Devops Guide ============ Introduction ------------ Fuel-Devops is a sublayer between application and target environment (currently only supported under libvirt). This application is used for testing purposes like grouping virtual machines to environments, booting KVM VMs locally from the ISO image and over the network via PXE, creating, snapshotting and resuming back the whole environment in single action, create virtual machines with multiple NICs, multiple hard drives and many other customizations with a few lines of code in system tests. After 6.0 release, fuel-devops was divided into 2.5.x and 2.9.x versions. Two separate versions of fuel-devops provide backward compatibility for system tests which have been refactored since the last major release. `How to migrate`_ For sources please refer to `fuel-devops repository on github `_. .. _install system dependencies: Installation ------------- The installation procedure can be implemented via PyPI in Python virtual environment (suppose you are using *Ubuntu 12.04* or *Ubuntu 14.04*): Before using it, please install the following required dependencies: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install git \ postgresql \ postgresql-server-dev-all \ libyaml-dev \ libffi-dev \ python-dev \ python-libvirt \ python-pip \ qemu-kvm \ qemu-utils \ libvirt-bin \ libvirt-dev \ ubuntu-vm-builder \ bridge-utils sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y .. _DevOpsPyPIvenv: Devops installation in `virtualenv `_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Install packages needed for building python eggs .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv libpq-dev libgmp-dev 2. In case you are using *Ubuntu 12.04* let's update pip and virtualenv, otherwise you can skip this step .. code-block:: bash sudo pip install pip virtualenv --upgrade hash -r 4. Create virtualenv for the *devops* project .. code-block:: bash virtualenv --system-site-packages /fuel-devops-venv .. note:: If you want to use different devops versions in the same time, you can create several different folders for each version, and then activate required virtual environment for each case. For example: :: virtualenv --system-site-packages /fuel-devops-venv # For fuel-devops 2.5.x virtualenv --system-site-packages /fuel-devops-venv-2.9 # For fuel-devops 2.9.x represents the path where your Python virtualenv will be located. (e.g. ~/venv). If it is not specified, it will use the current working directory. 5. Activate virtualenv and install *devops* package using PyPI. .. code-block:: bash source /fuel-devops-venv/bin/activate pip install git+ --upgrade where is the specific version of fuel-devops you would like to install. For Fuel 6.0 and earlier, take the latest fuel-devops 2.5.x. For Fuel 6.1 and later, use 2.9.x or newer. See more information on the latest available versions in `fuel-devops `_ repo. in fuel-devops repository does everything required. .. hint:: You can also use `virtualenvwrapper `_ which can help you manage virtual environments 6. Next, follow :ref:`DevOpsConf` section .. _DevOpsConf: Configuration -------------- Basically *devops* requires that the following system-wide settings are configured: * Default libvirt storage pool is active (called 'default') * Current user must have permission to run KVM VMs with libvirt * PostgreSQL server running with appropriate grants and schema for *devops* * [Optional] Nested Paging is enabled Configuring libvirt pool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create libvirt's pool .. code-block:: bash sudo virsh pool-define-as --type=dir --name=default --target=/var/lib/libvirt/images sudo virsh pool-autostart default sudo virsh pool-start default Permissions to run KVM VMs with libvirt with current user ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Give current user permissions to use libvirt (Do not forget to log out and log back in!) .. code-block:: bash sudo usermod $(whoami) -a -G libvirtd,sudo Configuring Postgresql database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set local peers to be trusted by default, create user and db and load fixtures. .. code-block:: bash sudo sed -ir 's/peer/trust/' /etc/postgresql/9.*/main/pg_hba.conf sudo service postgresql restart sudo -u postgres createuser -P # see default and below sudo -u postgres createdb -O syncdb --settings=devops.settings migrate devops --settings=devops.settings * in 2.5.x version, default and are **devops** * in 2.9.x version, default and are **fuel_devops** .. note:: Depending on your Linux distribution, `django-admin `_ may refer to system-wide django installed from package. If this happens you could get an exception that says that devops.settings module is not resolvable. To fix this, run (or django-admin) with a relative path :: ./bin/django-admin syncdb --settings=devops.settings ./bin/django-admin migrate devops --settings=devops.settings [Optional] Enabling `Nested Paging `_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This option is enabled by default in the KVM kernel module .. code-block:: bash $ cat /etc/modprobe.d/qemu-system-x86.conf options kvm_intel nested=1 In order to be sure that this feature is enabled on your system, please run: .. code-block:: bash sudo kvm-ok && cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested The result should be: .. code-block:: bash INFO: /dev/kvm exists KVM acceleration can be used Y Environment creation via Devops + Fuel_QA or Fuel_main ------------------------------------------------------- Depending on the Fuel release, you may need a different repository. In case of 6.0 or earlier, please use *fuel-main* repository. For 6.1 and later, the *fuel-qa* is required. 