Mehdi Abaakouk d38f4ccf02 replace _callables by _works
In PeriodicsTasks _callables have been renamed _works
a while ago, but one occurence was missing.

Change-Id: I16cdda70917721d4140e2217f8bfce53ee5b730d
2016-11-23 09:16:36 +01:00

884 lines
36 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import fractions
import functools
import heapq
import inspect
import logging
import math
import random
import threading
from concurrent import futures
import prettytable
import six
import futurist
from futurist import _utils as utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_REQUIRED_ATTRS = ('_is_periodic', '_periodic_spacing',
_DEFAULT_COLS = ('Name', 'Active', 'Periodicity', 'Runs in',
'Runs', 'Failures', 'Successes',
'Average elapsed', 'Average elapsed waiting')
# Constants that are used to determine what 'kind' the current callback
# is being ran as.
PERIODIC = 'periodic'
IMMEDIATE = 'immediate'
class Work(collections.namedtuple("Work",
['name', 'callback', 'args', 'kwargs'])):
"""Named unit of work that can be periodically scheduled and watched."""
def __call__(self):
return self.callback(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
class Watcher(object):
"""A **read-only** object representing a periodic callback's activities."""
def __init__(self, metrics, work):
self._metrics = metrics
self._work = work
def __repr__(self):
return ("<Watcher(metrics=%(metrics)s, work=%(work)s)"
" object at 0x%(ident)x>") % dict(ident=id(self),
def work(self):
"""**Read-only** named work tuple this object watches."""
return self._work
def runs(self):
"""How many times the periodic callback has been ran."""
return self._metrics['runs']
def successes(self):
"""How many times the periodic callback ran successfully."""
return self._metrics['successes']
def failures(self):
"""How many times the periodic callback ran unsuccessfully."""
return self._metrics['failures']
def elapsed(self):
"""Total amount of time the periodic callback has ran for."""
return self._metrics['elapsed']
def elapsed_waiting(self):
"""Total amount of time the periodic callback has waited to run for."""
return self._metrics['elapsed_waiting']
def average_elapsed_waiting(self):
"""Avg. amount of time the periodic callback has waited to run for.
This may raise a ``ZeroDivisionError`` if there has been no runs.
return self._metrics['elapsed_waiting'] / self._metrics['runs']
def average_elapsed(self):
"""Avg. amount of time the periodic callback has ran for.
This may raise a ``ZeroDivisionError`` if there has been no runs.
return self._metrics['elapsed'] / self._metrics['runs']
def _check_attrs(obj):
"""Checks that a periodic function/method has all the expected attributes.
This will return the expected attributes that were **not** found.
missing_attrs = []
for attr_name in _REQUIRED_ATTRS:
if not hasattr(obj, attr_name):
return missing_attrs
def is_periodic(obj):
"""Check whether an object is a valid periodic callable.
:param obj: object to inspect
:type obj: anything
:return: True if obj is a periodic task, otherwise False
return callable(obj) and not _check_attrs(obj)
def periodic(spacing, run_immediately=False, enabled=True):
"""Tags a method/function as wanting/able to execute periodically.
:param spacing: how often to run the decorated function (required)
:type spacing: float/int
:param run_immediately: option to specify whether to run
immediately or wait until the spacing provided has
elapsed before running for the first time
:type run_immediately: boolean
:param enabled: whether the task is enabled to run
:type enabled: boolean
if spacing <= 0:
raise ValueError("Periodicity/spacing must be greater than"
" zero instead of %s" % spacing)
def wrapper(f):
f._is_periodic = enabled
f._periodic_spacing = spacing
f._periodic_run_immediately = run_immediately
def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorator
return wrapper
def _add_jitter(max_percent_jitter):
"""Wraps a existing strategy and adds jitter to it.
