Julia Aranovich b82e6e5aff Add nullable flag to NIC's mtu attribute
Partial-Bug: #1643599

Change-Id: I8cd2b972c4be053ebbcb0cc788c1ee0384120374
2016-12-26 10:07:01 +03:00

658 lines
25 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Classes for checking data restrictions and limits
from functools import partial
from itertools import groupby
import re
import six
from nailgun import errors
from nailgun.expression import Expression
from nailgun.utils import camel_to_snake_case
from nailgun.utils import compact
from nailgun.utils import flatten
'one_of': lambda x, y: len(x) == 1,
'any_of': lambda x, y: len(x) > 0,
'none_of': lambda x, y: len(x) == 0,
'all_of': lambda x, y: x == y
class LimitsMixin(object):
"""Mixin with limits processing functionality"""
def check_node_limits(self, models, nodes, role,
limits, limit_reached=True,
limit_types=['min', 'max', 'recommended']):
"""Check nodes limits for current role
:param models: objects which represent models in restrictions
:type models: dict
:param nodes: list of nodes to check limits count for role
:type nodes: list
:param role: node role name
:type role: string
:param limits: object with min|max|recommended values and overrides
:type limits: dict
:param limit_reached: flag to check possibility adding/removing nodes
:type limit_reached: bool
:param limit_types: List of possible limit types (min|max|recommended)
:type limit_types: list
:returns: dict -- object with bool 'valid' flag and related information
self.checked_limit_types = {}
self.models = models
self.overrides = limits.get('overrides', [])
self.limit_reached = limit_reached
self.limit_types = limit_types
self.limit_values = {
'max': self._evaluate_expression(
limits.get('max'), self.models),
'min': self._evaluate_expression(
limits.get('min'), self.models),
'recommended': self._evaluate_expression(
limits.get('recommended'), self.models)
self.count = len(filter(
lambda node: not(node.pending_deletion) and (role in node.roles),
self.messages = compact(flatten(
map(self._check_override, self.overrides)))
self.messages += compact(flatten(
map(self._check_limit_type, self.limit_types)))
self.messages = compact(flatten(
map(self._get_message, limit_types)))
self.messages = '. '.join(self.messages)
return {
'count': self.count,
'limits': self.limit_values,
'messages': self.messages,
'valid': not self.messages
def _check_limit(self, obj, limit_type):
"""Check limit value with nodes count
:param obj: limits or overrides item data
:type obj: dict
:param limit_type: one of (min|max|recommended) values
:type limit_type: string
:returns: dict -- message data in format:
'type': 'min|max|recommended'
'value': '1',
'message': 'Message for limit'
if not obj.get(limit_type):
if limit_type == 'min':
compare = lambda a, b: a < b if self.limit_reached else a <= b
elif limit_type == 'max':
compare = lambda a, b: a > b if self.limit_reached else a >= b
compare = lambda a, b: a < b
limit_value = int(
self._evaluate_expression(obj.get(limit_type), self.models))
self.limit_values[limit_type] = limit_value
self.checked_limit_types[limit_type] = True
# TODO(apopovych): write proper default message
if compare(self.count, limit_value):
return {
'type': limit_type,
'value': limit_value,
'message': obj.get('message', 'Default message')
def _check_override(self, override):
"""Check overridden restriction for limit"""
expression = override.get('condition')
result = self._evaluate_expression(expression, self.models)
if result:
return map(partial(self._check_limit, override), self.limit_types)
def _check_limit_type(self, limit_type):
"""Check limit types for role
:param limit_type: one of (min|max|recommended) values
:type limit_type: string
if self.checked_limit_types.get(limit_type):
return self._check_limit(self.limit_values, limit_type)
def _get_message(self, limit_type):
"""Get proper message if we have more than one
:param limit_type: one of (min|max|recommended) values
:type limit_type: string
:returns: string -- first relevant message
message = sorted(filter(
lambda message: message.get('type') == limit_type,
self.messages), key=lambda message: message.get('value'))
if limit_type != 'max':
message = message[::-1]
if message:
return message[0].get('message')
def _evaluate_expression(self, expression, models):
"""Evaluate expression if it exists"""
if expression:
return Expression(str(expression), models).evaluate()
class RestrictionBase(object):
"""Mixin with restriction processing functionality"""
def check_restrictions(cls, models, restrictions, action=None,
"""Check if attribute satisfied restrictions
:param models: objects which represent models in restrictions
:type models: dict
:param restrictions: list of restrictions to check
:type restrictions: list
:param action: filtering restrictions by action key
:type action: string
:param strict: disallow undefined variables in condition
:type strict: bool
:returns: dict -- object with 'result' as list of satisfied
restrictions and 'message' as dict
satisfied = []
if restrictions:
expened_restrictions = map(
cls._expand_restriction, restrictions)
# Filter by action
if action:
filterd_by_action_restrictions = filter(
lambda item: item.get('action') == action,
filterd_by_action_restrictions = expened_restrictions[:]
# Filter which restriction satisfied condition
satisfied = filter(
lambda item: Expression(
