/* * Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import i18n from 'i18n'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import utils from 'utils'; import dispatcher from 'dispatcher'; import {Input, ProgressBar, Tooltip} from 'views/controls'; import { DiscardNodeChangesDialog, DeployChangesDialog, ProvisionVMsDialog, RemoveClusterDialog, ResetEnvironmentDialog, StopDeploymentDialog } from 'views/dialogs'; import {backboneMixin, pollingMixin, renamingMixin} from 'component_mixins'; var namespace = 'cluster_page.dashboard_tab.'; var DashboardTab = React.createClass({ mixins: [ // this is needed to somehow handle the case when verification // is in progress and user pressed Deploy backboneMixin({ modelOrCollection: (props) => props.cluster.get('tasks'), renderOn: 'update change' }), backboneMixin({ modelOrCollection: (props) => props.cluster.get('nodes'), renderOn: 'update change' }), backboneMixin({ modelOrCollection: (props) => props.cluster.get('pluginLinks'), renderOn: 'update change' }), backboneMixin('cluster', 'change'), pollingMixin(20, true) ], fetchData() { return this.props.cluster.get('nodes').fetch(); }, render() { var cluster = this.props.cluster; var nodes = cluster.get('nodes'); var release = cluster.get('release'); var runningDeploymentTask = cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true}); var dashboardLinks = [{ url: '/', title: i18n(namespace + 'horizon'), description: i18n(namespace + 'horizon_description') }].concat(cluster.get('pluginLinks').invoke('pick', 'url', 'title', 'description')); return (
{release.get('state') == 'unavailable' &&
{i18n('cluster_page.unavailable_release', {name: release.get('name')})}
} {cluster.get('is_customized') &&
} {runningDeploymentTask ? : [ cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: false}) && , cluster.get('status') == 'operational' && , (nodes.hasChanges() || cluster.needsRedeployment()) && , !nodes.length && (

{i18n(namespace + 'new_environment_welcome')}

) ] }
); } }); var DashboardLinks = React.createClass({ renderLink(link) { return ( 1 ? 'col-xs-6' : 'col-xs-12'} cluster={this.props.cluster} /> ); }, render() { var {links} = this.props; if (!links.length) return null; return (
{links.map((link, index) => { if (index % 2 == 0) return (
{this.renderLink(link)} {index + 1 < links.length && this.renderLink(links[index + 1])}
); }, this)}
); } }); var DashboardLink = React.createClass({ propTypes: { title: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, url: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, description: React.PropTypes.node }, processRelativeURL(url) { var sslSettings = this.props.cluster.get('settings').get('public_ssl'); if (sslSettings.horizon.value) return 'https://' + sslSettings.hostname.value + url; return this.getHTTPLink(url); }, getHTTPLink(url) { return 'http://' + this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration').get('public_vip') + url; }, render() { var isSSLEnabled = this.props.cluster.get('settings').get('public_ssl.horizon.value'); var isURLRelative = !(/^(?:https?:)?\/\//.test(this.props.url)); var url = isURLRelative ? this.processRelativeURL(this.props.url) : this.props.url; return (
{this.props.title} {isURLRelative && isSSLEnabled && {i18n(namespace + 'http_plugin_link')} }
); } }); var DeploymentInProgressControl = React.createClass({ showDialog(Dialog) { Dialog.show({cluster: this.props.cluster}); }, render() { var task = this.props.task; var taskName = task.get('name'); var isInfiniteTask = task.isInfinite(); var taskProgress = task.get('progress'); var showStopButton = task.match({name: 'deploy'}); return (

{i18n(namespace + 'current_task') + ' '} {i18n('cluster_page.' + taskName) + '...'}

{showStopButton && }
); } }); var DeploymentResult = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return {collapsed: false}; }, dismissTaskResult() { var task = this.props.cluster.task({group: 'deployment'}); if (task) task.destroy(); }, componentDidMount() { $('.result-details', ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this)) .on('show.bs.collapse', this.setState.bind(this, {collapsed: true}, null)) .on('hide.bs.collapse', this.setState.bind(this, {collapsed: false}, null)); }, render() { var task = this.props.cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: false}); if (!task) return null; var error = task.match({status: 'error'}); var delimited = task.escape('message').split('\n\n'); var summary = delimited.shift(); var details = delimited.join('\n\n'); var warning = task.match({name: ['reset_environment', 'stop_deployment']}); var classes = { alert: true, 'alert-warning': warning, 'alert-danger': !warning && error, 'alert-success': !warning && !error }; return (
{i18n('common.' + (error ? 'error' : 'success'))}
); } }); var DocumentationLinks = React.createClass({ renderDocumentationLinks(link, labelKey) { return (
{i18n(namespace + labelKey)}
); }, render() { var isMirantisIso = _.contains(app.version.get('feature_groups'), 'mirantis'); return (
{i18n(namespace + 'documentation')}

