--- prelude: > - The *minor* version of the Images API v2 is bumped to **2.5**. upgrade: - | The **CURRENT** version of the version 2 Images API supplied by Glance is now **2.5**. Changes include: * The 'visibility' enumeration has been increased from two values (``public``, ``private``) to four values (``public``, ``private``, ``shared``, and ``community``). * Formerly, it was possible to add members to an image whose visibility was ``private``, thereby creating a "shared" image. In this release, an image must have a visibility of ``shared`` in order to accept member operations. Attempting to add a member to an image with a visibility of ``private`` will result in a `4xx response`_ containing an informative message. .. _`4xx response`: https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/image/v2/?expanded=create-image-member-detail#create-image-member