Igor Kalnitsky b5171a5797
Replace volume containers with direct mountings
Fuel storage containers are a bit useless in our architecture and lead
us to the problems when after upgrade we have storage containers with
not expected names. In order to be consistent with dockerctl and prevent
desync with dockerctl it was decided to remove them.

Change-Id: Id3b614ce5f8cd5284bc387d1384d0c9928f84981
Related-Bug: #1382527
2014-11-26 16:10:12 +02:00

690 lines
22 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Module with config generation logic
Why python based config?
* in first versions it was yaml based config,
during some time it became really hard to support
because in yaml config it's impossible to share
values between parameters
* also we decided not to use any template language
because you need to learn yet another sublanguage,
and it's hard to create variables nesting more than 1
import six
import glob
import logging
import yaml
from os.path import basename
from os.path import exists
from os.path import join
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Config(object):
"""Config object, allow to call first
level keys as object attributes.
:param dict config_dict: config dict
def __init__(self, config_dict):
# NOTE(eli): initialize _config
# with __setattr__ to prevent maximum
# recursion depth exceeded error
super(Config, self).__setattr__('_config', config_dict)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._config[name]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self._config[name] = value
def __repr__(self):
return str(self._config)
def read_yaml_config(path):
"""Reads yaml config
:param str path: path to config
:returns: deserialized object
return yaml.load(open(path, 'r'))
def get_version_from_config(path):
"""Retrieves version from config file
:param str path: path to config
return read_yaml_config(path)['VERSION']['release']
def build_config(update_path, admin_password):
"""Builds config
:param str update_path: path to upgrade
:param str admin_password: admin user password
:returns: :class:`Config` object
return Config(config(update_path, admin_password))
def from_fuel_version(current_version_path, from_version_path):
"""Get version of fuel which user run upgrade from
# NOTE(eli): If this file exists, then user
# already ran this upgrade script which was
# for some reasons interrupted
if exists(from_version_path):
from_version = get_version_from_config(from_version_path)
logger.debug('Retrieve version from %s, '
'version is %s', from_version_path, from_version)
return from_version
return get_version_from_config(current_version_path)
def get_endpoints(astute_config, admin_password):
"""Returns services endpoints
:returns: dict where key is the a name of endpoint
value is dict with host, port and authentication
master_ip = astute_config['ADMIN_NETWORK']['ipaddress']
# Set default user/password because in
# 5.0.X releases we didn't have this data
# in astute file
fuel_access = astute_config.get(
'FUEL_ACCESS', {'user': 'admin'})
rabbitmq_access = astute_config.get(
'astute', {'user': 'naily', 'password': 'naily'})
rabbitmq_mcollective_access = astute_config.get(
'mcollective', {'user': 'mcollective', 'password': 'marionette'})
keystone_credentials = {
'username': fuel_access['user'],
'password': admin_password,
'auth_url': 'http://{0}:5000/v2.0/tokens'.format(master_ip),
'tenant_name': 'admin'}
return {
'nginx_nailgun': {
'port': 8000,
'host': '',
'keystone_credentials': keystone_credentials},
'nginx_repo': {
'port': 8080,
'host': ''},
'ostf': {
'port': 8777,
'host': '',
'keystone_credentials': keystone_credentials},
'cobbler': {
'port': 80,
'host': ''},
'postgres': {
'port': 5432,
'host': ''},
'rsync': {
'port': 873,
'host': ''},
'rsyslog': {
'port': 514,
'host': ''},
'keystone': {
'port': 5000,
'host': ''},
'keystone_admin': {
'port': 35357,
'host': ''},
'rabbitmq': {
'user': rabbitmq_access['user'],
'password': rabbitmq_access['password'],
'port': 15672,
'host': ''},
'rabbitmq_mcollective': {
'port': 15672,
'host': '',
'user': rabbitmq_mcollective_access['user'],
'password': rabbitmq_mcollective_access['password']}}
def get_host_system(update_path, new_version):
"""Returns host-system settings.