{i18n(namespace + 'documentation_description')}

{isMirantisIso ? [ this.renderDocumentationLinks( 'https://www.mirantis.com/openstack-documentation/', 'mos_documentation' ), this.renderDocumentationLinks( utils.composeDocumentationLink('plugin-dev.html#plugin-dev'), 'plugin_documentation' ), this.renderDocumentationLinks( 'https://software.mirantis.com/mirantis-openstack-technical-bulletins/', 'technical_bulletins' ) ] : [ this.renderDocumentationLinks( 'http://docs.openstack.org/', 'openstack_documentation' ), this.renderDocumentationLinks( 'https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel/Plugins', 'plugin_documentation' ) ] }
); } }); // @FIXME (morale): this component is written in a bad pattern of 'monolith' component // it should be refactored to provide proper logics separation and decoupling var DeployReadinessBlock = React.createClass({ mixins: [ // this is needed to somehow handle the case when verification // is in progress and user pressed Deploy backboneMixin({ modelOrCollection(props) { return props.cluster.get('tasks'); }, renderOn: 'update change' }), backboneMixin('cluster', 'change') ], ns: 'dialog.display_changes.', getConfigModels() { var {cluster} = this.props; return { cluster: cluster, settings: cluster.get('settings'), version: app.version, release: cluster.get('release'), default: cluster.get('settings'), networking_parameters: cluster.get('networkConfiguration').get('networking_parameters') }; }, validate(cluster) { return _.reduce( this.validations, (accumulator, validator) => _.merge(accumulator, validator.call(this, cluster), (a, b) => a.concat(_.compact(b))), {blocker: [], error: [], warning: []} ); }, validations: [ // check if TLS settings are not configured function(cluster) { var sslSettings = cluster.get('settings').get('public_ssl'); if (!sslSettings.horizon.value && !sslSettings.services.value) { return {warning: [i18n(this.ns + 'tls_not_enabled')]}; } if (!sslSettings.horizon.value) { return {warning: [i18n(this.ns + 'tls_for_horizon_not_enabled')]}; } if (!sslSettings.services.value) { return {warning: [i18n(this.ns + 'tls_for_services_not_enabled')]}; } }, // check if deployment failed function(cluster) { return cluster.needsRedeployment() && { error: [ ] }; }, // check VCenter settings function(cluster) { if (cluster.get('settings').get('common.use_vcenter.value')) { var vcenter = cluster.get('vcenter'); vcenter.setModels(this.getConfigModels()); return !vcenter.isValid() && { blocker: [ {i18n('vmware.has_errors') + ' '} {i18n('vmware.tab_name')} ] }; } }, // check cluster settings function(cluster) { var configModels = this.getConfigModels(); var areSettingsInvalid = !cluster.get('settings').isValid({models: configModels}); return areSettingsInvalid && {blocker: [ {i18n(this.ns + 'invalid_settings')} {' ' + i18n(this.ns + 'get_more_info') + ' '} {i18n(this.ns + 'settings_link')} . ]}; }, // check node amount restrictions according to their roles function(cluster) { var configModels = this.getConfigModels(); var roleModels = cluster.get('roles'); var validRoleModels = roleModels.filter((role) => { return !role.checkRestrictions(configModels).result; }); var limitValidations = _.zipObject(validRoleModels.map((role) => { return [role.get('name'), role.checkLimits(configModels, cluster.get('nodes'))]; })); var limitRecommendations = _.zipObject(validRoleModels.map((role) => { return [role.get('name'), role.checkLimits(configModels, cluster.get('nodes'), true, ['recommended'])]; })); return { blocker: roleModels.map((role) => { var name = role.get('name'); var limits = limitValidations[name]; return limits && !limits.valid && limits.message; }), warning: roleModels.map((role) => { var name = role.get('name'); var recommendation = limitRecommendations[name]; return recommendation && !recommendation.valid && recommendation.message; }) }; }, // check cluster network configuration function(cluster) { if (this.props.nodeNetworkGroups.where({cluster_id: cluster.id}).length > 1) return null; var networkVerificationTask = cluster.task('verify_networks'); var makeComponent = (text, isError) => { var span = ( {text} {' ' + i18n(this.ns + 'get_more_info') + ' '} {i18n(this.ns + 'networks_link')} . ); return isError ? {error: [span]} : {warning: [span]}; }; if (_.isUndefined(networkVerificationTask)) { return makeComponent(i18n(this.ns + 'verification_not_performed')); } else if (networkVerificationTask.match({status: 'error'})) { return makeComponent(i18n(this.ns + 'verification_failed'), true); } else if (networkVerificationTask.match({active: true})) { return makeComponent(i18n(this.ns + 'verification_in_progress')); } } ], showDialog(Dialog, options) { Dialog.show(_.extend({cluster: this.props.cluster}, options)); }, renderChangedNodesAmount(nodes, dictKey) { if (!nodes.length) return null; return (
  • {i18n('dialog.display_changes.' + dictKey, {count: nodes.length})}
  • ); }, render() { var cluster = this.props.cluster; var nodes = cluster.get('nodes'); var alerts = this.validate(cluster); var isDeploymentPossible = cluster.isDeploymentPossible() && !alerts.blocker.length; var isVMsProvisioningAvailable = nodes.any((node) => { return node.get('pending_addition') && node.hasRole('virt'); }); return (
    {nodes.hasChanges() &&

