
199 lines
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* Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import registerSuite from 'intern!object';
import assert from 'intern/chai!assert';
import Common from 'tests/functional/pages/common';
import ClusterPage from 'tests/functional/pages/cluster';
import DashboardPage from 'tests/functional/pages/dashboard';
import 'tests/functional/helpers';
registerSuite(() => {
var common, clusterPage, dashboardPage, clusterName;
var searchButtonSelector = '.node-management-panel .btn-search';
var sortingButtonSelector = '.node-management-panel .btn-sorters';
var filtersButtonSelector = '.node-management-panel .btn-filters';
return {
name: 'Node management panel on cluster nodes page: search, sorting, filtering',
setup() {
common = new Common(this.remote);
clusterPage = new ClusterPage(this.remote);
clusterName = common.pickRandomName('Test Cluster');
return this.remote
.then(() => common.getIn())
.then(() => common.createCluster(clusterName))
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('Nodes'));
'Test management controls state in new environment'() {
return this.remote
'Search button is locked if there are no nodes in environment')
'Sorting button is locked if there are no nodes in environment')
'Filters button is locked if there are no nodes in environment')
'Applied sorters and filters are not shown for empty environment');
'Test management controls behaviour': {
setup() {
dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(this.remote);
beforeEach() {
return this.remote
.then(() => common.addNodesToCluster(3, ['Controller']))
.then(() => common.addNodesToCluster(1, ['Compute'], 'error'));
afterEach() {
return this.remote
.then(() => clusterPage.goToTab('Dashboard'))
.then(() => dashboardPage.discardChanges());
'Test search control'() {
var searchInputSelector = '.node-management-panel [name=search]';
return this.remote
.assertElementAppears(searchInputSelector, 200, 'Search input appears on the page')
.setInputValue(searchInputSelector, 'Super')
// need to wait debounced search input
.assertElementsExist('.node-list .node', 3, 'Search was successfull')
'Active search control remains open when clicking outside the input')
.clickByCssSelector('.node-management-panel .btn-clear-search')
.assertElementsExist('.node-list .node', 4, 'Search was reset')
'Search input is still shown after search reset')
'Empty search control is closed when clicking outside the input');
'Test node list sorting'() {
var activeSortersPanelSelector = '.active-sorters';
var moreControlSelector = '.sorters .more-control';
var firstNodeName;
return this.remote
'Active sorters panel is shown if there are nodes in cluster')
.assertElementNotExists(activeSortersPanelSelector + '.btn-reset-sorting',
'Default sorting can not be reset from active sorters panel')
.assertElementExists('.sorters .sorter-control',
'Cluster node list has one sorting by default')
.assertElementExists('.sorters .sort-by-roles-asc', 'Check default sorting by roles')
.assertElementNotExists('.sorters .sorter-control .btn-remove-sorting',
'Node list should have at least one applied sorting')
.assertElementNotExists('.sorters .btn-reset-sorting',
'Default sorting can not be reset')
.findByCssSelector('.node-list .node-name .name p')
.getVisibleText().then((text) => {
firstNodeName = text;
.clickByCssSelector('.sorters .sort-by-roles-asc button')
.findByCssSelector('.node-list .node-name .name p')
(text) => assert.notEqual(
'Order of sorting by roles was changed to desc'
.clickByCssSelector('.sorters .sort-by-roles-desc button')
() => this.remote.assertElementTextEquals(
'.node-list .node-name .name p',
'Order of sorting by roles was changed to asc (default)'
.clickByCssSelector(moreControlSelector + ' button')
.assertElementsExist(moreControlSelector + ' .popover .checkbox-group', 12,
'Standard node sorters are presented')
// add sorting by CPU (real)
.clickByCssSelector(moreControlSelector + ' .popover [name=cores]')
// add sorting by manufacturer
.clickByCssSelector(moreControlSelector + ' .popover [name=manufacturer]')
.assertElementsExist('.nodes-group', 4,
'New sorting was applied and nodes were grouped')
// remove sorting by manufacturer
.clickByCssSelector('.sorters .sort-by-manufacturer-asc .btn-remove-sorting')
.assertElementsExist('.nodes-group', 3, 'Particular sorting removal works')
.clickByCssSelector('.sorters .btn-reset-sorting')
.assertElementsExist('.nodes-group', 2, 'Sorting was successfully reset to default')
// check active sorters panel is clickable and opens sorters panel
'Test node list filtering'() {
var activeFiltersPanelSelector = '.active-filters';
var moreControlSelector = '.filters .more-control';
return this.remote
'Environment has no active filters by default')
.assertElementsExist('.filters .filter-control', 2,
'Filters panel has 2 default filters')
.assertElementNotExists('.filter-by-roles [type=checkbox]:checked',
'There are no active options in Roles filter')
.assertElementNotExists('.filters .filter-control .btn-remove-filter',
'Default filters can not be deleted from filters panel')
.assertElementNotExists('.filters .btn-reset-filters', 'No filters to be reset')
.clickByCssSelector(moreControlSelector + ' button')
.assertElementsExist(moreControlSelector + ' .popover .checkbox-group', 8,
'Standard node filters are presented')
.clickByCssSelector(moreControlSelector + ' [name=cores]')
.assertElementsExist('.filters .filter-control', 3, 'New Cores (real) filter was added')
.assertElementExists('.filter-by-cores .popover-content', 'New filter is open')
.clickByCssSelector('.filters .filter-by-cores .btn-remove-filter')
.assertElementsExist('.filters .filter-control', 2, 'Particular filter removal works')
.clickByCssSelector(moreControlSelector + ' button')
.clickByCssSelector(moreControlSelector + ' [name=disks_amount]')
.assertElementsExist('.filters ' +
'.filter-by-disks_amount input[type=number]:not(:disabled)', 2,
'Number filter has 2 fields to set min and max value')
// set min value more than max value
.setInputValue('.filters .filter-by-disks_amount input[type=number][name=end]', '2')
.setInputValue('.filters .filter-by-disks_amount input[type=number][name=start]', '5')
.assertElementsAppear('.filters .filter-by-disks_amount .form-group.has-error', 2000,
'Validation works for Number range filter')
.assertElementNotExists('.node-list .node', 'No nodes match invalid filter')
.clickByCssSelector('.filters .btn-reset-filters')
.assertElementsExist('.node-list .node', 4, 'Node filtration was successfully reset')
.clickByCssSelector('.filters .filter-by-status button')
.clickByCssSelector('.filters .filter-by-status [name=error]')
.assertElementExists('.node-list .node', 'Node with error status successfully filtered')
.clickByCssSelector('.filters .filter-by-status [name=pending_addition]')
.assertElementsExist('.node-list .node', 4, 'All nodes shown')
'Applied filter is reflected in active filters panel')
.assertElementExists('.active-filters .btn-reset-filters',
'Reset filters button exists in active filters panel');