The function was designed to build a dictionary with settings for
host-sytem upgrader. Why we can't just use static settings? Because
we need to build paths to latest centos repos (tarball could contain
a few openstack releases, so we need to pick right centos repo) and
to latest puppet manifests.
:param update_path: path to update folder
:param new_version: fuel version to install
:returns: a host-system upgrade settings
openstack_versions = glob.glob(
join(update_path, 'puppet', '[0-9.-]*{0}'.format(new_version)))
openstack_versions = [basename(v) for v in openstack_versions]
openstack_version = sorted(openstack_versions, reverse=True)[0]
centos_repo_path = join(
update_path, 'repos', openstack_version, 'centos/x86_64')
return {
'manifest_path': join(
update_path, 'puppet', openstack_version,
'puppet_modules_path': join(
update_path, 'puppet', openstack_version, 'modules'),
'repo_config_path': join(
'repo_path': {
'src': centos_repo_path,
'dst': join(
'/var/www/nailgun', openstack_version, 'centos/x86_64')}}
def config(update_path, admin_password):
"""Generates configuration data for upgrade
:param str update_path: path to upgrade
:param str admin_password: admin user password
:retuns: huuuge dict with all required
for ugprade parameters
fuel_config_path = '/etc/fuel/'
can_upgrade_from = ['5.1.1']
current_fuel_version_path = '/etc/fuel/version.yaml'
new_upgrade_version_path = join(update_path, 'config/version.yaml')
current_version = get_version_from_config(current_fuel_version_path)
new_version = get_version_from_config(new_upgrade_version_path)
new_version_path = join('/etc/fuel', new_version, 'version.yaml')
version_files_mask = '/var/lib/fuel_upgrade/*/version.yaml'
working_directory = join('/var/lib/fuel_upgrade', new_version)
from_version_path = join(working_directory, 'version.yaml')
from_version = from_fuel_version(
current_fuel_version_path, from_version_path)
previous_version_path = join('/etc/fuel', from_version, 'version.yaml')
astute_container_keys_path = '/var/lib/astute'
astute_keys_path = join(working_directory, 'astute')
cobbler_container_config_path = '/var/lib/cobbler/config'
cobbler_config_path = join(working_directory, 'cobbler_configs')
cobbler_config_files_for_verifier = join(
cobbler_config_path, 'config/systems.d/*.json')
# Keep only 3 latest database files
keep_db_backups_count = 3
db_backup_timeout = 25
db_backup_interval = 4
current_fuel_astute_path = '/etc/fuel/astute.yaml'
astute = read_yaml_config(current_fuel_astute_path)
supervisor = {
'configs_prefix': '/etc/supervisord.d/',
'current_configs_prefix': '/etc/supervisord.d/current',
'endpoint': '/var/run/supervisor.sock',
'restart_timeout': 600}
checker = {
'timeout': 900,
'interval': 3}
endpoints = get_endpoints(astute, admin_password)
# Configuration data for docker client
docker = {
'url': 'unix://var/run/docker.sock',
'api_version': '1.10',
'http_timeout': 160,
'stop_container_timeout': 20,
'dir': '/var/lib/docker'}
# Docker image description section
image_prefix = 'fuel/'
# Here are described all images which will
# be loaded into the docker
# `id` from id we make path to image files
# `type`
# * fuel - create name of image like fuel-core-5.0-postgres
# * base - use name without prefix and postfix
images = [
{'id': 'astute',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'astute.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'astute')},
{'id': 'cobbler',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'cobbler.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'cobbler')},
{'id': 'mcollective',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'mcollective.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'mcollective')},