0% to 100% of the spacing value will be added to this value to ensure
callbacks do not synchronize.
if max_percent_jitter > 1 or max_percent_jitter < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid 'max_percent_jitter', must be greater or"
" equal to 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0")
def wrapper(func):
rnd = random.SystemRandom()
def decorator(cb, started_at, finished_at, metrics):
next_run = func(cb, started_at, finished_at, metrics)
how_often = cb._periodic_spacing
jitter = how_often * (rnd.random() * max_percent_jitter)
return next_run + jitter
decorator.__name__ += "_with_jitter"
return decorator
return wrapper
def _last_finished_strategy(cb, started_at, finished_at, metrics):
# Determine when the callback should next run based on when it was
# last finished **only** given metrics about this information.
how_often = cb._periodic_spacing
return finished_at + how_often
def _last_started_strategy(cb, started_at, finished_at, metrics):
# Determine when the callback should next run based on when it was
# last started **only** given metrics about this information.
how_often = cb._periodic_spacing
return started_at + how_often
def _aligned_last_finished_strategy(cb, started_at, finished_at, metrics):
# Determine when the callback should next run based on when it was
# last finished **only** where the last finished time is first aligned to
# be a multiple of the expected spacing (so that no matter how long or
# how short the callback takes it is always ran on its next aligned
# to spacing time).
how_often = cb._periodic_spacing
aligned_finished_at = finished_at - math.fmod(finished_at, how_often)
return aligned_finished_at + how_often
def _now_plus_periodicity(cb, now):
how_often = cb._periodic_spacing
return how_often + now
class _Schedule(object):
"""Internal heap-based structure that maintains the schedule/ordering.
This stores a heap composed of the following ``(next_run, index)`` where
``next_run`` is the next desired runtime for the callback that is stored
somewhere with the index provided. The index is saved so that if two
functions with the same ``next_run`` time are inserted, that the one with
the smaller index is preferred (it is also saved so that on pop we can
know what the index of the callback we should call is).
def __init__(self):
self._ordering = []
def push(self, next_run, index):
heapq.heappush(self._ordering, (next_run, index))
def __len__(self):
return len(self._ordering)
def fetch_next_run(self, index):
for (next_run, a_index) in self._ordering:
if a_index == index:
return next_run
return None
def pop(self):
return heapq.heappop(self._ordering)
def _on_failure_log(log, cb, kind, spacing, exc_info, traceback=None):
cb_name = utils.get_callback_name(cb)
if all(exc_info) or not traceback:
log.error("Failed to call %s '%s' (it runs every %0.2f"
" seconds)", kind, cb_name, spacing, exc_info=exc_info)
log.error("Failed to call %s '%s' (it runs every %0.2f"
" seconds):\n%s", kind, cb_name, spacing, traceback)
class _Runner(object):
def __init__(self, now_func, retain_traceback=True):
self.now_func = now_func
self.retain_traceback = retain_traceback
def run(self, work):
failure = None
started_at = self.now_func()
except Exception:
# Until https://bugs.python.org/issue24451 is merged we have to
# capture and return the failure, so that we can have reliable
# timing information.
failure = utils.Failure(self.retain_traceback)
finished_at = self.now_func()
return (started_at, finished_at, failure)
def _build(now_func, works, next_run_scheduler):
schedule = _Schedule()
now = None
immediates = collections.deque()
for index, work in enumerate(works):
cb = work.callback
if cb._periodic_run_immediately:
if now is None:
now = now_func()
next_run = next_run_scheduler(cb, now)
schedule.push(next_run, index)
return immediates, schedule
_SCHEDULE_RETRY_EXCEPTIONS = (RuntimeError, futurist.RejectedSubmission)
class ExecutorFactory(object):
"""Base class for any executor factory."""
shutdown = True
"""Whether the executor should be shut down on periodic worker stop."""
def __call__(self):
"""Return the executor to be used."""
raise NotImplementedError()
class ExistingExecutor(ExecutorFactory):
"""An executor factory returning the existing object."""
def __init__(self, executor, shutdown=False):
self._executor = executor
self.shutdown = shutdown
def __call__(self):
return self._executor
class PeriodicWorker(object):
"""Calls a collection of callables periodically (sleeping as needed...).
