Dmitry Sutyagin 03aaca2dee Add limit, offset, order in collection GET
Allow limiting the number of objects returned via GET
by providing "limit"
Example: api/notifications?limit=5

Allow offseting (skipping N first records) via "offset"
Example: api/notifications?offset=100

Allow ordering of objects by providing "order_by"
Example: api/notifications?order_by=-id

Add helper functions/classes to:
- get HTTP parameters (limit, offset, order_by)
- get scoped collection query by applying 4 operations
  filter, order, offset, limit
- set Conent-Range header if scope limits are present

Make default NailgunCollection's GET utilize scoped query
This makes default (parent) GET of child handlers support paging
and ordering (overriden GET methods will not get this functionality
NailgunCollection.GET is also an example of how to implement
this new functionality.

Helper functions/classes can be utilized in child handler methods
to implement filters / ordering / paging

Related-Bug: 1657348
Change-Id: I7760465f70b3f69791e7a0c558a26e8ba55c934a
2017-02-14 08:11:23 +00:00
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