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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import six
from nailgun.api.v1.validators import base
from nailgun.api.v1.validators.json_schema import base_types
from nailgun.api.v1.validators.json_schema import node_schema
from nailgun.api.v1.validators.orchestrator_graph import \
from nailgun import consts
from nailgun.db import db
from nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models import Node
from nailgun.db.sqlalchemy.models import NodeNICInterface
from nailgun import errors
from nailgun import objects
from nailgun import utils
class MetaInterfacesValidator(base.BasicValidator):
def _validate_data(cls, interfaces):
if not isinstance(interfaces, list):
raise errors.InvalidInterfacesInfo(
"Meta.interfaces should be list",
return interfaces
def validate_create(cls, interfaces):
interfaces = cls._validate_data(interfaces)
def filter_valid_nic(nic):
for key in ('mac', 'name'):
if key not in nic or not isinstance(nic[key], six.string_types)\
or not nic[key]:
return False
return True
return filter(filter_valid_nic, interfaces)
def validate_update(cls, interfaces):
interfaces = cls._validate_data(interfaces)
for nic in interfaces:
if not isinstance(nic, dict):
raise errors.InvalidInterfacesInfo(
"Interface in meta.interfaces must be dict",
return interfaces
class MetaValidator(base.BasicValidator):
def _validate_data(cls, meta):
if not isinstance(meta, dict):
raise errors.InvalidMetadata(
"Invalid data: 'meta' should be dict",
def validate_create(cls, meta):
if 'interfaces' in meta:
meta['interfaces'] = MetaInterfacesValidator.validate_create(
raise errors.InvalidInterfacesInfo(
"Failed to discover node: "
"invalid interfaces info",
return meta
def validate_update(cls, meta):
if 'interfaces' in meta:
meta['interfaces'] = MetaInterfacesValidator.validate_update(
return meta
class NodeValidator(base.BasicValidator):
single_schema = node_schema.single_schema
def validate(cls, data):
# TODO(enchantner): rewrite validators to use Node object
data = cls.validate_json(data)
if data.get("status", "") != "discover":
raise errors.NotAllowed(
"Only bootstrap nodes are allowed to be registered."
if 'mac' not in data:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"No mac address specified",
if cls.does_node_exist_in_db(data):
raise errors.AlreadyExists(
"Node with mac {0} already "
"exists - doing nothing".format(data["mac"]),
if cls.validate_existent_node_mac_create(data):
raise errors.AlreadyExists(
"Node with mac {0} already "
"exists - doing nothing".format(data["mac"]),
if 'meta' in data:
return data
def does_node_exist_in_db(cls, data):
mac = data['mac'].lower()
q = db().query(Node)
if q.filter(Node.mac == mac).first() or \
q.join(NodeNICInterface, Node.nic_interfaces).filter(
NodeNICInterface.mac == mac).first():
return True
return False
def _validate_existent_node(cls, data, validate_method):
if 'meta' in data:
data['meta'] = validate_method(data['meta'])
if 'interfaces' in data['meta']:
existent_node = db().query(Node).\
join(NodeNICInterface, Node.nic_interfaces).\
[n['mac'].lower() for n in data['meta']['interfaces']]
return existent_node
def validate_existent_node_mac_create(cls, data):
return cls._validate_existent_node(
def validate_existent_node_mac_update(cls, data):
return cls._validate_existent_node(
def validate_roles(cls, data, node, roles):
cluster_id = data.get('cluster_id', node.cluster_id)
if not cluster_id:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Cannot assign pending_roles to node {0}. "
"Node doesn't belong to any cluster."
