842,53 +842,53 @@ var NetworkTab = React.createClass({
render() {
var isLocked = this.isLocked(),
hasChanges = this.hasChanges(),
{activeNetworkSectionName, cluster} = this.props,
networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration'),
networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters'),
manager = networkingParameters.get('net_manager'),
managers = [
label: i18n(networkTabNS + 'flatdhcp_manager'),
data: 'FlatDHCPManager',
checked: manager == 'FlatDHCPManager',
disabled: isLocked
label: i18n(networkTabNS + 'vlan_manager'),
data: 'VlanManager',
checked: manager == 'VlanManager',
disabled: isLocked
classes = {
row: true,
'changes-locked': isLocked
var isLocked = this.isLocked();
var hasChanges = this.hasChanges();
var {activeNetworkSectionName, cluster} = this.props;
var networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration');
var networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters');
var manager = networkingParameters.get('net_manager');
var managers = [
label: i18n(networkTabNS + 'flatdhcp_manager'),
data: 'FlatDHCPManager',
checked: manager == 'FlatDHCPManager',
disabled: isLocked
nodeNetworkGroups = this.nodeNetworkGroups = new models.NodeNetworkGroups(this.props.nodeNetworkGroups.where({cluster_id:})),
isNovaEnvironment = cluster.get('net_provider') == 'nova_network',
networks = networkConfiguration.get('networks'),
isMultiRack = nodeNetworkGroups.length > 1,
networkVerifyTask = cluster.task('verify_networks'),
networkCheckTask = cluster.task('check_networks');
label: i18n(networkTabNS + 'vlan_manager'),
data: 'VlanManager',
checked: manager == 'VlanManager',
disabled: isLocked
var classes = {
row: true,
'changes-locked': isLocked
var nodeNetworkGroups = this.nodeNetworkGroups = new models.NodeNetworkGroups(this.props.nodeNetworkGroups.where({cluster_id:}));
var isNovaEnvironment = cluster.get('net_provider') == 'nova_network';
var networks = networkConfiguration.get('networks');
var isMultiRack = nodeNetworkGroups.length > 1;
var networkVerifyTask = cluster.task('verify_networks');
var networkCheckTask = cluster.task('check_networks');
var {validationError} = networkConfiguration,
notEnoughOnlineNodesForVerification = cluster.get('nodes').where({online: true}).length < 2,
isVerificationDisabled = validationError ||
this.state.actionInProgress ||
!!cluster.task({group: ['deployment', 'network'], active: true}) ||
isMultiRack ||
var {validationError} = networkConfiguration;
var notEnoughOnlineNodesForVerification = cluster.get('nodes').where({online: true}).length < 2;
var isVerificationDisabled = validationError ||
this.state.actionInProgress ||
!!cluster.task({group: ['deployment', 'network'], active: true}) ||
isMultiRack ||
var currentNodeNetworkGroup = nodeNetworkGroups.findWhere({name: activeNetworkSectionName}),
nodeNetworkGroupProps = {
cluster: cluster,
locked: isLocked,
actionInProgress: this.state.actionInProgress,
verificationErrors: this.getVerificationErrors(),
validationError: validationError
var currentNodeNetworkGroup = nodeNetworkGroups.findWhere({name: activeNetworkSectionName});
var nodeNetworkGroupProps = {
cluster: cluster,
locked: isLocked,
actionInProgress: this.state.actionInProgress,
verificationErrors: this.getVerificationErrors(),
validationError: validationError
return (
<div className={utils.classNames(classes)}>
@ -1043,16 +1043,16 @@ var NodeNetworkGroup = React.createClass({
var NetworkSubtabs = React.createClass({
renderClickablePills(sections, isNetworkGroupPill) {
var {cluster, nodeNetworkGroups, validationError} = this.props,
isNovaEnvironment = cluster.get('net_provider') == 'nova_network';
var {cluster, nodeNetworkGroups, validationError} = this.props;
var isNovaEnvironment = cluster.get('net_provider') == 'nova_network';
var networkParametersErrors = (validationError || {}).networking_parameters,
networksErrors = (validationError || {}).networks;
var networkParametersErrors = (validationError || {}).networking_parameters;
var networksErrors = (validationError || {}).networks;
return ( => {
var tabLabel = groupName,
isActive = groupName == this.props.activeGroupName,
var tabLabel = groupName;
var isActive = groupName == this.props.activeGroupName;
var isInvalid;
// is one of predefined sections selected (networking_parameters)
if (groupName == 'neutron_l2') {
@ -1103,9 +1103,9 @@ var NetworkSubtabs = React.createClass({
render() {
var {nodeNetworkGroups} = this.props,
settingsSections = [],
nodeGroupSections = nodeNetworkGroups.pluck('name');
var {nodeNetworkGroups} = this.props;
var settingsSections = [];
var nodeGroupSections = nodeNetworkGroups.pluck('name');
if (this.props.cluster.get('net_provider') == 'nova_network') {
@ -1151,9 +1151,9 @@ var NodeNetworkGroupTitle = React.createClass({
this.setState({nodeNetworkGroupNameChangingError: null});
if (e.key == 'Enter') {
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
var element = this.refs['node-group-title-input'].getInputDOMNode(),
newName = _.trim(element.value),
currentNodeNetworkGroup = this.props.currentNodeNetworkGroup;
var element = this.refs['node-group-title-input'].getInputDOMNode();
var newName = _.trim(element.value);
var currentNodeNetworkGroup = this.props.currentNodeNetworkGroup;
if (newName != currentNodeNetworkGroup.get('name')) {
var validationError = currentNodeNetworkGroup.validate({name: newName});
@ -1191,11 +1191,11 @@ var NodeNetworkGroupTitle = React.createClass({
render() {
var {currentNodeNetworkGroup, isRenamingPossible, isDeletionPossible} = this.props,
classes = {
'network-group-name': true,
'no-rename': !isRenamingPossible
var {currentNodeNetworkGroup, isRenamingPossible, isDeletionPossible} = this.props;
var classes = {
'network-group-name': true,
'no-rename': !isRenamingPossible
return (
<div className={utils.classNames(classes)} key={}>
{this.state.isRenaming ?
@ -1252,8 +1252,8 @@ var Network = React.createClass({
var networkName ='name');
var ipRangeProps = this.composeProps('ip_ranges', true),
gatewayProps = this.composeProps('gateway');
var ipRangeProps = this.composeProps('ip_ranges', true);
var gatewayProps = this.composeProps('gateway');
return (
<div className={'forms-box ' + networkName}>
<h3 className='networks'>{i18n('network.' + networkName)}</h3>
@ -1298,10 +1298,10 @@ var NovaParameters = React.createClass({
render() {
var networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration'),
networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters'),
manager = networkingParameters.get('net_manager'),
fixedNetworkSizeValues =, 12), _.partial(Math.pow, 2));
var networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration');
var networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters');
var manager = networkingParameters.get('net_manager');
var fixedNetworkSizeValues =, 12), _.partial(Math.pow, 2));
return (
<div className='forms-box nova-config' key='nova-config'>
<h3 className='networks'>{i18n(parametersNS + 'nova_configuration')}</h3>
@ -1355,8 +1355,8 @@ var NetworkingL2Parameters = React.createClass({
render() {
var networkParameters = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration').get('networking_parameters'),
idRangePrefix = networkParameters.get('segmentation_type') == 'vlan' ? 'vlan' : 'gre_id';
var networkParameters = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration').get('networking_parameters');
var idRangePrefix = networkParameters.get('segmentation_type') == 'vlan' ? 'vlan' : 'gre_id';
return (
<div className='forms-box' key='neutron-l2'>
<h3 className='networks'>{i18n(parametersNS + 'l2_configuration')}</h3>
@ -1442,8 +1442,8 @@ var NetworkingL3Parameters = React.createClass({
var NetworkSettings = React.createClass({
onChange(groupName, settingName, value) {
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'),
name = settings.makePath(groupName, settingName, settings.getValueAttribute(settingName));
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings');
var name = settings.makePath(groupName, settingName, settings.getValueAttribute(settingName));
this.props.settingsForChecks.set(name, value);
// FIXME: the following hacks cause we can't pass {validate: true} option to set method
// this form of validation isn't supported in Backbone DeepModel
@ -1455,11 +1455,11 @@ var NetworkSettings = React.createClass({
return this.props.cluster.get('settings').checkRestrictions(this.props.configModels, action, setting);
render() {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
settings = cluster.get('settings'),
locked = this.props.locked || !!cluster.task({group: ['deployment', 'network'], active: true}),
lockedCluster = !cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges(),
allocatedRoles = _.uniq(_.flatten(_.union(cluster.get('nodes').pluck('roles'), cluster.get('nodes').pluck('pending_roles'))));
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var settings = cluster.get('settings');
var locked = this.props.locked || !!cluster.task({group: ['deployment', 'network'], active: true});
var lockedCluster = !cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges();
var allocatedRoles = _.uniq(_.flatten(_.union(cluster.get('nodes').pluck('roles'), cluster.get('nodes').pluck('pending_roles'))));
return (
<div className='forms-box network'>
@ -1477,15 +1477,15 @@ var NetworkSettings = React.createClass({
(sectionName) => {
var section = settings.get(sectionName),
settingsToDisplay = _.compact(, (setting, settingName) => {
if (
( || == 'network') &&
settingName != 'metadata' &&
setting.type != 'hidden' &&
!this.checkRestrictions('hide', setting).result
) return settingName;
var section = settings.get(sectionName);
var settingsToDisplay = _.compact(, (setting, settingName) => {
if (
( || == 'network') &&
settingName != 'metadata' &&
setting.type != 'hidden' &&
!this.checkRestrictions('hide', setting).result
) return settingName;
if (_.isEmpty(settingsToDisplay) && !settings.isPlugin(section)) return null;
return <SettingSection
{... _.pick(this.props, 'cluster', 'initialAttributes', 'settingsForChecks', 'configModels')}
@ -1518,8 +1518,8 @@ var NetworkVerificationResult = React.createClass({
return 'success';
render() {
var task = this.props.task,
ns = networkTabNS + 'verify_networks.';
var task = this.props.task;
var ns = networkTabNS + 'verify_networks.';
if (this.props.hideVerificationResult) task = null;
return (