NOTE(harlowja): typically the :py:meth:`.start` method is executed in a
background thread so that the periodic callables are executed in
the background/asynchronously (using the defined periods to determine
when each is called).
#: Max amount of time to wait when running (forces a wakeup when elapsed).
_NO_OP_ARGS = ()
'runs': 0,
'elapsed': 0,
'elapsed_waiting': 0,
'failures': 0,
'successes': 0,
# When scheduling fails temporary, use a random delay between 0.9-1.1 sec.
DEFAULT_JITTER = fractions.Fraction(5, 100)
Default jitter percentage the built-in strategies (that have jitter
support) will use.
'last_started': (
'last_started_jitter': (
'last_finished': (
'last_finished_jitter': (
'aligned_last_finished': (
'aligned_last_finished_jitter': (
Built in scheduling strategies (used to determine when next to run
a periodic callable).
The first element is the strategy to use after the initial start
and the second element is the strategy to use for the initial start.
These are made somewhat pluggable so that we can *easily* add-on
different types later (perhaps one that uses a cron-style syntax
for example).
def create(cls, objects, exclude_hidden=True,
log=None, executor_factory=None,
cond_cls=threading.Condition, event_cls=threading.Event,
schedule_strategy='last_started', now_func=utils.now,
on_failure=None, args=_NO_OP_ARGS, kwargs=_NO_OP_KWARGS):
"""Automatically creates a worker by analyzing object(s) methods.
Only picks up methods that have been tagged/decorated with
the :py:func:`.periodic` decorator (does not match against private
or protected methods unless explicitly requested to).
:param objects: the objects to introspect for decorated members
:type objects: iterable
:param exclude_hidden: exclude hidden members (ones that start with
an underscore)
:type exclude_hidden: bool
:param log: logger to use when creating a new worker (defaults
to the module logger if none provided), it is currently
only used to report callback failures (if they occur)
:type log: logger
:param executor_factory: factory callable that can be used to generate
executor objects that will be used to
run the periodic callables (if none is
provided one will be created that uses
the :py:class:`~futurist.SynchronousExecutor`
:type executor_factory: ExecutorFactory or any callable
:param cond_cls: callable object that can
produce ``threading.Condition``
(or compatible/equivalent) objects
:type cond_cls: callable
:param event_cls: callable object that can produce ``threading.Event``
(or compatible/equivalent) objects
:type event_cls: callable
:param schedule_strategy: string to select one of the built-in
strategies that can return the
next time a callable should run
:type schedule_strategy: string
:param now_func: callable that can return the current time offset
from some point (used in calculating elapsed times
and next times to run); preferably this is
monotonically increasing
:type now_func: callable
:param on_failure: callable that will be called whenever a periodic
function fails with an error, it will be provided
four positional arguments and one keyword
argument, the first positional argument being the
callable that failed, the second being the type
of activity under which it failed (``IMMEDIATE`` or
``PERIODIC``), the third being the spacing that the
callable runs at and the fourth ``exc_info`` tuple
of the failure. The keyword argument ``traceback``
will also be provided that may be be a string
that caused the failure (this is required for
executors which run out of process, as those can not
*currently* transfer stack frames across process
boundaries); if no callable is provided then a
default failure logging function will be used
instead (do note that
any user provided callable should not raise
exceptions on being called)
:type on_failure: callable
:param args: positional arguments to be passed to all callables
:type args: tuple
:param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to all callables
:type kwargs: dict
callables = []
for obj in objects:
for (name, member) in inspect.getmembers(obj):
if name.startswith("_") and exclude_hidden:
if six.callable(member):
missing_attrs = _check_attrs(member)
if not missing_attrs:
callables.append((member, args, kwargs))
return cls(callables, log=log, executor_factory=executor_factory,
cond_cls=cond_cls, event_cls=event_cls,
schedule_strategy=schedule_strategy, now_func=now_func,
def __init__(self, callables, log=None, executor_factory=None,
cond_cls=threading.Condition, event_cls=threading.Event,
schedule_strategy='last_started', now_func=utils.now,
"""Creates a new worker using the given periodic callables.
