/* * Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ /*eslint-disable strict*/ 'use strict'; var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var glob = require('glob'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var _ = require('lodash'); var webpack = require('webpack'); var gulp = require('gulp-help')(require('gulp'), {hideEmpty: true, hideDepsMessage: true}); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var shell = require('gulp-shell'); var runSequence = require('run-sequence'); var filter = require('gulp-filter'); var replace = require('gulp-replace'); var jison = require('gulp-jison'); var validateTranslations = require('./gulp/i18n').validate; gulp.task('i18n:validate', function() { fs.readFile('static/translations/core.json', function(err, data) { if (err) throw err; var tranlations = JSON.parse(data); var locales = argv.locales ? argv.locales.split(',') : null; validateTranslations(tranlations, locales); }); }); var seleniumProcess = null; function shutdownSelenium() { if (seleniumProcess) { seleniumProcess.kill(); seleniumProcess = null; } } var SELENIUM_VERSION = '2.53.1'; var SELENIUM_DRIVERS = {}; gulp.task('selenium:fetch', function(cb) { var selenium = require('selenium-standalone'); selenium.install({ version: process.env.SELENIUM_VERSION || SELENIUM_VERSION, dirvers: SELENIUM_DRIVERS }, cb); }); gulp.task('selenium', ['selenium:fetch'], function(cb) { var selenium = require('selenium-standalone'); var port = process.env.SELENIUM_SERVER_PORT || 4444; selenium.start( { version: process.env.SELENIUM_VERSION || SELENIUM_VERSION, dirvers: SELENIUM_DRIVERS, seleniumArgs: ['--port', port], spawnOptions: {stdio: 'pipe'} }, function(err, child) { if (err) throw err; child.on('exit', function() { if (seleniumProcess) { gutil.log(gutil.colors.yellow('Selenium process died unexpectedly. Probably port', port, 'is already in use.')); } }); ['exit', 'uncaughtException', 'SIGTERM', 'SIGINT'].forEach(function(event) { process.on(event, shutdownSelenium); }); seleniumProcess = child; cb(); } ); }); gulp.task('karma', function(cb) { var Server = require('karma').Server; new Server({ configFile: path.join(__dirname, '/karma.config.js'), browsers: [argv.browser || process.env.BROWSER || 'firefox'] }, cb).start(); }); gulp.task('unit-tests', 'Run unit tests.', function(cb) { runSequence('selenium', 'karma', function(err) { shutdownSelenium(); cb(err); }); }, { options: { 'browser=[firefox]': 'browser to execute tests against' } }); var originalBaseDir = 'static/'; var transpiledBaseDir = 'static/build/intern/'; function runIntern(suites, browser) { return function() { var runner = './node_modules/.bin/intern-runner'; var config = { environments: [{browserName: browser}], excludeInstrumentation: true, reporters: ['Runner', 'tests/functional/screenshot_on_fail'] }; var configFile = 'tests/functional/config.js'; var configFileContents = 'define(function(){return' + JSON.stringify(config) + '})'; fs.writeFileSync( // eslint-disable-line no-sync path.join(transpiledBaseDir, configFile), configFileContents ); var suiteFiles = glob.sync(path.relative(originalBaseDir, suites), {cwd: originalBaseDir}); if (!suiteFiles.length) throw new Error('No matching suites'); var suiteOptions = suiteFiles.map(function(suiteFile) { return ['functionalSuites', suiteFile.replace(/\.js$/, '')]; }); var options = [['config', configFile]]; options = options.concat(suiteOptions); var command = [path.relative(transpiledBaseDir, runner)].concat(options.map(function(option) { return option.join('='); })).join(' '); gutil.log('Executing', command); return shell.task(command, {cwd: transpiledBaseDir})(); }; } gulp.task('intern:transpile', function() { var source = path.join(originalBaseDir, 'tests/functional/**/*.js'); var target = path.join(transpiledBaseDir, 'tests/functional/'); rimraf.sync(target); return gulp.src(source) .pipe(require('gulp-babel')({ presets: ['es2015-webpack'], plugins: ['transform-es2015-modules-simple-amd'] })) .pipe(gulp.dest(target)); }); gulp.task('intern:run', runIntern( argv.suites || 'static/tests/functional/**/test_*.js', argv.browser || process.env.BROWSER || 'firefox' )); gulp.task('functional-tests', 'Run functional tests.', function(cb) { var tasks = ['selenium', argv.transpile === false ? null : 'intern:transpile', 'intern:run']; runSequence.apply(this, _.compact(tasks).concat(function(err) { shutdownSelenium(); cb(err); })); }, { options: { suites: 'functional test suites to be run', 'browser=[firefox]': 'browser to execute tests against' } }); gulp.task('jison', function() { return gulp.src('static/expression/parser.jison') .pipe(jison({moduleType: 'js'})) .pipe(gulp.dest('static/expression/')); }); gulp.task('license', function(cb) { require('nlf').find({depth: 0}, function(err, data) { if (err) return cb(err); // http://governance.openstack.org/reference/licensing.html // The list of acceptable licenses includes ASLv2, BSD (both forms), // MIT, PSF, LGPL, ISC, and MPL var licenseRegexp = /(Apache.