# Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from six.moves import xrange import stubout from glance.common import exception from glance import context from glance.db.sqlalchemy import api as db_api from glance.registry.client.v1.api import configure_registry_client from glance.store import delete_from_backend from glance.store.http import MAX_REDIRECTS from glance.store.http import Store from glance.store.location import get_location_from_uri from glance.store import safe_delete_from_backend from glance.tests import stubs as test_stubs from glance.tests.unit import base from glance.tests import utils # The response stack is used to return designated responses in order; # however when it's empty a default 200 OK response is returned from # FakeHTTPConnection below. FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK = [] def stub_out_http_backend(stubs): """ Stubs out the httplib.HTTPRequest.getresponse to return faked-out data instead of grabbing actual contents of a resource The stubbed getresponse() returns an iterator over the data "I am a teapot, short and stout\n" :param stubs: Set of stubout stubs """ class FakeHTTPConnection(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def getresponse(self): if len(FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK): return FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK.pop() return utils.FakeHTTPResponse() def request(self, *_args, **_kwargs): pass def close(self): pass def fake_get_conn_class(self, *args, **kwargs): return FakeHTTPConnection stubs.Set(Store, '_get_conn_class', fake_get_conn_class) def stub_out_registry_image_update(stubs): """ Stubs an image update on the registry. :param stubs: Set of stubout stubs """ test_stubs.stub_out_registry_server(stubs) def fake_image_update(ctx, image_id, values, purge_props=False): return {'properties': {}} stubs.Set(db_api, 'image_update', fake_image_update) class TestHttpStore(base.StoreClearingUnitTest): def setUp(self): global FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK = [] self.config(default_store='http', known_stores=['glance.store.http.Store']) super(TestHttpStore, self).setUp() self.stubs = stubout.StubOutForTesting() stub_out_http_backend(self.stubs) Store.CHUNKSIZE = 2 self.store = Store() configure_registry_client() def test_http_get(self): uri = "http://netloc/path/to/file.tar.gz" expected_returns = ['I ', 'am', ' a', ' t', 'ea', 'po', 't,', ' s', 'ho', 'rt', ' a', 'nd', ' s', 'to', 'ut', '\n'] loc = get_location_from_uri(uri) (image_file, image_size) = self.store.get(loc) self.assertEqual(image_size, 31) chunks = [c for c in image_file] self.assertEqual(chunks, expected_returns) def test_http_get_redirect(self): # Add two layers of redirects to the response stack, which will # return the default 200 OK with the expected data after resolving # both redirects. redirect_headers_1 = {"location": "http://example.com/teapot.img"} redirect_resp_1 = utils.FakeHTTPResponse(status=302, headers=redirect_headers_1) redirect_headers_2 = {"location": "http://example.com/teapot_real.img"} redirect_resp_2 = utils.FakeHTTPResponse(status=301, headers=redirect_headers_2) FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK.append(redirect_resp_1) FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK.append(redirect_resp_2) uri = "http://netloc/path/to/file.tar.gz" expected_returns = ['I ', 'am', ' a', ' t', 'ea', 'po', 't,', ' s', 'ho', 'rt', ' a', 'nd', ' s', 'to', 'ut', '\n'] loc = get_location_from_uri(uri) (image_file, image_size) = self.store.get(loc) self.assertEqual(image_size, 31) chunks = [c for c in image_file] self.assertEqual(chunks, expected_returns) def test_http_get_max_redirects(self): # Add more than MAX_REDIRECTS redirects to the response stack redirect_headers = {"location": "http://example.com/teapot.img"} redirect_resp = utils.FakeHTTPResponse(status=302, headers=redirect_headers) for i in xrange(MAX_REDIRECTS + 2): FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK.append(redirect_resp) uri = "http://netloc/path/to/file.tar.gz" loc = get_location_from_uri(uri) self.assertRaises(exception.MaxRedirectsExceeded, self.store.get, loc) def test_http_get_redirect_invalid(self): redirect_headers = {"location": "http://example.com/teapot.img"} redirect_resp = utils.FakeHTTPResponse(status=307, headers=redirect_headers) FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK.append(redirect_resp) uri = "http://netloc/path/to/file.tar.gz" loc = get_location_from_uri(uri) self.assertRaises(exception.BadStoreUri, self.store.get, loc) def test_http_get_not_found(self): not_found_resp = utils.FakeHTTPResponse(status=404, data="404 Not Found") FAKE_RESPONSE_STACK.append(not_found_resp) uri = "http://netloc/path/to/file.tar.gz" loc = get_location_from_uri(uri) self.assertRaises(exception.BadStoreUri, self.store.get, loc) def test_https_get(self): uri = "https://netloc/path/to/file.tar.gz" expected_returns = ['I ', 'am', ' a', ' t', 'ea', 'po', 't,', ' s', 'ho', 'rt', ' a', 'nd', ' s', 'to', 'ut', '\n'] loc = get_location_from_uri(uri) (image_file, image_size) = self.store.get(loc) self.assertEqual(image_size, 31) chunks = [c for c in image_file] self.assertEqual(chunks, expected_returns) def test_http_delete_raise_error(self): uri = "https://netloc/path/to/file.tar.gz" loc = get_location_from_uri(uri) ctx = context.RequestContext() self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.store.delete, loc) self.assertRaises(exception.StoreDeleteNotSupported, delete_from_backend, ctx, uri) def test_http_schedule_delete_swallows_error(self): uri = "https://netloc/path/to/file.tar.gz" ctx = context.RequestContext() stub_out_registry_image_update(self.stubs) try: safe_delete_from_backend(ctx, uri, 'image_id') except exception.StoreDeleteNotSupported: self.fail('StoreDeleteNotSupported should be swallowed')