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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Base classes for objects and collections
import collections
import functools
from itertools import ifilter
import operator
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import six
from sqlalchemy import and_, not_
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
from nailgun.objects.serializers.base import BasicSerializer
from nailgun.db import db
from nailgun import errors
class NailgunObject(object):
"""Base class for objects"""
#: Serializer class for object
serializer = BasicSerializer
#: SQLAlchemy model for object
model = None
def get_by_uid(cls, uid, fail_if_not_found=False, lock_for_update=False):
"""Get instance by it's uid (PK in case of SQLAlchemy)
:param uid: uid of object
:param fail_if_not_found: raise an exception if object is not found
:param lock_for_update: lock returned object for update (DB mutex)
:returns: instance of an object (model)
q = db().query(cls.model)
if lock_for_update:
# todo(ikutukov): replace to the with_for_update
# http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/query.html#sqlalchemy.
# orm.query.Query.with_for_update
q = q.with_lockmode('update')
res = q.get(uid)
if not res and fail_if_not_found:
raise errors.ObjectNotFound(
"Object '{0}' with UID={1} is not found in DB".format(
return res
def create(cls, data):
"""Create object instance with specified parameters in DB
:param data: dictionary of key-value pairs as object fields
:returns: instance of an object (model)
new_obj = cls.model()
for key, value in six.iteritems(data):
setattr(new_obj, key, value)
return new_obj
def update(cls, instance, data):
"""Update existing instance with specified parameters
:param instance: object (model) instance
:param data: dictionary of key-value pairs as object fields
:returns: instance of an object (model)
return instance
def delete(cls, instance):
"""Delete object (model) instance
:param instance: object (model) instance
:returns: None
def bulk_delete(cls, instance_ids):
def save(cls, instance=None):
"""Save current changes for instance in DB.
Current transaction will be commited
(in case of SQLAlchemy).
:param instance: object (model) instance
:returns: None
if instance:
def to_dict(cls, instance, fields=None, serializer=None):
"""Serialize instance to Python dict
:param instance: object (model) instance
:param fields: exact fields to serialize
:param serializer: the custom serializer
:returns: serialized object (model) as dictionary
serializer = serializer or cls.serializer
return serializer.serialize(instance, fields=fields)
def to_json(cls, instance, fields=None, serializer=None):
"""Serialize instance to JSON
:param instance: object (model) instance
:param fields: exact fields to serialize
:param serializer: the custom serializer
:returns: serialized object (model) as JSON string
return jsonutils.dumps(
cls.to_dict(instance, fields=fields, serializer=serializer)
def compare(cls, instance, other, order_by):
for field in order_by:
a = getattr(instance, field['name'])
b = getattr(other, field['name'])
if a < b:
return field['lt']
elif a > b:
return field['gt']
return 0
class NailgunCollection(object):
"""Base class for object collections"""
#: Single object class
single = NailgunObject
def _is_iterable(cls, obj):
return isinstance(
def _is_query(cls, obj):
return isinstance(
def all(cls):
"""Get all instances of this object (model)
:returns: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
return db().query(cls.single.model)
def _query_order_by(cls, query, order_by):
"""Adds order by clause into SQLAlchemy query
:param query: SQLAlchemy query
:param order_by: tuple of model fields names for ORDER BY criterion
to SQLAlchemy query. If name starts with '-' desc ordering applies,
else asc.
order_args = []
for field_name in order_by:
if field_name.startswith('-'):
field_name = field_name.lstrip('-')
ordering = 'desc'
ordering = 'asc'
field = getattr(cls.single.model, field_name)
o_func = getattr(field, ordering)
query = query.order_by(*order_args)
return query
def _iterable_order_by(cls, iterable, order_by):
"""Sort iterable by field names in order_by
:param iterable: model objects collection
:param order_by: tuple of model fields names for sorting.
If name starts with '-' desc ordering applies, else asc.
order_by_fields = []
for field_name in order_by:
if field_name.startswith('-'):
order_by_fields.append({'name': field_name.lstrip('-'),
'lt': 1, 'gt': -1})
order_by_fields.append({'name': field_name,
'lt': -1, 'gt': 1})
# 'cmp' argument for 'sorted' function is removed in python3.
# Next code should work fine for both python2 and python3
key = functools.cmp_to_key(functools.partial(cls.single.compare,
return sorted(iterable, key=key)
def order_by(cls, iterable, order_by):
"""Order given iterable by specified order_by.
:param iterable: model objects collection
:param order_by: tuple of model fields names or single field name for
ORDER BY criterion to SQLAlchemy query. If name starts with '-'
desc ordering applies, else asc.
