LISTEN_ADDRESS: "" LISTEN_PORT: "8000" DEVELOPMENT: 1 AUTO_RELOAD: 0 AUTH: # Possible options: # - none - authentication is disabled # - fake - no keystone required, credentials: admin/admin # - keystone - authentication enabled. AUTHENTICATION_METHOD: "fake" # use only if AUTHENTICATION_METHOD is set to "keystone" auth_host: "" auth_protocol: "http" auth_version: "v2.0" admin_user: "nailgun" admin_password: "nailgun" admin_tenant_name: "services" VERSION: # this value is still here for backward compatibility release: "10.0" API: "1" FEATURE_GROUPS: - "experimental" - "advanced" FUEL_KEY: "Unknown" FIXTURES_TO_UPLOAD: - "openstack.yaml" - "start_notification.json" - "admin_network.json" - "repodata.yaml" DATABASE: engine: "postgresql" name: "nailgun" host: "localhost" port: "5432" user: "nailgun" passwd: "nailgun" # Config updates for admin network do not apply on any environment, # changes should be made in database if required ADMIN_NETWORK: cidr: "" mac: "52:54:00:15:b9:60" size: "256" first: "" last: "" gateway: "" # Check timeouts for offline-online nodes detection KEEPALIVE: interval: 30 # How often to check if node went offline. If node powered on, it is immediately switched to online state. timeout: 180 # Node will be switched to offline if there are no updates from agent for this period of time STATIC_DIR: "/var/tmp/nailgun_static" TEMPLATE_DIR: "/var/tmp/nailgun_static" RABBITMQ: fake: "0" hostname: "" PLUGINS_PATH: '/var/www/nailgun/plugins' PLUGINS_SLAVES_SCRIPTS_PATH: '/etc/fuel/plugins/{plugin_name}/' PLUGINS_REPO_URL: 'http://{master_ip}:8080/plugins/{plugin_name}/' PLUGINS_SLAVES_RSYNC: 'rsync://{master_ip}:/plugins/{plugin_name}/' APP_LOG: &nailgun_log "/var/log/nailgun/app.log" API_LOG: &api_log "/var/log/nailgun/api.log" API_LOGLEVEL: "ERROR" SYSLOG_DIR: &remote_syslog_dir "/var/log/remote/" RPC_CONSUMER_LOG_PATH: "/var/log/nailgun/receiverd.log" RPC_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL: 30 ASSASSIN_LOG_PATH: "/var/log/nailgun/assassind.log" COLLECTOR_SERVER: "" COLLECTOR_ACTION_LOGS_URL: "https://{collector_server}/api/v1/action_logs/" COLLECTOR_INST_INFO_URL: "https://{collector_server}/api/v1/installation_structure/" COLLECTOR_OSWL_INFO_URL: "https://{collector_server}/api/v1/oswl_stats/" COLLECTOR_PING_URL: "https://{collector_server}/api/v1/ping/" PROVISIONING_IMAGES_BUILD_TIMEOUT: 3600 PROVISIONING_IMAGES_PATH: "/var/www/nailgun/targetimages" REPO_PRIORITIES: # Default priorities for Plugins' repos. # # These priorities should be higher than OS/Fuel one because # user may want to override some package from OS/Fuel. plugins: centos: 10 ubuntu: 1100 SHELL_TASK_RETRIES: 3 SHELL_TASK_INTERVAL: 1 REMOVE_IMAGES_TIMEOUT: 60 # statistics send interval STATS_SEND_INTERVAL: 3600 STATS_LOGS_PATH: "/var/log/nailgun/" # statistics send enabled check interval STATS_ENABLE_CHECK_INTERVAL: 300 # polling interval for OSWL collectors (in sec.) OSWL_COLLECTORS_POLLING_INTERVAL: vm: 900 flavor: 900 image: 900 volume: 900 tenant: 900 keystone_user: 900 # Action log send records per request STATS_SEND_COUNT: 100 # OSWL data send records per request OSWL_SEND_COUNT: 10 # OSWL data records will not be sent to collector during this period (in days) # set 1 for normal operation, so yesterday's and older records will be sent. # set 0 for testing purposes, so today's and older records will be sent. OSWL_COLLECT_PERIOD: 1 # amount of days during which oswl entries are stored in db # CAVEAT(aroma): if this value is 0 then oswl cleaner script will delete # all entries from db OSWL_STORING_PERIOD: 14 # statistics collector ping interval (in sec.) COLLECTOR_PING_INTERVAL: 300 # statistics collector response timeout COLLECTOR_RESP_TIMEOUT: 5 # API version of OpenStack components that is used # by python clients OPENSTACK_API_VERSION: nova: "1.1" keystone: "v2.0" cinder: "1" # proxy port for OpenStack info collector OPENSTACK_INFO_COLLECTOR_PROXY_PORT: 8888 # port of keystone service inside of particular OpenStack installation # (is used for OpenStack info collector) AUTH_PORT: 5000 PATH_TO_SSH_KEY: = "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" PATH_TO_BOOTSTRAP_SSH_KEY: "/root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa" AUTHORIZED_KEYS: [] MASTER_IP: "" COBBLER_URL: "http://localhost/cobbler_api" COBBLER_USER: "cobbler" COBBLER_PASSWORD: "cobbler" # This parameter is used in provisioning serializer. Timezone is one of # provisioning data fields which is used by cloud-init to set timezone on # target nodes. Flow is settings.yaml -> astute -> fuel_agent -> cloud-init. TIMEZONE: "Etc/UTC" NOVA_STATE_PATH: "/var/lib/nova" YAQL_LIMIT_ITERATORS: 10000 YAQL_MEMORY_QUOTA: 104857600 LCM_CHECK_TASK_VERSION: False DPDK_MAX_CPUS_PER_NIC: 4 TRUNCATE_LOG_ENTRIES: 100 UI_LOG_DATE_FORMAT: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' LOG_FORMATS: - &remote_syslog_log_format log_format_id: remote_syslog regexp: '^(?P\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(?P\.\d{1,})?(?P(Z|[+-]\d{2}:\d{2}))?\s(?P[a-z]{3,7}):\s(?P.*)$' date_format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' levels: - DEBUG - INFO - NOTICE - WARNING - ERR - CRIT - ALERT - EMERG - &remote_openstack_log_format log_format_id: remote_openstack regexp: '^(?P\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(?P\.\d{1,})?(?P(Z|[+-]\d{2}:\d{2}))?\s(?P[a-z]{3,8}):\s+(?P\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}((.|,)\d{3})?)?(?P\s+\d+\s+)?(?P[A-Z]{3,8})?\s*(?P.*)$' date_format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' levels: - DEBUG - INFO - NOTICE - WARNING - ERR - CRIT - ALERT - EMERG - &python_log_format log_format_id: python regexp: '^(?P\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(?P\.\d{3})?\s(?P[A-Z]+)\s(?P.*)$' date_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' levels: - DEBUG - INFO - WARNING - ERROR - CRITICAL LOG_TYPES: - &local_log_type remote: False multiline: True - &remote_log_type remote: True multiline: True base: *remote_syslog_dir - &remote_openstack_log_type remote: True multiline: True base: *remote_syslog_dir LOG_GROUPS: - &main_install_log_group group: ~ - &install_log_group group: 'Other install logs' - &bootstrap_log_group group: 'Bootstrap logs' - &os_log_group group: 'Openstack logs' LOGS: # Master node logs. - id: app name: "Web backend" <<: *local_log_type <<: *python_log_format path: *nailgun_log - id: api name: "REST API" <<: *local_log_type <<: *python_log_format path: *api_log - id: receiverd name: "RPC consumer" <<: *local_log_type <<: *python_log_format path: '/var/log/nailgun/receiverd.log' - id: astute name: "Astute" <<: *local_log_type <<: *python_log_format path: '/var/log/astute/astute.log' - id: assassin name: "Assassin" <<: *local_log_type <<: *python_log_format path: '/var/log/nailgun/assassind.log' - id: ostf name: "HealthCheck" <<: *local_log_type <<: *python_log_format path: "/var/log/ostf.log" # Fake target logs. - id: 'fake-target-mcollective' name: "mcollective" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *main_install_log_group fake: True path: '/var/tmp/fake-target-mcollective.log' # Target node installation logs. - id: 'install/puppet' name: "puppet" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *main_install_log_group path: 'puppet-apply.log' - id: 'install/mco' name: "mcollective" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *main_install_log_group path: 'mcollective.log' - id: 'install/anaconda' name: "anaconda" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *main_install_log_group path: 'install/anaconda.log' - id: 'install/syslog' name: "syslog" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *main_install_log_group path: 'install/syslog.log' - id: 'install/storage' name: "storage" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *install_log_group path: 'install/storage.log' - id: 'install/ks-pre' name: "kickstart-pre" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *install_log_group path: 'install/ks-pre.log' - id: 'install/ks-post' name: "kickstart-post" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *install_log_group path: 'install/ks-post.log' - id: 'install/debootstrap-ubuntu' name: "debootstrap" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *install_log_group path: "debootstrap.log" - id: 'install/in-target-ubuntu' name: "in-target" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *install_log_group path: "in-target.log" - id: 'install/fuel-agent' name: "fuel-agent" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *install_log_group path: "bootstrap/fuel-agent.log" # Bootstrap node logs. - id: 'bootstrap/agent' name: "agent" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *bootstrap_log_group path: 'bootstrap/agent.log' - id: 'bootstrap/auth' name: "auth" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *bootstrap_log_group path: 'bootstrap/auth.log' - id: 'bootstrap/dmesg' name: "dmesg" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *bootstrap_log_group path: 'bootstrap/dmesg.log' - id: 'bootstrap/secure' name: "secure" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *bootstrap_log_group path: 'bootstrap/secure.log' - id: 'bootstrap/messages' name: "messages" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *bootstrap_log_group path: 'bootstrap/messages.log' - id: 'bootstrap/mco' name: "mcollective" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *bootstrap_log_group path: 'bootstrap/mcollective.log' - id: 'bootstrap/syslog' name: "syslog" <<: *remote_log_type <<: *remote_syslog_log_format <<: *bootstrap_log_group path: 'bootstrap/syslog.log' # Openstack logs - id: 'os/nova-api' name: "nova-api" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "nova-api.log" - id: 'os/nova-cert' name: "nova-cert" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "nova-cert.log" - id: 'os/nova-consoleauth' name: "nova-consoleauth" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "nova-consoleauth.log" - id: 'os/nova-scheduler' name: "nova-scheduler" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "nova-scheduler.log" - id: 'os/nova-network' name: "nova-network" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "nova-network.log" - id: 'os/nova-compute' name: "nova-compute" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "nova-compute.log" - id: 'os/nova-conductor' name: "nova-conductor" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "nova-conductor.log" - id: 'os/nova-objectstore' name: "nova-objectstore" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "nova-objectstore.log" - id: 'os/nova-manage' name: "nova-manage" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "nova-manage.log" - id: 'os/keystone' name: "keystone" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "keystone.log" - id: 'os/keystone-all' name: "keystone-all" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "keystone-all.log" - id: 'os/keystone-manage' name: "keystone-manage" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "keystone-manage.log" - id: 'os/keystone_wsgi_admin_access' name: "keystone_wsgi_admin_access" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "keystone_wsgi_admin_access.log" - id: 'os/keystone_wsgi_admin_error' name: "keystone_wsgi_admin_error" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "keystone_wsgi_admin_error.log" - id: 'os/keystone_wsgi_main_access' name: "keystone_wsgi_main_access" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "keystone_wsgi_main_access.log" - id: 'os/keystone_wsgi_main_error' name: "keystone_wsgi_main_error" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "keystone_wsgi_main_error.log" - id: 'os/cinder-api' name: "cinder-api" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "cinder-api.log" - id: 'os/cinder-volume' name: "cinder-volume" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "cinder-volume.log" - id: 'os/cinder-scheduler' name: "cinder-scheduler" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "cinder-scheduler.log" - id: 'os/cinder-manage' name: "cinder-manage" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "cinder-manage.log" - id: 'os/glance-api' name: "glance-api" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "glance-api.log" - id: 'os/glance-registry' name: "glance-registry" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "glance-registry.log" - id: 