/* * Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ import _ from 'underscore'; import i18n from 'i18n'; import React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import naturalSort from 'javascript-natural-sort'; import Expression from 'expression'; import ModelPath from 'expression/objects'; import IP from 'ip'; import {ErrorDialog} from 'views/dialogs'; import models from 'models'; var utils = { regexes: { url: /(?:https?:\/\/([\-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(\/([\w\/_\-\.]*(\?[\w\/_\-\.&%]*)?(#[\w\/_\-\.&%]*)?)?)?)/, ip: /^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$/, mac: /^([0-9a-f]{1,2}[\.:-]){5}([0-9a-f]{1,2})$/, cidr: /^(?:(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\/([1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[0-2])$/ }, serializeTabOptions(options) { return _.map(options, (value, key) => key + ':' + value).join(';'); }, deserializeTabOptions(serializedOptions) { return _.object(_.map((serializedOptions || '').split(';'), (option) => option.split(':'))); }, getNodeListFromTabOptions(options) { var nodeIds = utils.deserializeTabOptions(options.screenOptions[0]).nodes, ids = nodeIds ? nodeIds.split(',').map((id) => parseInt(id, 10)) : [], nodes = new models.Nodes(options.cluster.get('nodes').getByIds(ids)); if (nodes.length == ids.length) return nodes; }, renderMultilineText(text) { if (!text) return null; return
{text.split('\n').map((str, index) =>


; }, linebreaks(text) { return text.replace(/\n/g, '
'); }, composeLink(url) { return '' + url + ''; }, urlify(text) { return utils.linebreaks(text).replace(new RegExp(utils.regexes.url.source, 'g'), utils.composeLink); }, composeList(value) { return _.isUndefined(value) ? [] : _.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; }, // FIXME(vkramskikh): moved here from healthcheck_tab to make testable highlightTestStep(text, step) { return text.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s*)(' + step + '\\.[\\s\\S]*?)(\\s*\\d+\\.|$)'), '$1$2$3'); }, classNames: classNames, parseModelPath(path, models) { var modelPath = new ModelPath(path); modelPath.setModel(models); return modelPath; }, evaluateExpression(expression, models, options) { var compiledExpression = new Expression(expression, models, options), value = compiledExpression.evaluate(); return { value: value, modelPaths: compiledExpression.modelPaths }; }, expandRestriction(restriction) { var result = { action: 'disable', message: null }; if (_.isString(restriction)) { result.condition = restriction; } else if (_.isPlainObject(restriction)) { if (_.has(restriction, 'condition')) { _.extend(result, restriction); } else { result.condition = _.keys(restriction)[0]; result.message = _.values(restriction)[0]; } } else { throw new Error('Invalid restriction format'); } return result; }, showErrorDialog(options) { options.message = options.response ? utils.getResponseText(options.response) : options.message || i18n('dialog.error_dialog.server_error'); ErrorDialog.show(options); }, showBandwidth(bandwidth) { bandwidth = parseInt(bandwidth, 10); if (!_.isNumber(bandwidth) || _.isNaN(bandwidth)) return i18n('common.not_available'); return (bandwidth / 1000).toFixed(1) + ' Gbps'; }, showFrequency(frequency) { frequency = parseInt(frequency, 10); if (!_.isNumber(frequency) || _.isNaN(frequency)) return i18n('common.not_available'); var base = 1000; var treshold = 1000; return (frequency >= treshold ? (frequency / base).toFixed(2) + ' GHz' : frequency + ' MHz'); }, showSize(bytes, treshold) { bytes = parseInt(bytes, 10); if (!_.isNumber(bytes) || _.isNaN(bytes)) return i18n('common.not_available'); var base = 1024; treshold = treshold || 256; var units = ['byte', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb']; var i, result, unit = 'tb'; for (i = 0; i < units.length; i += 1) { result = bytes / Math.pow(base, i); if (result < treshold) { unit = units[i]; break; } } return (result ? result.toFixed(1) : result) + ' ' + i18n('common.size.' + unit, {count: result}); }, showMemorySize(bytes) { return utils.showSize(bytes, 1024); }, showDiskSize(value, power) { power = power || 0; return utils.showSize(value * Math.pow(1024, power)); }, calculateNetworkSize(cidr) { return Math.pow(2, 32 - parseInt(_.last(cidr.split('/')), 10)); }, formatNumber(n) { return String(n).replace(/\d/g, (c, i, a) => i > 0 && c !== '.' && (a.length - i) % 3 === 0 ? ',' + c : c); }, floor(n, decimals) { return Math.floor(n * Math.pow(10, decimals)) / Math.pow(10, decimals); }, isNaturalNumber(n) { return _.isNumber(n) && n > 0 && n % 1 === 0; }, validateVlan(vlan, forbiddenVlans, field, disallowNullValue) { var error = {}; if ((_.isNull(vlan) && disallowNullValue) || (!