View File

@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ var NodesTab = React.createClass({
componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
var screen = this.getScreen(newProps);
if (this.state.screen != screen && this.checkScreenExists(screen)) {
var screenOptions = this.getScreenOptions(newProps),
newState = {
screen: screen,
screenOptions: screenOptions,
screenData: {}
var screenOptions = this.getScreenOptions(newProps);
var newState = {
screen: screen,
screenOptions: screenOptions,
screenData: {}
if (this.shouldScreenDataBeLoaded(screen)) {
this.setState(_.extend(newState, {loading: true}));
this.loadScreenData(screen, screenOptions);

View File

@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ var EditNodeDisksScreen = React.createClass({
getDiskMetaData(disk) {
var result,
disksMetaData ='meta').disks;
var result;
var disksMetaData ='meta').disks;
// try to find disk metadata by matching "extra" field
// if at least one entry presents both in disk and metadata entry,
// this metadata entry is for our disk
@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ var EditNodeDisksScreen = React.createClass({
return result;
getVolumesInfo(disk) {
var volumes = {},
unallocatedWidth = 100;
var volumes = {};
var unallocatedWidth = 100;
disk.get('volumes').each((volume) => {
var size = volume.get('size') || 0,
width = this.getVolumeWidth(disk, size),
name = volume.get('name');
var size = volume.get('size') || 0;
var width = this.getVolumeWidth(disk, size);
var name = volume.get('name');
unallocatedWidth -= width;
volumes[name] = {
size: size,
@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ var EditNodeDisksScreen = React.createClass({
return !this.state.actionInProgress && this.hasChanges() && !this.hasErrors();
render() {
var hasChanges = this.hasChanges(),
locked = this.isLocked(),
loadDefaultsDisabled = !!this.state.actionInProgress,
revertChangesDisabled = !!this.state.actionInProgress || !hasChanges;
var hasChanges = this.hasChanges();
var locked = this.isLocked();
var loadDefaultsDisabled = !!this.state.actionInProgress;
var revertChangesDisabled = !!this.state.actionInProgress || !hasChanges;
return (
<div className='edit-node-disks-screen'>
<div className='row'>
@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ var NodeDisk = React.createClass({
.on('', this.setState.bind(this, {collapsed: false}, null));
updateDisk(name, value) {
var size = parseInt(value, 10) || 0,
volumeInfo = this.props.volumesInfo[name];
var size = parseInt(value, 10) || 0;
var volumeInfo = this.props.volumesInfo[name];
if (size > volumeInfo.max) {
size = volumeInfo.max;
@ -232,15 +232,15 @@ var NodeDisk = React.createClass({
render() {
var disk = this.props.disk,
volumesInfo = this.props.volumesInfo,
diskMetaData = this.props.diskMetaData,
requiredDiskSize = _.sum(disk.get('volumes').map((volume) => {
return volume.getMinimalSize(this.props.volumes.findWhere({name: volume.get('name')}).get('min_size'));
diskError = disk.get('size') < requiredDiskSize,
sortOrder = ['name', 'model', 'size'],
ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.configure_disks.';
var disk = this.props.disk;
var volumesInfo = this.props.volumesInfo;
var diskMetaData = this.props.diskMetaData;
var requiredDiskSize = _.sum(disk.get('volumes').map((volume) => {
return volume.getMinimalSize(this.props.volumes.findWhere({name: volume.get('name')}).get('min_size'));
var diskError = disk.get('size') < requiredDiskSize;
var sortOrder = ['name', 'model', 'size'];
var ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.configure_disks.';
return (
<div className='col-xs-12 disk-box' data-disk={} key={this.props.key}>
@ -308,11 +308,11 @@ var NodeDisk = React.createClass({
<h5>{i18n(ns + 'volume_groups')}</h5>
<div className='form-horizontal disk-utility-box'>
{, index) => {
var volumeName = volume.get('name'),
value = volumesInfo[volumeName].size,
currentMaxSize = volumesInfo[volumeName].max,
currentMinSize = _.max([volumesInfo[volumeName].min, 0]),
validationError = volumesInfo[volumeName].error;
var volumeName = volume.get('name');
var value = volumesInfo[volumeName].size;
var currentMaxSize = volumesInfo[volumeName].max;
var currentMinSize = _.max([volumesInfo[volumeName].min, 0]);
var validationError = volumesInfo[volumeName].error;
var props = {
name: volumeName,

View File

@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
statics: {
fetchData(options) {
var cluster = options.cluster,
nodes = utils.getNodeListFromTabOptions(options);
var cluster = options.cluster;
var nodes = utils.getNodeListFromTabOptions(options);
if (!nodes || !nodes.areInterfacesConfigurable()) {
return $.Deferred().reject();
var networkConfiguration = cluster.get('networkConfiguration'),
networksMetadata = new models.ReleaseNetworkProperties();
var networkConfiguration = cluster.get('networkConfiguration');
var networksMetadata = new models.ReleaseNetworkProperties();
return $.when( => {
node.interfaces = new models.Interfaces();
@ -143,13 +143,13 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
applyChanges() {
if (!this.isSavingPossible()) return $.Deferred().reject();
var nodes = this.props.nodes,
interfaces = this.props.interfaces,
bonds = interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.isBond()),
bondsByName = bonds.reduce((result, bond) => {
result[bond.get('name')] = bond;
return result;
}, {});
var nodes = this.props.nodes;
var interfaces = this.props.interfaces;
var bonds = interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.isBond());
var bondsByName = bonds.reduce((result, bond) => {
result[bond.get('name')] = bond;
return result;
}, {});
// bonding map contains indexes of slave interfaces
// it is needed to build the same configuration for all the nodes
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
// determining slaves using bonding map
_.each(nodeBonds, (bond, bondIndex) => {
var slaveIndexes = bondingMap[bondIndex],
slaveInterfaces =,, node.interfaces);
var slaveIndexes = bondingMap[bondIndex];
var slaveInterfaces =,, node.interfaces);
bond.set({slaves: _.invoke(slaveInterfaces, 'pick', 'name')});
@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
bondInterfaces() {
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
var interfaces = this.props.interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && !ifc.isBond()),
bonds = this.props.interfaces.find((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && ifc.isBond()),
bondingProperties =;
var interfaces = this.props.interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && !ifc.isBond());
var bonds = this.props.interfaces.find((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && ifc.isBond());
var bondingProperties =;
if (!bonds) {
// if no bond selected - create new one
@ -297,14 +297,14 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
this.setState({actionInProgress: false});
removeInterfaceFromBond(bondName, slaveInterfaceName) {
var networks = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration').get('networks'),
bond = this.props.interfaces.find({name: bondName}),
slaves = bond.get('slaves'),
bondHasUnmovableNetwork = bond.get('assigned_networks').any((interfaceNetwork) => {
return interfaceNetwork.getFullNetwork(networks).get('meta').unmovable;
slaveInterfaceNames = _.pluck(slaves, 'name'),
targetInterface = bond;
var networks = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration').get('networks');
var bond = this.props.interfaces.find({name: bondName});
var slaves = bond.get('slaves');
var bondHasUnmovableNetwork = bond.get('assigned_networks').any((interfaceNetwork) => {
return interfaceNetwork.getFullNetwork(networks).get('meta').unmovable;
var slaveInterfaceNames = _.pluck(slaves, 'name');
var targetInterface = bond;
// if PXE interface is being removed - place networks there
if (bondHasUnmovableNetwork) {
@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
// if slaveInterfaceName is set - remove it from slaves, otherwise remove all
if (slaveInterfaceName) {
var slavesUpdated = _.reject(slaves, {name: slaveInterfaceName}),
names = _.pluck(slavesUpdated, 'name'),
bondSlaveInterfaces = this.props.interfaces.filter((ifc) => _.contains(names, ifc.get('name')));
var slavesUpdated = _.reject(slaves, {name: slaveInterfaceName});
var names = _.pluck(slavesUpdated, 'name');
var bondSlaveInterfaces = this.props.interfaces.filter((ifc) => _.contains(names, ifc.get('name')));
slaves: slavesUpdated,
@ -349,11 +349,11 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
validate() {
var interfaceErrors = {},
networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration'),
networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters'),
networks = networkConfiguration.get('networks');
var interfaceErrors = {};
var validationResult;
var networkConfiguration = this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration');
var networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters');
var networks = networkConfiguration.get('networks');
if (!this.props.interfaces) {
@ -380,16 +380,16 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
return !_.chain(this.state.interfaceErrors).values().some().value() && !this.state.actionInProgress && this.hasChanges();
getIfcProperty(property) {
var {interfaces, nodes} = this.props,
bondsCount = interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.isBond()).length,
getPropertyValues = (ifcIndex) => {
return _.uniq( => {
var nodeBondsCount = node.interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.isBond()).length,
nodeInterface = + nodeBondsCount);
if (property == 'current_speed') return utils.showBandwidth(nodeInterface.get(property));
return nodeInterface.get(property);
var {interfaces, nodes} = this.props;
var bondsCount = interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.isBond()).length;
var getPropertyValues = (ifcIndex) => {
return _.uniq( => {
var nodeBondsCount = node.interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.isBond()).length;
var nodeInterface = + nodeBondsCount);
if (property == 'current_speed') return utils.showBandwidth(nodeInterface.get(property));
return nodeInterface.get(property);
return, index) => {
if (ifc.isBond()) {
@ -400,28 +400,28 @@ var EditNodeInterfacesScreen = React.createClass({
render() {
var nodes = this.props.nodes,
nodeNames = nodes.pluck('name'),
interfaces = this.props.interfaces,
locked = this.isLocked(),
bondingAvailable = this.bondingAvailable(),
configurationTemplateExists = this.configurationTemplateExists(),
checkedInterfaces = interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && !ifc.isBond()),
checkedBonds = interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && ifc.isBond()),
creatingNewBond = checkedInterfaces.length >= 2 && !checkedBonds.length,
addingInterfacesToExistingBond = !!checkedInterfaces.length && checkedBonds.length == 1,
bondingPossible = creatingNewBond || addingInterfacesToExistingBond,
unbondingPossible = !checkedInterfaces.length && !!checkedBonds.length,
hasChanges = this.hasChanges(),
slaveInterfaceNames = _.pluck(_.flatten(_.filter(interfaces.pluck('slaves'))), 'name'),
loadDefaultsEnabled = !this.state.actionInProgress,
revertChangesEnabled = !this.state.actionInProgress && hasChanges,
invalidSpeedsForBonding = bondingPossible && this.validateSpeedsForBonding(checkedBonds.concat(checkedInterfaces)) || interfaces.any((ifc) => {
return ifc.isBond() && this.validateSpeedsForBonding([ifc]);
var nodes = this.props.nodes;
var nodeNames = nodes.pluck('name');
var interfaces = this.props.interfaces;
var locked = this.isLocked();
var bondingAvailable = this.bondingAvailable();
var configurationTemplateExists = this.configurationTemplateExists();
var checkedInterfaces = interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && !ifc.isBond());
var checkedBonds = interfaces.filter((ifc) => ifc.get('checked') && ifc.isBond());
var creatingNewBond = checkedInterfaces.length >= 2 && !checkedBonds.length;
var addingInterfacesToExistingBond = !!checkedInterfaces.length && checkedBonds.length == 1;
var bondingPossible = creatingNewBond || addingInterfacesToExistingBond;
var unbondingPossible = !checkedInterfaces.length && !!checkedBonds.length;
var hasChanges = this.hasChanges();
var slaveInterfaceNames = _.pluck(_.flatten(_.filter(interfaces.pluck('slaves'))), 'name');
var loadDefaultsEnabled = !this.state.actionInProgress;
var revertChangesEnabled = !this.state.actionInProgress && hasChanges;
var invalidSpeedsForBonding = bondingPossible && this.validateSpeedsForBonding(checkedBonds.concat(checkedInterfaces)) || interfaces.any((ifc) => {
return ifc.isBond() && this.validateSpeedsForBonding([ifc]);
var interfaceSpeeds = this.getIfcProperty('current_speed'),
interfaceNames = this.getIfcProperty('name');
var interfaceSpeeds = this.getIfcProperty('current_speed');
var interfaceNames = this.getIfcProperty('name');
return (
<div className='row'>
<div className='title'>
@ -605,8 +605,8 @@ var NodeInterface = React.createClass({
toggleOffloading() {
var interfaceProperties = this.props.interface.get('interface_properties'),
name = 'disable_offloading';
var interfaceProperties = this.props.interface.get('interface_properties');
var name = 'disable_offloading';
this.onInterfacePropertiesChange(name, !interfaceProperties[name]);
onInterfacePropertiesChange(name, value) {
@ -622,27 +622,27 @@ var NodeInterface = React.createClass({
this.props.interface.set('interface_properties', interfaceProperties);
render() {
var ifc = this.props.interface,
cluster = this.props.cluster,
locked = this.props.locked,
availableBondingModes = ifc.isBond() ? this.getAvailableBondingModes() : [],
networkConfiguration = cluster.get('networkConfiguration'),
networks = networkConfiguration.get('networks'),
networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters'),
slaveInterfaces = ifc.getSlaveInterfaces(),
assignedNetworks = ifc.get('assigned_networks'),
connectionStatusClasses = (slave) => {
var slaveDown = slave.get('state') == 'down';
return {
'ifc-connection-status': true,
'ifc-online': !slaveDown,
'ifc-offline': slaveDown
bondProperties = ifc.get('bond_properties'),
interfaceProperties = ifc.get('interface_properties') || null,
offloadingModes = ifc.get('offloading_modes') || [],
bondingPossible = this.props.bondingAvailable && !locked;
var ifc = this.props.interface;
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var locked = this.props.locked;
var availableBondingModes = ifc.isBond() ? this.getAvailableBondingModes() : [];
var networkConfiguration = cluster.get('networkConfiguration');
var networks = networkConfiguration.get('networks');
var networkingParameters = networkConfiguration.get('networking_parameters');
var slaveInterfaces = ifc.getSlaveInterfaces();
var assignedNetworks = ifc.get('assigned_networks');
var connectionStatusClasses = (slave) => {
var slaveDown = slave.get('state') == 'down';
return {
'ifc-connection-status': true,
'ifc-online': !slaveDown,
'ifc-offline': slaveDown
var bondProperties = ifc.get('bond_properties');
var interfaceProperties = ifc.get('interface_properties') || null;
var offloadingModes = ifc.get('offloading_modes') || [];
var bondingPossible = this.props.bondingAvailable && !locked;
return this.props.connectDropTarget(
<div className='ifc-container'>
@ -823,15 +823,15 @@ var Network = React.createClass({
render() {
var network =,
interfaceNetwork = this.props.interfaceNetwork,
networkingParameters = this.props.networkingParameters,
classes = {
'network-block pull-left': true,
disabled: !this.constructor.source.canDrag(this.props),
dragging: this.props.isDragging
vlanRange = network.getVlanRange(networkingParameters);
var network =;
var interfaceNetwork = this.props.interfaceNetwork;
var networkingParameters = this.props.networkingParameters;
var classes = {
'network-block pull-left': true,
disabled: !this.constructor.source.canDrag(this.props),
dragging: this.props.isDragging
var vlanRange = network.getVlanRange(networkingParameters);
return this.props.connectDragSource(
<div className={utils.classNames(classes)}>

