/* * Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import i18n from 'i18n'; import React from 'react'; import utils from 'utils'; import models from 'models'; import {Input, ProgressBar} from 'views/controls'; import {pollingMixin} from 'component_mixins'; import PureRenderMixin from 'react-addons-pure-render-mixin'; import ReactFragment from 'react-addons-create-fragment'; var LogsTab = React.createClass({ mixins: [ pollingMixin(5) ], shouldDataBeFetched() { return this.state.to && this.state.logsEntries; }, fetchData() { var request; var logsEntries = this.state.logsEntries; var from = this.state.from; var to = this.state.to; request = this.fetchLogs({from: from, to: to}) .done((data) => { this.setState({ logsEntries: data.entries.concat(logsEntries), from: data.from, to: data.to }); }); return $.when(request); }, getInitialState() { return { showMoreLogsLink: false, loading: 'loading', loadingError: null, from: -1, to: 0 }; }, fetchLogs(data) { return $.ajax({ url: '/api/logs', dataType: 'json', data: _.extend(_.omit(this.props.selectedLogs, 'type'), data), headers: { 'X-Auth-Token': app.keystoneClient.token } }); }, showLogs(params) { this.stopPolling(); var logOptions = this.props.selectedLogs.type == 'remote' ? _.extend({}, this.props.selectedLogs) : _.omit(this.props.selectedLogs, 'node'); logOptions.level = logOptions.level.toLowerCase(); app.navigate('#cluster/' + this.props.cluster.id + '/logs/' + utils.serializeTabOptions(logOptions), {trigger: false, replace: true}); params = params || {}; this.fetchLogs(params) .done((data) => { var logsEntries = this.state.logsEntries || []; this.setState({ showMoreLogsLink: data.has_more || false, logsEntries: params.fetch_older ? logsEntries.concat(data.entries) : data.entries, loading: 'done', from: data.from, to: data.to }); this.startPolling(); }) .fail((response) => { this.setState({ logsEntries: undefined, loading: 'fail', loadingError: utils.getResponseText(response, i18n('cluster_page.logs_tab.log_alert')) }); }); }, onShowButtonClick() { this.setState({ loading: 'loading', loadingError: null }, this.showLogs); }, onShowMoreClick(value) { this.showLogs({max_entries: value, fetch_older: true, from: this.state.from}); }, render() { return (
{this.state.loading == 'fail' &&
} {this.state.loading == 'loading' && } {this.state.logsEntries && }
); } }); var LogFilterBar = React.createClass({ // PureRenderMixin added for prevention the rerender LogFilterBar // (because of polling) in Mozilla browser mixins: [PureRenderMixin], getInitialState() { return _.extend({}, this.props.selectedLogs, { sourcesLoadingState: 'loading', sourcesLoadingError: null, sources: [], locked: true }); }, fetchSources(type, nodeId) { var nodes = this.props.nodes; var chosenNodeId = nodeId || (nodes.length ? nodes.first().id : null); this.sources = new models.LogSources(); this.sources.deferred = (type == 'remote' && chosenNodeId) ? this.sources.fetch({url: '/api/logs/sources/nodes/' + chosenNodeId}) : this.sources.fetch(); this.sources.deferred.done(() => { var filteredSources = this.sources.filter((source) => { return source.get('remote') == (type != 'local'); }); var chosenSource = _.findWhere(filteredSources, {id: this.state.source}) || _.first(filteredSources); var chosenLevelId = chosenSource ? _.contains(chosenSource.get('levels'), this.state.level) ? this.state.level : _.first(chosenSource.get('levels')) : null; this.setState({ type: type, sources: this.sources, sourcesLoadingState: 'done', node: chosenNodeId && type == 'remote' ? chosenNodeId : null, source: chosenSource ? chosenSource.id : null, level: chosenLevelId, locked: false }); }); this.sources.deferred.fail((response) => { this.setState({ type: type, sources: {}, sourcesLoadingState: 'fail', sourcesLoadingError: utils.getResponseText(response, i18n('cluster_page.logs_tab.source_alert')), locked: false }); }); return this.sources.deferred; }, componentDidMount() { this.fetchSources(this.state.type, this.state.node) .done(() => { this.setState({locked: true}); this.props.showLogs(); }); }, onTypeChange(name, value) { this.fetchSources(value); }, onNodeChange(name, value) { this.fetchSources('remote', value); }, onLevelChange(name, value) { this.setState({ level: value, locked: false }); }, onSourceChange(name, value) { var levels = this.state.sources.get(value).get('levels'); var data = {locked: false, source: value}; if (!_.contains(levels, this.state.level)) data.level = _.first(levels); this.setState(data); }, getLocalSources() { return this.state.sources.map((source) => { if (!source.get('remote')) { return ; } }, this); }, getRemoteSources() { var options = {}; var groups = ['']; var sourcesByGroup = {'': []}; var sources = this.state.sources; if (sources.length) { sources.each((source) => { var group = source.get('group') || ''; if (!_.has(sourcesByGroup, group)) { sourcesByGroup[group] = []; groups.push(group); } sourcesByGroup[group].push(source); }); _.each(groups, (group) => { if (sourcesByGroup[group].length) { var option = sourcesByGroup[group].map((source) => { return ; }); options[group] = group ? {option} : option; } }, this); } return ReactFragment(options); }, handleShowButtonClick() { this.setState({locked: true}); this.props.changeLogSelection(_.pick(this.state, 'type', 'node', 'source', 'level')); this.props.onShowButtonClick(); }, render() { var isRemote = this.state.type == 'remote'; return (
{this.renderTypeSelect()} {isRemote && this.renderNodeSelect()} {this.renderSourceSelect()} {this.renderLevelSelect()} {this.renderFilterButton(isRemote)}
{this.state.sourcesLoadingState == 'fail' &&
); }, renderFilterButton(isRemote) { return
; }, renderTypeSelect() { var types = [['local', 'Fuel Master']]; if (this.props.nodes.length) { types.push(['remote', 'Other servers']); } var typeOptions = types.map((type) => { return ; }); return
; }, renderNodeSelect() { var sortedNodes = this.props.nodes.models.sort(_.partialRight(utils.compare, {attr: 'name'})); var nodeOptions = sortedNodes.map((node) => { return ; }); return
; }, renderSourceSelect() { var sourceOptions = this.state.type == 'local' ? this.getLocalSources() : this.getRemoteSources(); return
; }, renderLevelSelect() { var levelOptions = []; if (this.state.source && this.state.sources.length) { levelOptions = this.state.sources.get(this.state.source).get('levels').map((level) => { return ; }); } return
; } }); var LogsTable = React.createClass({ handleShowMoreClick(value) { return this.props.onShowMoreClick(value); }, getLevelClass(level) { return { DEBUG: 'debug', INFO: 'info', NOTICE: 'notice', WARNING: 'warning', ERROR: 'error', ERR: 'error', CRITICAL: 'critical', CRIT: 'critical', ALERT: 'alert', EMERG: 'emerg' }[level]; }, render() { var tabRows = []; var logsEntries = this.props.logsEntries; if (logsEntries && logsEntries.length) { tabRows = _.map(logsEntries, (entry, index) => { var key = logsEntries.length - index; return {entry[0]} {entry[1]} {entry[2]} ; }); } return logsEntries.length ? {tabRows} {this.props.showMoreLogsLink && }
{i18n('cluster_page.logs_tab.date')} {i18n('cluster_page.logs_tab.level')} {i18n('cluster_page.logs_tab.message')}
{i18n('cluster_page.logs_tab.bottom_text')}: { [100, 500, 1000, 5000].map((count) => { return ; }) }
; } }); export default LogsTab;