'os/glance-manage' name: "glance-manage" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "glance-manage.log" - id: 'os/glance-cache-cleaner' name: "glance-cache-cleaner" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "glance-cache-cleaner.log" - id: 'os/glance-cache-pruner' name: "glance-cache-pruner" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "glance-cache-pruner.log" - id: 'os/glance-glare' name: "glance-glare" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "glance-glare.log" - id: 'os/neutron-server' name: "neutron-server" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "neutron-server.log" - id: 'os/neutron-ovs-cleanup' name: "neutron-ovs-cleanup" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "neutron-ovs-cleanup.log" - id: 'os/neutron-rescheduling' name: "neutron-rescheduling" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "neutron-rescheduling.log" - id: 'os/neutron-openvswitch-agent' name: "neutron-openvswitch-agent" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "neutron-openvswitch-agent.log" - id: 'os/neutron-l3-agent' name: "neutron-l3-agent" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "neutron-l3-agent.log" - id: 'os/neutron-dhcp-agent' name: "neutron-dhcp-agent" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "neutron-dhcp-agent.log" - id: 'os/neutron-metadata-agent' name: "neutron-metadata-agent" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "neutron-metadata-agent.log" - id: 'os/aodh-evaluator' name: "aodh-evaluator" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "aodh-evaluator.log" - id: 'os/aodh-notifier' name: "aodh-notifier" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "aodh-notifier.log" - id: 'os/aodh-dbsync' name: "aodh-dbsync" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "aodh-dbsync.log" - id: 'os/aodh-listener' name: "aodh-listener" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "aodh-listener.log" - id: 'os/ceilometer-agent-central' name: "ceilometer-agent-central" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "ceilometer-agent-central.log" - id: 'os/ceilometer-agent-notification' name: "ceilometer-agent-notification" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "ceilometer-agent-notification.log" - id: 'os/ceilometer-api' name: "ceilometer-api" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "ceilometer-api.log" - id: 'os/ceilometer-collector' name: "ceilometer-collector" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "ceilometer-collector.log" - id: 'os/ceilometer-dbsync' name: "ceilometer-dbsync" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "ceilometer-dbsync.log" - id: 'os/heat-api-cfn' name: "heat-api-cfn" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "heat-api-cfn.log" - id: 'os/heat-api-cloudwatch' name: "heat-api-cloudwatch" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "heat-api-cloudwatch.log" - id: 'os/heat-api' name: "heat-api" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "heat-api.log" - id: 'os/heat-engine' name: "heat-engine" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "heat-engine.log" - id: 'os/heat-manage' name: "heat-manage" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "heat-manage.log" - id: 'os/murano-api' name: "murano-api" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "murano-api.log" - id: 'os/murano-cfapi' name: "murano-cfapi" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "murano-cfapi.log" - id: 'os/murano-manage' name: "murano-manage" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "murano-manage.log" - id: 'os/sahara-api' name: "sahara-api" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "sahara-api.log" - id: 'os/sahara-all' name: "sahara-all" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "sahara-all.log" - id: 'os/swift-account-server' name: "swift-account-server" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "swift-account-server.log" - id: 'os/swift-container-server' name: "swift-container-server" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "swift-container-server.log" - id: 