Updates the default value for the 'known_stores' config variable to include the full list of storage classes supported in Glance. Also, removes the known_stores config section from the example config file since it is arguably an advanced config that won't get used by most users. Removing this config avoids the overhead of maintaining internal class names in config files. Fixes LP Bug #1008698. Change-Id: I0117376aa4de3103410ecb1a36df6998fcd0d5b5
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# Show more verbose log output (sets INFO log level output)
verbose = True
# Show debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG log level output)
debug = False
# Which backend scheme should Glance use by default is not specified
# in a request to add a new image to Glance? Known schemes are determined
# by the known_stores option below.
# Default: 'file'
default_store = file
# List of which store classes and store class locations are
# currently known to glance at startup.
# known_stores = glance.store.filesystem.Store,
# glance.store.http.Store,
# glance.store.rbd.Store,
# glance.store.s3.Store,
# glance.store.swift.Store,
# Address to bind the API server
bind_host =
# Port the bind the API server to
bind_port = 9292
# Log to this file. Make sure you do not set the same log
# file for both the API and registry servers!
log_file = /var/log/glance/api.log
# Backlog requests when creating socket
backlog = 4096
# SQLAlchemy connection string for the reference implementation
# registry server. Any valid SQLAlchemy connection string is fine.
# See: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/reference/sqlalchemy/connections.html#sqlalchemy.create_engine