{'id': 'nailgun',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'nailgun.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'nailgun')},
{'id': 'nginx',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'nginx.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'nginx')},
{'id': 'ostf',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'ostf.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'ostf')},
{'id': 'postgres',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'postgres.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'postgres')},
{'id': 'rabbitmq',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'rabbitmq.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'rabbitmq')},
{'id': 'rsync',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'rsync.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'rsync')},
{'id': 'rsyslog',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'rsyslog.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'rsyslog')},
{'id': 'keystone',
'type': 'fuel',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'keystone.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'keystone')},
{'id': 'busybox',
'type': 'base',
'docker_image': join(update_path, 'images', 'busybox.tar'),
'docker_file': join(update_path, 'busybox')}]
# Docker containers description section
container_prefix = 'fuel-core-'
master_ip = astute['ADMIN_NETWORK']['ipaddress']
volumes = {
'volume_logs': [
('/var/log/docker-logs', {'bind': '/var/log', 'ro': False})],
'volume_repos': [
('/var/www/nailgun', {'bind': '/var/www/nailgun', 'ro': False}),
('/etc/yum.repos.d', {'bind': '/etc/yum.repos.d', 'ro': False})],
'volume_ssh_keys': [
('/root/.ssh', {'bind': '/root/.ssh', 'ro': False})],
'volume_fuel_configs': [
('/etc/fuel', {'bind': '/etc/fuel', 'ro': False})],
'volume_upgrade_directory': [
(working_directory, {'bind': '/tmp/upgrade', 'ro': True})],
'volume_dump': [
('/dump', {'bind': '/var/www/nailgun/dump', 'ro': False})],
'volume_puppet_manifests': [
('/etc/puppet', {'bind': '/etc/puppet', 'ro': True})],
containers = [
{'id': 'nailgun',
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'nailgun',
'port_bindings': {
'8001': [
('', 8001),
(master_ip, 8001)]},
'ports': [8001],
'links': [
{'id': 'postgres', 'alias': 'db'},
{'id': 'rabbitmq', 'alias': 'rabbitmq'}],
'binds': [
'volumes': [
{'id': 'astute',
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'astute',
'after_container_creation_command': (
"bash -c 'cp -rn /tmp/upgrade/astute/ "
'links': [
{'id': 'rabbitmq', 'alias': 'rabbitmq'}],
'binds': [
{'id': 'cobbler',
'supervisor_config': True,
'after_container_creation_command': (
"bash -c 'cp -rn /tmp/upgrade/cobbler_configs/config/* "
'from_image': 'cobbler',
'privileged': True,
'port_bindings': {
'80': ('', 80),
'443': ('', 443),
'53/udp': [
('', 53),
(master_ip, 53)],
'69/udp': [
('', 69),
(master_ip, 69)]},
'ports': [
[53, 'udp'],
[53, 'tcp'],
[69, 'udp'],
[69, 'tcp'],
'binds': [
{'id': 'mcollective',
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'mcollective',
'privileged': True,
'binds': [
{'id': 'rsync',
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'rsync',
'port_bindings': {
'873': [
('', 873),
(master_ip, 873)]},
'ports': [873],
'binds': [
{'id': 'rsyslog',
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'rsyslog',
'port_bindings': {
'514': [
('', 514),
(master_ip, 514)],
'514/udp': [
('', 514),
(master_ip, 514)],
'25150': [
('', 25150),
(master_ip, 25150)]},
'ports': [[514, 'udp'], 514],
'binds': [
{'id': 'keystone',
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'keystone',
'port_bindings': {
'5000': ('', 5000),
'35357': ('', 35357)},
'ports': [5000, 35357],
'links': [
{'id': 'postgres', 'alias': 'postgres'}],