    {i18n(namespace + 'changes_header')}

      {this.renderChangedNodesAmount( nodes.where({pending_addition: true}), 'added_node' )} {this.renderChangedNodesAmount( nodes.where({status: 'provisioned'}), 'provisioned_node' )} {this.renderChangedNodesAmount( nodes.where({pending_deletion: true}), 'deleted_node' )}
    } {isVMsProvisioningAvailable ? : }
    {_.map(['blocker', 'error', 'warning'], (severity) => )}
    ); } }); var WarningsBlock = React.createClass({ ns: 'dialog.display_changes.', render() { if (_.isEmpty(this.props.alerts)) return null; var className = this.props.severity == 'warning' ? 'warning' : 'danger'; return (
    {this.props.severity == 'blocker' && }
      {_.map(this.props.alerts, (alert, index) => { return
    • {alert}
    • ; }, this)}
    ); } }); var ClusterInfo = React.createClass({ mixins: [renamingMixin('clustername')], getClusterValue(fieldName) { var cluster = this.props.cluster; var settings = cluster.get('settings'); switch (fieldName) { case 'status': return i18n('cluster.status.' + cluster.get('status')); case 'openstack_release': return cluster.get('release').get('name'); case 'compute': var libvirtSettings = settings.get('common').libvirt_type; var computeLabel = _.find(libvirtSettings.values, {data: libvirtSettings.value}).label; if (settings.get('common').use_vcenter.value) { return computeLabel + ' ' + i18n(namespace + 'and_vcenter'); } return computeLabel; case 'network': var networkingParameters = cluster.get('networkConfiguration').get('networking_parameters'); if (cluster.get('net_provider') == 'nova_network') { return i18n(namespace + 'nova_with') + ' ' + networkingParameters.get('net_manager'); } return (i18n('common.network.neutron_' + networkingParameters.get('segmentation_type'))); case 'storage_backends': return _.map(_.where(settings.get('storage'), {value: true}), 'label') || i18n(namespace + 'no_storage_enabled'); default: return cluster.get(fieldName); } }, renderClusterInfoFields() { return ( _.map(['status', 'openstack_release', 'compute', 'network', 'storage_backends'], (field) => { var value = this.getClusterValue(field); return (
    {i18n(namespace + 'cluster_info_fields.' + field)}
    {_.isArray(value) ? value.map((line) =>


    ) :


