=================== Release Cycle Tasks =================== This document describes the relative ordering and rough timeline for all of the steps related to tasks that need to be completed during a release cycle for Glance. Before PTG (after closing previous release) =========================================== #. Collect topics and prepare notes for PTG discussions in an etherpad. Add a link to the etherpad to the list of PTG etherpads (for example: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTG/Ussuri/Etherpads) Between Summit and Milestone-1 ============================== #. Review output from the PTG and set Review-Priority on any high priority items identified from those discussions. Send out recap to the mailing list. #. Add any Glance-specific schedule information to the release calendar (https://review.opendev.org/#/c/505425/) #. Update the ``CURRENT_RELEASE`` constant in ``glance/db/migration.py``. Include a ``Sem-Ver`` pseudo-header in the commit message so that PBR will increment the glance version number to match the release name. * The value of the ``Sem-Ver`` pseudo-header must be ``api-break`` (which is a little disconcerting) because we need to increment the major digit in the **Glance** version number (we aren't signalling anything about the **Images** API), and that's the constant that pbr recognizes for this purpose. * Example patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance/+/827919 #. Focus on spec reviews to get them approved and updated early in the cycle to allow enough time for implementation. #. Review new driver submissions and give early feedback so there isn't a rush at the new driver deadline. #. Review community-wide goals and decide a plan or response to them. Milestone-1 =========== #. Propose library releases for glance_store or python-glanceclient if there are merged commits ready to be released. Watch for any releases proposed by the release team. #. Check progress on new drivers and specs and warn contributors if it looks like they are at risk for making it in this cycle. Between Milestone-1 and Milestone-2 =================================== #. Review stable backports and release status. #. Watch for and respond to updates to new driver patches. Milestone-2 =========== #. Propose library releases for glance_store or python-glanceclient if there are merged commits ready to be released. Watch for any releases proposed by the release team. Between Milestone-2 and Milestone-3 =================================== #. Review stable backports and release status. #. Set Review-Priority for any glance_store changes that are needed for feature work to make sure they are ready by the library freeze prior to Milestone-3. #. Make sure any new feature work that needs client changes are proposed and on track to land before the client library freeze at Milestone-3. Milestone-3 =========== #. Propose releases for unreleased changes in python-glanceclient. Watch for releases proposed by the release team. Include branch request for stable/$series creation. #. Set Review-Priority -1 for any feature work not complete in time for inclusion in this cycle. Remind contributors that FFE will need to be requested to still allow it in this cycle. #. Prepare "prelude" release notes as summaries of the content of the release so that those are merged before their first release candidate. #. Complete the responses to community-wide goals if not already done. #. Start assembling cycle-highlights for the team. Between Milestone-3 and RC1 =========================== #. Add cycle-highlights in the releases deliverable file. RC1 week ======== #. Propose RC1 release for glance or watch for proposal from the release team. Include stable/$series branching request with the release. #. Finalize any cycle-highlights for the release cycle. #. Remind contributors that ``master`` is now the next cycle but focus should be on wrapping up the current cycle. #. Watch for translation and new stable branch patches and merge them quickly. Between RC1 and Final ===================== #. Propose additional RC releases as needed. .. note:: Try to avoid creating more than 3 release candidates so we are not creating candidates that consumers are then trained to ignore. Each release candidate should be kept for at least 1 day, so if there is a proposal to create RCx but clearly a reason to create another one, delay RCX to include the additional patches. #. Watch for translation patches and merge them quickly. #. Make sure final RC request is done one week before the final release date. #. Watch for the final release proposal from the release team to review and +1 so team approval is included in the metadata that goes onto the signed tag. Final Release ============= #. Start planning for next release cycle. #. Check for bugfixes that would be good to backport to older stable branches. #. Propose any bugfix releases for things that did not make the freeze for final library or service releases. Post-Final Release ================== #. Unblock any new driver submission patches that missed the previous release cycle's deadline. #. Review approved glance-specs that were merged to the previous cycle folder that did not get implemented. Revert or move those specs to the next cycles's folder.