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ import NodeListScreen from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/nodes_tab_screens/node_list_
var EditNodesScreen = React.createClass({
statics: {
fetchData(options) {
var cluster = options.cluster,
nodes = utils.getNodeListFromTabOptions(options);
var cluster = options.cluster;
var nodes = utils.getNodeListFromTabOptions(options);
if (!nodes) {
return $.Deferred().reject();

View File

@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ var Node = React.createClass({
getNodeLogsLink() {
var status = this.props.node.get('status'),
error = this.props.node.get('error_type'),
options = {type: 'remote', node:};
var status = this.props.node.get('status');
var error = this.props.node.get('error_type');
var options = {type: 'remote', node:};
if (status == 'discover') {
options.source = 'bootstrap/messages';
} else if (status == 'provisioning' || status == 'provisioned' || (status == 'error' && error == 'provision')) {
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ var Node = React.createClass({
if (this.state.actionInProgress) return;
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
var node = new models.Node(this.props.node.attributes),
data = {pending_deletion: false};
var node = new models.Node(this.props.node.attributes);
var data = {pending_deletion: false};, {patch: true})
.done(() => {
this.props.cluster.fetchRelated('nodes').done(() => {
@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ var Node = React.createClass({
renderNodeHardwareSummary() {
var htCores = this.props.node.resource('ht_cores'),
hdd = this.props.node.resource('hdd'),
ram = this.props.node.resource('ram');
var htCores = this.props.node.resource('ht_cores');
var hdd = this.props.node.resource('hdd');
var ram = this.props.node.resource('ram');
return (
<div className='node-hardware'>
<span>{i18n('node_details.cpu')}: {this.props.node.resource('cores') || '0'} ({_.isUndefined(htCores) ? '?' : htCores})</span>
@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ var Node = React.createClass({
render() {
var ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.node.',
node = this.props.node,
isSelectable = node.isSelectable() && !this.props.locked && this.props.mode != 'edit',
status = node.getStatusSummary(),
roles = this.props.cluster ? node.sortedRoles(this.props.cluster.get('roles').pluck('name')) : [];
var ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.node.';
var node = this.props.node;
var isSelectable = node.isSelectable() && !this.props.locked && this.props.mode != 'edit';
var status = node.getStatusSummary();
var roles = this.props.cluster ? node.sortedRoles(this.props.cluster.get('roles').pluck('name')) : [];
// compose classes
var nodePanelClasses = {
@ -281,24 +281,24 @@ var Node = React.createClass({
nodePanelClasses[status] = status;
var manufacturer = node.get('manufacturer') || '',
logoClasses = {
'manufacturer-logo': true
var manufacturer = node.get('manufacturer') || '';
var logoClasses = {
'manufacturer-logo': true
logoClasses[manufacturer.toLowerCase()] = manufacturer;
var statusClasses = {
'node-status': true
statusClass = {
pending_addition: 'text-success',
pending_deletion: 'text-warning',
error: 'text-danger',
ready: 'text-info',
provisioning: 'text-info',
deploying: 'text-success',
provisioned: 'text-info'
'node-status': true
var statusClass = {
pending_addition: 'text-success',
pending_deletion: 'text-warning',
error: 'text-danger',
ready: 'text-info',
provisioning: 'text-info',
deploying: 'text-success',
provisioned: 'text-info'
statusClasses[statusClass] = true;
if (this.props.viewMode == 'compact') return (