:param callables: a iterable of tuple objects previously decorated
with the :py:func:`.periodic` decorator, each item
in the iterable is expected to be in the format
of ``(cb, args, kwargs)`` where ``cb`` is the
decorated function and ``args`` and ``kwargs`` are
any positional and keyword arguments to send into
the callback when it is activated (both ``args``
and ``kwargs`` may be provided as none to avoid
using them)
:type callables: iterable
:param log: logger to use when creating a new worker (defaults
to the module logger if none provided), it is currently
only used to report callback failures (if they occur)
:type log: logger
:param executor_factory: factory callable that can be used to generate
executor objects that will be used to
run the periodic callables (if none is
provided one will be created that uses
the :py:class:`~futurist.SynchronousExecutor`
:type executor_factory: ExecutorFactory or any callable
:param cond_cls: callable object that can
produce ``threading.Condition``
(or compatible/equivalent) objects
:type cond_cls: callable
:param event_cls: callable object that can produce ``threading.Event``
(or compatible/equivalent) objects
:type event_cls: callable
:param schedule_strategy: string to select one of the built-in
strategies that can return the
next time a callable should run
:type schedule_strategy: string
:param now_func: callable that can return the current time offset
from some point (used in calculating elapsed times
and next times to run); preferably this is
monotonically increasing
:type now_func: callable
:param on_failure: callable that will be called whenever a periodic
function fails with an error, it will be provided
four positional arguments and one keyword
argument, the first positional argument being the
callable that failed, the second being the type
of activity under which it failed (``IMMEDIATE`` or
``PERIODIC``), the third being the spacing that the
callable runs at and the fourth ``exc_info`` tuple
of the failure. The keyword argument ``traceback``
will also be provided that may be be a string
that caused the failure (this is required for
executors which run out of process, as those can not
*currently* transfer stack frames across process
boundaries); if no callable is provided then a
default failure logging function will be used
instead (do note that
any user provided callable should not raise
exceptions on being called)
:type on_failure: callable
if on_failure is not None and not six.callable(on_failure):
raise ValueError("On failure callback %r must be"
" callable" % on_failure)
self._tombstone = event_cls()
self._waiter = cond_cls()
self._dead = event_cls()
self._active = event_cls()
self._cond_cls = cond_cls
self._watchers = []
self._works = []
for (cb, args, kwargs) in callables:
if not six.callable(cb):
raise ValueError("Periodic callback %r must be callable" % cb)
missing_attrs = _check_attrs(cb)
if missing_attrs:
raise ValueError("Periodic callback %r missing required"
" attributes %s" % (cb, missing_attrs))
if cb._is_periodic:
# Ensure these aren't none and if so replace them with
# something more appropriate...
if args is None:
args = self._NO_OP_ARGS
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = self._NO_OP_KWARGS.copy()
cb_metrics = self._INITIAL_METRICS.copy()
work = Work(utils.get_callback_name(cb), cb, args, kwargs)
watcher = Watcher(cb_metrics, work)
self._watchers.append((cb_metrics, watcher))
strategy = self.BUILT_IN_STRATEGIES[schedule_strategy]
self._schedule_strategy = strategy[0]
self._initial_schedule_strategy = strategy[1]
except KeyError:
valid_strategies = sorted(self.BUILT_IN_STRATEGIES.keys())
raise ValueError("Scheduling strategy '%s' must be one of"
" %s selectable strategies"
% (schedule_strategy, valid_strategies))
self._immediates, self._schedule = _build(
now_func, self._works, self._initial_schedule_strategy)
self._log = log or LOG
if executor_factory is None:
executor_factory = lambda: futurist.SynchronousExecutor()
if on_failure is None:
on_failure = functools.partial(_on_failure_log, self._log)
self._on_failure = on_failure
self._executor_factory = executor_factory
self._now_func = now_func
def __len__(self):
"""How many callables/periodic work units are currently active."""
return len(self._works)
def _run(self, executor, runner):
"""Main worker run loop."""