strict=item.get('strict', strict)).evaluate(),
return {
'result': satisfied,
'message': '. '.join(item.get('message') for item in
satisfied if item.get('message'))
def _expand_restriction(restriction):
"""Normalize restrictions into one canonical format
:param restriction: restriction object
:type restriction: string|dict
:returns: dict -- restriction object in canonical format:
'action': 'enable|disable|hide|none'
'condition': 'value1 == value2',
'message': 'value1 shouldn't equal value2'
result = {
'action': 'disable'
if isinstance(restriction, six.string_types):
result['condition'] = restriction
elif isinstance(restriction, dict):
if 'condition' in restriction:
result['condition'] = list(restriction)[0]
result['message'] = list(restriction.values())[0]
raise errors.InvalidData('Invalid restriction format')
return result
class AttributesRestriction(RestrictionBase):
def _group_attribute(data):
return 'metadata' in data
def _get_label(cls, data):
if cls._group_attribute(data):
return data['metadata'].get('label')
return data.get('label')
def _get_value(cls, data):
if cls._group_attribute(data):
return data['metadata'].get('enabled', True)
return data.get('value')
def _get_restrictions(cls, data):
if cls._group_attribute(data):
return data['metadata'].get('restrictions', [])
return data.get('restrictions', [])
def check_data(cls, models, data):
"""Check cluster attributes data
:param models: objects which represent models in restrictions
:type models: dict
:param data: cluster attributes object
:type data: list|dict
:returns: list of errors
def find_errors(data=data):
"""Generator which traverses through cluster attributes tree
Checks regex for each attribute. Check restrictions for each
enabled attribute with type 'checkbox'. All hidden attributes
are skipped as well as disabled group attrbites. Similar
logic is used on UI
if isinstance(data, list):
for item in data:
for err in find_errors(item):
yield err
if not isinstance(data, dict):
group_attribute = cls._group_attribute(data)
value = cls._get_value(data)
label = cls._get_label(data)
restrictions = cls._get_restrictions(data)
# hidden attributes should be skipped
if cls.check_restrictions(
models, restrictions, action='hide')['result']:
if group_attribute and not value:
# disabled group attribute should be skipped as well
# as all sub-attributes
attr_type = data.get('type')
# restrictions with 'disable' action should be checked only for
# enabled attributes which type is 'checkbox' or group attributes
if (attr_type == 'checkbox' or group_attribute) and value:
restr = cls.check_restrictions(
models, restrictions, action='disable')
for item in restr['result']:
error = (
"restriction with action='{}' and condition="
"'{}' failed due to attribute value='{}'"
.format(item['action'], item['condition'], value)
if item.get('message'):
error = item['message']
yield ("Validation failed for attribute '{}':"
" {}".format(label, error))
# skip checks for disabled attributes of other types,
# because they are interpreted as optional
if cls.check_restrictions(
models, restrictions, action='disable')['result']:
if attr_type in ['text', 'number']:
if not data.get('nullable', False) and value is None:
yield ("Null value is forbidden for '{}'"
if attr_type in ['text_list', 'textarea_list']:
err = cls.check_fields_length(data)
if err is not None:
yield err
regex_error = cls.validate_regex(data)
if regex_error is not None:
yield regex_error
for key, value in six.iteritems(data):
if key == 'metadata':
for err in find_errors(value):
yield err
return list(find_errors())
def validate_regex(data):
attr_value = data.get('value')
if attr_value is not None:
attr_regex = data.get('regex', {})
if attr_regex:
pattern = re.compile(attr_regex.get('source'))
error = attr_regex.get('error')
def test_regex(value, pattern=pattern, error=error):
if not pattern.search(value):
return error
if isinstance(attr_value, six.string_types):
return test_regex(attr_value)
elif isinstance(attr_value, list):
errors = map(test_regex, attr_value)
if compact(errors):
return errors
return ('Value {0} is of invalid type, cannot check '
def check_fields_length(data):
min_items_num = data.get('min')
max_items_num = data.get('max')
attr_value = data.get('value')
if min_items_num is not None and len(attr_value) < min_items_num:
return ('Value {0} should have at least {1} '
'items'.format(attr_value, min_items_num))
if max_items_num is not None and len(attr_value) > max_items_num:
return ('Value {0} should not have more than {1} '
'items'.format(attr_value, max_items_num))
class VmwareAttributesRestriction(RestrictionBase):
def check_data(cls, models, metadata, data):
"""Check cluster vmware attributes data
:param models: objects which represent models in restrictions
:type models: dict
:param metadata: vmware attributes metadata object
:type metadata: list|dict
:param data: vmware attributes data(value) object
:type data: list|dict
:returns: func -- generator which produces errors
root_key = camel_to_snake_case(cls.__name__)
def find_errors(metadata=metadata, path_key=root_key):
"""Generator for vmware attributes errors
for each attribute in 'metadata' gets relevant values from vmware
'value' and checks them with restrictions and regexs
if isinstance(metadata, dict):
restr = cls.check_restrictions(
models, metadata.get('restrictions', []))
if restr.get('result'):
