/* * Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import i18n from 'i18n'; import React from 'react'; import utils from 'utils'; import models from 'models'; import dispatcher from 'dispatcher'; import {backboneMixin, pollingMixin, dispatcherMixin} from 'component_mixins'; import DashboardTab from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/dashboard_tab'; import NodesTab from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/nodes_tab'; import NetworkTab from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/network_tab'; import SettingsTab from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/settings_tab'; import LogsTab from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/logs_tab'; import HealthCheckTab from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/healthcheck_tab'; import {VmWareTab, VmWareModels} from 'plugins/vmware/vmware'; var ClusterPage = React.createClass({ mixins: [ pollingMixin(5), backboneMixin('cluster', 'change:name change:is_customized change:release'), backboneMixin({ modelOrCollection: (props) => props.cluster.get('nodes') }), backboneMixin({ modelOrCollection: (props) => props.cluster.get('tasks'), renderOn: 'update change' }), dispatcherMixin('networkConfigurationUpdated', 'removeFinishedNetworkTasks'), dispatcherMixin('deploymentTasksUpdated', 'removeFinishedDeploymentTasks'), dispatcherMixin('deploymentTaskStarted', function() { this.refreshCluster().always(this.startPolling); }), dispatcherMixin('networkVerificationTaskStarted', function() { this.startPolling(); }), dispatcherMixin('deploymentTaskFinished', function() { this.refreshCluster().always(() => dispatcher.trigger('updateNotifications')); }) ], statics: { navbarActiveElement: 'clusters', breadcrumbsPath(pageOptions) { var cluster = pageOptions.cluster; var tabOptions = pageOptions.tabOptions[0]; var addScreenBreadcrumb = tabOptions && tabOptions.match(/^(?!list$)\w+$/); var breadcrumbs = [ ['home', '#'], ['environments', '#clusters'], [cluster.get('name'), '#cluster/' + cluster.get('id'), {skipTranslation: true}], [ i18n('cluster_page.tabs.' + pageOptions.activeTab), '#cluster/' + cluster.get('id') + '/' + pageOptions.activeTab, {active: !addScreenBreadcrumb} ] ]; if (addScreenBreadcrumb) { breadcrumbs.push([i18n('cluster_page.nodes_tab.breadcrumbs.' + tabOptions), null, {active: true}]); } return breadcrumbs; }, title(pageOptions) { return pageOptions.cluster.get('name'); }, getTabs() { return [ {url: 'dashboard', tab: DashboardTab}, {url: 'nodes', tab: NodesTab}, {url: 'network', tab: NetworkTab}, {url: 'settings', tab: SettingsTab}, {url: 'vmware', tab: VmWareTab}, {url: 'logs', tab: LogsTab}, {url: 'healthcheck', tab: HealthCheckTab} ]; }, fetchData(id, activeTab, ...tabOptions) { id = Number(id); var cluster, promise, currentClusterId; var nodeNetworkGroups = app.nodeNetworkGroups; var tab = _.find(this.getTabs(), {url: activeTab}).tab; try { currentClusterId = app.page.props.cluster.id; } catch (ignore) {} if (currentClusterId === id) { // just another tab has been chosen, do not load cluster again cluster = app.page.props.cluster; promise = tab.fetchData ? tab.fetchData({cluster: cluster, tabOptions: tabOptions}) : $.Deferred().resolve(); } else { cluster = new models.Cluster({id: id}); var settings = new models.Settings(); settings.url = _.result(cluster, 'url') + '/attributes'; cluster.set({settings: settings}); var roles = new models.Roles(); roles.url = _.result(cluster, 'url') + '/roles'; cluster.set({roles: roles}); var pluginLinks = new models.PluginLinks(); pluginLinks.url = _.result(cluster, 'url') + '/plugin_links'; cluster.set({pluginLinks: pluginLinks}); cluster.get('nodes').fetch = function(options) { return this.constructor.__super__.fetch.call(this, _.extend({data: {cluster_id: id}}, options)); }; promise = $.when( cluster.fetch(), cluster.get('settings').fetch(), cluster.get('roles').fetch(), cluster.get('pluginLinks').fetch({cache: true}), cluster.fetchRelated('nodes'), cluster.fetchRelated('tasks'), nodeNetworkGroups.fetch({cache: true}) ) .then(() => { var networkConfiguration = new models.NetworkConfiguration(); networkConfiguration.url = _.result(cluster, 'url') + '/network_configuration/' + cluster.get('net_provider'); cluster.set({ networkConfiguration: networkConfiguration, release: new models.Release({id: cluster.get('release_id')}) }); return $.when( cluster.get('networkConfiguration').fetch(), cluster.get('release').fetch() ); }) .then(() => { var useVcenter = cluster.get('settings').get('common.use_vcenter.value'); if (!useVcenter) { return true; } var vcenter = new VmWareModels.VCenter({id: id}); cluster.set({vcenter: vcenter}); return vcenter.fetch(); }) .then(() => { return tab.fetchData ? tab.fetchData({cluster: cluster, tabOptions: tabOptions}) : $.Deferred().resolve(); }); } return promise.then((data) => { return { cluster: cluster, nodeNetworkGroups: nodeNetworkGroups, activeTab: activeTab, tabOptions: tabOptions, tabData: data }; }); } }, getDefaultProps() { return { defaultLogLevel: 'INFO' }; }, getInitialState() { return { activeSettingsSectionName: this.pickDefaultSettingGroup(), activeNetworkSectionName: this.props.nodeNetworkGroups.find({is_default: true}).get('name'), selectedNodeIds: {}, selectedLogs: {type: 'local', node: null, source: 'app', level: this.props.defaultLogLevel} }; }, removeFinishedNetworkTasks(callback) { var request = this.removeFinishedTasks(this.props.cluster.tasks({group: 'network'})); if (callback) request.always(callback); return request; }, removeFinishedDeploymentTasks() { return this.removeFinishedTasks(this.props.cluster.tasks({group: 'deployment'})); }, removeFinishedTasks(tasks) { var requests = []; _.each(tasks, (task) => { if (task.match({active: false})) { this.props.cluster.get('tasks').remove(task); requests.push(task.destroy({silent: true})); } }); return $.when(...requests); }, shouldDataBeFetched() { return this.props.cluster.task({group: ['deployment', 'network'], active: true}); }, fetchData() { var task = this.props.cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true}); if (task) { return task.fetch() .done(() => { if (task.match({active: false})) dispatcher.trigger('deploymentTaskFinished'); }) .then(() => this.props.cluster.fetchRelated('nodes') ); } else { task = this.props.cluster.task({name: 'verify_networks', active: true}); return task ? task.fetch() : $.Deferred().resolve(); } }, refreshCluster() { return $.when( this.props.cluster.fetch(), this.props.cluster.fetchRelated('nodes'), this.props.cluster.fetchRelated('tasks'), this.props.cluster.get('pluginLinks').fetch() ); }, componentWillMount() { this.props.cluster.on('change:release_id', () => { var release = new models.Release({id: this.props.cluster.get('release_id')}); release.fetch().done(() => { this.props.cluster.set({release: release}); }); }); this.updateLogSettings(); }, componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { this.updateLogSettings(newProps); }, updateLogSettings(props) { props = props || this.props; // FIXME: the following logs-related logic should be moved to Logs tab code // to keep parent component tightly coupled to its children if (props.activeTab === 'logs') { var selectedLogs; if (props.tabOptions[0]) { selectedLogs = utils.deserializeTabOptions(_.compact(props.tabOptions).join('/')); selectedLogs.level = selectedLogs.level ? selectedLogs.level.toUpperCase() : props.defaultLogLevel; this.setState({selectedLogs: selectedLogs}); } } }, changeLogSelection(selectedLogs) { this.setState({selectedLogs: selectedLogs}); }, getAvailableTabs(cluster) { return _.filter(this.constructor.getTabs(), (tabData) => !tabData.tab.isVisible || tabData.tab.isVisible(cluster)); }, pickDefaultSettingGroup() { return _.first(this.props.cluster.get('settings').getGroupList()); }, setActiveSettingsGroupName(value) { if (_.isUndefined(value)) value = this.pickDefaultSettingGroup(); this.setState({activeSettingsSectionName: value}); }, setActiveNetworkSectionName(name) { this.setState({activeNetworkSectionName: name}); }, selectNodes(ids, checked) { if (ids && ids.length) { var nodeSelection = this.state.selectedNodeIds; _.each(ids, (id) => { if (checked) { nodeSelection[id] = true; } else { delete nodeSelection[id]; } }); this.setState({selectedNodeIds: nodeSelection}); } else { this.setState({selectedNodeIds: {}}); } }, render() { var cluster = this.props.cluster; var availableTabs = this.getAvailableTabs(cluster); var tabUrls = _.pluck(availableTabs, 'url'); var tab = _.find(availableTabs, {url: this.props.activeTab}); if (!tab) return null; var Tab = tab.tab; return (

({i18n('common.node', {count: cluster.get('nodes').length})})

{tabUrls.map((url) => { return (
{i18n('cluster_page.tabs.' + url)}
); })}
); } }); export default ClusterPage;