barrier = utils.Barrier(cond_cls=self._cond_cls)
rnd = random.SystemRandom()
def _process_scheduled():
# Figure out when we should run next (by selecting the
# minimum item from the heap, where the minimum should be
# the callable that needs to run next and has the lowest
# next desired run time).
with self._waiter:
while (not self._schedule and
not self._tombstone.is_set() and
not self._immediates):
if self._tombstone.is_set():
# We were requested to stop, so stop.
if self._immediates:
# This will get processed in _process_immediates()
# in the next loop call.
submitted_at = now = self._now_func()
next_run, index = self._schedule.pop()
when_next = next_run - now
if when_next <= 0:
# Run & schedule its next execution.
work = self._works[index]
self._log.debug("Submitting periodic"
" callback '%s'", work.name)
fut = executor.submit(runner.run, work)
# Restart after a short delay
delay = (self._RESCHEDULE_DELAY +
rnd.random() * self._RESCHEDULE_JITTER)
self._log.error("Failed to submit periodic callback "
"'%s', retrying after %.2f sec. "
"Error: %s",
work.name, delay, exc)
self._schedule.push(self._now_func() + delay,
work, index,
fut.add_done_callback(lambda _fut: barrier.decr())
# Gotta wait...
self._schedule.push(next_run, index)
when_next = min(when_next, self.MAX_LOOP_IDLE)
def _process_immediates():
index = self._immediates.popleft()
except IndexError:
work = self._works[index]
submitted_at = self._now_func()
self._log.debug("Submitting immediate"
" callback '%s'", work.name)
fut = executor.submit(runner.run, work)
self._log.error("Failed to submit immediate callback "
"'%s', retrying. Error: %s", work.name,
# Restart as soon as possible
work, index,
fut.add_done_callback(lambda _fut: barrier.decr())
def _on_done(kind, work, index, submitted_at, fut):
cb = work.callback
started_at, finished_at, failure = fut.result()
cb_metrics, _watcher = self._watchers[index]
cb_metrics['runs'] += 1
if failure is not None:
cb_metrics['failures'] += 1
self._on_failure(cb, kind, cb._periodic_spacing,
except Exception as exc:
self._log.error("On failure callback %r raised an"
" unhandled exception. Error: %s",
self._on_failure, exc)
cb_metrics['successes'] += 1
elapsed = max(0, finished_at - started_at)
elapsed_waiting = max(0, started_at - submitted_at)
cb_metrics['elapsed'] += elapsed
cb_metrics['elapsed_waiting'] += elapsed_waiting
next_run = self._schedule_strategy(cb, started_at, finished_at,
with self._waiter:
self._schedule.push(next_run, index)
while not self._tombstone.is_set():
def _on_finish(self):
# TODO(harlowja): this may be to verbose for people?
if not self._log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
cols = list(_DEFAULT_COLS)
for c in ['Runs in', 'Active', 'Periodicity']:
self._log.debug("Stopped running %s callbacks:\n%s",
len(self._works), self.pformat(columns=cols))
def pformat(self, columns=_DEFAULT_COLS):
# Convert to a list to ensure we maintain the same order when used
# further in this function (since order will matter)...
if not isinstance(columns, (list, tuple)):
columns = list(columns)
if not columns:
raise ValueError("At least one of %s columns must"
" be provided" % (set(_DEFAULT_COLS)))
for c in columns:
if c not in _DEFAULT_COLS:
raise ValueError("Unknown column '%s', valid column names"
" are %s" % (c, set(_DEFAULT_COLS)))
tbl_rows = []
now = self._now_func()
for index, work in enumerate(self._works):
_cb_metrics, watcher = self._watchers[index]
next_run = self._schedule.fetch_next_run(index)
if next_run is None:
active = True
runs_in = 'n/a'
active = False
runs_in = "%0.4fs" % (max(0.0, next_run - now))
cb_row = {
'Name': work.name,
'Active': active,
'Periodicity': work.callback._periodic_spacing,
'Runs': watcher.runs,
'Runs in': runs_in,
'Failures': watcher.failures,
'Successes': watcher.successes,
cb_row_avgs = [
"%0.4fs" % watcher.average_elapsed,
"%0.4fs" % watcher.average_elapsed_waiting,
except ZeroDivisionError:
cb_row_avgs = ['.', '.']