.format(node.id), log_message=True)
roles_set = set(roles)
if len(roles_set) != len(roles):
raise errors.InvalidData(
"pending_roles list for node {0} contains "
"duplicates.".format(node.id), log_message=True)
cluster = objects.Cluster.get_by_uid(cluster_id)
available_roles = objects.Cluster.get_roles(cluster)
invalid_roles = roles_set.difference(available_roles)
if invalid_roles:
raise errors.InvalidData(
u"Roles {0} are not valid for node {1} in environment {2}"
.format(u", ".join(sorted(invalid_roles)),
node.id, cluster.id),
HostnameRegex = re.compile(base_types.FQDN['pattern'])
def validate_hostname(cls, hostname, instance):
if not cls.HostnameRegex.match(hostname):
raise errors.InvalidData(
'Hostname must consist of english characters, '
'digits, minus signs and periods. '
'(The following pattern must apply {})'.format(
if hostname == instance.hostname:
if instance.status != consts.NODE_STATUSES.discover:
raise errors.NotAllowed(
"Node hostname may be changed only before provisioning."
if instance.cluster:
cluster = instance.cluster
public_ssl_endpoint = cluster.attributes.editable.get(
'public_ssl', {}).get('hostname', {}).get('value', "")
if public_ssl_endpoint in (
raise errors.InvalidData(
"New hostname '{0}' conflicts with public TLS endpoint"
if objects.Node.get_by_hostname(
raise errors.AlreadyExists(
"Duplicate hostname '{0}'.".format(hostname)
def validate_update(cls, data, instance=None):
if isinstance(data, six.string_types):
d = cls.validate_json(data)
d = data
cls.validate_schema(d, node_schema.single_schema)
if not d.get("mac") and not d.get("id") and not instance:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Neither MAC nor ID is specified",
existent_node = None
q = db().query(Node)
if "mac" in d:
existent_node = q.filter_by(mac=d["mac"].lower()).first() \
or cls.validate_existent_node_mac_update(d)
if not existent_node:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Invalid MAC is specified",
if "id" in d and d["id"]:
existent_node = q.get(d["id"])
if not existent_node:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Invalid ID specified",
if not instance:
instance = existent_node
if d.get("hostname") is not None:
cls.validate_hostname(d["hostname"], instance)
if d.get('roles'):
cls.validate_roles(d, instance, d['roles'])
if d.get('pending_roles'):
cls.validate_roles(d, instance, d['pending_roles'])
if 'meta' in d:
d['meta'] = MetaValidator.validate_update(d['meta'])
if "group_id" in d:
ng = objects.NodeGroup.get_by_uid(d["group_id"])
if not ng:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Cannot assign node group (ID={0}) to node {1}. "
"The specified node group does not exist."
.format(d["group_id"], instance.id)
if not instance.cluster_id:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Cannot assign node group (ID={0}) to node {1}. "
"Node is not allocated to cluster."
.format(d["group_id"], instance.id)
if instance.cluster_id != ng.cluster_id:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Cannot assign node group (ID={0}) to node {1}. "
"Node belongs to other cluster than node group"
.format(d["group_id"], instance.id)
return d
def validate_delete(cls, data, instance):
def validate_collection_update(cls, data):
d = cls.validate_json(data)
if not isinstance(d, list):
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Invalid json list",
for nd in d:
return d
class NodesFilterValidator(base.BasicValidator):
def validate(cls, nodes):
return super(NodesFilterValidator, cls).validate_ids_list(nodes)
def validate_placement(cls, nodes, cluster):
"""Validates that given nodes placed in given cluster
:param nodes: list of objects.Node instances
:param cluster: objects.Cluster instance
wrongly_placed_uids = []
for node in nodes:
if node.cluster_id != cluster.id:
if wrongly_placed_uids:
raise errors.InvalidData(
'Nodes {} do not belong to cluster {}'.format(
', '.join(wrongly_placed_uids), cluster.id))
class ProvisionSelectedNodesValidator(NodesFilterValidator):
def validate_provision(cls, data, cluster):
"""Check whether provision allowed or not for a given cluster
:param data: raw json data, usually web.data()
:param cluster: cluster instance
:returns: loaded json or empty array
if cluster.release.state == consts.RELEASE_STATES.unavailable:
raise errors.UnavailableRelease(
"Release '{0} {1}' is unavailable!".format(
cluster.release.name, cluster.release.version))
class DeploySelectedNodesValidator(NodesFilterValidator):
def validate_nodes_to_deploy(cls, data, nodes, cluster_id):
"""Check if nodes scheduled for deployment are in proper state
:param data: raw json data, usually web.data(). Is not used here
and is needed for maintaining consistency of data validating logic
:param nodes: list of node objects state of which to be checked
:param cluster_id: id of the cluster for which operation is performed
# in some cases (e.g. user tries to deploy single controller node
# via CLI or API for ha cluster) there may be situation when not
# all nodes scheduled for deployment are provisioned, hence
# here we check for such situation
not_provisioned = []
# it should not be possible to execute deployment tasks
# on nodes that are marked for deletion
pending_deletion = []
for n in nodes:
if any(
n.status == consts.NODE_STATUSES.provisioning]
if n.pending_deletion:
if not (not_provisioned or pending_deletion):
err_msg = "Deployment operation cannot be started. "
if not_provisioned:
err_msg += (
"Nodes with uids {0} are not provisioned yet. "
.format(not_provisioned, cluster_id))
if pending_deletion:
err_msg += ("Nodes with uids {0} marked for deletion. "
"Please remove them and restart deployment."