'binds': [
{'id': 'nginx',
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'nginx',
'port_bindings': {
'8000': ('', 8000),
'8080': ('', 8080)},
'ports': [8000, 8080],
'links': [
{'id': 'nailgun', 'alias': 'nailgun'},
{'id': 'ostf', 'alias': 'ostf'}],
'binds': [
'volumes_from': ['nailgun']},
{'id': 'rabbitmq',
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'rabbitmq',
'port_bindings': {
'4369': [
('', 4369),
(master_ip, 4369)],
'5672': [
('', 5672),
(master_ip, 5672)],
'15672': [
('', 15672),
(master_ip, 15672)],
'61613': [
('', 61613),
(master_ip, 61613)]},
'ports': [5672, 4369, 15672, 61613],
'binds': [
{'id': 'ostf',
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'ostf',
'port_bindings': {
'8777': [
('', 8777),
(master_ip, 8777)]},
'ports': [8777],
'links': [
{'id': 'postgres', 'alias': 'db'},
{'id': 'rabbitmq', 'alias': 'rabbitmq'}],
'binds': [
{'id': 'postgres',
'after_container_creation_command': (
"su postgres -c ""\"psql -f /tmp/upgrade/pg_dump_all.sql "
'supervisor_config': True,
'from_image': 'postgres',
'port_bindings': {
'5432': [
('', 5432),
(master_ip, 5432)]},
'ports': [5432],
'binds': [
# Since we dropped fuel storage containers we should provide an
# alternative DRY mechanism for mounting volumes directly into
# containers. So below code performs such job and unfolds containers
# an abstract declarative "binds" format into docker-py's "binds"
# format.
for container in containers:
binds = {}
for volume in container.get('binds', []):
container['binds'] = binds
# unfortunately, docker-py has bad design and we must add to
# containers' "volumes" list those folders that will be mounted
# into container
if 'volumes' not in container:
container['volumes'] = []
for _, volume in six.iteritems(binds):
# Openstack Upgrader settings. Please note, that "[0-9.-]*" is
# a glob pattern for matching our os versions
openstack = {
'releases': join(update_path, 'releases', '[0-9.-]*.yaml'),
'metadata': join(update_path, 'releases', 'metadata.yaml'),
'puppets': {
'src': join(update_path, 'puppet', '[0-9.-]*'),
'dst': join('/etc', 'puppet')},
'repos': {
'src': join(update_path, 'repos', '[0-9.-]*'),
'dst': join('/var', 'www', 'nailgun')},
'release_versions': {
'src': join(update_path, 'release_versions', '*.yaml'),
'dst': '/etc/fuel/release_versions'}}
# Config for host system upgarde engine
host_system = get_host_system(update_path, new_version)
# Config for bootstrap upgrade
bootstrap = {
'actions': [
'name': 'move',
'from': '/var/www/nailgun/bootstrap',
'to': '/var/www/nailgun/{0}_bootstrap'.format(from_version),
# Don't overwrite backup files
'overwrite': False,
'undo': [
# NOTE(eli): Rollback bootstrap files
# with copy, because in 5.0 version
# we have volumes linking in container
# which doesn't work correctly with symlinks
'name': 'copy',
'from': '/var/www/nailgun/{0}_bootstrap'.format(
'to': '/var/www/nailgun/bootstrap',
'undo': [],
'overwrite': True
'name': 'symlink',
'from': '/var/www/nailgun/{0}_bootstrap'.format(from_version),
'to': '/var/www/nailgun/bootstrap',
'undo': []
'name': 'copy',
'from': join(update_path, 'bootstrap'),
'to': '/var/www/nailgun/{0}_bootstrap'.format(new_version),
'name': 'symlink',
'from': '/var/www/nailgun/{0}_bootstrap'.format(new_version),
'to': '/var/www/nailgun/bootstrap',
'undo': []
targetimages = {
'actions': [
'name': 'copy',
'from': join(update_path, 'targetimages'),
'to': '/var/www/nailgun/{0}_targetimages'.format(new_version),
'name': 'symlink',
'from': '/var/www/nailgun/{0}_targetimages'.format(
'to': '/var/www/nailgun/targetimages',
'undo': [
'name': 'symlink_if_src_exists',
'from': '/var/www/nailgun/{0}_targetimages'.format(
'to': '/var/www/nailgun/targetimages'
return locals()