View File

@ -103,16 +103,15 @@ NodeListScreen = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
nodes = this.props.nodes,
uiSettings = (cluster || this.props.fuelSettings).get('ui_settings');
var {cluster, nodes} = this.props;
var uiSettings = (cluster || this.props.fuelSettings).get('ui_settings');
var availableFilters = => {
var filter = new Filter(name, [], false);
filter.updateLimits(nodes, true);
return filter;
activeFilters = cluster && this.props.mode == 'add' ?
var filter = new Filter(name, [], false);
filter.updateLimits(nodes, true);
return filter;
var activeFilters = cluster && this.props.mode == 'add' ?
Filter.fromObject(this.props.defaultFilters, false)
@ -121,18 +120,18 @@ NodeListScreen = React.createClass({
_.invoke(activeFilters, 'updateLimits', nodes, false);
var availableSorters = => new Sorter(name, 'asc', false)),
activeSorters = cluster && this.props.mode == 'add' ?, _.partial(Sorter.fromObject, _, false))
_.union(, _.partial(Sorter.fromObject, _, false)),, _.partial(Sorter.fromObject, _, true))
var availableSorters = => new Sorter(name, 'asc', false));
var activeSorters = cluster && this.props.mode == 'add' ?, _.partial(Sorter.fromObject, _, false))
_.union(, _.partial(Sorter.fromObject, _, false)),, _.partial(Sorter.fromObject, _, true))
var search = cluster && this.props.mode == 'add' ? '' :,
viewMode = uiSettings.view_mode,
isLabelsPanelOpen = false;
var search = cluster && this.props.mode == 'add' ? '' :;
var viewMode = uiSettings.view_mode;
var isLabelsPanelOpen = false;
var states = {search, activeSorters, activeFilters, availableSorters, availableFilters, viewMode, isLabelsPanelOpen};
@ -140,9 +139,9 @@ NodeListScreen = React.createClass({
if (!cluster) return states;
// additonal Nodes tab states (Cluster page)
var roles = cluster.get('roles').pluck('name'),
selectedRoles = nodes.length ? _.filter(roles, (role) => !nodes.any((node) => !node.hasRole(role))) : [],
indeterminateRoles = nodes.length ? _.filter(roles, (role) => !_.contains(selectedRoles, role) && nodes.any((node) => node.hasRole(role))) : [];
var roles = cluster.get('roles').pluck('name');
var selectedRoles = nodes.length ? _.filter(roles, (role) => !nodes.any((node) => !node.hasRole(role))) : [];
var indeterminateRoles = nodes.length ? _.filter(roles, (role) => !_.contains(selectedRoles, role) && nodes.any((node) => node.hasRole(role))) : [];
var configModels = {
cluster: cluster,
@ -214,18 +213,18 @@ NodeListScreen = React.createClass({'change:pending_roles', this.checkRoleAssignment, this);
processRoleLimits() {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
maxNumberOfNodes = [],
processedRoleLimits = {};
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var maxNumberOfNodes = [];
var processedRoleLimits = {};
var selectedNodes = this.props.nodes.filter((node) => this.props.selectedNodeIds[]),
clusterNodes = this.props.cluster.get('nodes').filter((node) => !_.contains(this.props.selectedNodeIds,,
nodesForLimitCheck = new models.Nodes(_.union(selectedNodes, clusterNodes));
var selectedNodes = this.props.nodes.filter((node) => this.props.selectedNodeIds[]);
var clusterNodes = this.props.cluster.get('nodes').filter((node) => !_.contains(this.props.selectedNodeIds,;
var nodesForLimitCheck = new models.Nodes(_.union(selectedNodes, clusterNodes));
cluster.get('roles').each((role) => {
if ((role.get('limits') || {}).max) {
var roleName = role.get('name'),
isRoleAlreadyAssigned = nodesForLimitCheck.any((node) => node.hasRole(roleName));
var roleName = role.get('name');
var isRoleAlreadyAssigned = nodesForLimitCheck.any((node) => node.hasRole(roleName));
processedRoleLimits[roleName] = role.checkLimits(this.state.configModels, nodesForLimitCheck, !isRoleAlreadyAssigned, ['max']);
@ -305,8 +304,8 @@ NodeListScreen = React.createClass({
getFilterOptions(filter) {
if (filter.isLabel) {
var values = _.uniq(this.props.nodes.getLabelValues(,
ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.node_management_panel.';
var values = _.uniq(this.props.nodes.getLabelValues(;
var ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.node_management_panel.';
return => {
return {
name: value,
@ -395,8 +394,8 @@ NodeListScreen = React.createClass({
changeUISettings(newSettings) {
var uiSettings = (this.props.cluster || this.props.fuelSettings).get('ui_settings'),
options = {patch: true, wait: true, validate: false};
var uiSettings = (this.props.cluster || this.props.fuelSettings).get('ui_settings');
var options = {patch: true, wait: true, validate: false};
_.extend(uiSettings, newSettings);
if (this.props.cluster) {{ui_settings: uiSettings}, options);
@ -418,14 +417,14 @@ NodeListScreen = React.createClass({
return _.chain(this.props.nodes.pluck('labels')).flatten().map(_.keys).flatten().uniq().value();
render() {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
locked = !!cluster && !!cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true}),
nodes = this.props.nodes,
processedRoleData = cluster ? this.processRoleLimits() : {};
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var locked = !!cluster && !!cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true});
var nodes = this.props.nodes;
var processedRoleData = cluster ? this.processRoleLimits() : {};
// labels to manage in labels panel
var selectedNodes = new models.Nodes(this.props.nodes.filter((node) => this.props.selectedNodeIds[])),
selectedNodeLabels = _.chain(selectedNodes.pluck('labels')).flatten().map(_.keys).flatten().uniq().value();
var selectedNodes = new models.Nodes(this.props.nodes.filter((node) => this.props.selectedNodeIds[]));
var selectedNodeLabels = _.chain(selectedNodes.pluck('labels')).flatten().map(_.keys).flatten().uniq().value();
// filter nodes
var filteredNodes = nodes.filter((node) => {
@ -906,7 +905,8 @@ ManagementPanel = React.createClass({
render() {
var ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.node_management_panel.';
var disksConflict, interfaceConflict;
var disksConflict, interfaceConflict, inactiveSorters, canResetSorters,
inactiveFilters, appliedFilters;
if (this.props.mode == 'list' && this.props.nodes.length) {
disksConflict = !this.props.nodes.areDisksConfigurable();
interfaceConflict = !this.props.nodes.areInterfacesConfigurable();
@ -921,8 +921,6 @@ ManagementPanel = React.createClass({
return classes;
var inactiveSorters, canResetSorters;
var inactiveFilters, appliedFilters;
if (this.props.mode != 'edit') {
var checkSorter = (sorter, isLabel) => !_.any(this.props.activeSorters, {name:, isLabel: isLabel});
inactiveSorters = _.union(_.filter(this.props.availableSorters, _.partial(checkSorter, _, false)), _.filter(this.props.labelSorters, _.partial(checkSorter, _, true)))
@ -1277,8 +1275,8 @@ NodeLabelsPanel = React.createClass({
mixins: [unsavedChangesMixin],
getInitialState() {
var labels =, (label) => {
var labelValues = this.props.nodes.getLabelValues(label),
definedLabelValues = _.reject(labelValues, _.isUndefined);
var labelValues = this.props.nodes.getLabelValues(label);
var definedLabelValues = _.reject(labelValues, _.isUndefined);
return {
key: label,
values: _.uniq(definedLabelValues),
@ -1312,24 +1310,24 @@ NodeLabelsPanel = React.createClass({
this.setState({labels: labels});
changeLabelKey(index, oldKey, newKey) {
var labels = this.state.labels,
labelData = labels[index];
var labels = this.state.labels;
var labelData = labels[index];
labelData.key = newKey;
if (!labelData.indeterminate) labelData.checked = true;
this.setState({labels: labels});
changeLabelState(index, key, checked) {
var labels = this.state.labels,
labelData = labels[index];
var labels = this.state.labels;
var labelData = labels[index];
labelData.checked = checked;
labelData.indeterminate = false;
this.setState({labels: labels});
changeLabelValue(index, key, value) {
var labels = this.state.labels,
labelData = labels[index];
var labels = this.state.labels;
var labelData = labels[index];
labelData.values = [value || null];
if (!labelData.indeterminate) labelData.checked = true;
@ -1376,8 +1374,8 @@ NodeLabelsPanel = React.createClass({
delete nodeLabels[oldLabel];
var nodeHasLabel = !_.isUndefined(nodeLabels[oldLabel]),
label = labelData.key;
var nodeHasLabel = !_.isUndefined(nodeLabels[oldLabel]);
var label = labelData.key;
// rename label
if ((labelData.checked || labelData.indeterminate) && nodeHasLabel) {
var labelValue = nodeLabels[oldLabel];
@ -1534,17 +1532,17 @@ RolePanel = React.createClass({
processRestrictions(role, models) {
var name = role.get('name'),
restrictionsCheck = role.checkRestrictions(models, 'disable'),
roleLimitsCheckResults = this.props.processedRoleLimits[name],
roles = this.props.cluster.get('roles'),
conflicts = _.chain(this.props.selectedRoles)
.map((role) => roles.find({name: role}).conflicts)
messages = [];
var name = role.get('name');
var restrictionsCheck = role.checkRestrictions(models, 'disable');
var roleLimitsCheckResults = this.props.processedRoleLimits[name];
var roles = this.props.cluster.get('roles');
var conflicts = _.chain(this.props.selectedRoles)
.map((role) => roles.find({name: role}).conflicts)
var messages = [];
if (restrictionsCheck.result && restrictionsCheck.message) messages.push(restrictionsCheck.message);
if (roleLimitsCheckResults && !roleLimitsCheckResults.valid && roleLimitsCheckResults.message) messages.push(roleLimitsCheckResults.message);
@ -1561,8 +1559,8 @@ RolePanel = React.createClass({
{this.props.cluster.get('roles').map((role) => {
if (!role.checkRestrictions(this.props.configModels, 'hide').result) {
var name = role.get('name'),
processedRestrictions = this.props.nodes.length ? this.processRestrictions(role, this.props.configModels) : {};
var name = role.get('name');
var processedRestrictions = this.props.nodes.length ? this.processRestrictions(role, this.props.configModels) : {};
return (
@ -1625,17 +1623,17 @@ NodeList = React.createClass({
var labelNs = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.node_management_panel.labels.',
getLabelValue = (node, label) => {
var labelValue = node.getLabel(label);
return labelValue === false ?
i18n(labelNs + 'not_assigned_label', {label: label})
var labelNs = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.node_management_panel.labels.';
var getLabelValue = (node, label) => {
var labelValue = node.getLabel(label);
return labelValue === false ?
i18n(labelNs + 'not_assigned_label', {label: label})
_.isNull(labelValue) ?
i18n(labelNs + 'not_specified_label', {label: label})
_.isNull(labelValue) ?
i18n(labelNs + 'not_specified_label', {label: label})
label + ' "' + labelValue + '"';
label + ' "' + labelValue + '"';
var groupingMethod = (node) => {
return _.compact(, (sorter) => {
@ -1643,9 +1641,9 @@ NodeList = React.createClass({
if (sorter.isLabel) return getLabelValue(node,;
var result,
ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.node.',
cluster = this.props.cluster || this.props.clusters.get(node.get('cluster'));
var result;
var ns = 'cluster_page.nodes_tab.node.';
var cluster = this.props.cluster || this.props.clusters.get(node.get('cluster'));
switch ( {
case 'roles':
result = node.getRolesSummary(this.props.roles) || i18n(ns + 'no_roles');
@ -1707,11 +1705,12 @@ NodeList = React.createClass({
return groups.sort((group1, group2) => {
var result;
_.each(this.props.activeSorters, (sorter) => {
var node1 = group1[1][0], node2 = group2[1][0];
var node1 = group1[1][0];
var node2 = group2[1][0];
if (sorter.isLabel) {
var node1Label = node1.getLabel(,
node2Label = node2.getLabel(;
var node1Label = node1.getLabel(;
var node2Label = node2.getLabel(;
if (node1Label && node2Label) {
result = utils.natsort(node1Label, node2Label, {insensitive: true});
} else {
@ -1720,9 +1719,9 @@ NodeList = React.createClass({
} else {
switch ( {
case 'roles':
var roles1 = node1.sortedRoles(preferredRolesOrder),
roles2 = node2.sortedRoles(preferredRolesOrder),
var roles1 = node1.sortedRoles(preferredRolesOrder);
var roles2 = node2.sortedRoles(preferredRolesOrder);
var order;
if (!roles1.length && !roles2.length) result = 0;
else if (!roles1.length) result = 1;
else if (!roles2.length) result = -1;
@ -1743,14 +1742,14 @@ NodeList = React.createClass({
result = utils.natsort(composeNodeDiskSizesLabel(node1), composeNodeDiskSizesLabel(node2));
case 'group_id':
var nodeGroup1 = node1.get('group_id'),
nodeGroup2 = node2.get('group_id');
var nodeGroup1 = node1.get('group_id');
var nodeGroup2 = node2.get('group_id');
result = nodeGroup1 == nodeGroup2 ? 0 :
!nodeGroup1 ? 1 : !nodeGroup2 ? -1 : nodeGroup1 - nodeGroup2;
case 'cluster':
var cluster1 = node1.get('cluster'),
cluster2 = node2.get('cluster');
var cluster1 = node1.get('cluster');
var cluster2 = node2.get('cluster');
result = cluster1 == cluster2 ? 0 :
!cluster1 ? 1 : !cluster2 ? -1 : utils.natsort(this.props.clusters.get(cluster1).get('name'), this.props.clusters.get(cluster2).get('name'));
@ -1769,10 +1768,10 @@ NodeList = React.createClass({
render() {
var groups = this.groupNodes(),
rolesWithLimitReached = _.keys(_.omit(this.props.processedRoleLimits, (roleLimit, roleName) => {
return roleLimit.valid || !_.contains(this.props.selectedRoles, roleName);
var groups = this.groupNodes();
var rolesWithLimitReached = _.keys(_.omit(this.props.processedRoleLimits, (roleLimit, roleName) => {
return roleLimit.valid || !_.contains(this.props.selectedRoles, roleName);
return (
<div className={utils.classNames({'node-list row': true, compact: this.props.viewMode == 'compact'})}>
{groups.length > 1 &&
@ -1812,10 +1811,10 @@ NodeList = React.createClass({
NodeGroup = React.createClass({
mixins: [SelectAllMixin],
render() {
var availableNodes = this.props.nodes.filter((node) => node.isSelectable()),
nodesWithRestrictionsIds = _.pluck(_.filter(availableNodes, (node) => {
return _.any(this.props.rolesWithLimitReached, (role) => !node.hasRole(role));
}), 'id');
var availableNodes = this.props.nodes.filter((node) => node.isSelectable());
var nodesWithRestrictionsIds = _.pluck(_.filter(availableNodes, (node) => {
return _.any(this.props.rolesWithLimitReached, (role) => !node.hasRole(role));
}), 'id');
return (
<div className='nodes-group'>
<div className='row node-group-header'>