raise errors.InvalidData(
class NodeDeploymentValidator(TaskDeploymentValidator,
def validate_deployment(cls, data, cluster, graph_type):
"""Used to validate attributes used for validate_deployment_attributes
:param data: raw json data, usually web.data()
:param cluster: cluster instance
:param graph_type: deployment graph type
:returns: loaded json or empty array
data = cls.validate_json(data)
if data:
cls.validate_tasks(data, cluster, graph_type)
raise errors.InvalidData('Tasks list must be specified.')
return data
class NodeAttributesValidator(base.BasicAttributesValidator):
def validate(cls, data, node, cluster):
data = cls.validate_json(data)
full_data = utils.dict_merge(objects.Node.get_attributes(node), data)
models = objects.Node.get_restrictions_models(node)
attrs = cls.validate_attributes(full_data, models=models)
cls._validate_cpu_pinning(node, attrs)
cls._validate_hugepages(node, attrs)
return data
def _validate_cpu_pinning(cls, node, attrs):
if not objects.NodeAttributes.is_cpu_pinning_enabled(
node, attributes=attrs):
pining_info = objects.NodeAttributes.node_cpu_pinning_info(node, attrs)
# check that we have at least one CPU for operating system
total_cpus = int(node.meta.get('cpu', {}).get('total', 0))
if total_cpus - pining_info['total_required_cpus'] < 1:
raise errors.InvalidData(
'Operating system requires at least one cpu '
'that must not be pinned.'
def _validate_hugepages(cls, node, attrs):
if not objects.NodeAttributes.is_hugepages_enabled(
node, attributes=attrs):
hugepage_sizes = set(
objects.NodeAttributes.total_hugepages(node, attributes=attrs)
supported_hugepages = set(
for page in node.meta['numa_topology']['supported_hugepages']
if not hugepage_sizes.issubset(supported_hugepages):
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Node {0} doesn't support {1} Huge Page(s), supported Huge"
" Page(s): {2}.".format(
", ".join(hugepage_sizes - supported_hugepages),
", ".join(supported_hugepages)
dpdk_hugepages = utils.get_in(attrs, 'hugepages', 'dpdk', 'value')
if objects.Node.dpdk_enabled(node):
min_dpdk_hugepages = consts.MIN_DPDK_HUGEPAGES_MEMORY
if dpdk_hugepages < min_dpdk_hugepages:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Node {0} does not have enough hugepages for dpdk. "
"Need to allocate at least {1} MB.".format(
elif dpdk_hugepages != 0:
raise errors.InvalidData(
"Hugepages for dpdk should be equal to 0 "
"if dpdk is disabled."
objects.NodeAttributes.distribute_hugepages(node, attrs)
except ValueError as exc:
raise errors.InvalidData(exc.args[0])
class NodeVMsValidator(base.BasicValidator):
single_schema = node_schema.NODE_VM_SCHEMA