Kate Pimenova 4244eb13e3 [React] Edit node disks screen
Related to blueprint backbone-to-react

Change-Id: I5b19884a3f1a2ed253b67bcf3583e99739c716e1
2015-06-09 19:02:02 +03:00

106 lines
5.4 KiB

* Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
casper.createCluster({name: 'Test Cluster'});
var nodes = [
{status: 'discover', manufacturer: 'Dell', mac: 'C0:8D:DF:52:76:F1', cluster_id: 1, roles: ['compute'], pending_addition: true}
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
var vmSDA;
var osSDA;
casper.loadPage('#cluster/1/nodes').waitForSelector('.nodes-tab > *');
casper.then(function() {
this.test.comment('Testing nodes disks');
var sdaDisk = '.disk-box[data-disk=sda]';
var sdaDiskVM = sdaDisk + ' .disk-utility-box [data-volume=vm]';
var sdaDiskOS = sdaDisk + ' .disk-utility-box [data-volume=os]';
var vdaDisk = '.disk-box[data-disk=vda]';
var vdaDiskVM = vdaDisk + ' .disk-utility-box [data-volume=vm]';
var vdaDiskOS = vdaDisk + ' .disk-utility-box [data-volume=os]';
this.then(function() {
this.then(function() {
this.test.assertSelectorAppears('.modal', 'Node details popup was opened');
this.then(function() {
this.test.assertSelectorAppears('.disk-box', 'Node disks configuration screen appears');
this.then(function() {
this.test.comment('Testing nodes disks layout');
this.test.assertEvalEquals(function() {return $('.disk-box').length}, 2, 'Number of disks is correct');
this.test.assertExists('.btn-defaults:not(:disabled)', 'Load Defaults button is enabled');
this.test.assertExists('.btn-revert-changes:disabled', 'Cancel button is disabled');
this.test.assertExists('.btn-apply:disabled', 'Apply button is disabled');
this.then(function() {
this.test.comment('Testing nodes disk block');
this.click(sdaDisk + ' .disk-visual [data-volume=os] .toggle');
vmSDA = this.getElementAttribute(sdaDiskVM + ' input', 'value');
osSDA = this.getElementAttribute(sdaDiskOS + ' input', 'value');
this.test.assertExists(sdaDiskOS, 'Base system group form is presented');
this.test.assertExists(sdaDiskVM, 'Virtual Storage group form is presented');
this.test.assertDoesntExist(sdaDisk + ' .disk-visual [data-volume=os] .close-btn', 'Button Close for Base system group is not presented');
this.test.assertExists(sdaDisk + ' .disk-visual [data-volume=vm] .close-btn', 'Button Close for Virtual Storage group is presented');
this.then(function() {
this.test.comment('Testing button Apply: interractions');
this.fill(sdaDiskVM, {'vm': '80'});
this.evaluate(function(sdaDiskVM) {$(sdaDiskVM + ' input').keyup();}, {sdaDiskVM: sdaDiskVM});
this.test.assertExists('.btn-defaults:not(:disabled)', 'Load Defaults button is enabled');
this.test.assertExists('.btn-revert-changes:not(:disabled)', 'Cancel button is enabled');
this.test.assertExists('.btn-apply:not(:disabled)', 'Apply button is enabled');
this.then(function() {
this.test.comment('Testing button Load Defaults');
this.test.assertExists('.btn-defaults:not(:disabled)', 'Load Defaults button is enabled');
this.test.assertSelectorAppears('.btn-defaults:not(:disabled)', 'Defaults were loaded');
this.then(function() {
this.test.assertEvalEquals(function(sdaDiskVM) {return $(sdaDiskVM + ' input[type=number]').attr('value')}, vmSDA, 'Volume group input control VM contains default value', {sdaDiskVM:sdaDiskVM});
this.test.assertEvalEquals(function(sdaDiskOS) {return $(sdaDiskOS + ' input[type=number]').attr('value')}, osSDA, 'Volume group input control OS contains default value', {sdaDiskOS:sdaDiskOS});
this.then(function() {
this.test.comment('Testing volume group deletion and Cancel button');
this.click(sdaDisk + ' .disk-visual [data-volume=vm] .close-btn');
this.test.assertEquals(this.getElementBounds(sdaDisk + ' .disk-visual [data-volume=vm]').width, 0, 'VM group was removed successfully');
this.test.assertEvalEquals(function(sdaDiskVM) {return $(sdaDiskVM + ' input[type=number]').attr('value')}, vmSDA, 'Volume group input control VM contains default value', {sdaDiskVM:sdaDiskVM});
this.click(sdaDisk + ' .disk-visual [data-volume=vm] .close-btn');
this.test.assertEval(function(sdaDisk) {return $(sdaDisk + ' .disk-visual [data-volume=unallocated]').width() > 0}, 'There is unallocated space after Virtual Storage VG removal',{sdaDisk:sdaDisk});
this.test.assertEvalEquals(function(sdaDiskVM) {return $(sdaDiskVM + ' input[type=number]').val()}, '0', 'Volume group input control contains correct value',{sdaDiskVM:sdaDiskVM});
casper.run(function() {