--- upgrade: - | Policy defaults are now defined in code, as they already were in other OpenStack services. After upgrading there is no need to provide a ``policy.json`` file (and you should not do so) unless you want to override the default policies, and only policies you want to override need be mentioned in the file. You should no longer rely on the ``default`` rule, and especially not the default value of the rule (which has been relaxed), to assign a non-default policy to rules not explicitly specified in the policy file. security: - | If the existing ``policy.json`` file relies on the ``default`` rule for some policies (i.e. not all policies are explicitly specified in the file) then the ``default`` rule must be explicitly set (e.g. to ``"role:admin"``) in the file. The new default value for the ``default`` rule is ``""``, whereas since the Queens release it has been ``"role:admin"`` (prior to Queens it was ``"@"``, which allows everything). After upgrading to this release, the policy file should be replaced by one that overrides only policies that need to be different from the defaults, without relying on the ``default`` rule.