
245 lines
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* Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
], function(_, registerSuite, assert, Common, NetworksPage, ClusterPage, ModalWindow, DashboardPage) {
'use strict';
registerSuite(function() {
var common,
return {
name: 'Networks page Neutron tests',
setup: function() {
common = new Common(this.remote);
networksPage = new NetworksPage(this.remote);
clusterPage = new ClusterPage(this.remote);
clusterName = common.pickRandomName('Test Cluster');
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return common.getIn();
.then(function() {
return common.createCluster(
'Networking Setup': function() {
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.goToTab('Networks');
afterEach: function() {
return this.remote
'Add ranges manipulations': function() {
var rangeSelector = '.public .ip_ranges ';
return this.remote
.clickByCssSelector(rangeSelector + '.ip-ranges-add')
.assertElementsExist(rangeSelector + '.ip-ranges-delete', 2, 'Remove ranges controls appear')
.assertElementsExist(rangeSelector + '.range-row',
'Empty range row is removed after saving changes')
.assertElementNotExists(rangeSelector + '.ip-ranges-delete',
'Remove button is absent for only one range');
'DNS nameservers manipulations': function() {
var dnsNameserversSelector = '.dns_nameservers ';
return this.remote
.clickByCssSelector(dnsNameserversSelector + '.ip-ranges-add')
.assertElementExists(dnsNameserversSelector + '.range-row .has-error',
'New nameserver is added and contains validation error');
'Segmentation types differences': function() {
return this.remote
// Tunneling segmentation tests
'Private Network is visible for tunneling segmentation type')
.assertElementTextEquals('.segmentation-type', '(Neutron with tunneling segmentation)',
'Segmentation type is correct for tunneling segmentation')
// Vlan segmentation tests
.then(function() {
return common.createCluster('Test vlan segmentation');
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.goToTab('Networks');
.assertElementNotExists('.private', 'Private Network is not visible for vlan segmentation type')
.assertElementTextEquals('.segmentation-type', '(Neutron with VLAN segmentation)',
'Segmentation type is correct for VLAN segmentation');
'Junk input in ip fields': function() {
return this.remote
.setInputValue('.public input[name=cidr]', 'blablabla')
.assertElementAppears('.public .has-error input[name=cidr]', 1000,
'Error class is applied for invalid cidr')
.assertElementAppears('.subtab-link-default .subtab-icon.glyphicon-danger-sign', 1000,
'Warning icon for node network group appears')
.assertElementAppears('.add-nodegroup-btn .glyphicon-danger-sign', 1000,
'Warning icon for add node network group appears')
.setInputValue('.public input[name=range-start_ip_ranges]', 'blablabla')
.assertElementAppears('.public .has-error input[name=range-start_ip_ranges]', 1000,
'Error class is applied for invalid range start');
'Other settings validation error': function() {
return this.remote
.setInputValue('input[name=dns_list]', 'blablabla')
.assertElementAppears('.subtab-link-network_settings .glyphicon-danger-sign', 1000,
'Warning icon for "Other" section appears');
registerSuite(function() {
var common,
return {
name: 'Node network group tests',
setup: function() {
common = new Common(this.remote);
clusterPage = new ClusterPage(this.remote);
dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(this.remote);
clusterName = common.pickRandomName('Test Cluster');
modal = new ModalWindow(this.remote);
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return common.getIn();
.then(function() {
return common.createCluster(clusterName);
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.goToTab('Networks');
'Node network group creation': function() {
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return modal.waitToOpen();
.assertElementContainsText('h4.modal-title', 'Add New Node Network Group', 'Add New Node Network Group modal expected')
.setInputValue('[name=node-network-group-name]', 'Node_Network_Group_1')
.then(function() {
return modal.clickFooterButton('Add Group');
.then(function() {
return modal.waitToClose();
.assertElementAppears('.node-network-groups-list', 2000, 'Node network groups title appears')
.assertElementDisplayed('.subtab-link-Node_Network_Group_1', 'New subtab is shown')
.assertElementTextEquals('.network-group-name .btn-link', 'Node_Network_Group_1', 'New Node Network group title is shown');
'Verification is disabled for multirack': function() {
return this.remote
.assertElementExists('.alert-warning', 'Warning is shown')
.assertElementDisabled('.verify-networks-btn', 'Verify networks button is disabled');
'Node network group renaming': function() {
return this.remote
.waitForCssSelector('.network-group-name input[type=text]', 2000)
.findByCssSelector('.node-group-renaming input[type=text]')
// Enter
.assertElementDisplayed('.subtab-link-Node_Network_Group_2', 'Node network group was successfully renamed');
'Node network group deletion': function() {
return this.remote
.assertElementNotExists('.glyphicon-remove', 'It is not possible to delete default node network group')
.assertElementAppears('.glyphicon-remove', 1000, 'Remove icon is shown')
.then(function() {
return modal.waitToOpen();
.assertElementContainsText('h4.modal-title', 'Remove Node Network Group', 'Remove Node Network Group modal expected')
.then(function() {
return modal.clickFooterButton('Delete');
.then(function() {
return modal.waitToClose();
.assertElementDisappears('.subtab-link-Node_Network_Group_2', 2000, 'Node network groups title disappears');
'Node network group renaming in deployed environment': function() {
this.timeout = 100000;
return this.remote
.then(function() {
return common.addNodesToCluster(1, ['Controller']);
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.goToTab('Dashboard');
.then(function() {
return dashboardPage.startDeployment();
.waitForElementDeletion('.dashboard-block .progress', 60000)
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.goToTab('Networks');
.assertElementNotExists('.glyphicon-pencil', 'Renaming of a node network group is fobidden in deployed environment')
.clickByCssSelector('.network-group-name .name')
.assertElementNotExists('.network-group-name input[type=text]', 'Renaming is not started on a node network group name click')
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.goToTab('Dashboard');
.then(function() {
return clusterPage.resetEnvironment(clusterName);
.then(function() {
return dashboardPage.discardChanges();