
167 lines
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* Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
], function(registerSuite, assert, helpers, Common, ClusterPage, SettingsPage, ModalWindow) {
'use strict';
registerSuite(function() {
var common,
return {
name: 'Settings tab',
setup: function() {
common = new Common(this.remote);
clusterPage = new ClusterPage(this.remote);
settingsPage = new SettingsPage(this.remote);
modal = new ModalWindow(this.remote);
clusterName = common.pickRandomName('Test Cluster');
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return common.getIn();
.then(function() {
return common.createCluster(clusterName);
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.goToTab('Settings');
// go to Storage subtab to use checkboxes for tests
'Settings tab is rendered correctly': function() {
return this.remote
.assertElementNotExists('.nav .subtab-link-network', 'Subtab for Network settings is not presented in navigation')
.assertElementEnabled('.btn-load-defaults', 'Load defaults button is enabled')
.assertElementDisabled('.btn-revert-changes', 'Cancel Changes button is disabled')
.assertElementDisabled('.btn-apply-changes', 'Save Settings button is disabled');
'Check Save Settings button': function() {
return this.remote
// introduce change
.assertElementAppears('.btn-apply-changes:not(:disabled)', 200, 'Save Settings button is enabled if there are changes')
// reset the change
.assertElementAppears('.btn-apply-changes:disabled', 200, 'Save Settings button is disabled if there are no changes');
'Check Cancel Changes button': function() {
return this.remote
// introduce change
.waitForCssSelector('.btn-apply-changes:not(:disabled)', 200)
// try to move out of Settings tab
.then(function() {
// check Discard Chasnges dialog appears
return modal.waitToOpen();
.then(function() {
return modal.close();
// reset changes
.assertElementDisabled('.btn-apply-changes', 'Save Settings button is disabled after changes were cancelled');
'Check changes saving': function() {
return this.remote
// introduce change
.waitForCssSelector('.btn-apply-changes:not(:disabled)', 200)
.then(function() {
return settingsPage.waitForRequestCompleted();
.assertElementDisabled('.btn-revert-changes', 'Cancel Changes button is disabled after changes were saved successfully');
'Check loading of defaults': function() {
return this.remote
// load defaults
.then(function() {
return settingsPage.waitForRequestCompleted();
.assertElementEnabled('.btn-apply-changes', 'Save Settings button is enabled after defaults were loaded')
.assertElementEnabled('.btn-revert-changes', 'Cancel Changes button is enabled after defaults were loaded')
// revert the change
'The choice of subgroup is preserved when user navigates through the cluster tabs': function() {
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.goToTab('Dashboard');
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.goToTab('Settings');
.assertElementExists('.nav-pills li.active a.subtab-link-logging', 'The choice of subgroup is preserved when user navigates through the cluster tabs');
'The page reacts on invalid input': function() {
return this.remote
// "nova" is forbidden username
.setInputValue('[type=text][name=user]', 'nova')
.assertElementAppears('.security .form-group.has-error', 200, 'Invalid field marked as error')
.assertElementExists('.subtab-link-security i.glyphicon-danger-sign', 'Subgroup with invalid field marked as invalid')
.assertElementDisabled('.btn-apply-changes', 'Save Settings button is disabled in case of validation error')
// revert the change
.assertElementNotExists('.security .form-group.has-error', 'Validation error is cleared after resetting changes')
.assertElementNotExists('.subtab-link-security i.glyphicon-danger-sign', 'Subgroup menu has default layout after resetting changes');
'Test repositories custom control': function() {
var repoAmount,
self = this;
return this.remote
// get amount of default repositories
.findAllByCssSelector('.repos .form-inline')
.then(function(elements) {
repoAmount = elements.length;
.assertElementNotExists('.repos .form-inline:nth-of-type(1) .btn-link', 'The first repo can not be deleted')
// delete some repo
.clickByCssSelector('.repos .form-inline .btn-link')
.then(function() {
return self.remote.assertElementsExist('.repos .form-inline', repoAmount - 1, 'Repo was deleted');
// add new repo
.then(function() {
return self.remote.assertElementsExist('.repos .form-inline', repoAmount, 'New repo placeholder was added');
.assertElementExists('.repos .form-inline .repo-name.has-error', 'Empty repo marked as invalid')
// revert the change