cb_row['Average elapsed'] = cb_row_avgs[0]
cb_row['Average elapsed waiting'] = cb_row_avgs[1]
# Now form the table, but use only the columns that the caller
# asked for (and in the order they asked for...)
tbl = prettytable.PrettyTable(columns)
for cb_row in tbl_rows:
tbl_row = []
for c in columns:
return tbl.get_string()
def add(self, cb, *args, **kwargs):
"""Adds a new periodic callback to the current worker.
Returns a :py:class:`.Watcher` if added successfully or the value
``None`` if not (or raises a ``ValueError`` if the callback is not
correctly formed and/or decorated).
:param cb: a callable object/method/function previously decorated
with the :py:func:`.periodic` decorator
:type cb: callable
if not six.callable(cb):
raise ValueError("Periodic callback %r must be callable" % cb)
missing_attrs = _check_attrs(cb)
if missing_attrs:
raise ValueError("Periodic callback %r missing required"
" attributes %s" % (cb, missing_attrs))
if not cb._is_periodic:
return None
now = self._now_func()
with self._waiter:
cb_index = len(self._works)
cb_metrics = self._INITIAL_METRICS.copy()
work = Work(utils.get_callback_name(cb), cb, args, kwargs)
watcher = Watcher(cb_metrics, work)
self._watchers.append((cb_metrics, watcher))
if cb._periodic_run_immediately:
next_run = self._initial_schedule_strategy(cb, now)
self._schedule.push(next_run, cb_index)
return watcher
def start(self, allow_empty=False):
"""Starts running (will not return until :py:meth:`.stop` is called).
:param allow_empty: instead of running with no callbacks raise when
this worker has no contained callables (this can be
set to true and :py:meth:`.add` can be used to add
new callables on demand), note that when enabled
and no callbacks exist this will block and
sleep (until either stopped or callbacks are
:type allow_empty: bool
if not self._works and not allow_empty:
raise RuntimeError("A periodic worker can not start"
" without any callables to process")
if self._active.is_set():
raise RuntimeError("A periodic worker can not be started"
" twice")
executor = self._executor_factory()
# NOTE(harlowja): we compare with the futures process pool executor
# since its the base type of futurist ProcessPoolExecutor and it is
# possible for users to pass in there own custom executors, this one
# is known to not be able to retain tracebacks...
if isinstance(executor, futures.ProcessPoolExecutor):
# Pickling a traceback will not work, so do not try to do it...
# Avoids 'TypeError: can't pickle traceback objects'
runner = _Runner(self._now_func, retain_traceback=False)
runner = _Runner(self._now_func, retain_traceback=True)
self._run(executor, runner)
if getattr(self._executor_factory, 'shutdown', True):
def stop(self):
"""Sets the tombstone (this stops any further executions)."""
with self._waiter:
def iter_watchers(self):
"""Iterator/generator over all the currently maintained watchers."""
for _cb_metrics, watcher in self._watchers:
yield watcher
def reset(self):
"""Resets the workers internal state."""
for cb_metrics, _watcher in self._watchers:
for k in list(six.iterkeys(cb_metrics)):
# NOTE(harlowja): mutate the original dictionaries keys
# so that the watcher (which references the same dictionary
# keys) is able to see those changes.
cb_metrics[k] = 0
self._immediates, self._schedule = _build(
self._now_func, self._works, self._initial_schedule_strategy)
def wait(self, timeout=None):
"""Waits for the :py:meth:`.start` method to gracefully exit.
An optional timeout can be provided, which will cause the method to
return within the specified timeout. If the timeout is reached, the
returned value will be False.
:param timeout: Maximum number of seconds that the :meth:`.wait`
method should block for
:type timeout: float/int
return self._dead.is_set()