    ); }, this) ); }, renderClusterCapacity() { var cores = 0; var hdds = 0; var ram = 0; var ns = namespace + 'cluster_info_fields.'; this.props.cluster.get('nodes').each((node) => { cores += node.resource('ht_cores'); hdds += node.resource('hdd'); ram += node.resource('ram'); }, this); return (
    {i18n(ns + 'capacity')}
    {i18n(ns + 'cpu_cores')} {cores}
    {i18n(ns + 'hdd')} {utils.showDiskSize(hdds)}
    {i18n(ns + 'ram')} {utils.showDiskSize(ram)}
    ); }, getNumberOfNodesWithRole(field) { var nodes = this.props.cluster.get('nodes'); if (!nodes.length) return 0; if (field == 'total') return nodes.length; return _.filter(nodes.invoke('hasRole', field)).length; }, getNumberOfNodesWithStatus(field) { var nodes = this.props.cluster.get('nodes'); if (!nodes.length) return 0; switch (field) { case 'offline': return nodes.where({online: false}).length; case 'error': return nodes.where({status: 'error'}).length; case 'pending_addition': case 'pending_deletion': var searchObject = {}; searchObject[field] = true; return nodes.where(searchObject).length; default: return nodes.where({status: field}).length; } }, renderLegend(fieldsData, isRole) { var result = _.map(fieldsData, (field) => { var numberOfNodes = isRole ? this.getNumberOfNodesWithRole(field) : this.getNumberOfNodesWithStatus(field); return numberOfNodes ?
    {isRole && field != 'total' ? this.props.cluster.get('roles').find({name: field}).get('label') : field == 'total' ? i18n(namespace + 'cluster_info_fields.total') : i18n('cluster_page.nodes_tab.node.status.' + field, {os: this.props.cluster.get('release').get('operating_system') || 'OS'}) }
    : null; }); return result; }, renderStatistics() { var hasNodes = !!this.props.cluster.get('nodes').length; var fieldRoles = _.union(['total'], this.props.cluster.get('roles').pluck('name')); var fieldStatuses = [ 'offline', 'error', 'pending_addition', 'pending_deletion', 'ready', 'provisioned', 'provisioning', 'deploying', 'removing' ]; return (
    {i18n(namespace + 'cluster_info_fields.statistics')}
    {hasNodes ? [
    {this.renderLegend(fieldRoles, true)}
    ] :

    {i18n(namespace + 'no_nodes_warning_add_them')}

    ); }, render() { var cluster = this.props.cluster; return (
    {i18n(namespace + 'summary')}
    {i18n(namespace + 'cluster_info_fields.name')}
    {this.state.isRenaming ? :
    {this.renderClusterInfoFields()} {(cluster.get('status') == 'operational') &&
    {i18n(namespace + 'healthcheck')} {i18n(namespace + 'healthcheck_tab')}
    {this.renderClusterCapacity()} {this.renderStatistics()}
    ); } }); var AddNodesButton = React.createClass({ render() { var disabled = !!this.props.cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true}); return ( {i18n(namespace + 'go_to_nodes')} ); } }); var RenameEnvironmentAction = React.createClass({ applyAction(e) { e.preventDefault(); var cluster = this.props.cluster; var name = this.state.name; if (name != cluster.get('name')) { var deferred = cluster.save({name: name}, {patch: true, wait: true}); if (deferred) { this.setState({disabled: true}); deferred .fail((response) => { if (response.status == 409) { this.setState({error: utils.getResponseText(response)}); } else { utils.showErrorDialog({ title: i18n(namespace + 'rename_error.title'), response: response }); } }) .done(() => { dispatcher.trigger('updatePageLayout'); }) .always(() => { this.setState({disabled: false}); if (!(this.state && this.state.error)) this.props.endRenaming(); }); } else if (cluster.validationError) { this.setState({error: cluster.validationError.name}); } } else { this.props.endRenaming(); } }, getInitialState() { return { name: this.props.cluster.get('name'), disabled: false, error: '' }; }, onChange(inputName, newValue) { this.setState({ name: newValue, error: '' }); }, handleKeyDown(e) { if (e.key == 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); this.applyAction(e); } if (e.key == 'Escape') { e.preventDefault(); this.props.endRenaming(); } }, render() { var classes = { 'rename-block': true, 'has-error': !!this.state.error }; return (
    {this.state.error &&
    ); } }); var ResetEnvironmentAction = React.createClass({ mixins: [ backboneMixin('cluster'), backboneMixin('task') ], getDescriptionKey() { if (this.props.task) { if (this.props.task.match({name: 'reset_environment'})) return 'repeated_reset_disabled'; return 'reset_disabled_for_deploying_cluster'; } if (this.props.cluster.get('status') == 'new') return 'no_changes_to_reset'; return 'reset_environment_description'; }, applyAction(e) { e.preventDefault(); ResetEnvironmentDialog.show({cluster: this.props.cluster}); }, render() { var isLocked = this.props.cluster.get('status') == 'new' || !!this.props.task; return (
    ); } }); var DeleteEnvironmentAction = React.createClass({ applyAction(e) { e.preventDefault(); RemoveClusterDialog.show({cluster: this.props.cluster}); }, render() { return (
    ); } }); var InstructionElement = React.createClass({ render() { var link = utils.composeDocumentationLink(this.props.link); var classes = { instruction: true }; classes[this.props.wrapperClass] = !!this.props.wrapperClass; return (
    {i18n(namespace + this.props.description) + ' '} {i18n(namespace + this.props.linkTitle)} {this.props.explanation ? ' ' + i18n(namespace + this.props.explanation) : '.'}
    ); } }); export default DashboardTab;