/* * Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import i18n from 'i18n'; import React from 'react'; import utils from 'utils'; import models from 'models'; import {backboneMixin, unsavedChangesMixin} from 'component_mixins'; import SettingSection from 'views/cluster_page_tabs/setting_section'; import CSSTransitionGroup from 'react-addons-transition-group'; var SettingsTab = React.createClass({ mixins: [ backboneMixin('cluster', 'change:status'), backboneMixin({ modelOrCollection(props) { return props.cluster.get('settings'); }, renderOn: 'change invalid' }), backboneMixin({modelOrCollection(props) { return props.cluster.get('tasks'); }}), backboneMixin({modelOrCollection(props) { return props.cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true}); }}), unsavedChangesMixin ], statics: { fetchData(options) { return $.when(options.cluster.get('settings').fetch({cache: true}), options.cluster.get('networkConfiguration').fetch({cache: true})).then(() => ({})); } }, getInitialState() { var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'); return { configModels: { cluster: this.props.cluster, settings: settings, networking_parameters: this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration') .get('networking_parameters'), version: app.version, release: this.props.cluster.get('release'), default: settings }, settingsForChecks: new models.Settings(_.cloneDeep(settings.attributes)), initialAttributes: _.cloneDeep(settings.attributes), actionInProgress: false }; }, componentDidMount() { this.props.cluster.get('settings').isValid({models: this.state.configModels}); }, componentWillUnmount() { this.loadInitialSettings(); }, hasChanges() { return this.props.cluster.get('settings').hasChanges( this.state.initialAttributes, this.state.configModels ); }, applyChanges() { if (!this.isSavingPossible()) return $.Deferred().reject(); // collecting data to save var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'); var dataToSave = this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges() ? settings.attributes : _.pick(settings.attributes, (group) => (group.metadata || {}).always_editable); var options = {url: settings.url, patch: true, wait: true, validate: false}; var deferred = new models.Settings(_.cloneDeep(dataToSave)).save(null, options); if (deferred) { this.setState({actionInProgress: true}); deferred .done(() => { this.setState({initialAttributes: _.cloneDeep(settings.attributes)}); // some networks may have restrictions which are processed by nailgun, // so networks need to be refetched after updating cluster attributes this.props.cluster.get('networkConfiguration').cancelThrottling(); }) .always(() => { this.setState({ actionInProgress: false, key: _.now() }); this.props.cluster.fetch(); }) .fail((response) => { utils.showErrorDialog({ title: i18n('cluster_page.settings_tab.settings_error.title'), message: i18n('cluster_page.settings_tab.settings_error.saving_warning'), response: response }); }); } return deferred; }, loadDefaults() { var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'); var lockedCluster = !this.props.cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges(); var defaultSettings = new models.Settings(); var deferred = defaultSettings.fetch({url: _.result(this.props.cluster, 'url') + '/attributes/defaults'}); if (deferred) { this.setState({actionInProgress: true}); deferred .done(() => { _.each(settings.attributes, (section, sectionName) => { if ((!lockedCluster || section.metadata.always_editable) && section.metadata.group != 'network') { _.each(section, (setting, settingName) => { // do not update hidden settings (hack for #1442143), // the same for settings with group network if (setting.type == 'hidden' || setting.group == 'network') return; var path = settings.makePath(sectionName, settingName); settings.set(path, defaultSettings.get(path), {silent: true}); }); } }); settings.mergePluginSettings(); settings.isValid({models: this.state.configModels}); this.setState({ actionInProgress: false, key: _.now() }); }) .fail((response) => { utils.showErrorDialog({ title: i18n('cluster_page.settings_tab.settings_error.title'), message: i18n('cluster_page.settings_tab.settings_error.load_defaults_warning'), response: response }); }); } }, revertChanges() { this.loadInitialSettings(); this.setState({key: _.now()}); }, loadInitialSettings() { var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'); settings.set(_.cloneDeep(this.state.initialAttributes), {silent: true, validate: false}); settings.mergePluginSettings(); settings.isValid({models: this.state.configModels}); }, onChange(groupName, settingName, value) { var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'); var name = settings.makePath(groupName, settingName, settings.getValueAttribute(settingName)); this.state.settingsForChecks.set(name, value); // FIXME: the following hacks cause we can't pass {validate: true} option to set method // this form of validation isn't supported in Backbone DeepModel settings.validationError = null; settings.set(name, value); settings.isValid({models: this.state.configModels}); }, checkRestrictions(action, setting) { return this.props.cluster.get('settings').checkRestrictions( this.state.configModels, action, setting ); }, isSavingPossible() { var settings = this.props.cluster.get('settings'); var locked = this.state.actionInProgress || !!this.props.cluster.task({ group: 'deployment', active: true }); // network settings are shown on Networks tab, so they should not block // saving of changes on Settings tab var areSettingsValid = !_.any(_.keys(settings.validationError), (settingPath) => { var settingSection = settingPath.split('.')[0]; return settings.get(settingSection).metadata.group != 'network' && settings.get(settingPath).group != 'network'; }); return !locked && this.hasChanges() && areSettingsValid; }, render() { var cluster = this.props.cluster; var settings = cluster.get('settings'); var settingsGroupList = settings.getGroupList(); var locked = this.state.actionInProgress || !!cluster.task({group: 'deployment', active: true}); var lockedCluster = !cluster.isAvailableForSettingsChanges(); var someSettingsEditable = _.any( settings.attributes, (group) => group.metadata.always_editable ); var hasChanges = this.hasChanges(); var allocatedRoles = _.uniq(_.flatten(_.union( cluster.get('nodes').pluck('roles'), cluster.get('nodes').pluck('pending_roles') ))); var classes = { row: true, 'changes-locked': lockedCluster }; var invalidSections = {}; _.each(settings.validationError, (error, key) => { invalidSections[_.first(key.split('.'))] = true; }); // Prepare list of settings organized by groups var groupedSettings = {}; _.each(settingsGroupList, (group) => groupedSettings[group] = {}); _.each(settings.attributes, (section, sectionName) => { var isHidden = this.checkRestrictions('hide', section.metadata).result; if (!isHidden) { var group = section.metadata.group; var hasErrors = invalidSections[sectionName]; if (group) { if (group != 'network') { groupedSettings[settings.sanitizeGroup(group)][sectionName] = {invalid: hasErrors}; } } else { // Settings like 'Common' can be splitted to different groups var settingGroups = _.chain(section) .omit('metadata') .pluck('group') .unique() .without('network') .value(); // to support plugins without settings (just for user to be able to switch its version) if (!settingGroups.length && settings.isPlugin(section)) { groupedSettings.other[sectionName] = {settings: [], invalid: hasErrors}; } _.each(settingGroups, (settingGroup) => { var calculatedGroup = settings.sanitizeGroup(settingGroup); var pickedSettings = _.compact(_.map(section, (setting, settingName) => { if ( settingName != 'metadata' && setting.type != 'hidden' && settings.sanitizeGroup(setting.group) == calculatedGroup && !this.checkRestrictions('hide', setting).result ) return settingName; })); var hasErrors = _.any(pickedSettings, (settingName) => { return (settings.validationError || {})[settings.makePath(sectionName, settingName)]; }); if (!_.isEmpty(pickedSettings)) { groupedSettings[calculatedGroup][sectionName] = { settings: pickedSettings, invalid: hasErrors }; } }); } } }); groupedSettings = _.omit(groupedSettings, _.isEmpty); return (
{_.map(groupedSettings, (selectedGroup, groupName) => { if (groupName != this.props.activeSettingsSectionName) return null; var sortedSections = _.sortBy( _.keys(selectedGroup), (name) => settings.get(name + '.metadata.weight') ); return (
{_.map(sortedSections, (sectionName) => { var settingsToDisplay = selectedGroup[sectionName].settings || _.compact(_.map(settings.get(sectionName), (setting, settingName) => { if ( settingName != 'metadata' && setting.type != 'hidden' && !this.checkRestrictions('hide', setting).result ) return settingName; })); return ; })}
); })}
); } }); var SettingSubtabs = React.createClass({ render() { return (
{ this.props.settingsGroupList.map((groupName) => { if (!this.props.groupedSettings[groupName]) return null; var hasErrors = _.any(_.pluck(this.props.groupedSettings[groupName], 'invalid')); return (
  • {hasErrors && } {i18n('cluster_page.settings_tab.groups.' + groupName, {defaultValue: groupName})}
  • ); }) }
    ); } }); export default SettingsTab;