# TODO(apopovych): handle restriction message?
for mkey, mvalue in six.iteritems(metadata):
if mkey == 'name':
value_path = path_key.replace(
root_key, '').replace('.fields', '')
values = cls._get_values(value_path, data)
attr_regex = metadata.get('regex', {})
if attr_regex:
pattern = re.compile(attr_regex.get('source'))
for value in values():
if not pattern.match(value):
yield attr_regex.get('error')
for err in find_errors(
mvalue, '.'.join([path_key, mkey])):
yield err
elif isinstance(metadata, list):
for i, item in enumerate(metadata):
current_key = item.get('name') or str(i)
for err in find_errors(
item, '.'.join([path_key, current_key])):
yield err
return list(find_errors())
def _get_values(cls, path, data):
"""Generator for all values from data selected by given path
:param path: path to all releted values
:type path: string
:param data: vmware attributes value
:type data: list|dict
keys = path.split('.')
key = keys[-1]
def find(data=data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
for k, v in six.iteritems(data):
if k == key:
yield v
elif k in keys:
for result in find(v):
yield result
elif isinstance(data, list):
for d in data:
for result in find(d):
yield result
return find
class ComponentsRestrictions(object):
def validate_components(cls, components_names, available_components,
"""Check if selected components is valid and suitable for each other.
:param components_names: list of component names for validation
:type components_names: list
:param available_components: list of all available components
:type available_components: list of dict
:param required_component_types: list of all required components types
:type required_component_types: list
:raises: errors.InvalidData
components_names = set(components_names)
available_components_names = set()
found_components = []
for component in available_components:
if component['name'] in components_names:
if len(components_names) != len(found_components):
raise errors.InvalidData(
'{0} components are not related to used release.'.format(
sorted(components_names - available_components_names)
components_types_set = set()
for component in found_components:
cls._check_component_incompatibles(component, components_names)
component, components_names, available_components_names)
def _check_component_incompatibles(cls, component, components_names):
"""Check if component has incompatible components.
:param component: target component for checking
:type component: dict
:param components_names: list of components names for checking
:type components_names: list
:raises: errors.InvalidData
for incompatible in component.get('incompatible', []):
incompatible_component_names = list(
if incompatible_component_names:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Incompatible components were found: "
"'{0}' incompatible with {1}.".format(
def _check_component_requires(cls, component, components_names,
"""Check if all component's requires is satisfied.
:param component: target component for checking
:type component: dict
:param components_names: list of components names for checking
:type components_names: list
:param available_components_names: names of all available components
:type available_components_names: list
:raises: errors.InvalidData
component_requires = component.get('requires', [])
requires_without_predicates = [
r.get('name') for r in component_requires]
if all(requires_without_predicates):
for c_type, group in groupby(sorted(component_requires,
group_components = list(group)
for require in group_components:
if cls._resolve_names_for_dependency(
components_names, require['name']):
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Component '{0}' requires any of components from {1} "
sorted([c['name'] for c in group_components])),
elif any(requires_without_predicates):
raise errors.InvalidData("Component '{0}' has mixed format of "
check_result = cls._check_predicates(component_requires,
if check_result:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Requirements was not satisfied for component '{0}': "
sorted(item for item in check_result['items'])),
def _check_predicates(cls, requires, components_names_set,
"""Check that all predicate conditions are satisfied.
:param requires: list of predicates condition data
:type requires: list of dicts
:param components_names_set: list of components names for checking
:type components_names_set: list
:param available_components_names: names of all available components
:type available_components_names: list
:returns: dict -- failed predicate in format:
'failed_predicate': 'one_of|any_of|none_of|all_of'
'items': <list of predicate items names>
for require in requires:
for predicate in require:
predicate_func = PREDICATE_FUNCTION_MAP[predicate]
matched_components = set()
matched_available_components = set()
predicate_items = require[predicate]['items']
for item in predicate_items:
components_names_set, item)
available_components_names, item)
predicate_result = predicate_func(
if not predicate_result:
return {'failed_predicate': predicate,
'items': predicate_items}
def _check_required_component_types(components_types_set,
missed_types_set = required_components_types_set - components_types_set
if missed_types_set:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Components with {0} types are required but wasn't found "
"in data.".format(sorted(missed_types_set)),
def _resolve_names_for_dependency(components_names, dependency_name):
if '*' in dependency_name:
prefix = dependency_name.split('*', 1)[0]
return set(name for name in components_names
if name.startswith(prefix))
return set(name for name in components_names
if name == dependency_name)
def _get_component_type(component):
return component['name'].split(':', 1)[0]