--- deprecations: - | The Image ``checksum`` property contains an MD5 hash of the image data associated with an image. MD5 has not been considered secure for some time, and in order to comply with various security standards (for example, FIPS), an implementation of the MD5 algorithm may not be available on glance nodes. The secure "multihash" image properties, ``os_hash_algo`` and ``os_hash_value`` have been available on images since glance version 17.0.0 (Rocky). Until this point, the MD5 ``checksum`` property has been populated solely for backward compatability. It is not, however, necessary for validating downloaded image data. Thus, we are announcing the DEPRECATION in this release of the image ``checksum`` property. It will remain as an image property, but beginning with the Victoria release, the ``checksum`` will *not* be populated on new images. Users should instead rely on the secure "multihash" to validate image downloads. The python-glanceclient, for example, has been using multihash validation (with an optional MD5 fallback) since version 2.13.0 (Rocky).