*?2)|\bBSD\b|\bMIT\b|\bPSF\b|\bLGPL\b|\bISC\b|\bMPL\b/i; var errors = []; _.each(data, function(moduleInfo) { var name = moduleInfo.name; var version = moduleInfo.version; var license = _.map(moduleInfo.licenseSources.package.sources, 'license').join(', ') || 'unknown'; var licenseOk = license.match(licenseRegexp); if (!licenseOk) errors.push({libraryName: name, license: license}); gutil.log( gutil.colors.cyan(name), gutil.colors.yellow(version), gutil.colors[licenseOk ? 'green' : 'red'](license) ); }); if (errors.length) { _.each(errors, function(error) { gutil.log(gutil.colors.red(error.libraryName, 'has', error.license, 'license')); }); return cb('Issues with licenses found'); } else { return cb(); } }); }); var WEBPACK_STATS_OPTIONS = { colors: true, hash: false, version: false, assets: false, chunks: false }; gulp.task('dev-server', 'Launch development server.', function() { var devServerHost = argv['dev-server-host'] || ''; var devServerPort = argv['dev-server-port'] || 8080; var devServerUrl = 'http://' + devServerHost + ':' + devServerPort; var nailgunHost = argv['nailgun-host'] || ''; var nailgunPort = argv['nailgun-port'] || 8000; var nailgunUrl = 'http://' + nailgunHost + ':' + nailgunPort; var hotReload = !argv['no-hot']; var config = require('./webpack.config'); config.entry.push('webpack-dev-server/client?' + devServerUrl); if (hotReload) { config.entry.push('webpack/hot/dev-server'); config.plugins.push(new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()); config.plugins.push(new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin()); } var WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server'); var options = { hot: hotReload, stats: WEBPACK_STATS_OPTIONS, proxy: [ {path: '/', target: devServerUrl, rewrite: function(req) { req.url = '/static/index.html'; }}, {path: /^\/(?!static\/).+/, target: nailgunUrl} ] }; if (argv['fake-ostf']) { options.proxy.splice(1, 0, { path: /^\/ostf\/test.*/, target: devServerUrl, rewrite: function(req) { req.url = req.url.replace( /^.+(test[^\/]+)\/.*$/, function(match, requestedData) { if (requestedData === 'testruns') { requestedData += argv.running ? '_running' : '_finished'; } return '/fixtures/ostf/' + requestedData + '.json'; } ); }} ); options.proxy[2].path = /^\/(?!(static|fixtures)\/).+/; gutil.log('Fake OSTF server emulation is on'); } _.extend(options, config.output); new WebpackDevServer(webpack(config), options).listen(devServerPort, devServerHost, function(err) { if (err) throw err; gutil.log('Development server started at ' + devServerUrl); }); }, { options: { 'dev-server-host=[]': 'server host', 'dev-server-port=[8080]': 'server port', 'nailgun-host=[]': 'nailgun host', 'nailgun-port=[8000]': 'nailgun port', 'no-hot': 'disable hot reloading', 'fake-ostf': 'enable ostf server responses emulation', running: 'make fake ostf server respond with testset in in progress state instead of finished' } }); gulp.task('build', 'Build the project.', function(cb) { var sourceDir = path.resolve('static'); var targetDir = argv['static-dir'] ? path.resolve(argv['static-dir']) : sourceDir; var config = require('./webpack.config'); config.output.path = path.join(targetDir, 'build'); if (!argv.dev) { config.plugins.push( new webpack.DefinePlugin({'process.env': {NODE_ENV: '"production"'}}) ); } if (argv['extra-entries']) { config.entry = config.entry.concat(argv['extra-entries'].split(',')); } if (argv.uglify !== false) { config.devtool = 'source-map'; config.plugins.push( new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ sourceMap: true, mangle: false, compress: {warnings: false} }) ); } if (argv.sourcemaps === false) { delete config.devtool; } if (argv.watch) { config.watch = true; } rimraf.sync(config.output.path); var compiler = webpack(config); var run = config.watch ? compiler.watch.bind(compiler, config.watchOptions) : compiler.run.bind(compiler); run(function(err, stats) { if (err) return cb(err); gutil.log(stats.toString(WEBPACK_STATS_OPTIONS)); if (stats.hasErrors()) return cb('Build failed'); if (targetDir !== sourceDir) { var indexFilter = filter('index.html'); gulp .src([ 'index.html', 'favicon.ico', 'img/loader-bg.svg', 'img/loader-logo.svg', 'styles/layout.css' ], {cwd: sourceDir, base: sourceDir}) .pipe(indexFilter) .pipe(replace('__CACHE_BUST__', Date.now())) .pipe(indexFilter.restore()) .pipe(gulp.dest(targetDir)) .on('end', cb); } else if (!config.watch) { return cb(); } return null; }); }); gulp.task('default', ['build']);