
190 lines
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* Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import registerSuite from 'intern!object';
import assert from 'intern/chai!assert';
import Common from 'tests/functional/pages/common';
import pollUntil from 'intern/dojo/node!leadfoot/helpers/pollUntil';
import ClusterPage from 'tests/functional/pages/cluster';
import DashboardPage from 'tests/functional/pages/dashboard';
import ModalWindow from 'tests/functional/pages/modal';
import 'tests/functional/helpers';
registerSuite(() => {
var common,
return {
name: 'Deployment History',
setup() {
common = new Common(this.remote);
clusterPage = new ClusterPage(this.remote);
dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(this.remote);
modal = new ModalWindow(this.remote);
clusterName = common.pickRandomName('Test Cluster');
return this.remote
.then(() => common.getIn())
.then(() => common.createCluster(clusterName))
.then(() => common.addNodesToCluster(1, ['Controller']));
'Test deployment history timeline of running deployment'() {
this.timeout = 100000;
var currentTimeMarkerPosition;
return this.remote
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('History'))
'No deployment finished yet.',
'History is empty for a new cluster'
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('Dashboard'))
.then(() => dashboardPage.startDeployment())
'.toggle-history .btn',
'Deployment starts and Show Details button is shown'
.clickByCssSelector('.toggle-history .btn')
'.deployment-history-table .deployment-timeline',
'Deployment history timeline is shown'
.clickByCssSelector('.deployment-history-toolbar .view-modes .table-view')
'.history-table table',
'Deployment history switched into table view'
.clickByCssSelector('.deployment-history-toolbar .view-modes .timeline-view')
'.deployment-history-toolbar .zoom-controls .btn-group button:disabled',
'Two buttons are presented and disabled in zoom control'
'.deployment-timeline .node-names > div',
'Two timelines are shown - for master and slave node'
'.deployment-timeline .timelines .node-task',
'Deployment tasks appear on the timeline'
'Time marker appears on the timeline'
.then((value) => {
currentTimeMarkerPosition = parseInt(value.split(' ')[0], 10);
// wait till 4 tasks appear on the timeline
() => window.$('.deployment-timeline .timelines .node-task').length >= 4 || null,
.then((value) => {
// compare current time marker position with previous one
return assert.isTrue(
parseInt(value.split(' ')[0], 10) > currentTimeMarkerPosition,
'Current time marker is moving showing tasks progress'
.waitForElementDeletion('.dashboard-block .progress', 40000);
'Test deployment history tab of finished deployment'() {
var deploymentTasksNumber;
return this.remote
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('History'))
'.deployment-history-table .deployment-timeline',
'Deployment history timeline is shown on History tab'
'.transaction-list .transaction-link',
'There is only one deployment transaction for this cluster'
.clickByCssSelector('.deployment-history-toolbar .view-modes .table-view')
'.history-table table',
'Deployment history switched into table view'
.clickByCssSelector('.history-table tr td .btn-task-details')
.then(() => modal.waitToOpen())
.then(() => modal.checkTitle('Deployment Task Details'))
'.deployment-task-details-dialog .row',
'Main attributes for tasks are presented on task details dialog'
.then(() => modal.clickFooterButton('Close'))
.then(() => modal.waitToClose())
'.deployment-history-toolbar .btn-filters',
'Filter button is presented in deployment history table view'
.clickByCssSelector('.deployment-history-toolbar .btn-filters')
'.filters .filter-by-task_name, .filters .filter-by-node_id,' +
'.filters .filter-by-status, .filters .filter-by-type',
'Three filters are presented: filter by Task Name, Node, Task Status, and by Task Type'
.findAllByCssSelector('.history-table table tbody tr')
.then((elements) => {
deploymentTasksNumber = elements.length;
.clickByCssSelector('.filters .filter-by-node_id')
.clickByCssSelector('.popover-content .checkbox-group input[name="master"]')
.findAllByCssSelector('.history-table table tbody tr')
.then((elements) => {
return assert.isTrue(
deploymentTasksNumber > elements.length,
'Filter by node ID works and shows tasks only for master node'
'Test deployment history tab after second cluster deployment'() {
this.timeout = 100000;
return this.remote
.then(() => common.addNodesToCluster(1, ['Controller']))
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('Dashboard'))
.then(() => dashboardPage.startDeployment())
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('History'))
'.transaction-list .transaction-link',
'There are two deployment transactions shown for this cluster'