bria4010 368f7dbcc5 WADL to RST migration (part 2 - metadefs)
This brings the Images API Reference to the glance tree as part of
the effort described here:

This patch includes the Metadefs API reference, with the content
revised and corrected.

Change-Id: I8c10893e92edb7c608b58d33539ab57ab4f57d3e
Closes-bug: #1599314
2016-07-11 16:22:11 -04:00

301 lines
5.7 KiB

.. -*- rst -*-
Metadata definition tags
Creates, lists, shows details for, updates, and deletes metadata
definition tags.
*Since API v2.2*
Create tag definition
.. rest_method::
POST /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name}
Adds a tag to the list of namespace tag definitions.
Normal response codes: 201
Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- namespace_name: namespace_name
- tag_name: tag_name
There is no request body.
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- created_at: created_at
- name: name-tag
- updated_at: updated_at
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/metadef-tag-create-response.json
:language: json
Get tag definition
.. rest_method::
GET /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name}
Gets a definition for a tag.
The response body shows a single tag entity.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- tag_name: tag_name
- namespace_name: namespace_name
There is no request body.
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- created_at: created_at
- name: name-tag
- updated_at: updated_at
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/metadef-tag-details-response.json
:language: json
Update tag definition
.. rest_method::
PUT /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name}
Renames a tag definition.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- tag_name: tag_name
- namespace_name: namespace_name
- name: name-tag
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/metadef-tag-update-request.json
:language: json
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- created_at: created_at
- name: name-tag
- updated_at: updated_at
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/metadef-tag-update-response.json
:language: json
Delete tag definition
.. rest_method::
DELETE /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags/{tag_name}
Deletes a tag definition within a namespace.
.. note::
If the namespace containing the tag is protected, that is, if the
``protected`` attribute of the namespace is ``true``, then you must first
set the ``protected`` attribute to ``false`` on the namespace before you
will be permitted to delete the tag.
* If you try to delete a tag from a protected namespace, the call returns
the ``403`` response code.
* To change the ``protected`` attribute of a namespace, use the
:ref:`Update namespace <v2-update-namespace>` call.
When you successfully delete a tag from a namespace, the response is empty and
the response code is ``204``.
Normal response codes: 204
Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- namespace_name: namespace_name
- tag_name: tag_name
Create tags
.. rest_method:: POST /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags
Creates one or more tag definitions in a namespace.
Normal response codes: 201
Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- namespace_name: namespace_name
- tags: tags
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/metadef-tags-create-request.json
:language: json
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- name: name
- tags: tags
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/metadef-tag-create-response.json
:language: json
List tags
.. rest_method::
GET /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags
Lists the tag definitions within a namespace.
To manually paginate through the list of tags, use the ``limit``
and ``marker`` parameters.
To sort the results of this operation use the ``sort_key`` and
``sort_dir`` parameters. The API uses the natural sort order of the
tag attribute of the ``sort_key`` parameter.
Normal response codes: 200
Error response codes: 401, 403, 404
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- namespace_name: namespace_name
- limit: limit-tags
- marker: marker-tags
- sort_key: sort_key-tags
- sort_dir: sort_dir
There is no request body.
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- tags: tags
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/metadef-tags-list-response.json
:language: json
Delete all tag definitions
.. rest_method::
DELETE /v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/tags
Deletes all tag definitions within a namespace.
.. note::
If the namespace containing the tags is protected, that is, if the
``protected`` attribute of the namespace is ``true``, then you must first
set the ``protected`` attribute to ``false`` on the namespace before you
will be permitted to delete the tags. If you try to delete the tags
from a protected namespace, the call returns the ``403`` response code.
When you successfully delete the tags from a namespace, the
response is empty and the response code is ``204``.
Normal response codes: 204
Error response codes: 403, 404
.. rest_parameters:: metadefs-parameters.yaml
- namespace_name: namespace_name
There is no request body.
There is no response body.