{ "namespace": "OS::Glance::Signatures", "display_name": "Image Signature Verification", "description": "Image signature verification allows the user to verify that an image has not been modified prior to booting the image.", "visibility": "public", "protected": false, "resource_type_associations": [ { "name": "OS::Glance::Image" } ], "properties": { "img_signature": { "title": "Image Signature", "description": "The signature of the image data encoded in base64 format.", "type": "string" }, "img_signature_certificate_uuid": { "title": "Image Signature Certificate UUID", "description": "The UUID used to retrieve the certificate from the key manager.", "type": "string" }, "img_signature_hash_method": { "title": "Image Signature Hash Method", "description": "The hash method used in creating the signature.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "SHA-224", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512" ] }, "img_signature_key_type": { "title": "Image Signature Key Type", "description": "The key type used in creating the signature.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "RSA-PSS", "DSA", "ECC_SECT571K1", "ECC_SECT409K1", "ECC_SECT571R1", "ECC_SECT409R1", "ECC_SECP521R1", "ECC_SECP384R1" ] } } }