.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ========================================== Add bash completion for command line ========================================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-glanceclient/+spec/add-bash-completion Currently glance client does not support command completion. The intention is to add this functionality to the client. Problem description =================== Nowadays glance client does not have bash completion for the command line. This feature will improve the client usability. Proposed change =============== Incorporation of bash completion feature. This feature uses the linux script called bash_completion.d to  request all the commands and parameters to Glance through  bash_completion command. After obtaining them, they are filtered  and shown.  Example of use: glance ---> shows all the commands glance image- ---> shows all the commands starting with the word ‘image’: image-list, image-show, image-create…  If there is only one, it will be completed. glance image-create ---> shows all optional arguments To complete this feature, it is needed to modify devstack and the packaging tool in order to include this script in the installer (deb, rpm). Alternatives ------------ None Data model impact ----------------- None REST API impact --------------- None Security impact --------------- None Notifications impact -------------------- None Other end user impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other deployer impact --------------------- This change needs copying of the glance.bash_completion to specific system path: * This will affect devstack * This will affect specific packaging (deb, rpm) Developer impact ---------------- Commands and Parameters are extracted directly from argparse. Developers won't need to maintain a separate list when they add new commands or parameters. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: Work Items ---------- This feature needs: * To add glance.bash_completion script * To add bash_completion command to glance client. This new command returns all available commands the client has and it is used by glance.bash_completion. Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= Unit test will check new shell command functionality. Documentation Impact ==================== New feature needs to be mentioned. References ========== None