
108 lines
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// Coccyx.js 0.4.1
// (c) 2012 Onsi Fakhouri
// Coccyx.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
// http://github.com/onsi/coccyx
(function() {
var Coccyx;
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
Coccyx = exports;
} else {
Coccyx = this.Coccyx = {};
Coccyx.enforceContextualBinding = false;
Coccyx.enforceConstructorName = false;
Coccyx._globalTearDownCallbacks = [];
Coccyx.addTearDownCallback = function(callback) {
var originalExtend = Backbone.Model.extend;
var coccyxExtend = function(protoProps, classProps) {
var parent = this;
if (Coccyx.enforceConstructorName && !protoProps.constructorName) throw "Coccyx: Attempted to create a new class without passing in a constructor name."
if (protoProps.constructorName && !protoProps.hasOwnProperty('constructor')) {
eval("protoProps.constructor = function " + protoProps.constructorName + " () { parent.apply(this, arguments) };");
return originalExtend.call(parent, protoProps, classProps);
var originalOn = Backbone.Events.on;
var coccyxOn = function(events, callback, context) {
var returnValue = originalOn.apply(this, arguments);
if (Coccyx.enforceContextualBinding && !context) throw "Coccyx: Backbone event binding attempted without a context."
if (context && context.registerEventDispatcher) context.registerEventDispatcher(this);
return returnValue;
var coccyxViewExtensions = {
registerEventDispatcher: function(dispatcher) {
dispatcher._coccyxId = dispatcher._coccyxId || dispatcher.cid || _.uniqueId('coccyx');
this.eventDispatchers = this.eventDispatchers || {};
this.eventDispatchers[dispatcher._coccyxId] = dispatcher;
unregisterEventDispatcher: function(dispatcher){
dispatcher.off(null, null, this);
delete this.eventDispatchers[dispatcher._coccyxId];
registerSubView: function(subView) {
this.subViews = this.subViews || {};
this.subViews[subView.cid] = subView;
subView.__parentView = this;
return subView;
unregisterSubView: function(subView) {
subView.__parentView = undefined;
delete this.subViews[subView.cid];
tearDown: function() {
return this;
tearDownRegisteredSubViews: function() {
_tearDown: function() {
var that = this;
if (this.beforeTearDown) this.beforeTearDown();
if (this.__parentView) this.__parentView.unregisterSubView(this);
_(Coccyx._globalTearDownCallbacks).each(function(callback) {
this.__parentView = null;
_(this.eventDispatchers).invoke('off', null, null, this);
this.eventDispatchers = {};
this.subViews = {};
var klassNames = ['Model', 'Collection', 'Router', 'View'];
var coccyxify = function(root) {
Coccyx.root = root;
root.Events = _.extend(root.Events, {on:coccyxOn, bind:coccyxOn});
_.each(klassNames, function(klassName) {
root[klassName].extend = coccyxExtend;
_.extend(root[klassName].prototype, root.Events);
_.extend(root.View.prototype, coccyxViewExtensions);