View File

@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ var OffloadingModesControl = React.createClass({
checkModes(mode, sub) {
var changedState = sub.reduce((state, childMode) => {
if (!_.isEmpty(childMode.sub)) {
this.checkModes(childMode, childMode.sub);
return (state === 0 || state === childMode.state) ? childMode.state : -1;
if (!_.isEmpty(childMode.sub)) {
this.checkModes(childMode, childMode.sub);
return (state === 0 || state === childMode.state) ? childMode.state : -1;
var oldState;
if (mode && mode.state != changedState) {
oldState = mode.state;
@ -53,10 +53,9 @@ var OffloadingModesControl = React.createClass({
findMode(name, modes) {
var result,
index = 0,
modesLength = modes.length;
var result, mode;
var index = 0;
var modesLength = modes.length;
for (; index < modesLength; index++) {
mode = modes[index];
if ( == name) {
@ -71,8 +70,8 @@ var OffloadingModesControl = React.createClass({
return result;
onModeStateChange(name, state) {
var modes = _.cloneDeep(this.props.interface.get('offloading_modes') || []),
mode = this.findMode(name, modes);
var modes = _.cloneDeep(this.props.interface.get('offloading_modes') || []);
var mode = this.findMode(name, modes);
return () => {
if (mode) {
@ -87,19 +86,19 @@ var OffloadingModesControl = React.createClass({
makeOffloadingModesExcerpt() {
var states = {
true: i18n(ns + 'offloading_enabled'),
false: i18n(ns + 'offloading_disabled'),
null: i18n(ns + 'offloading_default')
ifcModes = this.props.interface.get('offloading_modes');
true: i18n(ns + 'offloading_enabled'),
false: i18n(ns + 'offloading_disabled'),
null: i18n(ns + 'offloading_default')
var ifcModes = this.props.interface.get('offloading_modes');
if (_.uniq(_.pluck(ifcModes, 'state')).length == 1) {
return states[ifcModes[0].state];
var lastState,
added = 0,
excerpt = [];
var lastState;
var added = 0;
var excerpt = [];
(mode) => {
if (!_.isNull(mode.state) && mode.state !== lastState) {
@ -144,8 +143,8 @@ var OffloadingModesControl = React.createClass({
render() {
var modes = [],
ifcModes = this.props.interface.get('offloading_modes');
var modes = [];
var ifcModes = this.props.interface.get('offloading_modes');
if (ifcModes) {
name: i18n(ns + 'all_modes'),

View File

@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ import customControls from 'views/custom_controls';
var SettingSection = React.createClass({
processRestrictions(setting, settingName) {
var result = false,
restrictionsCheck = this.props.checkRestrictions('disable', setting),
messagesCheck = this.props.checkRestrictions('none', setting),
messages = _.compact([restrictionsCheck.message, messagesCheck.message]);
var result = false;
var restrictionsCheck = this.props.checkRestrictions('disable', setting);
var messagesCheck = this.props.checkRestrictions('none', setting);
var messages = _.compact([restrictionsCheck.message, messagesCheck.message]);
// FIXME: hack for #1442475 to lock images_ceph in env with controllers
if (settingName == 'images_ceph') {
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ var SettingSection = React.createClass({
checkDependencies(sectionName, settingName) {
var messages = [],
dependentRoles = this.checkDependentRoles(sectionName, settingName),
dependentSettings = this.checkDependentSettings(sectionName, settingName);
var messages = [];
var dependentRoles = this.checkDependentRoles(sectionName, settingName);
var dependentSettings = this.checkDependentSettings(sectionName, settingName);
if (dependentRoles.length) messages.push(i18n('cluster_page.settings_tab.dependent_role_warning', {roles: dependentRoles.join(', '), count: dependentRoles.length}));
if (dependentSettings.length) messages.push(i18n('cluster_page.settings_tab.dependent_settings_warning', {settings: dependentSettings.join(', '), count: dependentSettings.length}));
@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ var SettingSection = React.createClass({
checkDependentRoles(sectionName, settingName) {
if (!this.props.allocatedRoles.length) return [];
var path = this.props.makePath(sectionName, settingName),
setting = this.props.settings.get(path);
var path = this.props.makePath(sectionName, settingName);
var setting = this.props.settings.get(path);
if (!this.areCalculationsPossible(setting)) return [];
var valueAttribute = this.props.getValueAttribute(settingName),
valuesToCheck = this.getValuesToCheck(setting, valueAttribute),
pathToCheck = this.props.makePath(path, valueAttribute),
roles = this.props.cluster.get('roles');
var valueAttribute = this.props.getValueAttribute(settingName);
var valuesToCheck = this.getValuesToCheck(setting, valueAttribute);
var pathToCheck = this.props.makePath(path, valueAttribute);
var roles = this.props.cluster.get('roles');
return _.compact( => {
var role = roles.findWhere({name: roleName});
if (_.any(role.get('restrictions'), (restriction) => {
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ var SettingSection = React.createClass({
checkDependentSettings(sectionName, settingName) {
var path = this.props.makePath(sectionName, settingName),
currentSetting = this.props.settings.get(path);
var path = this.props.makePath(sectionName, settingName);
var currentSetting = this.props.settings.get(path);
if (!this.areCalculationsPossible(currentSetting)) return [];
var dependentRestrictions = {};
var addDependentRestrictions = (setting, label) => {
@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ var SettingSection = React.createClass({
// evaluate dependencies
if (!_.isEmpty(dependentRestrictions)) {
var valueAttribute = this.props.getValueAttribute(settingName),
pathToCheck = this.props.makePath(path, valueAttribute),
valuesToCheck = this.getValuesToCheck(currentSetting, valueAttribute),
checkValues = _.partial(this.checkValues, valuesToCheck, pathToCheck, currentSetting[valueAttribute]);
var valueAttribute = this.props.getValueAttribute(settingName);
var pathToCheck = this.props.makePath(path, valueAttribute);
var valuesToCheck = this.getValuesToCheck(currentSetting, valueAttribute);
var checkValues = _.partial(this.checkValues, valuesToCheck, pathToCheck, currentSetting[valueAttribute]);
return _.compact(, (restrictions, label) => {
if (_.any(restrictions, checkValues)) return label;
@ -166,17 +166,17 @@ var SettingSection = React.createClass({
render() {
var {settings, sectionName} = this.props,
section = settings.get(sectionName),
isPlugin = settings.isPlugin(section),
metadata = section.metadata,
sortedSettings = _.sortBy(this.props.settingsToDisplay, (settingName) => section[settingName].weight),
processedGroupRestrictions = this.processRestrictions(metadata),
processedGroupDependencies = this.checkDependencies(sectionName, 'metadata'),
isGroupAlwaysEditable = isPlugin ? _.any(metadata.versions, (version) => version.metadata.always_editable) : metadata.always_editable,
isGroupDisabled = this.props.locked || (this.props.lockedCluster && !isGroupAlwaysEditable) || processedGroupRestrictions.result,
showSettingGroupWarning = !this.props.lockedCluster || metadata.always_editable,
groupWarning = _.compact([processedGroupRestrictions.message, processedGroupDependencies.message]).join(' ');
var {settings, sectionName} = this.props;
var section = settings.get(sectionName);
var isPlugin = settings.isPlugin(section);
var metadata = section.metadata;
var sortedSettings = _.sortBy(this.props.settingsToDisplay, (settingName) => section[settingName].weight);
var processedGroupRestrictions = this.processRestrictions(metadata);
var processedGroupDependencies = this.checkDependencies(sectionName, 'metadata');
var isGroupAlwaysEditable = isPlugin ? _.any(metadata.versions, (version) => version.metadata.always_editable) : metadata.always_editable;
var isGroupDisabled = this.props.locked || (this.props.lockedCluster && !isGroupAlwaysEditable) || processedGroupRestrictions.result;
var showSettingGroupWarning = !this.props.lockedCluster || metadata.always_editable;
var groupWarning = _.compact([processedGroupRestrictions.message, processedGroupDependencies.message]).join(' ');
return (
<div className={'setting-section setting-section-' + sectionName}>
@ -215,15 +215,15 @@ var SettingSection = React.createClass({
{, (settingName) => {
var setting = section[settingName],
settingKey = settingName + (isPlugin ? '-' + metadata.chosen_id : ''),
path = this.props.makePath(sectionName, settingName),
error = (settings.validationError || {})[path],
processedSettingRestrictions = this.processRestrictions(setting, settingName),
processedSettingDependencies = this.checkDependencies(sectionName, settingName),
isSettingDisabled = isGroupDisabled || (metadata.toggleable && !metadata.enabled) || processedSettingRestrictions.result || processedSettingDependencies.result,
showSettingWarning = showSettingGroupWarning && !isGroupDisabled && (!metadata.toggleable || metadata.enabled),
settingWarning = _.compact([processedSettingRestrictions.message, processedSettingDependencies.message]).join(' ');
var setting = section[settingName];
var settingKey = settingName + (isPlugin ? '-' + metadata.chosen_id : '');
var path = this.props.makePath(sectionName, settingName);
var error = (settings.validationError || {})[path];
var processedSettingRestrictions = this.processRestrictions(setting, settingName);
var processedSettingDependencies = this.checkDependencies(sectionName, settingName);
var isSettingDisabled = isGroupDisabled || (metadata.toggleable && !metadata.enabled) || processedSettingRestrictions.result || processedSettingDependencies.result;
var showSettingWarning = showSettingGroupWarning && !isGroupDisabled && (!metadata.toggleable || metadata.enabled);
var settingWarning = _.compact([processedSettingRestrictions.message, processedSettingDependencies.message]).join(' ');
// support of custom controls
var CustomControl = customControls[setting.type];

