======================== Team and repository tags ======================== .. image:: http://governance.openstack.org/badges/fuel-ui.svg :target: http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/index.html .. Change things from this point on FUEL UI ======= This repository contains Fuel UI - the web user interface for Nailgun. Installation ------------ * Fuel UI requires Node.js 0.10+ to be installed on your system. On Ubuntu 14.04 you can install it using the following commands:: sudo apt-get remove --yes nodejs nodejs-legacy sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --yes nodejs sudo chown -R `whoami`.`whoami` ~/.npm * Install JS dependencies and Gulp:: npm install sudo npm install -g gulp * The most convenient approach to modify Fuel UI is to use a development server. It watches for file changes and automatically rebuilds changed modules (significantly faster than full rebuild) and triggers page refresh in browsers:: gulp dev-server By default it runs on port 8080 and assumes that Nailgun runs on port 8000. You can override this by using the following options:: gulp dev-server --dev-server-host= --dev-server-port=8080 --nailgun-host= --nailgun-port=8000 If automatic rebuild on change doesn't work, most likely you need to increase the limit of inotify watches:: echo 100000 | sudo tee /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches * The production version of Fuel UI can be built by running:: gulp build To specify custom output directory location, use `static-dir` option:: gulp build --static-dir=static_compressed To speed up build process you may also want to disable uglification and source maps generation:: gulp build --no-uglify --no-sourcemaps If for some reason you don't want to use a development server, but would like to recompile the bundle on any change, use:: gulp build --watch Testing ------- * UI tests use Selenium server, so you need to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7 or newer version. * You also need to install Firefox - it is used as the default browser for tests. * Run full Web UI test suite, run:: npm run lint npm run unit-tests npm run func-tests UI functional tests require Nailgun server from fuel-web repo to be installed. By default it's assumed that fuel-web repo is in the same directory as fuel-ui repo, but you can specify another path using FUEL_WEB_ROOT environment variable:: FUEL_WEB_ROOT=/path/to/fuel-web npm run func-tests To run a single functional test file, use:: npm run func-tests static/tests/functional/test_cluster_page.js By default Firefox browser is used. You can specify the browser using BROWSER environment variable:: BROWSER=chrome npm run unit-tests BROWSER=firefox npm run func-tests