:type order_by: tuple of strings or string
if iterable is None or not order_by:
return iterable
if not isinstance(order_by, (list, tuple)):
order_by = (order_by,)
if cls._is_query(iterable):
return cls._query_order_by(iterable, order_by)
return cls._iterable_order_by(iterable, order_by)
def filter_by(cls, iterable, **kwargs):
"""Filter given iterable by specified kwargs.
In case if iterable=None filters all object instances
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:param order_by: tuple of model fields names for ORDER BY criterion
to SQLAlchemy query. If name starts with '-' desc ordering applies,
else asc.
:returns: filtered iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
if iterable is not None:
use_iterable = iterable
use_iterable = cls.all()
if cls._is_query(use_iterable):
return use_iterable.filter_by(**kwargs)
elif cls._is_iterable(use_iterable):
return ifilter(
lambda i: all(
(getattr(i, k) == v for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs))
raise TypeError("First argument should be iterable")
def filter_by_not(cls, iterable, **kwargs):
"""Filter given iterable by specified kwargs with negation.
In case if `iterable` is `None` filters all object instances.
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:returns: filtered iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
use_iterable = iterable or cls.all()
if cls._is_query(use_iterable):
conditions = []
for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
getattr(cls.single.model, key) == value
return use_iterable.filter(not_(and_(*conditions)))
elif cls._is_iterable(use_iterable):
return ifilter(
lambda i: not all(
(getattr(i, k) == v for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs))
raise TypeError("First argument should be iterable")
def lock_for_update(cls, iterable):
"""Use SELECT FOR UPDATE on a given iterable (query).
In case if iterable=None returns all object instances
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:returns: filtered iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
use_iterable = iterable or cls.all()
if cls._is_query(use_iterable):
return use_iterable.with_lockmode('update')
elif cls._is_iterable(use_iterable):
# we can't lock abstract iterable, so returning as is
# for compatibility
return use_iterable
raise TypeError("First argument should be iterable")
def filter_by_list(cls, iterable, field_name, list_of_values,
"""Filter given iterable by list of list_of_values.
In case if iterable=None filters all object instances
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:param field_name: filtering field name
:param list_of_values: list of values for objects filtration
:returns: filtered iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
field_getter = operator.attrgetter(field_name)
use_iterable = iterable or cls.all()
if cls._is_query(use_iterable):
result = use_iterable.filter(
result = cls.order_by(result, order_by)
return result
elif cls._is_iterable(use_iterable):
return ifilter(
lambda i: field_getter(i) in list_of_values,
raise TypeError("First argument should be iterable")
def filter_by_id_list(cls, iterable, uid_list):
"""Filter given iterable by list of uids.
In case if iterable=None filters all object instances
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:param uid_list: list of uids for objects
:returns: filtered iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
return cls.filter_by_list(
def eager_base(cls, iterable, options):
"""Eager load linked object instances (SQLAlchemy FKs).
In case if iterable=None applies to all object instances
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:param options: list of sqlalchemy eagerload types
:returns: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
use_iterable = iterable or cls.all()
if options:
return use_iterable.options(*options)
return use_iterable
def eager(cls, iterable, fields):
"""Eager load linked object instances (SQLAlchemy FKs).
By default joinedload will be applied to every field.
If you want to use custom eagerload method - use eager_base
In case if iterable=None applies to all object instances
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:param fields: list of links (model FKs) to eagerload
:returns: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
options = [joinedload(field) for field in fields]
return cls.eager_base(iterable, options)
def count(cls, iterable=None):
use_iterable = iterable or cls.all()
if cls._is_query(use_iterable):
return use_iterable.count()
elif cls._is_iterable(use_iterable):
return len(list(iterable))
raise TypeError("First argument should be iterable")
def to_list(cls, iterable=None, fields=None, serializer=None):
"""Serialize iterable to list of dicts
In case if iterable=None serializes all object instances
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:param fields: exact fields to serialize
:param serializer: the custom serializer
:returns: collection of objects as a list of dicts
use_iterable = cls.all() if iterable is None else iterable
return [
cls.single.to_dict(o, fields=fields, serializer=serializer)
for o in use_iterable
def to_json(cls, iterable=None, fields=None):
"""Serialize iterable to JSON
In case if iterable=None serializes all object instances
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:param fields: exact fields to serialize
:returns: collection of objects as a JSON string
return jsonutils.dumps(
def create(cls, data):
"""Create object instance with specified parameters in DB
:param data: dictionary of key-value pairs as object fields
:returns: instance of an object (model)
return cls.single.create(data)
def options(cls, iterable, *args):
"""Apply the given list of mapper options.
In case if iterable=None applies to all object instances
:param iterable: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
:param options: list of sqlalchemy mapper options
:returns: iterable (SQLAlchemy query)
use_iterable = iterable or cls.all()
if args:
return use_iterable.options(*args)
return use_iterable