
5.8 KiB

Adding a New Virtual Machine Image

We have created a new virtual machine image in some way (created a "golden image" or snapshotted/backed up an existing image) and we wish to do two things:

  • Store the disk image data in Glance
  • Store metadata about this image in Glance

We can do the above two activities in a single call to the Glance API. Assuming, like in the examples above, that a Glance API server is running at, we issue a POST request to add an image to Glance:


The metadata about the image is sent to Glance in HTTP headers. The body of the HTTP request to the Glance API will be the MIME-encoded disk image data.

Adding Image Metadata in HTTP Headers

Glance will view as image metadata any HTTP header that it receives in a

``POST`` request where the header key is prefixed with the strings
``x-image-meta-`` and ``x-image-meta-property-``.

The list of metadata headers that Glance accepts are listed below.

  • x-image-meta-name

    This header is optional . Its value should be the name of the image.

    Note that the name of an image is not unique to a Glance node. It would be an unrealistic expectation of users to know all the unique names of all other user's images.

  • x-image-meta-id

    This header is optional.

    When present, Glance will use the supplied identifier for the image. If the identifier already exists in that Glance node, then a 409 Conflict will be returned by Glance.

    When this header is not present, Glance will generate an identifier for the image and return this identifier in the response (see below)

  • x-image-meta-store

    This header is optional. Valid values are one of file, s3, or swift

    When present, Glance will attempt to store the disk image data in the backing store indicated by the value of the header. If the Glance node does not support the backing store, Glance will return a 400 Bad Request.

    When not present, Glance will store the disk image data in the backing store that is marked default. See the configuration option default_store for more information.

  • x-image-meta-disk-format

    This header is optional. Valid values are one of aki, ari, ami, raw, iso, vhd, vdi, qcow2, or vmdk.

    For more information, see :doc:`About Disk and Container Formats <formats>`

  • x-image-meta-container-format

    This header is optional. Valid values are one of aki, ari, ami, bare, or ovf.

    For more information, see :doc:`About Disk and Container Formats <formats>`

  • x-image-meta-size

    This header is optional.

    When present, Glance assumes that the expected size of the request body will be the value of this header. If the length in bytes of the request body does not match the value of this header, Glance will return a 400 Bad Request.

    When not present, Glance will calculate the image's size based on the size of the request body.

  • x-image-meta-checksum

    This header is optional. When present it shall be the expected MD5 checksum of the image file data.

    When present, Glance will verify the checksum generated from the backend store when storing your image against this value and return a 400 Bad Request if the values do not match.

  • x-image-meta-is-public

    This header is optional.

    When Glance finds the string "true" (case-insensitive), the image is marked as a public image, meaning that any user may view its metadata and may read the disk image from Glance.

    When not present, the image is assumed to be not public and specific to a user.

  • x-image-meta-owner

    This header is optional and only meaningful for admins.

    Glance normally sets the owner of an image to be the tenant or user (depending on the "owner_is_tenant" configuration option) of the authenticated user issuing the request. However, if the authenticated user has the Admin role, this default may be overridden by setting this header to null or to a string identifying the owner of the image.

  • x-image-meta-property-*

    When Glance receives any HTTP header whose key begins with the string prefix x-image-meta-property-, Glance adds the key and value to a set of custom, free-form image properties stored with the image. The key is the lower-cased string following the prefix x-image-meta-property- with dashes and punctuation replaced with underscores.

    For example, if the following HTTP header were sent:

    x-image-meta-property-distro  Ubuntu 10.10

    Then a key/value pair of "distro"/"Ubuntu 10.10" will be stored with the image in Glance.

    There is no limit on the number of free-form key/value attributes that can be attached to the image. However, keep in mind that the 8K limit on the size of all HTTP headers sent in a request will effectively limit the number of image properties.

Updating an Image

Glance will view as image metadata any HTTP header that it receives in a

``PUT`` request where the header key is prefixed with the strings
``x-image-meta-`` and ``x-image-meta-property-``.

If an image was previously reserved, and thus is in the queued state, then image data can be added by including it as the request body. If the image already as data associated with it (e.g. not in the queued state), then including a request body will result in a 409 Conflict exception.

On success, the PUT request will return the image metadata encoded as HTTP headers.

See more about image statuses here: :doc:`Image Statuses <statuses>`