sql_connection = sqlite:///glance.sqlite
# Period in seconds after which SQLAlchemy should reestablish its connection
# to the database.
# MySQL uses a default `wait_timeout` of 8 hours, after which it will drop
# idle connections. This can result in 'MySQL Gone Away' exceptions. If you
# notice this, you can lower this value to ensure that SQLAlchemy reconnects
# before MySQL can drop the connection.
sql_idle_timeout = 3600
# Number of Glance API worker processes to start.
# On machines with more than one CPU increasing this value
# may improve performance (especially if using SSL with
# compression turned on). It is typically recommended to set
# this value to the number of CPUs present on your machine.
workers = 0
# Role used to identify an authenticated user as administrator
#admin_role = admin
# Allow unauthenticated users to access the API with read-only
# privileges. This only applies when using ContextMiddleware.
#allow_anonymous_access = False
# ================= Syslog Options ============================
# Send logs to syslog (/dev/log) instead of to file specified
# by `log_file`
use_syslog = False
# Facility to use. If unset defaults to LOG_USER.
# syslog_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
# ================= SSL Options ===============================
# Certificate file to use when starting API server securely
# cert_file = /path/to/certfile
# Private key file to use when starting API server securely
# key_file = /path/to/keyfile
# ================= Security Options ==========================
# AES key for encrypting store 'location' metadata, including
# -- if used -- Swift or S3 credentials
# Should be set to a random string of length 16, 24 or 32 bytes
# metadata_encryption_key = <16, 24 or 32 char registry metadata key>
# ============ Registry Options ===============================
# Address to find the registry server
registry_host =
# Port the registry server is listening on
registry_port = 9191
# What protocol to use when connecting to the registry server?
# Set to https for secure HTTP communication
registry_client_protocol = http
# The path to the key file to use in SSL connections to the
# registry server, if any. Alternately, you may set the
# GLANCE_CLIENT_KEY_FILE environ variable to a filepath of the key file
# registry_client_key_file = /path/to/key/file
# The path to the cert file to use in SSL connections to the
# registry server, if any. Alternately, you may set the
# GLANCE_CLIENT_CERT_FILE environ variable to a filepath of the cert file
# registry_client_cert_file = /path/to/cert/file
# The path to the certifying authority cert file to use in SSL connections
# to the registry server, if any. Alternately, you may set the
# GLANCE_CLIENT_CA_FILE environ variable to a filepath of the CA cert file
# registry_client_ca_file = /path/to/ca/file
# ============ Notification System Options =====================
# Notifications can be sent when images are create, updated or deleted.
# There are three methods of sending notifications, logging (via the
# log_file directive), rabbit (via a rabbitmq queue), qpid (via a Qpid
# message queue), or noop (no notifications sent, the default)
notifier_strategy = noop
# Configuration options if sending notifications via rabbitmq (these are
# the defaults)
rabbit_host = localhost
rabbit_port = 5672
rabbit_use_ssl = false
rabbit_userid = guest
rabbit_password = guest
rabbit_virtual_host = /
rabbit_notification_exchange = glance
rabbit_notification_topic = glance_notifications
# Configuration options if sending notifications via Qpid (these are
# the defaults)
qpid_notification_exchange = glance
qpid_notification_topic = glance_notifications
qpid_host = localhost
qpid_port = 5672
qpid_username =
qpid_password =
qpid_sasl_mechanisms =
qpid_reconnect_timeout = 0
qpid_reconnect_limit = 0
qpid_reconnect_interval_min = 0
qpid_reconnect_interval_max = 0
qpid_reconnect_interval = 0
qpid_heartbeat = 5
# Set to 'ssl' to enable SSL
qpid_protocol = tcp
qpid_tcp_nodelay = True
# ============ Filesystem Store Options ========================
# Directory that the Filesystem backend store
# writes image data to
filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images/
# ============ Swift Store Options =============================
# Version of the authentication service to use
# Valid versions are '2' for keystone and '1' for swauth and rackspace
swift_store_auth_version = 2
# Address where the Swift authentication service lives
# Valid schemes are 'http://' and 'https://'
# If no scheme specified, default to 'https://'
# For swauth, use something like ''
swift_store_auth_address =
# User to authenticate against the Swift authentication service
# If you use Swift authentication service, set it to 'account':'user'
# where 'account' is a Swift storage account and 'user'
# is a user in that account
swift_store_user = jdoe:jdoe
# Auth key for the user authenticating against the
# Swift authentication service
swift_store_key = a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89
# Container within the account that the account should use
# for storing images in Swift
swift_store_container = glance
# Do we create the container if it does not exist?
swift_store_create_container_on_put = False
# What size, in MB, should Glance start chunking image files
# and do a large object manifest in Swift? By default, this is
# the maximum object size in Swift, which is 5GB
swift_store_large_object_size = 5120
# When doing a large object manifest, what size, in MB, should
# Glance write chunks to Swift? This amount of data is written
# to a temporary disk buffer during the process of chunking
# the image file, and the default is 200MB
swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200
# Whether to use ServiceNET to communicate with the Swift storage servers.
# (If you aren't RACKSPACE, leave this False!)
# To use ServiceNET for authentication, prefix hostname of
# `swift_store_auth_address` with 'snet-'.
# Ex. https://example.com/v1.0/ -> https://snet-example.com/v1.0/
swift_enable_snet = False
# ============ S3 Store Options =============================
# Address where the S3 authentication service lives
# Valid schemes are 'http://' and 'https://'
# If no scheme specified, default to 'http://'
s3_store_host =
# User to authenticate against the S3 authentication service
s3_store_access_key = <20-char AWS access key>
# Auth key for the user authenticating against the
# S3 authentication service
s3_store_secret_key = <40-char AWS secret key>
# Container within the account that the account should use
# for storing images in S3. Note that S3 has a flat namespace,
# so you need a unique bucket name for your glance images. An
# easy way to do this is append your AWS access key to "glance".
# S3 buckets in AWS *must* be lowercased, so remember to lowercase
# your AWS access key if you use it in your bucket name below!
s3_store_bucket = <lowercased 20-char aws access key>glance
# Do we create the bucket if it does not exist?
s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False
# When sending images to S3, the data will first be written to a
# temporary buffer on disk. By default the platform's temporary directory
# will be used. If required, an alternative directory can be specified here.
# s3_store_object_buffer_dir = /path/to/dir
# ============ RBD Store Options =============================
# Ceph configuration file path
# If using cephx authentication, this file should
# include a reference to the right keyring
# in a client.<USER> section
rbd_store_ceph_conf = /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
# RADOS user to authenticate as (only applicable if using cephx)
rbd_store_user = glance
# RADOS pool in which images are stored
rbd_store_pool = images
# Images will be chunked into objects of this size (in megabytes).
# For best performance, this should be a power of two
rbd_store_chunk_size = 8
# ============ Delayed Delete Options =============================
# Turn on/off delayed delete
delayed_delete = False
# Delayed delete time in seconds
scrub_time = 43200
# Directory that the scrubber will use to remind itself of what to delete
# Make sure this is also set in glance-scrubber.conf
scrubber_datadir = /var/lib/glance/scrubber
# =============== Image Cache Options =============================
# Base directory that the Image Cache uses
image_cache_dir = /var/lib/glance/image-cache/