1. Clone GIT repository .. code-block:: bash git clone # fuel-main for 6.0 and earlier cd fuel-qa/ 2. Install requirements .. code-block:: bash source /fuel-devops-venv/bin/activate pip install -r ./fuelweb_test/requirements.txt --upgrade 3. Check :ref:`DevOpsConf` section 4. Prepare environment Download Fuel ISO from `Nightly builds `_ or build it yourself (please, refer to :ref:`building-fuel-iso`) Next, you need to define several variables for the future environment .. code-block:: bash export ISO_PATH= export NODES_COUNT= export ENV_NAME= .. code-block:: bash export VENV_PATH=/fuel-devops-venv Alternatively, you can edit this file to set them as a default values .. code-block:: bash fuelweb_test/ Start tests by running this command .. code-block:: bash ./utils/jenkins/ -t test -w $(pwd) -j fuelweb_test -i $ISO_PATH -o --group=setup For more information about how tests work, read the usage information .. code-block:: bash ./utils/jenkins/ -h Important notes for Sahara and Murano tests -------------------------------------------- * It is not recommended to start tests without KVM. * For the best performance Put Sahara image `savanna-0.3-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.04.qcow2 `_ (md5: 9ab37ec9a13bb005639331c4275a308d) in /tmp/ before start, otherwise (If Internet access is available) the image will download automatically. * Put Murano image `ubuntu-murano-agent.qcow2 `_ (md5: b0a0fdc0b4a8833f79701eb25e6807a3) in /tmp before start. * Running Murano tests on instances without an Internet connection will fail. * For Murano tests execute 'export SLAVE_NODE_MEMORY=5120' before starting. * If you need an image For Heat autoscale tests check `prebuilt-jeos-images `_. Run single OSTF tests several times ----------------------------------- * Export environment variable OSTF_TEST_NAME. Example: export OSTF_TEST_NAME='Request list of networks' * Export environment variable OSTF_TEST_RETRIES_COUNT. Example: export OSTF_TEST_RETRIES_COUNT=120 * Execute test_ostf_repetable_tests from tests_strength package Run tests :: sh "utils/jenkins/" -t test \ -w $(pwd) \ -j "fuelweb_test" \ -i "$ISO_PATH" \ -V $(pwd)/venv/fuelweb_test \ -o \ --group=create_delete_ip_n_times_nova_flat .. _How to migrate: Upgrade from system-wide devops to devops in Python virtual environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To migrate from older devops, follow these steps: 1. Remove system-wide fuel-devops (e.g. python-devops) You must remove system-wide fuel-devops and switch to separate venvs with different versions of fuel-devops, for Fuel 6.0.x (and older) and 6.1 release. Repositories 'fuel-main' and 'fuel-qa', that contain system tests, must use different Python virtual environments, for example: * ~/venv-nailgun-tests - used for 6.0.x and older releases. Contains version 2.5.x of fuel-devops * ~/venv-nailgun-tests-2.9 - used for 6.1 and above. Contains version 2.9.x of fuel-devops If you have scripts which use system fuel-devops, fix them, and activate Python venv before you start working in your devops environment. By default, the network pool is configured as follows: * for devops 2.5.x * for 2.9.x Please check other settings in *devops.settings*, especially the connection settings to the database. Before using devops in Python venv, you need to `install system dependencies`_ 2. Update fuel-devops and Python venv on CI servers To update fuel-devops, you can use the following examples: .. code-block:: bash # DevOps 2.5.x for system tests from 'fuel-main' repository if [ -f ~/venv-nailgun-tests/bin/activate ]; then echo "Python virtual env exist" else rm -rf ~/venv-nailgun-tests virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/venv-nailgun-tests fi source ~/venv-nailgun-tests/bin/activate pip install -r --upgrade syncdb --settings=devops.settings --noinput migrate devops --settings=devops.settings --noinput deactivate # DevOps 2.9.x for system tests from 'fuel-qa' repository if [ -f ~/venv-nailgun-tests-2.9/bin/activate ]; then echo "Python virtual env exist" else rm -rf ~/venv-nailgun-tests-2.9 virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/venv-nailgun-tests-2.9 fi source ~/venv-nailgun-tests-2.9/bin/activate pip install -r --upgrade syncdb --settings=devops.settings --noinput migrate devops --settings=devops.settings --noinput deactivate 3. Setup new repository of system tests for 6.1 release All system tests for 6.1 and higher were moved to `fuel-qa `_ repo. To upgrade 6.1 jobs, follow these steps: * make a separate Python venv, for example in ~/venv-nailgun-tests-2.9 * install `requirements `_ of system tests * if you are using system tests on CI, please configure your CI to use new Python venv, or export path to the new Python venv in the variable VENV_PATH: export VENV_PATH=/fuel-devops-venv-2.9