{ "namespace": "CIM::VirtualSystemSettingData", "display_name": "CIM Virtual System Setting Data", "description": "A set of virtualization specific properties from Common Information Model (CIM) schema (http://www.dmtf.org/standards/cim), which define the virtual aspects of a virtual system. These properties may be specified to host aggregate and flavor. For each property details, please refer to http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/cim-html/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData.html.", "visibility": "public", "protected": true, "resource_type_associations": [ { "name": "OS::Nova::Aggregate", "prefix": "CIM_VSSD_" }, { "name": "OS::Nova::Flavor", "prefix": "CIM_VSSD_" } ], "properties": { "AutomaticRecoveryAction": { "title": "Automatic Recovery Action", "description": "Action to take for the virtual system when the software executed by the virtual system fails.", "operators": [""], "type": "string", "enum": [ "None", "Restart", "Revert to snapshot", "DMTF Reserved" ] }, "AutomaticShutdownAction": { "title": "Automatic Shutdown Action", "description": "Action to take for the virtual system when the host is shut down.", "operators": [""], "type": "string", "enum": [ "Turn Off", "Save state", "Shutdown", "DMTF Reserved" ] }, "AutomaticStartupAction": { "title": "Automatic Startup Action", "description": "Action to take for the virtual system when the host is started.", "operators": [""], "type": "string", "enum": [ "None", "Restart if previously active", "Always startup", "DMTF Reserved" ] }, "AutomaticStartupActionDelay": { "title": "Automatic Startup Action Delay", "description": "Delay applicable to startup action.", "type": "string" }, "AutomaticStartupActionSequenceNumber": { "title": "Automatic Startup Action Sequence Number", "description": "Number indicating the relative sequence of virtual system activation when the host system is started.", "type": "string" }, "ConfigurationDataRoot": { "title": "Configuration Data Root", "description": "Filepath of a directory where information about the virtual system configuration is stored.", "type": "string" }, "ConfigurationFile": { "title": "Configuration File", "description": "Filepath of a file where information about the virtual system configuration is stored.", "type": "string" }, "ConfigurationID": { "title": "Configuration ID", "description": "Unique id of the virtual system configuration.", "type": "string" }, "CreationTime": { "title": "Creation Time", "description": "Time when the virtual system configuration was created.", "type": "string" }, "LogDataRoot": { "title": "Log Data Root", "description": "Filepath of a directory where log information about the virtual system is stored.", "type": "string" }, "RecoveryFile": { "title": "Recovery File", "description": "Filepath of a file where recovery relateded information of the virtual system is stored.", "type": "string" }, "SnapshotDataRoot": { "title": "Snapshot Data Root", "description": "Filepath of a directory where information about virtual system snapshots is stored.", "type": "string" }, "SuspendDataRoot": { "title": "Suspend Data Root", "description": "Filepath of a directory where suspend related information about the virtual system is stored.", "type": "string" }, "SwapFileDataRoot": { "title": "Swap File Data Root", "description": "Filepath of a directory where swapfiles of the virtual system are stored.", "type": "string" }, "VirtualSystemIdentifier": { "title": "Virtual System Identifier", "description": "VirtualSystemIdentifier shall reflect a unique name for the system as it is used within the virtualization platform.", "type": "string" }, "VirtualSystemType": { "title": "Virtual System Type", "description": "VirtualSystemType shall reflect a particular type of virtual system.", "type": "string" }, "Notes": { "title": "Notes", "description": "End-user supplied notes that are related to the virtual system.", "type": "string" } }, "objects": [] }