#!/bin/bash function usage { echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION]..." echo "Run tests" echo "" echo " -p, --flake8 Just run flake8 and HACKING compliance check" echo " -f, --fail-first Nosetests will stop on first error" echo " -j, --jslint Just run JSLint" echo " -u, --ui-tests Just run UI tests" echo " -i, --integration Just run integration tests" echo " -u, --unit Just run unit tests" echo " -x, --xunit Generate reports (useful in Jenkins environment)" echo " -P, --no-flake8 Don't run static code checks" echo " -J, --no-jslint Don't run JSLint" echo " -U, --no-ui-tests Don't run UI tests" echo " -c, --clean Only clean *.log, *.json, *.pyc, *.pid files, doesn't run tests" echo " -h, --help Print this usage message" echo "" echo "By default it runs tests and flake8 check." exit } function process_option { case "$1" in -h|--help) usage;; -p|--flake8) just_flake8=1;; -f|--fail-first) fail_first=1;; -j|--jslint) just_jslint=1;; -u|--ui-tests) just_ui_tests=1;; -P|--no-flake8) no_flake8=1;; -J|--no-jslint) no_jslint=1;; -U|--no-ui-tests) no_ui_tests=1;; -I|--integration) integration_tests=1;; -u|--unit) unit_tests=1;; -x|--xunit) xunit=1;; -c|--clean) clean=1;; ui_tests*) ui_test_files="$ui_test_files $1";; -*) noseopts="$noseopts $1";; *) noseargs="$noseargs $1" esac } just_flake8=0 no_flake8=0 fail_first=0 just_jslint=0 no_jslint=0 just_ui_tests=0 no_ui_tests=0 integration_tests=0 unit_tests=0 xunit=0 clean=0 ui_test_files= default_noseargs="--with-timer" noseargs="$default_noseargs" noseopts= for arg in "$@"; do process_option $arg done if [ -n "$ui_test_files" ]; then just_ui_tests=1 fi function clean { echo "cleaning *.pyc, *.json, *.log, *.pid files" find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete rm -f *.json rm -f *.log rm -f *.pid } if [ $clean -eq 1 ]; then clean exit 0 fi # If enabled, tell nose to create xunit report if [ $xunit -eq 1 ]; then noseopts=${noseopts}" --with-xunit" fi if [ $fail_first -eq 1 ]; then noseopts=${noseopts}" --stop" fi function run_flake8 { # H302 - "import only modules. does not import a module" requires to import only modules and not functions # H802 - first line of git commit commentary should be less than 50 characters # __init__.py - excluded because it doesn't comply with pep8 standard flake_status=0 flake8 --exclude=__init__.py --ignore=H302,H802 --show-source --show-pep8 --count shotgun nailgun || flake_status=1 pep8 --exclude=welcome.py bin dhcp-checker fuelmenu || flake_status=1 [[ $flake_status = 0 ]] || return 1 echo "Flake8 check passed successfully." } if [ $just_flake8 -eq 1 ]; then run_flake8 || exit 1 exit fi function run_jslint { which jslint > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "JSLint is not installed; install by running:" echo "sudo apt-get install npm" echo "sudo npm install -g jslint" return 1 fi ( cd nailgun jsfiles=$(find static/js -type f | grep -v ^static/js/libs/ | grep \\.js$) jslint_predef=(requirejs require define app Backbone $ _ alert confirm) jslint_options="$(echo ${jslint_predef[@]} | sed 's/^\| / --predef=/g') --browser=true --nomen=true --eqeq=true --vars=true --white=true --es5=false" jslint $jslint_options $jsfiles ) || return 1 } if [ $just_jslint -eq 1 ]; then run_jslint || exit 1 exit fi function run_ui_tests { which casperjs > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "CasperJS is not installed; install by running:" echo "sudo apt-get install phantomjs" echo "cd ~" echo "git clone git://github.com/n1k0/casperjs.git" echo "cd casperjs" echo "git checkout tags/1.0.0-RC4" echo "sudo ln -sf \`pwd\`/bin/casperjs /usr/local/bin/casperjs" return 1 fi ( cd nailgun ui_tests_dir=ui_tests if [ -z "$ui_test_files" ]; then ui_test_files=$ui_tests_dir/test_*.js fi result=0 test_server_port=5544 test_server_cmd="./manage.py run --port=$test_server_port --fake-tasks --fake-tasks-tick-count=80 --fake-tasks-tick-interval=1" old_server_pid=`ps aux | grep "$test_server_cmd" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` if [ -n "$old_server_pid" ]; then kill $old_server_pid echo -n "Killing old test server... " sleep 5 fi test_server_log_file=`tempfile` for test_file in $ui_test_files; do echo -n "Starting test server for $test_file ... " ./manage.py dropdb > /dev/null ./manage.py syncdb > /dev/null ./manage.py loaddefault > /dev/null $test_server_cmd >> $test_server_log_file 2>&1 & server_pid=$! which nc > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # nc is available, use it to check test server readiness for i in {1..50}; do nc -vz localhost $test_server_port 2> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then break; fi sleep 0.1 done else # nc is not available, use sleep sleep 5 fi kill -0 $server_pid 2> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Test server started" casperjs test --includes=$ui_tests_dir/helpers.js --fail-fast $test_file result=$(($result + $?)) kill $server_pid wait $server_pid 2> /dev/null else echo "Test server failed to start!" cat $test_server_log_file result=1 break fi done ./manage.py dropdb >> /dev/null rm $test_server_log_file return $result ) } if [ $just_ui_tests -eq 1 ]; then run_ui_tests || exit 1 exit fi function run_tests { clean ( cd nailgun ./manage.py dropdb > /dev/null ./manage.py syncdb > /dev/null [ -z "$noseargs" ] && test_args=. || test_args="$noseargs" stderr=$(nosetests $noseopts $test_args --verbosity=2 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee /dev/stderr) ) # TODO: uncomment after cluster deletion issue fix # if [[ "$stderr" =~ "Exception" ]]; then # echo "Tests executed with errors!" # exit 1 # fi } function run_integration_tests { noseargs="nailgun/test/integration" run_tests } if [ $integration_tests -eq 1 ]; then run_integration_tests || exit 1 exit fi function run_unit_tests { noseargs="nailgun/test/unit" run_tests } if [ $unit_tests -eq 1 ]; then run_unit_tests || exit 1 exit fi errors='' trap drop_db INT function drop_db { nailgun/manage.py dropdb >> /dev/null exit 1 } run_tests || errors+=' unittests' if [ "$noseargs" == "$default_noseargs" ]; then if [ $no_flake8 -eq 0 ]; then run_flake8 || errors+=' flake8' fi if [ $no_jslint -eq 0 ]; then run_jslint || errors+=' jslint' fi if [ $no_ui_tests -eq 0 ]; then run_ui_tests || errors+=' ui-tests' fi fi if [ -n "$errors" ]; then echo Failed tests: $errors exit 1 fi