--- upgrade: - | Some backend store names were inconsistent between glance and glance_store. This meant that operators of the VMware datastore or file system store were required to use store names in ``glance-api.conf`` that did not correspond to any valid identifier in glance_store. As this situation encouraged misconfiguration and operator unhappiness, we have made the store names consistent in the Newton release. What this means for you: * This change applies only to operators who are using multiple image locations * This change applies only to operators using the VMware datastore or filesystem stores * This change applies only to the ``store_type_preference`` option * *VMware datastore operators*: The old name, now **DEPRECATED**, was ``vmware_datastore``. The **new** name, used in both glance and glance_store, is ``vmware`` * *File system store operators*: the old name, now **DEPRECATED**, was ``filesystem``. The **new** name, used in both glance and glance_store, is ``file`` * This change is backward compatible, that is, the old names will be recognized by the code during the deprecation period. Support for the deprecated names will be removed in the **Pike** release * We strongly encourage operators to modify their ``glance-api.conf`` files immediately to use the **new** names