--- prelude: > - **Experimental** zero-downtime database upgrade using an expand-migrate-contract series of operations is available. upgrade: - | The database migration engine used by Glance for database upgrades has been changed from *SQLAlchemy Migrate* to *Alembic* in this release. * This has necessitated a change in the location and naming convention for migration scripts. Developers, operators, and DevOps are strongly encouraged to read through the `Database Management`_ section of the Glance documentation for details of the changes introduced in the Ocata release. Here's a brief summary of the changes: - All the ``glance manage db`` commands are changed appropriately to use Alembic to perform operations such as ``version``, ``upgrade``, ``sync`` and ``version_control``. Hence, the "old-style" migration scripts will no longer work with the Ocata glance manage db commands. - Database versions are no longer numerical. Instead, they are the *revision ID* of the last migration applied on the database. * For example, the Liberty migration, which was version ``42`` under the old system, will now appear as ``liberty``. The Mitaka migrations ``43`` and ``44`` appear as ``mitaka01`` and ``mitaka02``, respectively. * The change in migration engine has been undertaken in order to enable zero-downtime database upgrades, which are part of the effort to implement rolling upgrades for Glance (scheduled for the Pike release). - A preview of zero-downtime database upgrades is available in this release, but it is **experimental** and **not supported for production systems**. Please consult the `Database Management`_ section of the Glance documentation for details. .. _`Database Management`: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/db.html