View File

@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ var SettingsTab = React.createClass({
if (!this.isSavingPossible()) return $.Deferred().reject();
// collecting data to save
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'),
dataToSave = this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges() ? settings.attributes :
_.pick(settings.attributes, (group) => (group.metadata || {}).always_editable);
var options = {url: settings.url, patch: true, wait: true, validate: false},
deferred = new models.Settings(_.cloneDeep(dataToSave)).save(null, options);
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings');
var dataToSave = this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges() ? settings.attributes :
_.pick(settings.attributes, (group) => (group.metadata || {}).always_editable);
var options = {url: settings.url, patch: true, wait: true, validate: false};
var deferred = new models.Settings(_.cloneDeep(dataToSave)).save(null, options);
if (deferred) {
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ var SettingsTab = React.createClass({
return deferred;
loadDefaults() {
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'),
lockedCluster = !this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges(),
defaultSettings = new models.Settings(),
deferred = defaultSettings.fetch({url: _.result(this.props.cluster, 'url') + '/attributes/defaults'});
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings');
var lockedCluster = !this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges();
var defaultSettings = new models.Settings();
var deferred = defaultSettings.fetch({url: _.result(this.props.cluster, 'url') + '/attributes/defaults'});
if (deferred) {
this.setState({actionInProgress: true});
@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ var SettingsTab = React.createClass({
settings.isValid({models: this.state.configModels});
onChange(groupName, settingName, value) {
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'),
name = settings.makePath(groupName, settingName, settings.getValueAttribute(settingName));
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings');
var name = settings.makePath(groupName, settingName, settings.getValueAttribute(settingName));
this.state.settingsForChecks.set(name, value);
// FIXME: the following hacks cause we can't pass {validate: true} option to set method
// this form of validation isn't supported in Backbone DeepModel
@ -167,30 +167,30 @@ var SettingsTab = React.createClass({
return this.props.cluster.get('settings').checkRestrictions(this.state.configModels, action, setting);
isSavingPossible() {
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'),
locked = this.state.actionInProgress || !!this.props.cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true}),
// network settings are shown on Networks tab, so they should not block
// saving of changes on Settings tab
areSettingsValid = !_.any(_.keys(settings.validationError), (settingPath) => {
var settingSection = settingPath.split('.')[0];
return settings.get(settingSection) != 'network' &&
settings.get(settingPath).group != 'network';
var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings');
var locked = this.state.actionInProgress || !!this.props.cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true});
// network settings are shown on Networks tab, so they should not block
// saving of changes on Settings tab
var areSettingsValid = !_.any(_.keys(settings.validationError), (settingPath) => {
var settingSection = settingPath.split('.')[0];
return settings.get(settingSection) != 'network' &&
settings.get(settingPath).group != 'network';
return !locked && this.hasChanges() && areSettingsValid;
render() {
var cluster = this.props.cluster,
settings = cluster.get('settings'),
settingsGroupList = settings.getGroupList(),
locked = this.state.actionInProgress || !!cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true}),
lockedCluster = !cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges(),
someSettingsEditable = _.any(settings.attributes, (group) => group.metadata.always_editable),
hasChanges = this.hasChanges(),
allocatedRoles = _.uniq(_.flatten(_.union(cluster.get('nodes').pluck('roles'), cluster.get('nodes').pluck('pending_roles')))),
classes = {
row: true,
'changes-locked': lockedCluster
var cluster = this.props.cluster;
var settings = cluster.get('settings');
var settingsGroupList = settings.getGroupList();
var locked = this.state.actionInProgress || !!cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true});
var lockedCluster = !cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges();
var someSettingsEditable = _.any(settings.attributes, (group) => group.metadata.always_editable);
var hasChanges = this.hasChanges();
var allocatedRoles = _.uniq(_.flatten(_.union(cluster.get('nodes').pluck('roles'), cluster.get('nodes').pluck('pending_roles'))));
var classes = {
row: true,
'changes-locked': lockedCluster
var invalidSections = {};
_.each(settings.validationError, (error, key) => {
@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ var SettingsTab = React.createClass({
_.each(settings.attributes, (section, sectionName) => {
var isHidden = this.checkRestrictions('hide', section.metadata).result;
if (!isHidden) {
var group =,
hasErrors = invalidSections[sectionName];
var group =;
var hasErrors = invalidSections[sectionName];
if (group) {
if (group != 'network') {
groupedSettings[settings.sanitizeGroup(group)][sectionName] = {invalid: hasErrors};
@ -224,18 +224,18 @@ var SettingsTab = React.createClass({
_.each(settingGroups, (settingGroup) => {
var calculatedGroup = settings.sanitizeGroup(settingGroup),
pickedSettings = _.compact(, (setting, settingName) => {
if (
settingName != 'metadata' &&
setting.type != 'hidden' &&
settings.sanitizeGroup( == calculatedGroup &&
!this.checkRestrictions('hide', setting).result
) return settingName;
hasErrors = _.any(pickedSettings, (settingName) => {
return (settings.validationError || {})[settings.makePath(sectionName, settingName)];
var calculatedGroup = settings.sanitizeGroup(settingGroup);
var pickedSettings = _.compact(, (setting, settingName) => {
if (
settingName != 'metadata' &&
setting.type != 'hidden' &&
settings.sanitizeGroup( == calculatedGroup &&
!this.checkRestrictions('hide', setting).result
) return settingName;
var hasErrors = _.any(pickedSettings, (settingName) => {
return (settings.validationError || {})[settings.makePath(sectionName, settingName)];
if (!_.isEmpty(pickedSettings)) {
groupedSettings[calculatedGroup][sectionName] = {settings: pickedSettings, invalid: hasErrors};

View File

@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ Cluster = React.createClass({
this.props.cluster.task({name: 'cluster_deletion', status: 'ready'});
fetchData() {
var request, requests = [];
var request;
var requests = [];
var deletionTask = this.props.cluster.task('cluster_deletion');
if (deletionTask) {
request = deletionTask.fetch();

View File

@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ export var Input = React.createClass({
readFile() {
var reader = new FileReader(),
input = this.getInputDOMNode();
var reader = new FileReader();
var input = this.getInputDOMNode();
if (input.files.length) {
reader.onload = () => this.saveFile(input.value.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/g, ''), reader.result);
@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ export var Input = React.createClass({
} else {
props.onChange = this.props.debounce ? this.debouncedChange : this.onChange;
var Tag = _.contains(['select', 'textarea'], this.props.type) ? this.props.type : 'input',
input = <Tag {...this.props} {...props}>{this.props.children}</Tag>,
isCheckboxOrRadio = this.isCheckboxOrRadio(),
inputWrapperClasses = {
'input-group': this.props.toggleable,
'custom-tumbler': isCheckboxOrRadio,
textarea: this.props.type == 'textarea'
var Tag = _.contains(['select', 'textarea'], this.props.type) ? this.props.type : 'input';
var input = <Tag {...this.props} {...props}>{this.props.children}</Tag>;
var isCheckboxOrRadio = this.isCheckboxOrRadio();
var inputWrapperClasses = {
'input-group': this.props.toggleable,
'custom-tumbler': isCheckboxOrRadio,
textarea: this.props.type == 'textarea'
if (this.props.type == 'file') {
input = <form ref='form'>{input}</form>;
@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ export var Input = React.createClass({
return <span key='description' className='help-block'>{text}</span>;
renderWrapper(children) {
var isCheckboxOrRadio = this.isCheckboxOrRadio(),
classes = {
'form-group': !isCheckboxOrRadio,
'checkbox-group': isCheckboxOrRadio,
'has-error': !_.isUndefined(this.props.error) && !_.isNull(this.props.error),
disabled: this.props.disabled
var isCheckboxOrRadio = this.isCheckboxOrRadio();
var classes = {
'form-group': !isCheckboxOrRadio,
'checkbox-group': isCheckboxOrRadio,
'has-error': !_.isUndefined(this.props.error) && !_.isNull(this.props.error),
disabled: this.props.disabled
classes[this.props.wrapperClassName] = this.props.wrapperClassName;
return (<div className={utils.classNames(classes)}>{children}</div>);

