# Default minimal pipeline [pipeline:glance-api] pipeline = versionnegotiation context rootapp # Use the following pipeline for keystone auth # i.e. in glance-api.conf: # [paste_deploy] # flavor = keystone # [pipeline:glance-api-keystone] pipeline = versionnegotiation authtoken context rootapp # Use the following pipeline to enable transparent caching of image files # i.e. in glance-api.conf: # [paste_deploy] # flavor = caching # [pipeline:glance-api-caching] pipeline = versionnegotiation context cache rootapp # Use the following pipeline for keystone auth with caching # i.e. in glance-api.conf: # [paste_deploy] # flavor = keystone+caching # [pipeline:glance-api-keystone+caching] pipeline = versionnegotiation authtoken context cache rootapp # Use the following pipeline for keystone auth with cache management # i.e. in glance-api.conf: # [paste_deploy] # flavor = keystone+cachemanagement # [pipeline:glance-api-keystone+cachemanagement] pipeline = versionnegotiation authtoken context cache cachemanage rootapp [composite:rootapp] use = egg:Paste#urlmap /: apiversions /v1: apiv1app [app:apiversions] paste.app_factory = glance.api.versions:create_resource [app:apiv1app] paste.app_factory = glance.common.wsgi:app_factory glance.app_factory = glance.api.v1.router:API [filter:versionnegotiation] paste.filter_factory = glance.common.wsgi:filter_factory glance.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.version_negotiation:VersionNegotiationFilter [filter:cache] paste.filter_factory = glance.common.wsgi:filter_factory glance.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.cache:CacheFilter [filter:cachemanage] paste.filter_factory = glance.common.wsgi:filter_factory glance.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.cache_manage:CacheManageFilter [filter:context] paste.filter_factory = glance.common.wsgi:filter_factory glance.filter_factory = glance.common.context:ContextMiddleware [filter:authtoken] paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory service_protocol = http service_host = service_port = 5000 auth_host = auth_port = 35357 auth_protocol = http auth_uri = admin_tenant_name = %SERVICE_TENANT_NAME% admin_user = %SERVICE_USER% admin_password = %SERVICE_PASSWORD%