'os/swift-object-server' name: "swift-object-server" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "swift-object-server.log" - id: 'os/swift-proxy-server' name: "swift-proxy-server" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "swift-proxy-server.log" - id: 'os/ironic-api' name: "ironic-api" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "ironic-api.log" - id: 'os/ironic-conductor' name: "ironic-conductor" <<: *remote_openstack_log_type <<: *remote_openstack_log_format <<: *os_log_group path: "ironic-conductor.log" LOGS_TO_PACK_FOR_SUPPORT: logs: '/var/log' MCO_PSKEY: "Gie6iega9ohngaenahthohngu8aebohxah9seidi" MCO_VHOST: "mcollective" MCO_HOST: "localhost" MCO_USER: "guest" MCO_PASSWORD: "guest" MCO_CONNECTOR: "rabbitmq" PUPPET_MASTER_HOST: "localhost" PUPPET_VERSION: "" DNS_DOMAIN: "" DNS_SERVERS: "" DNS_SEARCH: "" FAKE_TASKS_TICK_INTERVAL: "1" FAKE_TASKS_TICK_COUNT: "30" FAKE_KEYSTONE_USERNAME: admin FAKE_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD: admin FAKE_KEYSTONE_ROLE: "admin" MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE: 500 SHOTGUN_SSH_KEY: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" DUMP: target: "/var/dump/fuel-snapshot" lastdump: "/var/www/nailgun/dump/last" timestamp: True compression_level: 3 timeout: 7200 dump: local: hosts: [] objects: [] master: hosts: [] objects: - type: dir path: /etc/nailgun - type: dir path: /etc/astute - type: dir path: /etc/fuel - type: file path: /etc/fuel_build_id - type: file path: /etc/fuel_build_number - type: command command: shotgun2 report to_file: shotgun2_report.txt - type: command command: df -h to_file: df.txt - type: command command: mount to_file: mount.txt - type: command command: iptables -t nat -S to_file: iptables_nat.txt - type: command command: iptables -t filter -S to_file: iptables_filter.txt - type: command command: dmidecode to_file: dmidecode.txt - type: command command: uptime to_file: uptime.txt - type: command command: ps auxwwf to_file: ps.txt - type: command command: pvdisplay to_file: lvm_pvdisplay.txt - type: command command: docker images to_file: docker_images.txt - type: command command: docker ps to_file: docker_ps.txt - type: command command: vgdisplay to_file: lvm_vgdisplay.txt - type: command command: lvdisplay to_file: lvm_lvdisplay.txt - type: command command: ip a to_file: ip_a.txt - type: command command: ip r to_file: ip_r.txt - type: command command: netstat -anp to_file: netstat.txt - type: command command: brctl show to_file: brctl_show.txt - type: command command: rpm -qa to_file: centos_installed_rpms.txt - type: command command: yum repolist to_file: centos_repo_list.txt - type: command command: fuel-bootstrap list to_file: fuel_bootstrap_list.txt - type: dir path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts - type: file path: /etc/dnsmasq.conf - type: file path: /root/*.log - type: file path: /etc/cobbler* - type: file path: /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active_bootstrap/metadata.yaml - type: dir path: /var/log exclude: - atop - dump - type: file path: /var/log/atop/atop_current - type: command command: uname -a to_file: uname_a.txt - type: command command: lsmod to_file: lsmod.txt - type: file path: /etc/*-release controller: hosts: [] objects: - type: command command: pcs status to_file: pcs_status.txt - type: file path: /var/log/pacemaker.log - type: command command: rabbitmqctl report to_file: rabbitmqctl_report.txt - type: file path: /var/log/neutron/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy*.log - type: command command: "for ns in $(ip netns list); do echo Namespace: ${ns}; ip netns exec ${ns} ip a; done" to_file: ip_a_ns.txt - type: command command: "for ns in $(ip netns list); do echo Namespace: ${ns}; ip netns exec ${ns} ip r; done" to_file: ip_r_ns.txt - type: command command: "for ns in $(ip netns list); do echo Namespace: ${ns}; ip netns exec ${ns} netstat -anp; done" to_file: netstat_ns.txt - type: dir path: /etc/mysql - type: dir path: /var/log/mysql - type: command command: "ls -la /var/lib/mysql/" to_file: mysql_resources.txt - type: command command: "/usr/bin/" to_file: haproxy_status.txt slave: hosts: [] objects: - type: file path: /etc/astute.yaml - type: dir path: /etc/hiera - type: file path: /var/log/puppet.log - type: file path: /root/ceph* - type: file path: /root/anaconda* - type: file path: /root/*.log - type: file path: /root/*.ks - type: file path: /etc/apache2* - type: file path: /etc/httpd* - type: file path: /etc/ceph* - type: file path: /etc/keystone* - type: file path: /etc/nova* - type: file path: /etc/neutron* - type: file path: /etc/horizon* - type: file path: /etc/cinder* - type: file path: /etc/glance* - type: file path: /etc/swift* - type: file path: /etc/haproxy* - type: file path: /var/log/ceph - type: file path: /var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_summary.yaml - type: file path: /etc/resolv.conf - type: file path: /etc/mcollective/server.cfg - type: dir path: /var/run/pcap_dir - type: file path: /var/log/atop/atop_current - type: file path: /var/log/cron.log - type: command command: df -h to_file: df.txt - type: command command: mount to_file: mount.txt - type: command command: iptables -t nat -S to_file: iptables_nat.txt - type: command command: iptables -t filter -S to_file: iptables_filter.txt - type: command command: dmidecode to_file: dmidecode.txt - type: command command: uptime to_file: uptime.txt - type: command command: ps auxwwf to_file: ps.txt - type: command command: pvdisplay to_file: lvm_pvdisplay.txt - type: command command: vgdisplay to_file: lvm_vgdisplay.txt - type: command command: lvdisplay to_file: lvm_lvdisplay.txt - type: command command: ip a to_file: ip_a.txt - type: command command: ip r to_file: ip_r.txt - type: command command: arp -an to_file: arp.txt - type: command command: netstat -anp to_file: netstat.txt - type: command command: brctl show to_file: brctl_show.txt - type: command command: rpm -qa to_file: centos_installed_rpms.txt - type: command command: yum repolist to_file: centos_repo_list.txt - type: command command: env COLUMNS=500 dpkg -l|cat to_file: ubuntu_installed_debs.txt - type: command command: apt-cache policy to_file: ubuntu_repo_list.txt - type: command command: sysctl -a to_file: sysctl.txt - type: command command: dmsetup info -c --nameprefixes --noheadings -o blkdevname,subsystem,blkdevs_used,name,uuid to_file: dmsetup_info.txt - type: dir path: /var/lib/cloud - type: file path: /var/log/cloud-init*.log - type: dir path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts - type: dir path: /etc/network/interfaces.d - type: file path: /etc/network/interfaces - type: file path: /root/post-partition.log - type: command command: blkid -o list to_file: blkid_o_list.txt - type: command command: ceph health to_file: ceph_health.txt - type: command command: ceph -s to_file: ceph_s.txt - type: command command: ceph osd tree to_file: ceph_osd_tree.txt - type: command command: cat /proc/interrupts to_file: proc_interrupts.txt - type: command command: uname -a to_file: uname_a.txt - type: command command: lsmod to_file: lsmod.txt - type: file path: /etc/*-release - type: command command: dmesg to_file: dmesg.txt - path: /var/log/libvirt/qemu/instance*.log type: file - path: /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log type: file - path: /var/log/neutron type: dir - path: /var/log/nova type: dir - path: /var/log/*-all.log type: file - path: /var/log/syslog type: file - exclude: - '/disk*' path: /var/lib/nova/instances/*-* type: dir # performance tests settings PERFORMANCE_TESTS_RUN_NUMBER: 10 PERFORMANCE_TESTS_TOLERANCE: 0.1 LOAD_TESTS_PATHS: load_tests_base: "/tmp/nailgun_performance_tests/tests/" last_performance_test: "/tmp/nailgun_performance_tests/tests/last/" last_performance_test_run: "/tmp/nailgun_performance_tests/tests/last/run/" load_tests_results: "/tmp/nailgun_performance_tests/results/" load_previous_tests_results: "/tmp/nailgun_performance_tests/previous_results.json" failed_test_file_name: "failed_tests.txt" DNS_UPSTREAM: - '' - '' NTP_UPSTREAM: - '' - '' # deadlocks detection settings LOG_DEADLOCKS_WARNINGS: 1