View File

@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ customControls.custom_repo_configuration = React.createClass({
statics: {
// validate method represented as static method to support cluster settings validation
validate(setting, models) {
var ns = 'cluster_page.settings_tab.custom_repo_configuration.errors.',
nameRegexp = /^[\w-.]+$/,
os = models.release.get('operating_system');
var ns = 'cluster_page.settings_tab.custom_repo_configuration.errors.';
var nameRegexp = /^[\w-.]+$/;
var os = models.release.get('operating_system');
var errors = => {
var error = {},
value = this.repoToString(repo, os);
var error = {};
var value = this.repoToString(repo, os);
if (! { = i18n(ns + 'empty_name');
} else if (! {
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ customControls.custom_repo_configuration = React.createClass({
changeRepos(method, index, value) {
value = _.trim(value).replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var repos = _.cloneDeep(this.props.value),
os = this.props.cluster.get('release').get('operating_system');
var repos = _.cloneDeep(this.props.value);
var os = this.props.cluster.get('release').get('operating_system');
switch (method) {
case 'add':
var data = {
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ customControls.custom_repo_configuration = React.createClass({
repos[index].priority = value == '' ? null : Number(value);
var repo = repos[index],
match = value.match(this.props.repoRegexes[os]);
var repo = repos[index];
var match = value.match(this.props.repoRegexes[os]);
if (match) {
_.each(this.props.repoAttributes[os], (attribute, index) => {
repo[attribute] = match[index + 1] || '';
@ -125,20 +125,20 @@ customControls.custom_repo_configuration = React.createClass({
render() {
var ns = 'cluster_page.settings_tab.custom_repo_configuration.',
os = this.props.cluster.get('release').get('operating_system');
var ns = 'cluster_page.settings_tab.custom_repo_configuration.';
var os = this.props.cluster.get('release').get('operating_system');
return (
<div className='repos' key={this.state.key}>
{this.props.description &&
<span className='help-block' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: utils.urlify(utils.linebreaks(_.escape(this.props.description)))}} />
{, index) => {
var error = (this.props.error || {})[index],
props = {
name: index,
type: 'text',
disabled: this.props.disabled
var error = (this.props.error || {})[index];
var props = {
name: index,
type: 'text',
disabled: this.props.disabled
return (
<div className='form-inline' key={'repo-' + index}>

View File

@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ export var dialogMixin = {
var registrationResponseErrorMixin = {
showResponseErrors(response, form) {
var jsonObj,
error = '';
var jsonObj;
var error = '';
try {
jsonObj = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
error = jsonObj.message;
@ -499,8 +499,8 @@ export var RemoveClusterDialog = React.createClass({
this.setState({confirmation: true});
getText() {
var ns = 'dialog.remove_cluster.',
runningTask = this.props.cluster.task({active: true});
var ns = 'dialog.remove_cluster.';
var runningTask = this.props.cluster.task({active: true});
if (runningTask) {
if (runningTask.match({name: 'stop_deployment'})) {
return i18n(ns + 'stop_deployment_is_running');
@ -770,15 +770,15 @@ export var ShowNodeInfoDialog = React.createClass({
renderBody() {
var node = this.props.node,
meta = node.get('meta');
var node = this.props.node;
var meta = node.get('meta');
if (!meta) return <ProgressBar />;
var groupOrder = ['system', 'cpu', 'memory', 'disks', 'interfaces'],
groups = _.sortBy(_.keys(meta), (group) => _.indexOf(groupOrder, group)),
sortOrder = {
disks: ['name', 'model', 'size'],
interfaces: ['name', 'mac', 'state', 'ip', 'netmask', 'current_speed', 'max_speed', 'driver', 'bus_info']
var groupOrder = ['system', 'cpu', 'memory', 'disks', 'interfaces'];
var groups = _.sortBy(_.keys(meta), (group) => _.indexOf(groupOrder, group));
var sortOrder = {
disks: ['name', 'model', 'size'],
interfaces: ['name', 'mac', 'state', 'ip', 'netmask', 'current_speed', 'max_speed', 'driver', 'bus_info']
if (this.state.VMsConf) groups.push('config');
return (
@ -830,8 +830,8 @@ export var ShowNodeInfoDialog = React.createClass({
<div className='panel-group' id='accordion' role='tablist' aria-multiselectable='true'>
{, (group, groupIndex) => {
var groupEntries = meta[group],
subEntries = [];
var groupEntries = meta[group];
var subEntries = [];
if (group == 'interfaces' || group == 'disks') groupEntries = _.sortBy(groupEntries, 'name');
if (_.isPlainObject(groupEntries)) subEntries = _.find(_.values(groupEntries), _.isArray);
return (
@ -1034,9 +1034,9 @@ export var DeleteNodesDialog = React.createClass({
return {title: i18n('dialog.delete_nodes.title')};
renderBody() {
var ns = 'dialog.delete_nodes.',
notDeployedNodesAmount = this.props.nodes.reject({status: 'ready'}).length,
deployedNodesAmount = this.props.nodes.length - notDeployedNodesAmount;
var ns = 'dialog.delete_nodes.';
var notDeployedNodesAmount = this.props.nodes.reject({status: 'ready'}).length;
var deployedNodesAmount = this.props.nodes.length - notDeployedNodesAmount;
return (
<div className='text-danger'>
@ -1114,9 +1114,9 @@ export var ChangePasswordDialog = React.createClass({
return null;
renderBody() {
var ns = 'dialog.change_password.',
fields = ['currentPassword', 'newPassword', 'confirmationPassword'],
translationKeys = ['current_password', 'new_password', 'confirm_new_password'];
var ns = 'dialog.change_password.';
var fields = ['currentPassword', 'newPassword', 'confirmationPassword'];
var translationKeys = ['current_password', 'new_password', 'confirm_new_password'];
return (
<div className='forms-box'>
{, (name, index) => {
@ -1223,8 +1223,8 @@ export var RegistrationDialog = React.createClass({
onChange(inputName, value) {
var registrationForm = this.props.registrationForm,
name = registrationForm.makePath('credentials', inputName, 'value');
var registrationForm = this.props.registrationForm;
var name = registrationForm.makePath('credentials', inputName, 'value');
if (registrationForm.validationError) delete registrationForm.validationError['credentials.' + inputName];
registrationForm.set(name, value);
@ -1241,8 +1241,8 @@ export var RegistrationDialog = React.createClass({
return (<span>{i18n('dialog.registration.i_agree')} <a href={link} target='_blank'>{i18n('dialog.registration.terms_and_conditions')}</a></span>);
validateRegistrationForm() {
var registrationForm = this.props.registrationForm,
isValid = registrationForm.isValid();
var registrationForm = this.props.registrationForm;
var isValid = registrationForm.isValid();
if (!registrationForm.attributes.credentials.agree.value) {
if (!registrationForm.validationError) registrationForm.validationError = {};
registrationForm.validationError['credentials.agree'] = i18n('dialog.registration.agree_error');
@ -1288,14 +1288,14 @@ export var RegistrationDialog = React.createClass({
renderBody() {
var registrationForm = this.props.registrationForm;
if (this.state.loading) return <ProgressBar />;
var fieldsList = registrationForm.attributes.credentials,
actionInProgress = this.state.actionInProgress,
error = this.state.error,
sortedFields = _.chain(_.keys(fieldsList))
.sortBy((inputName) => fieldsList[inputName].weight)
halfWidthField = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'company', 'phone', 'country', 'region'];
var fieldsList = registrationForm.attributes.credentials;
var actionInProgress = this.state.actionInProgress;
var error = this.state.error;
var sortedFields = _.chain(_.keys(fieldsList))
.sortBy((inputName) => fieldsList[inputName].weight)
var halfWidthField = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'company', 'phone', 'country', 'region'];
return (
<div className='registration-form tracking'>
{actionInProgress && <ProgressBar />}
@ -1312,14 +1312,14 @@ export var RegistrationDialog = React.createClass({
<form className='form-inline row'>
{, (inputName) => {
var input = fieldsList[inputName],
path = 'credentials.' + inputName,
inputError = (registrationForm.validationError || {})[path],
classes = {
'col-md-12': !_.contains(halfWidthField, inputName),
'col-md-6': _.contains(halfWidthField, inputName),
'text-center': inputName == 'agree'
var input = fieldsList[inputName];
var path = 'credentials.' + inputName;
var inputError = (registrationForm.validationError || {})[path];
var classes = {
'col-md-12': !_.contains(halfWidthField, inputName),
'col-md-6': _.contains(halfWidthField, inputName),
'text-center': inputName == 'agree'
return <Input
@ -1405,13 +1405,13 @@ export var RetrievePasswordDialog = React.createClass({
this.setState({passwordSent: true});
renderBody() {
var ns = 'dialog.retrieve_password.',
remoteRetrievePasswordForm = this.props.remoteRetrievePasswordForm;
var ns = 'dialog.retrieve_password.';
var remoteRetrievePasswordForm = this.props.remoteRetrievePasswordForm;
if (this.state.loading) return <ProgressBar />;
var error = this.state.error,
actionInProgress = this.state.actionInProgress,
input = (remoteRetrievePasswordForm.get('credentials') || {}).email,
inputError = remoteRetrievePasswordForm ? (remoteRetrievePasswordForm.validationError || {})[''] : null;
var error = this.state.error;
var actionInProgress = this.state.actionInProgress;
var input = (remoteRetrievePasswordForm.get('credentials') || {}).email;
var inputError = remoteRetrievePasswordForm ? (remoteRetrievePasswordForm.validationError || {})[''] : null;
return (
<div className='retrieve-password-content'>
{!this.state.passwordSent ?