_.isNull(vlan) && (!utils.isNaturalNumber(vlan) || vlan < 1 || vlan > 4094))) { error[field] = i18n('cluster_page.network_tab.validation.invalid_vlan'); return error; } if (_.contains(_.compact(forbiddenVlans), vlan)) { error[field] = i18n('cluster_page.network_tab.validation.forbidden_vlan'); } return error[field] ? error : {}; }, validateCidr(cidr, field) { field = field || 'cidr'; var error = {}, match; if (_.isString(cidr)) { match = cidr.match(utils.regexes.cidr); if (match) { var prefix = parseInt(match[1], 10); if (prefix < 2) { error[field] = i18n('cluster_page.network_tab.validation.large_network'); } else if (prefix > 30) { error[field] = i18n('cluster_page.network_tab.validation.small_network'); } } else { error[field] = i18n('cluster_page.network_tab.validation.invalid_cidr'); } } else { error[field] = i18n('cluster_page.network_tab.validation.invalid_cidr'); } return error[field] ? error : {}; }, validateIP(ip) { return _.isString(ip) && !!ip.match(utils.regexes.ip); }, validateIPRanges(ranges, cidr, existingRanges = [], warnings = {}) { var ipRangesErrors = [], ns = 'cluster_page.network_tab.validation.'; _.defaults(warnings, { INVALID_IP: i18n(ns + 'invalid_ip'), DOES_NOT_MATCH_CIDR: i18n(ns + 'ip_does_not_match_cidr'), INVALID_IP_RANGE: i18n(ns + 'invalid_ip_range'), EMPTY_IP_RANGE: i18n(ns + 'empty_ip_range'), IP_RANGES_INTERSECTION: i18n(ns + 'ip_ranges_intersection') }); if (_.any(ranges, (range) => _.compact(range).length)) { _.each(ranges, (range, index) => { if (_.any(range)) { var error = {}; if (!utils.validateIP(range[0])) { error.start = warnings.INVALID_IP; } else if (cidr && !utils.validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(cidr, range[0])) { error.start = warnings.DOES_NOT_MATCH_CIDR; } if (!utils.validateIP(range[1])) { error.end = warnings.INVALID_IP; } else if (cidr && !utils.validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(cidr, range[1])) { error.end = warnings.DOES_NOT_MATCH_CIDR; } if (_.isEmpty(error)) { if (IP.toLong(range[0]) > IP.toLong(range[1])) { error.start = error.end = warnings.INVALID_IP_RANGE; } else if (_.isUndefined(cidr)) { error.start = error.end = warnings.IP_RANGE_IS_NOT_IN_PUBLIC_CIDR; } else if (existingRanges.length) { var intersection = utils.checkIPRangesIntersection(range, existingRanges); if (intersection) { error.start = error.end = warnings.IP_RANGES_INTERSECTION + intersection.join(' - '); } } } if (!_.isEmpty(error)) { ipRangesErrors.push(_.extend(error, {index: index})); } } }); } else { ipRangesErrors.push({ index: 0, start: warnings.EMPTY_IP_RANGE, end: warnings.EMPTY_IP_RANGE }); } return ipRangesErrors; }, checkIPRangesIntersection([startIP, endIP], existingRanges) { var startIPInt = IP.toLong(startIP), endIPInt = IP.toLong(endIP); return _.find(existingRanges, ([ip1, ip2]) => IP.toLong(ip2) >= startIPInt && IP.toLong(ip1) <= endIPInt); }, validateIpCorrespondsToCIDR(cidr, ip) { if (!cidr) return true; var networkData = IP.cidrSubnet(cidr), ipInt = IP.toLong(ip); return ipInt >= IP.toLong(networkData.firstAddress) && ipInt <= IP.toLong(networkData.lastAddress); }, validateVlanRange(vlanStart, vlanEnd, vlan) { return vlan >= vlanStart && vlan <= vlanEnd; }, getDefaultGatewayForCidr(cidr) { if (!_.isEmpty(utils.validateCidr(cidr))) return ''; return IP.cidrSubnet(cidr).firstAddress; }, getDefaultIPRangeForCidr(cidr, excludeGateway) { if (!_.isEmpty(utils.validateCidr(cidr))) return [['', '']]; var networkData = IP.cidrSubnet(cidr); if (excludeGateway) { var startIPInt = IP.toLong(networkData.firstAddress); startIPInt++; return [[IP.fromLong(startIPInt), networkData.lastAddress]]; } return [[networkData.firstAddress, networkData.lastAddress]]; }, sortEntryProperties(entry, sortOrder) { sortOrder = sortOrder || ['name']; var properties = _.keys(entry); return _.sortBy(properties, (property) => { var index = _.indexOf(sortOrder, property); return index == -1 ? properties.length : index; }); }, getResponseText(response, defaultText) { var serverErrorMessage = defaultText || i18n('dialog.error_dialog.server_error'); var serverUnavailableMessage = i18n('dialog.error_dialog.server_unavailable'); if (response && (!response.status || response.status >= 400)) { if (!response.status || response.status == 502) return serverUnavailableMessage; if (response.status == 500) return serverErrorMessage; // parsing new backend response format in responseText response = response.responseText || response; try { response = JSON.parse(response); return response.message || serverErrorMessage; } catch (exception) { return serverErrorMessage; } } return ''; }, natsort(str1, str2, options = {}) { var {insensitive, desc} = options; naturalSort.insensitive = insensitive; return naturalSort(str1, str2) * (desc ? -1 : 1); }, multiSort(model1, model2, attributes) { var result = utils.compare(model1, model2, attributes[0]); if (result === 0 && attributes.length > 1) { attributes.splice(0, 1); result = utils.multiSort(model1, model2, attributes); } return result; }, compare(model1, model2, options) { var getValue = function(model) { var attr = options.attr; return _.isFunction(model[attr]) ? model[attr]() : model.get(attr); }; var value1 = getValue(model1), value2 = getValue(model2); if (_.isString(value1) && _.isString(value2)) { return utils.natsort(value1, value2, options); } var result; if (_.isNumber(value1) && _.isNumber(value2)) { result = value1 - value2; } else { result = value1 === value2 || !value1 && !value2 ? 0 : !value1 ? 1 : -1; } return options.desc ? -result : result; }, composeDocumentationLink(link) { var isMirantisIso = _.contains(app.version.get('feature_groups'), 'mirantis'), release = app.version.get('release'), linkStart = isMirantisIso ? 'https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-' : 'https://docs.fuel-infra.org/openstack/fuel/fuel-'; return linkStart + release + '/' + link; } }; export default utils;