
143 lines
4.2 KiB

import logging
from functools import wraps
from celery.task import task, chord, TaskSet
from nailgun.models import Cluster, Node
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def topol_sort(graph):
""" Depth First Traversal algorithm for sorting DAG graph.
Example graph: 1 depends on 4; 3 depends on 2 and 6; etc.
Example code:
.. code-block:: python
>>> graph = {1: [4], 2: [], 3: [2,6], 4:[2,3], 5: [], 6: [2]}
>>> topol_sort(graph)
[2, 6, 3, 4, 1, 5]
Exception is raised if there is a cycle:
.. code-block:: python
>>> graph = {1: [4], 2: [], 3: [2,6], 4:[2,3,1], 5: [], 6: [2]}
>>> topol_sort(graph)
Exception: Graph contains cycles, processed 4 depends on 1
def dfs(v):
color[v] = "gray"
for w in graph[v]:
if color[w] == "black":
elif color[w] == "gray":
raise Exception(
"Graph contains cycles, processed %s depends on %s" % \
(v, w))
color[v] = "black"
_sorted = []
color = {}
for j in graph:
color[j] = "white"
for i in graph:
if color[i] == "white":
return _sorted
# This code is inspired by
# https://github.com/NetAngels/celery-tasktree/blob/master/celery_tasktree.py
def task_with_callbacks(func=None, **options):
""" decorator "task with callbacks"
Callback or list of callbacks which go to function in "callbacks" kwarg,
will be executed after the function, regardless of the subtask's return
If subtask (function) result is an object, then a property named
"async_result" will be added to that object so that it will be possible to
join() for that result.
def _decorate(func):
return task(run_with_callbacks(func), **options)
if func:
return _decorate(func)
return _decorate
def run_with_callbacks(func):
"""Decorator "run with callbacks"
Function is useful as decorator for :meth:`run` method of tasks which are
subclasses of generic :class:`celery.task.Task` and are expected to be used
with callbacks.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
callback = kwargs.pop('callback', None)
retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
if callback:
retval = callback.apply_async()
return retval
return wrapper
class TaskPool(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pool = []
def push_task(self, func, args=None, kwargs={}):
task = {'func': func, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs}
# TODO(mihgen): check that list of func has correct args
def _chord_task(*args):
if len(args) == 3:
taskset, clbk = args[1], args[2]
taskset, clbk = args[0], args[1]
logger.error("TaskPool._chord_task: args: %s" % str(args))
logger.error("TaskPool._chord_task: args length: %s" % len(args))
logger.error("TaskPool._chord_task: taskset: %s" % str(taskset))
logger.error("TaskPool._chord_task: clbk: %s" % str(clbk))
# We have to create separate subtask that contains chord expression
# because otherwise chord functions get applied synchronously
return chord([
tsk['func'].subtask(args=tsk['args'], kwargs=tsk['kwargs']) \
for tsk in taskset])(clbk)
def _get_head_task(self):
prev_task = None
for t in reversed(self.pool):
if isinstance(t['func'], list):
task = self._chord_task.subtask((t['func'], prev_task))
kwargs = t['kwargs'] or {}
if prev_task:
kwargs['callback'] = prev_task
task = t['func'].subtask(args=t['args'], kwargs=kwargs)
prev_task = task
print "Returning head task: %s" % task
return task
def apply_async(self):
# We need only head task. When it's execution is done,
# run_with_callbacks will call it's subtask
async_result = self._get_head_task().apply_async()
return async_result