View File

@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ EquipmentPage = React.createClass({
navbarActiveElement: 'equipment',
breadcrumbsPath: [['home', '#'], 'equipment'],
fetchData() {
var nodes = new models.Nodes(),
clusters = new models.Clusters(),
plugins = new models.Plugins(),
{releases, nodeNetworkGroups, fuelSettings} = app;
var nodes = new models.Nodes();
var clusters = new models.Clusters();
var plugins = new models.Plugins();
var {releases, nodeNetworkGroups, fuelSettings} = app;
return $.when(

View File

@ -300,20 +300,20 @@ var NotificationsPopover = React.createClass({
return {unreadNotificationsIds: []};
renderNotification(notification) {
var topic = notification.get('topic'),
nodeId = notification.get('node_id'),
notificationClasses = {
notification: true,
'text-danger': topic == 'error',
'text-warning': topic == 'warning',
clickable: nodeId,
unread: notification.get('status') == 'unread' || _.contains(this.state.unreadNotificationsIds,
iconClass = {
error: 'glyphicon-exclamation-sign',
warning: 'glyphicon-warning-sign',
discover: 'glyphicon-bell'
}[topic] || 'glyphicon-info-sign';
var topic = notification.get('topic');
var nodeId = notification.get('node_id');
var notificationClasses = {
notification: true,
'text-danger': topic == 'error',
'text-warning': topic == 'warning',
clickable: nodeId,
unread: notification.get('status') == 'unread' || _.contains(this.state.unreadNotificationsIds,
var iconClass = {
error: 'glyphicon-exclamation-sign',
warning: 'glyphicon-warning-sign',
discover: 'glyphicon-bell'
}[topic] || 'glyphicon-info-sign';
return (
<div key={} className={utils.classNames(notificationClasses)}>
<i className={'glyphicon ' + iconClass}></i>

View File

@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ Notification = React.createClass({
render() {
var topic = this.props.notification.get('topic'),
notificationClasses = {
'col-xs-12 notification': true,
'text-danger': topic == 'error',
'text-warning': topic == 'warning',
unread: this.props.notification.get('status') == 'unread'
iconClass = {
error: 'glyphicon-exclamation-sign',
warning: 'glyphicon-warning-sign',
discover: 'glyphicon-bell'
}[topic] || 'glyphicon-info-sign';
var topic = this.props.notification.get('topic');
var notificationClasses = {
'col-xs-12 notification': true,
'text-danger': topic == 'error',
'text-warning': topic == 'warning',
unread: this.props.notification.get('status') == 'unread'
var iconClass = {
error: 'glyphicon-exclamation-sign',
warning: 'glyphicon-warning-sign',
discover: 'glyphicon-bell'
}[topic] || 'glyphicon-info-sign';
return (
<div className={utils.classNames(notificationClasses)} onClick={this.onNotificationClick}>
<div className='notification-time'>{this.props.notification.get('time')}</div>

View File

@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ var PluginsPage = React.createClass({
render() {
var isMirantisIso = _.contains(app.version.get('feature_groups'), 'mirantis'),
links = {
catalog: isMirantisIso ? '' : '',
documentation: utils.composeDocumentationLink('plugin-dev.html')
var isMirantisIso = _.contains(app.version.get('feature_groups'), 'mirantis');
var links = {
catalog: isMirantisIso ? '' : '',
documentation: utils.composeDocumentationLink('plugin-dev.html')
return (
<div className='plugins-page'>
<div className='page-title'>

View File

@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ var RootComponent = React.createClass({
updateTitle() {
var Page = this.state.Page,
title = _.isFunction(Page.title) ? Page.title(this.state.pageOptions) : Page.title;
var Page = this.state.Page;
var title = _.isFunction(Page.title) ? Page.title(this.state.pageOptions) : Page.title;
document.title = i18n('common.title') + (title ? ' - ' + title : '');
componentDidUpdate() {

View File

@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ export default {
showResponseErrors(response) {
var jsonObj,
error = '';
var jsonObj;
var error = '';
try {
jsonObj = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
error = jsonObj.message;
@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ export default {
return i18n(key + '_community');
renderInput(settingName, wrapperClassName, disabledState) {
var model = this.props.statistics || this.props.tracking,
setting = model.get(model.makePath('statistics', settingName));
var model = this.props.statistics || this.props.tracking;
var setting = model.get(model.makePath('statistics', settingName));
if (this.checkRestrictions('metadata', 'hide').result || this.checkRestrictions(settingName, 'hide').result || setting.type == 'hidden') return null;
var error = this.getError(model, settingName),
disabled = this.checkRestrictions('metadata').result || this.checkRestrictions(settingName).result || disabledState;
var error = this.getError(model, settingName);
var disabled = this.checkRestrictions('metadata').result || this.checkRestrictions(settingName).result || disabledState;
return <Input
@ -159,42 +159,42 @@ export default {
renderIntro() {
var ns = 'statistics.',
isMirantisIso = _.contains(app.version.get('feature_groups'), 'mirantis'),
lists = {
actions: [
settings: [
node_settings: [
system_info: [
var ns = 'statistics.';
var isMirantisIso = _.contains(app.version.get('feature_groups'), 'mirantis');
var lists = {
actions: [
settings: [
node_settings: [
system_info: [
return (
<div className='statistics-text-box'>
@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ export default {
clearRegistrationForm() {
if (!this.state.isConnected) {
var tracking = this.props.tracking,
initialData = this.props.settings.get('tracking');
var tracking = this.props.tracking;
var initialData = this.props.settings.get('tracking');
_.each(tracking.get('tracking'), (data, name) => {
var path = tracking.makePath('tracking', name, 'value');
tracking.set(path, initialData[name].value);
@ -231,11 +231,11 @@ export default {
renderRegistrationForm(model, disabled, error, showProgressBar) {
var tracking = model.get('tracking'),
sortedFields = _.chain(_.keys(tracking))
.sortBy((inputName) => tracking[inputName].weight)
var tracking = model.get('tracking');
var sortedFields = _.chain(_.keys(tracking))
.sortBy((inputName) => tracking[inputName].weight)
return (
{error &&

View File

@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ var SupportPage = React.createClass({
fetchData() {
var tasks = new models.Tasks();
return $.when(app.fuelSettings.fetch({cache: true}), tasks.fetch()).then(() => {
var tracking = new models.FuelSettings(_.cloneDeep(app.fuelSettings.attributes)),
statistics = new models.FuelSettings(_.cloneDeep(app.fuelSettings.attributes));
var tracking = new models.FuelSettings(_.cloneDeep(app.fuelSettings.attributes));
var statistics = new models.FuelSettings(_.cloneDeep(app.fuelSettings.attributes));
return {
tasks: tasks,
settings: app.fuelSettings,
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ var StatisticsSettings = React.createClass({
hasChanges() {
var initialData = this.props.settings.get('statistics'),
currentData = this.props.statistics.get('statistics');
var initialData = this.props.settings.get('statistics');
var currentData = this.props.statistics.get('statistics');
return _.any(this.props.statsCheckboxes, (field) => {
return !_.isEqual(initialData[field].value, currentData[field].value);
@ -174,11 +174,11 @@ var StatisticsSettings = React.createClass({
return this.isSavingPossible() ? this.prepareStatisticsToSave() : $.Deferred().resolve();
render() {
var statistics = this.props.statistics.get('statistics'),
sortedSettings = _.chain(_.keys(statistics))
.sortBy((settingName) => statistics[settingName].weight)
var statistics = this.props.statistics.get('statistics');
var sortedSettings = _.chain(_.keys(statistics))
.sortBy((settingName) => statistics[settingName].weight)
return (
@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ var DiagnosticSnapshot = React.createClass({
render() {
var task = this.props.task,
generating = this.state.generating;
var task = this.props.task;
var generating = this.state.generating;
return (

View File

@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ var WelcomePage = React.createClass({
onStartButtonClick() {
var statistics = this.props.tracking.get('statistics'),
currentAttributes = _.cloneDeep(this.props.settings.attributes);
var statistics = this.props.tracking.get('statistics');
var currentAttributes = _.cloneDeep(this.props.settings.attributes);
statistics.user_choice_saved.value = true;
// locked state is similar to actionInProgress but
// we want the page isn't unlocked after successful saving
@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ var WelcomePage = React.createClass({
render() {
var ns = 'welcome_page.',
featureGroups = app.version.get('feature_groups'),
isMirantisIso = _.contains(featureGroups, 'mirantis'),
statsCollectorLink = '',
privacyPolicyLink = '',
username = this.props.settings.get('statistics').name.value;
var disabled = this.state.actionInProgress || this.state.locked,
buttonProps = {
disabled: disabled,
onClick: this.onStartButtonClick,
className: 'btn btn-lg btn-block btn-success'
var ns = 'welcome_page.';
var featureGroups = app.version.get('feature_groups');
var isMirantisIso = _.contains(featureGroups, 'mirantis');
var statsCollectorLink = '';
var privacyPolicyLink = '';
var username = this.props.settings.get('statistics').name.value;
var disabled = this.state.actionInProgress || this.state.locked;
var buttonProps = {
disabled: disabled,
onClick: this.onStartButtonClick,
className: 'btn btn-lg btn-block btn-success'
return (
<div className='welcome-page tracking'>
<div className='col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1'>

View File

@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ var ClusterWizardPanesMixin = {
var isCompatible = true;
var warnings = [];
allComponents.each((testedComponent) => {
var type = testedComponent.get('type'),
isInStopList = _.find(stopList, (component) => ==;
var type = testedComponent.get('type');
var isInStopList = _.find(stopList, (component) => ==;
if ( == || !_.contains(types, type) || isInStopList) {
// ignore self or forward compatibilities
@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ var ClusterWizardPanesMixin = {
var isDisabled = false;
var warnings = [];
_.each(incompatibles, (incompatible) => {
var type = incompatible.component.get('type'),
isInStopList = _.find(stopList, (component) => ==;
var type = incompatible.component.get('type');
var isInStopList = _.find(stopList, (component) => ==;
if (!_.contains(types, type) || isInStopList) {
// ignore forward incompatibilities
@ -277,16 +277,16 @@ var NameAndRelease = React.createClass({
return true;
render() {
var releases = this.props.releases,
name = this.props.wizard.get('name'),
nameError = this.props.wizard.get('name_error'),
release = this.props.wizard.get('release');
var releases = this.props.releases;
var name = this.props.wizard.get('name');
var nameError = this.props.wizard.get('name_error');
var release = this.props.wizard.get('release');
if (this.props.loading) {
return null;
var os = release.get('operating_system'),
connectivityAlert = i18n('dialog.create_cluster_wizard.name_release.' + os + '_connectivity_alert');
var os = release.get('operating_system');
var connectivityAlert = i18n('dialog.create_cluster_wizard.name_release.' + os + '_connectivity_alert');
return (
<div className='create-cluster-form name-and-release'>
@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ var Compute = React.createClass({
vCenterPath: 'hypervisor:vmware',
vCenterNetworkBackends: ['network:neutron:ml2:nsx', 'network:neutron:ml2:dvs'],
hasErrors(wizard) {
var allComponents = wizard.get('components'),
components = allComponents.getComponentsByType(this.componentType, {sorted: true});
var allComponents = wizard.get('components');
var components = allComponents.getComponentsByType(this.componentType, {sorted: true});
return !_.any(components, (component) => component.get('enabled'));
@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ var Network = React.createClass({
title: i18n(''),
ml2CorePath: 'network:neutron:core:ml2',
hasErrors(wizard) {
var allComponents = wizard.get('components'),
components = allComponents.getComponentsByType(this.componentType, {sorted: true});
var allComponents = wizard.get('components');
var components = allComponents.getComponentsByType(this.componentType, {sorted: true});
var ml2core = _.find(components, (component) => == this.ml2CorePath);
if (ml2core && ml2core.get('enabled')) {
var ml2 = _.filter(components, (component) => component.isML2Driver());